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Messages - mantonino

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Looks to me like the one actually good feature of FeaturePics (setting your own price) is basically gone. 

Have SS said they will accept an EIN number?  I can only see them asking for an ITIN number.

Shutterstock only cares that you can get a W-8BEN.  The EIN is acceptable for the W-8BEN form so yes,  you can use an EIN.  I have confirmed this with multiple sources all of whom agree that all you need for W-8BEN (the ultimate answer) is an ID number. Can be SSN, EIN or ITIN.

Just so you guys know, I posted about this on NiltoMil and Shutterstock almost immediately contacted me offering to answer any questions I can't find answers to (previous life I was in law)... so if you have questions, try to accumulate them here or post them to N2M and I'll submit them when I reply to them.  Hopefully having a direct line to some answers will help everyone.

Canon / Re: Feedback needed: Canon 75-300
« on: May 25, 2009, 19:49 »

All the images on this page were shot with that 55-250 IS lens. 

This site is great to use for test shots.  Test shots of any lens you want, really.  Start here for everything:

1 euro / 1.5 $ flat (retail price) for the higher resolution.

How much do they keep? How much do we make?

Whoa, you have prices?  You're ahead of me!  lol

Canon / Re: Feedback needed: Canon 75-300
« on: May 25, 2009, 13:31 »
I understand - in any case you want a lens to go with.  I do something fairly often that my wife thinks is insane but it works every single time.  Buy an item that you don't really want but could use.  Use it.  Sell it a month later at a slightly lower price.

For camera gear this is very easy.  Buy the lens and sell to brazil only on so you don't pay a ton for a lens we can get cheaper in the US.  You will get it sold very quickly.  So buy whichever lens you want, discount it a bit on the sale.  You won't have to live with a $400 piece of crap lens but you still have it for the trip.

Site Related / Re: ShutterStock ... Help me decide
« on: May 25, 2009, 13:11 »
I wrote this awhile ago on top 10 tips to get your first 10 accepted at SS.

Most importantly:
2) Stay within your abilities.
9) Avoid subjects stock agencies reject.

You've heard a few of the other ones on my list already.  I disagree with leaving a note for the reviewer but that's just me and only out of a feeling that it has never, in 4 years,  helped me at all and often I feel it has hurt, whether that's true or not.

Don't use this opportunity to do difficult things - do it simply, cleanly, and avoid the rejection reasons.

Shutterstock's rejection reasons
    * FocusYour image is not in focus or focus is not located where we feel it works best.
    * CompositionLimited commercial value due to framing, cropping, and/or composition.
    * Poor LightingPoor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.
    * Lighting ProblemsPurple fringe, blown highlights or lenses flare.
    * NoiseNoise, film grain, over-sharpening, or artifacts at full size.
    * GlitchThere was a technical problem with your upload. Please resubmit.
    * TrademarkContains potential trademark or copyright infringementnot editorial.
    * OveruseOveruse of noise reduction software.
    * KeywordsYour keywords must directly relate to the image (relevancy). Please edit your keyword choices and resubmit.
    * EditingYour illustration has rough edges.
    * Limited Commercial ValueWe do not need this image at this time
    * Similar SubmissionsToo many of the same subject.

Agency rejection reasons:

Canon / Re: Feedback needed: Canon 75-300
« on: May 25, 2009, 11:56 »
You're going to get the same results on any lens under $500 unfortunately.  Well at that telephoto range anyways.  75-300 4-5.6 is a bad lens.  It's not even a "decent" lens.  It's bad.  Doesn't really make much difference canon, tokina, tamron, sigma.  The lens quality on a $150-300 lens is going to be horrible.

I don't know of any lens rental places that will ship to Brazil either though.  Better a zoomed fringy, blurry photo or none at all?  Up to you.

New Sites - General / PixelFetch - so new it's not out.
« on: May 25, 2009, 11:31 »
I just wanted to be first to say that word on MSG since the site won't be out until "later today."

I have 100 beta invites to a brand new site if anyone is interested...or at least I will once the site comes out.  Something about my blog brings these type of sites to me!  :) 

So if anyone is looking to add #120382038 to your list, I'm your man ... in about 12 hours.

(If you NEVER are going to sign up for a new site again ever, just block this forum in your profile...)

Oh - for the record I'm not affiliated with PixelFetch, I think they're in England?  Let me google this phone number... Yes, UK.  +44 is the country code...

At any rate, will let you know when it's live.  Thought I'd get a jump on this now.

235 / Re: Duplicates will be removed
« on: May 08, 2009, 13:56 »
I'm EXACTLY at 80% at DT - I guess I'd better go push another 100 before I get dropped to 20 again tomorrow. lol

Yep!  I was just coming here to mention this - good news all around.

238 / Re: All Uploads STOPPED at Zymmetrical!
« on: May 07, 2009, 16:19 »
Thanks for the feedback.. 

yer welcome - and thanks for listening.

Anyway, if you were to put say Big Stock, Can Stock, and 123RF in an order from 1 to 3, how would that shake out?

Over the last 6 months according to my spreadsheet, just using four agencies, not % of the total but % of these four:

StockXpert 33%
BigStock 25%
123 22%
CanStockPhoto 20%

Using the same scale, SS is at 100%, meaning equal to all 4 of those put together.  DT is at 55% and FT at 40%.  

240 / Re: All Uploads STOPPED at Zymmetrical!
« on: May 07, 2009, 15:16 »
Rejection percentages seem to be the way to go.. although people seemed to get grumpy about another agencies stab at this recently. :) 

That would be me for one.  And I think my grumpy has almost nothing to do with limits.  I mean DT has limits, IS has limits and StockXpert has limits - and I've never ranted or raved or yelled about ANY of those limits.  Because they seem "fair."  DT counts all time but has an 80% mark to reach - that's fair.  IS has had theirs forever - that's fair.  StockXpert recently cut theirs in half and while I'm unhappy about it, it's fair.

What wasn't fair about Bigstock's move is that the % has been marked "experimental" for years.  Didn't count for, against, anything.  And it says "90 days" is the term they're judging but it's not true.  There was no warning and if you have been with BigStock for years, too bad your early stuff was rejected or you made mistakes while you learned this game because we're holding those against you for all time.

How I would approach this is simple:

1) announce the change.  "Starting May 21st..." about a week or two early.
2) make it make sense.  "Anyone with approvals under 80% are going to be subject to limitations."
3) make the limits MOVEable.  80% at 3000 images is a lot different than 80% at 30 images.  How fair is it that someone with 3000 approvals at 75% won't be able to upload at full speed for a YEAR while the guy with 80% at 30 can upload full speed tomorrow?  Who has helped your agency more?  So if your real concern is noobs uploading too much, keep the limits set for people under 1000 images, 2500 images, 5000 images - who cares - but some number that means something to you.  Sure, the people with 78% and 858 images will be mad.  They have 858/1100 though and another 150 good images puts them in range.  People at 850 images with 2000 submitted shouldn't get to complain.

That's what I'd do anyways.  It would be hard to get angry at an agency that warns you of a fair change coming that you can live with.  That's all we're asking.

241 / Re: New Submission Limits
« on: May 07, 2009, 14:36 »
yep, new rule.  assuming because they're owned by Getty, who has had limits on IS since IS was still IS?

There are no big 6, that's what's confusing.


That's the top 4.  Beyond that, you're stretching.


That's the next level - stuff you can occasionally get money from.

CS, FP, YM, MP, ZM, SV, etc. are all the "good luck" places.  That's just how it generally shakes out.  Everyone's port is different but that's the basics.

243 / Re: New Upload Limits at BigStockPhoto
« on: May 07, 2009, 14:21 »
The issue with deleting old work is that some people take this microstock stuff as a business and it's hard to brand yourself with 4 year old work on your "portfolio."  I have another photography business and you can BET there's no 4 year old work on my website.  We show new, current stuff to get jobs.  We want to show new, current stuff in micro too so buyers bookmark us, favorite us, etc. and come back time & again to our folio.

What do you not like about the CV ?


General Stock Discussion / Re: The best buyer ever?
« on: May 07, 2009, 10:37 »
probly is.

123RF / Re: delete a file
« on: May 07, 2009, 10:19 »
I wouldn't delete it - one day it may count against you.

247 / Re: New Upload Limits at BigStockPhoto
« on: May 07, 2009, 09:52 »
Yeah, I'm NOT HAPPY at all.  I'm glad some of you mailed them actual "complaint" letters because I just FLIPPED THE F OUT on them.  I have self-edited my gallery, made a mistake reuploading a batch of 50 and deleted it so I didn't have two of each, and self-edited my gallery some more.  All to find out today that THAT IS GOING AGAINST ME - to improve the quality of their gallery overall is hurting me.  Changing the rules is one thing, changing them on something that SHOULDN'T have mattered - ok ok I'll come back when I don't need to flip the F out. 

Veer / Re: I am sooo angry with SV/Keen right now!!!
« on: April 30, 2009, 14:49 »
I think you mean Veer but I know what you mean...that stinks but realistically today is the cutoff date for uploads and they can't get a disk fully loaded by the transfer time, so I would guess that's it.  Can't you have them put your disk up on Veer tomorrow?  lol

2004, the year I got let go from Disney.

2004 as well - when microstock came to DPChallenge

New Sites - General / Re: Fotomina
« on: April 10, 2009, 23:03 »
I fixed your name in the first post Ben - it was just a copy/paste from the email I got. :) 

I guess I got to scoop this one first because of NiltoMil - that's always fun!

If you want my support you only need to do one thing really well.  You decide what that is.  I think it should be allow embed in our own sites, own places - with a code that we get credit for the sales.  I like FeaturePics for this now but it's not perfect. 

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