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Messages - Uncle Pete

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The big thing people need to remember is essentially these "ai" tools are:
(a) based off of massive theft

A big thing you might remember is, that's a personal opinion, the courts and laws haven't decided that, yet.

Lol - "theft" is "theft".

If a court decided that a cat was actually a kangaroo with a mexican sombrero, would it make it so? No, of course not. It would still be a cat. (It's funny though, I suppose perhaps that's why a lot of ppl acting insane the last 4 years and did very foolish things, because they actually believed a 'court' had 'authority' over their own common sense/own two eyes/etc). Kind of like the story "The Emperor's New Clothes". Most people were "afraid" to state the obvious (i.e., never was a 'virus', wearing a "mask" was pretty dumb/foolish to suffocate yourself, which lol 'caused' 'respiratory issues', etc, etc).

It really doesn't matter what the "courts" say - a cat is still a cat. And regardless of what the "courts" say - if they declare stealing to be okay - it is still stealing. (& the "courts" are heavily influenced/owned by the corporations $$$, and the corporations heavily influenced by the people that pull the strings of those corporations).

Perhaps though - that is what a "kangaroo" court is. When people act extremely dumb like they did, and it takes a child to say 'Hey! The emperor has no clothes!".

While your argument is entertaining, and reality is, a cat is a cat, legal and illegal is not a physical object or scintific definition. You can't compare a concept to a doorknob and say, the same rules apply to both.

Besides, against your cut and dried, everything is only what it is, and theft is theft because "I say so." The laws are different from place to place, country to country, and in fact, locally, state to state. Laws don't argue that a cat isn't a cat. What is allowed in the next state from here, all four directions, will get you some jail, possibly, we can't legally posses or burn, some specific natural herbs.  ;)

Legally, until the courts have decided that AI is fair use or theft, I think it's not reasonable to start and argument with a false premise or statemnt of fact, that is not true.

AI fair use, is not theft.

The big thing people need to remember is essentially these "ai" tools are:
(a) based off of massive theft

Nope. But the rest you are right. I'm not impressed by some moving images tricks. Not yet. I'm not sold on the still images, that are distorted monsters much of the time, improbable and impossible physical objects. But they are fun for making the impossible into an image.

Let the courts decide the laws.

Interesting article co-written by a journalist and a law professor about where the fair use argument has succeeded - and failed - in prior cases. The key issue, IMO, is that things that might be fair use by an individual for personal use, or researchers for academic use are not so if done by a for-profit company for commercial use.


After a discussion of why Google won its case about building a search engine for books, including that it was built to be unable to produce no more than snippets, the article says:

"Ultimately, the fate of these companies may depend on whether judges feel that the companies have made a good-faith effort to color inside the lines. If generative models never regurgitated copyrighted material, then defendants would have a compelling argument that it is transformative. The fact that the models occasionally produce near-perfect copies of other peoples creative work makes the case more complicated and could lead judges to view these companies more skeptically."

The above is about Text and writing, not photos. If the AI for images, starts popping out "near-perfect copies of other peoples creative work" then there would be some complications. That has been the defense, so far, for art, that the new images are not one to one traceable back to any other work.

I think the artists have a point when AI is using their style, and maybe allowing the association with their name. In a similar way, how can AI use the likeness of famous people, in creations, that look in many ways, much like those famous people. That shouldn't be allowed.

Specific person arguments aside, how is this allowed? (and I don't mean the horse with ahead coming out of it's behind, or the others with 5/6 legs)  :D

General Stock Discussion / Re: Best stock sites
« on: February 19, 2024, 13:59 »
you can try every genre but still be very selective. especially if you have many agencies to work with.

the 25 image limit will be lifted, it is not a permanenet thing.

the 25 limit meant to expire in March, and I've asked for increase and they have extended till end of the year. No point been there. I've read some other comment on here with other contributor leaving them too.

The iStock upload limit is the same for everyone, or was years ago:

Bronze (500+ DLs): 25
Silver (2,500+ DLs): 30
Gold (10,000+ DLs): 35
Diamond (25,000+ DLs): 50

Where can you see your own status, Pete? I didn't even know that it existed or exists there.

That could be history. Back years ago, when they were overloaded with new images, IS came up with the upload limits and all that levels, seems to be old, before the ESP version. Plus, for non-exclusive, levels don't matter? I can add that when they brought in ESP, our history vanished as well, except for a summary, that doesn't go back to the start.

We might not have levels and uploads could be open again, unless someone starts to spam images, in which case, they will get restricted and watched.


Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock steals sales. Control purchase
« on: February 18, 2024, 15:10 »
It's all speculation until it's proven of course. One of the reasons I'm (slightly) leaning towards believing the accusation is, I see about 150 downloads every month and that number hasn't gone up or gone down for over two years now. My port has grown by over 50 percent during the period. I find that sort of consistency a little difficult to believe unless there's some algorithmic/human control over how shutterstock distributes sales.

Of course, these are serious accusations and would need more than mere personal/anecdotal evidence to prove. But judging by how normalized sales on my port have been and how long I've been thinking about how it, I wouldn't be surprised if the accusations were indeed proven to be true.

Why haven't my sales stayed the same? I've been doing this since 2008. I added files last year. I'm making now, in three months, what I used to make in 1 month. Maybe less. How come only some people are normalized?

"It's all speculation until it's proven of course." That would be something to help us all decide.

Cooking the books is something entirely different than pocketing money from stock sales. Enron used shady constructions with hundreds of daughter companies to pull up a smoke curtain. But anyone who carries out a properly conducted test purchase can check if SS actually steals sales. It would lead to million-dollar court claims if this was found to be true. No giant company would be THAT stupid.

Well aside from the stupid or not part, because we've seen people like Holmes with Theranos technology, defraud some pretty smart investors and faked the whole company documentation on the device. Worldcom, Bernie Maddof, Tyco, frauds are not uncommon. But that has nothing to do, or associate with ShutterStock sales or commissions. Not the same at all.

Why doesn't someone or the group of + people here and all over, that just know, without any proof, that the claims are true, get together and run a documented, independent test? The truth is out there...

On the side for dessert:  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarbanes%E2%80%93Oxley_Act 

It created a new, quasi-public agency, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, or PCAOB, charged with overseeing, regulating, inspecting, and disciplining accounting firms in their roles as auditors of public companies. The act also covers issues such as auditor independence, corporate governance, internal control assessment, and enhanced financial disclosure.

In other terms like the rest of us use, if there's something wrong or illegal, it's not just the top heads that will roll. The accountants, the auditors, and many others are liable. There will be some explaining to do that will be very uncomfortable, and end with jail time.

And they would do all of that, and the risk, so they could steal dimes from the poor artists? Really?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Is Shutterstock dead?
« on: February 18, 2024, 14:49 »
Sales were lower than average in January which is expected for that time of the year. February though has been completely abysmal so far. It's like they flipped off the switch for big sales. So you're not alone

Could there be delays in reporting sales?

With a different thread I was going to mention the history, but I thought it wasn't worth the contradictions and allegations.

There used to be people here who watched very carefully. They could see the differences when the businesses is time zones would close an open. Just like we do on weekends, which is days, people could see what hours, by what's on the map. Some saw it as sales blackouts and accused SS of blocking their accounts. Others saw it as the work periods when buyers would be downloading vs when business was closed.

There is not supposed to be delayed reporting. The times that showed in the past, were the real times of the download, even if it took overnight for some that were stuck in batch or processing. For example, a new reported download would pop in the report, ahead of one that was already reported earlier, but it would be in the proper time sequence.

I don't claim to know, as a matter of fact, but all evidence leads to the conclusion, SS reports almost all sales within 24 hours of the actual download. More like, overnight, one night.

I wouldn't expect that one of us was held, or that many of us have sales that are being delayed and suddenly we'll get credit in a different month. Some months are less profitable than others. That's been the way things have worked since the start.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Best stock sites
« on: February 18, 2024, 14:20 »

I had 3000 files and around 600 videos. The limit was 25 files every week. But doesn't suit my needs. In order for me to submit new files, I have to finish old ones. Just takes more time and decided to ditch IS.

So you didn't have 3,000 and 600 on IS, you had that many files to upload and be processed?

We all have to decide on our own, what we want and how we want to work. I'm not saying that IS is a good place, at all. Just that, to cut yourself off, because of their reviews or limits, isn't going to make a bit of difference to them, but it could cost you money. So, who's hurt the most?

I don't know about keyword and data restrictions on IS, I don't do big sets of anything, but, back to the drone footage, you should do well with that, and the stills that you saved as single frame photos.

There are people who cash often on DT. I haven't in about four years. I used to make more on SS and now I'm making much more on AS, while SS deteriorates. Someone else finds that his collections on both are staying about the same. IS when it has things, can bring slow but steady returns.

I don't think there are many "good" agencies anymore. Do you contribute to Alamy? First beware and be aware is, batch rejections, it's all there, but people seem to get upset when they do, what they promise to do, at Alamy.

One fail all fail, all uploads, all waiting batches, everything! Start with small batches until you are sure that you won't be rejected for unsuitable camera, or something else. Otherwise you'll be angry, like the rest, who discovered, Alamy does what they say they will. One Fail ALL fail, means ALL.  :) All means ALL.

AFter that, they start everyone at Gold = 40% for the first year, and all you need to do is earn NET $250 in a year, to stay at that 40% level.

I find it worth the potentially strict review policy, but self review, don't send them Crapstock or marginal images, and your golden.

Also unless something changes, Alamy policy is, they do not review based on content, just quality. If the image is big enough, sharp enough fine enough and whatever else, it passes. None of that, not suitable for stock stuff.

I don't know their policy on similar because I don't do those. If many of yours are alike and that's why IS got upset, then you might want to spread them out and make diverse sets.


I think every iStock contributors should read this.

I think you are correct and did a public service by quoting the original.  8)

The big thing people need to remember is essentially these "ai" tools are:
(a) based off of massive theft

A big thing you might remember is, that's a personal opinion, the courts and laws haven't decided that, yet.

I can already see some weird glitches in their homepage video examples: legs/feet that switch position in passing pose, horses walking funny, cars that pass shadows on the ground but the shade doesn't translate well to the top of the vehicle...

It looks good at first glance, but upon closer inspection, lots of things are 'off'. Of course it's just a matter of time before those errors are ironed out, but currently it wouldn't be usable in commercial projects. Besides, some projects require very specific setups, car types, clothing, accessories and authentic settings, and you can't get away with AI that inaccurately makes things up on the fly.

I saw the same, and if it's like the arms, legs, goofy eyes and other flaws of photos, I don't expect it to be solved as fast as photos, still haven't got it right.

The shoes on the girl walking across the street changed heights, the soles, and yes, the feet did some interesting overlapping.

Alamy.com / Re: your biggest sale on Alamy? and when was it?
« on: February 16, 2024, 14:25 »
$$$$ sale, 2 years ago

Wouldn't you like to find that one in use? Seems like an installation on a business/commercial property or public site.

Image Sleuth / Re: Stolen videos on Shutterstock
« on: February 16, 2024, 14:14 »
Do you sell on one of those unlimited download subscription site?

I am iStock exclusive.

Partner Site? Or has someone found a way to steal from iStock directly, without paying anything. It wouldn't make sense to pay for all of these.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Best stock sites
« on: February 16, 2024, 14:07 »
you can try every genre but still be very selective. especially if you have many agencies to work with.

the 25 image limit will be lifted, it is not a permanenet thing.

the 25 limit meant to expire in March, and I've asked for increase and they have extended till end of the year. No point been there. I've read some other comment on here with other contributor leaving them too.

If you read comments for any agency and decide based on what other people write here, you'll have no agencies. Different people have had different reasons for not liking or wanting to not work with every agency mentioned on the forum. While others will send everything to anyone. Decide for yourself.

The iStock upload limit is the same for everyone, or was years ago:

Bronze (500+ DLs): 25
Silver (2,500+ DLs): 30
Gold (10,000+ DLs): 35
Diamond (25,000+ DLs): 50

I don't know now, but it was not a month, but something in the area of a 72 hour period. Everyone is the same. At the time, the restrictions were in place to slow the uploads so the reviewers could catch up. Before that, anyone new had a limit and we progressed based on sales.

Are you in a hurry to get large numbers of files, uploaded to iStock? It seems odd that if you can't get the accepted fast, you'll just choose to have nothing at all? Perhaps you could adapt to somewhere in the middle?

I have an account waiting deletion 3000 images and 500 videos. I can't submit new stock when my old one is sitting there. They put 25 files restrictions last year, and said it will be reviewed again at the end of this year. And this made me to delete my account. Definitely won't contribute there anymore.

Oddly they have done this before to all of us. Or was there a reason for the 25 restriction? Is that an upload, every 3 days, a week, or what? I don't think I understand you. You have 3,000 to upload, then how many accepted so far, on IS, right now?

You are cutting off yourself and your income, to spite them for not letting you upload as many, as fast as you would like?

I looked at your SS collection, very well done. You sure make good use of the drone. Nice location, scenery and subjects.

Calgary Farmers Market calls negative reaction to AI art a "tempest in a teapot"


Yes, that's what society needs? More protests, more "naysayers rallying" people getting upset over a funny AI image of a Giraffe with apples and a scarf, photoshopped onto it. Who knows how much editing it took to make this. And for the Vegans and the PETA people, this is wonderful, because a real animal wasn't marginalized to create the fun and humor.

Tomorrow something new in the news about how someone else is outraged and upset over other people just doing entertaining things and having a little fun. I mean we should be worried about an increase violins or youth in Asia. For anyone who has nothing else to do, you can always follow Greta. She's Trending Now!

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock "Contributor Fund"
« on: February 15, 2024, 14:23 »
But they won't need the images again. The AI places don't care, because they don't need to use the images again. Just like what they scraped from the Internet. Once the image has been used for machine learning, it is not being used again.

What I'm saying is, the six year license is for training, not use. Once the training is done... we get nothing.

They will. They will create new AI models and these models will need the images once again. How do you want to do that without these images? The new models will increase amount of parametres, will be trained to do more stuff that the old model was not trained to, you need these images to train it on. You cannot just use the previous model that will miraculously use the previously trained information in a completely new algorithm with new features. You do not need it for fine-tuning the algorithm, but in the six-year period, there will be at least 3, maybe even more totally new generations of models trained completely from scratch.

That's good. I hope they do some new training and use something of mine. I haven't had a cent from the contributor fund since last year.

I have no video on SS anymore. That could explain things.

Alamy.com / Re: your biggest sale on Alamy? and when was it?
« on: February 15, 2024, 14:01 »
My biggest Alamy sale was in 2022, for $75. 

I received $30.   I would probably get a lot less now.

20% since Alamy was sold to PA Media Group. February 2020. But that's not totally accurate, because the fist announcement was "we have no plans to change the way artists are paid" Which is a nice way to sidestep, we're working on the new lower commissions, but haven't made the precise plans yet. It took some time, before they dropped the bomb on us. Don't blame the old Alamy. This is what usually happens when anyone buys a business and knows there's a way to extract more income by making changes in commissions.

$15 is what it would be now, until you reach $250 in Net sales (not commissions) then it goes up to 40%. It's got some rather different conditions and not everything is the same.


Gold: All existing contributors start on Gold or above, on the core 40% commission rate. New contributors start on Gold too. If you sell more than $250 gross in 12 months with us, then youll stay on Gold. 40% and 34% for affiliates

Silver: After 1 year selling with us or from July 2022 for existing contributors youll move to Silver and a 20% commission rate if youve sold less than $250 gross on Alamy in the previous 12 months. Hitting $250 gross sales immediately moves you back up to Gold. 20% and 17%

But the percentage for affiliate is taken out after their cut, so it's 17% of what's left after the affiliate cut, not the sale price.

20% is comparable to the industry, if you consider that Microstock pays that (and reminder Alamy is not Microstock?)  ;) 40% is better than most, including Adobe. But Adobe is still my best because of the number of sales at a favorable commission percentage. Alamy pays when the total due reaches $50

AI Generated Stock Photography / Re: Any Midjourney extperts here?
« on: February 15, 2024, 13:40 »
For some reason I'm getting quite a few deformed faces these days. I thought we were past all that.

Is it something I am doing? My prompts are pretty simple so I don't understand how faces can look so bad these days.

I don't do much with people, or real photo, but one of the tip places said add a command Not Ugly, or Not deformed. Some days I wonder?

Do we need to tell AI, only five fingers on a hand? Or maybe, fish only have two eyes, not two on one side of the head.  :) I'd never be able to figure out how things are suspended by invisible space, chairs with three legs, or horse that can have 5 or 6 legs, because AI combines what it has learned and if one image had the legs back, while running and the other has legs up under the body, that horse will have six legs.

I got tired of mean faces and bland faces, now I add smiling or happy. Be forewarned, some AI when doing happy smiling people, seems to decide, "laughing" means their eyes are closed. You might have to add, eyes open.

Do you add beautiful, attractive, pretty, normal, symmetrical face... ? Smiling profile of a beautiful woman that doesn't look like she was drawn by Picasso.  ;D Unfortunately AI is stupid and will see "Drawn by picasso" and will not recognize the "doesn't look like", you need to use negative commands.

Good Luck!

POD sites such as Fine Art America (where many of my best-sellers have been selling for 10+ years)

Right, you sell well on FAA because you signed up 10 years ago. Their algorithm favors authors who have been registered for a long time.

Just take a look at this page: https://fineartamerica.com/recentprintsales.html

There are almost always the same authors. And if you check the registration date it's almost always 2010-2014... You can do well on FAA if you do a lot of marketing yourself, but it's very very difficult (But at that point I advise you to open your own website and do marketing by sponsoring your site and not your FAA profile).

Some people use FAA for order fulfillment and do no printing of their own. Those people will have many more sales. Some others are very active in marketing on social media and publicizing their work, they will have more sales. I don't really think that the search or algorithm has much any effect, on success, as most people buying on FAA are not just coming to search for something to hang on a wall. They usually come with an idea in advance, not at random.

Most of my sales are people I send to buy something. Some I have upload just for them, so they can get whatever they want, their choice, and it's delivered to their home or office. I don't own a color printer. It's more of images by request.

The rest of the organic sales come from a few stickers, some Ts and a print now and then, which pays for the account on FAA.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Best stock sites
« on: February 15, 2024, 13:04 »
you can try every genre but still be very selective. especially if you have many agencies to work with.

the 25 image limit will be lifted, it is not a permanenet thing.

the 25 limit meant to expire in March, and I've asked for increase and they have extended till end of the year. No point been there. I've read some other comment on here with other contributor leaving them too.

If you read comments for any agency and decide based on what other people write here, you'll have no agencies. Different people have had different reasons for not liking or wanting to not work with every agency mentioned on the forum. While others will send everything to anyone. Decide for yourself.

The iStock upload limit is the same for everyone, or was years ago:

Bronze (500+ DLs): 25
Silver (2,500+ DLs): 30
Gold (10,000+ DLs): 35
Diamond (25,000+ DLs): 50

I don't know now, but it was not a month, but something in the area of a 72 hour period. Everyone is the same. At the time, the restrictions were in place to slow the uploads so the reviewers could catch up. Before that, anyone new had a limit and we progressed based on sales.

Are you in a hurry to get large numbers of files, uploaded to iStock? It seems odd that if you can't get the accepted fast, you'll just choose to have nothing at all? Perhaps you could adapt to somewhere in the middle?

I have guessed the same thing - must be the leftovers collectors, but still I am wondering how regular photos get rejected for "similar content" reason, while these pass.

Thanks, Uncle Pete. Ai would not generate a banknote with such quality and details.

Yes, someone apparently goes to Pexels, steals the image, changes the title and marks it AI, and it passes? But what you say, someone honest uploads their own work and gets rejected for similar.  :o

I will say, that from Adobe, similar doesn't always mean "the same" it could be too many similar style or subject images. You'll have to figure that out yourself. "Common subjects like flowers, pets, sunsets, and food are already heavily represented on Adobe Stock. New submissions for these categories are approved if they stand out and show the common subjects in unique ways."

Just starting a topic to draw your attention to this.

When you search something like "businessman hands dollars" both of these images appear on first page as relevant. However, they were submitted by two different contributors, one as a photo and the other one designated as AI image. The AI image has lower ID number, so it was uploaded earlier.


Doesn't look like AI to me? Maybe the knuckle, but does AI do US dollars that well? AYuva 22 images, Hamdan 6.

Look at this? Here's another one? 2021

 "Image Credit: alexander mills; pexels; thank you!"


Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock steals sales. Control purchase
« on: February 12, 2024, 13:35 »
It's a third-party information, so probably I will not be able to provide further details. But it comes from a trusted contributor, experienced, with a pretty old portfolio.

At the end of October, we decided to make a control purchase on the Shutterstock, collaborated with colleagues and bought a package of 25 Standard one-time demands. Purchases were made of works that had never been sold, with the help of a real customer within a spread of 10 days.
Divided it like this: 5 purchases from my accounts, 11 purchases from colleagues accounts, 9 purchases randomly.
Of my five - 1 appeared on the first day, 1 - after a couple of days, and another one after 4 days
The result as of February 1 is the total number of sales for all interested parties - 7

So, 70% of the sales via one-time demands package are lost! What do you think about this?

I think it's irresponsible, and hard accept based on, someone who knows someone, who said they did this.

There needs to be better accounting and methodology before the headline claim "Shutterstock steals sales. Control purchase"

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock aquires Backgrid
« on: February 12, 2024, 13:09 »
Between ss, pond5, backgrid and others ss has a very good editorial offering. So why are sales, especially editorial video sales dropping so strongly?

The exclusive pond5 content alone should be a large pull for buyers?

What is the alternative in editorial for customers?

Getty? Is Getty/istock showing a strong increase in editorial sales?

The customers must license from somewhere, editorial can not be replaced with ai.

I'm sticking with my theory that perhaps SS really cut back on advertising spending in certain markets.

I'm pretty sure that my images on SS are not offered on any of these sites with managed collections. The news that they acquired another news, sports or entertainment division, means less for me, not more.

Please someone tell me I'm wrong. I want to be mistaken. This is just more competition for anything we do on SS that's in the same areas of interest.

But basically ShutterStock started to destroy the industry in the first place, by making downloads so cheap. That leads to mass production and acceptation of everything.

You mean Microstock or Subscriptions or both?

What's with all these youtubers heavily promoting Shutterstock in their videos?

Who? Are these recent videos or old ones when things were more profitable?

I'm not noticing as many these days but some were still being produced and uploaded after SS made the commission changes.

I bet they have referral links on the videos? That's the main reason for the hype.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock aquires Backgrid
« on: February 10, 2024, 11:37 »
So now we need to shoot a lot of editorial.

and get paid ten cents for doing it  ;D

And with all the hype, I've seen no numbers increase in Editorial and News income or downloads. You're right, I see loads of dimes.

 The fusion of Splash, a respected legacy brand, and the Shutterstock Newsroom, an elevated premium service offering, will allow us to scale our entertainment vertical. With this union, we are positioning Shutterstock as the market leader for entertainment, providing our global customer base with best-in-class editorial content.


"As one of the world's largest entertainment news agencies for newsrooms and media companies, our acquisition of Backgrid further elevates Shutterstock's position as the premier provider of best-in-class entertainment and editorial content,"

Maybe INDYCAR and NASCAR aren't entertainment?

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