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Messages - Pheby

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General Stock Discussion / Re: Building an RF shot list
« on: August 11, 2009, 08:23 »
Very informative, as always! Thank you, Jonathan.

Just on a sidenote: Every single shot I've seen by you specifically shows that you're American (even in the one of a puppy and its bowl!). It would be interesting to know how well your images sell in Europe, especially the medical ones, compared to the American market. Not that I assume your images don't appeal to European buyers, it's just that I'm wondering whether your overall style hits European taste as exact as it does the American. Especially when it comes to social topics, such as healthcare and medicine. It might be a different story with lifestyle shots. Do you notice anything like that?

Bigstock.com / Re: 50% on BigStock
« on: August 11, 2009, 06:32 »
Because their friend would be happy to email them the images for free of course. Friends are always happy to help each other out whether it's professional advice, plumbing, mechanics, DIY or in this case pictures __ I'm kind of surprised that it is being questioned.

I guess you must be a much better friend than I am. If you want my help moving, I'm there. If you want my opinion on something, I'm there. Need help building your house, I'm there.

Ask me to do anything related to my making money and my profession, no freebies.

While I was on vacation, the friend that I went to visit decided I could help her sister with some product photography, for free, she never even offered to take me to lunch. I only took my camera, no lights, etc. It was my vacation after all. I was there to enjoy the sun and sand, not work. I did the favor, but asked that she not tell anyone I did the work. It was half-assed and unprofessional. I did the best I could, but it took me about 5 hours of PS time to clean them up. I was fuming. Never again.


I know what you mean - people (not even friends) often expect me to do free translations and proof-reading of their work, which I just don't do anymore. Jobs like that for some reason aren't considered to be actual work. And I handle things like you do - I'll do lots for friends, but no free translations, no free proof-reading and no free photos!

Veer / Re: Veer Rejections
« on: August 04, 2009, 06:24 »
Got your point. Sorry, can't help on that one - I haven't had a rejection like that from them.

Veer / Re: Veer Rejections
« on: August 03, 2009, 21:27 »
Oh no! That's frustrating. Probably it just means "We don't like it".
I noticed that you keep having problems there. Sorry to hear that.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Sad day for photographers
« on: August 02, 2009, 09:13 »
I am surprised that one of the Micro Agencies have not offered Yuri or others bonus commissions for exclusivity.

Who says that they haven't?

ooops, just noticed that my post went wrong.
Just to clarify, my part was only this:

Ok, but what if by then other sites have closed their doors to new members or have introduced upload limits? If you had to rebuild your port on other sites uploading 10 or 20 a week, you'd be in trouble.


Perseus, If you decide to go exclusive with any site ...... what if they go belly up and close the doors. Images gone, site gone.
What do you do now?

Think twice before going exclusive in this unstable market and each site trying to under sell the other until somebody goes broke. Soon!

In another post (soon) I will tell all what I found out from a big buyer about stock photo sites in general. An eye opener!!

My two cents my friend!

Ok, but what if by then other sites have closed their doors to new members or have introduced upload limits? If you had to rebuild your port on other sites uploading 10 or 20 a week, you'd be in trouble.


If they go belly up, then you just re-upload to other sites.  If not, then all is well.

Thank you for responding, Jonathan!

Hi Jonathan,

may I ask which further 5 agencies you have choosen to now submit to and what you based that decision on?

Sorry, this is off topic, and I haven't much to contribute to the actual topic of this thread - didn't find one that fitted my question better.


Veer / Re: First sale at Veer
« on: July 30, 2009, 05:38 »
Hey, me too! Two sales with earnings of $ 1,05 each!
Well, I'm very pleased with Veer MP for today.

I'm waiting too (since July 5th).

Dreamstime.com / Re: DT is going to partner with MySpace
« on: June 18, 2009, 18:48 »
I wonder if this is why I suddenly earned $30 today without any sales to show for it.

I had that today aswell - but it wasn't $30, it was $0.4!  :D
That seems to have happened at DT before, last time the sale was visible in the list of downloaded files next day.

General Stock Discussion / Re: German Agencies
« on: June 16, 2009, 13:38 »
... But I don't think I'd recommend keywording in English if you're trying to reach German Buyers - wouldn't rely on any site's automatic translations (maybe except for istock. Otherwise, as you probably know, fotolia is the leading stocksite in the German speaking countries. ...

Looks like Fotolia does an ok job with the translation. So why not others? It would takes to much time for me to create another set of images with German keywords.

Fotolia does an awful job with the translation - at least the other way round (I mean from German to English). And they admit it (at least on the German Fotolia Forum). The photos of foreign contributors often have the weirdest keywords in German.

General Stock Discussion / Re: German Agencies
« on: June 16, 2009, 10:36 »
You might want to add shotshop to your list. They are midstock (30 Euros per image, regardless of web or print). There's a monthly upload limit that starts with 30 images for new photographers and changes according to your acceptance rate. I haven't had any sales there yet (only started there 8 weeks ago), but from what others say they seem to have regular sales. I like the site a lot, I must say. Whether they accept English keywords, I don't know. But I don't think I'd recommend keywording in English if you're trying to reach German Buyers - wouldn't rely on any site's automatic translations (maybe except for istock. Otherwise, as you probably know, fotolia is the leading stocksite in the German speaking countries.
Otherwise, I can't think of any other German agencies that are not on your list.

Thanks for posting it sounds interesting. No time to view now but I look forward to viewing it at the weekend.

Didn't have time either, watched it anyway. Well worth it, thanks for sharing this.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Food photos ?
« on: June 06, 2009, 11:42 »
Hi Stardust,

 Pink is the best color to support food shots at least last year. The agencies analyze what pix sold the best then try to see the results and build data from them. So model in waitress outfit holding plate of food would sell better on a soft pink background than a blue one. Interesting stuff. Buyers do follow a general pattern but it is not etched in stone as the only info to go by. Do some testing yourself and see. Maybe do one shot on different backgrounds and see which sells the best, your own personal color test : )


Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for the tip! I've heard generally about trends like that being analyzed, but I've never actually found concrete information on things like that.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Food photos ?
« on: June 05, 2009, 16:34 »
Try it out! It's so much fun!  :)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Food photos ?
« on: June 05, 2009, 05:03 »
hi food photographers

I read this stuff on color psychology:

While blue is one of the most popular colors it is one of the least appetizing. Blue food is rare in nature. Food researchers say that when humans searched for food, they learned to avoid toxic or spoiled objects, which were often blue, black, or purple. When food dyed blue is served to study subjects, they lose appetite.

Green, brown, and red are the most popular food colors. Red is often used in restaurant decorating schemes because it is an appetite stimulant.


Physiological Effect: Violet has shown to alleviate conditions such as sunburn due to its purifying and antiseptic effect. This color also suppresses hunger and balances the body's metabolism.


What has been your experience with the use of color in food images?  Is what is being said relevent to the success of different food images? Do you stay away from using purples and blues in your images?  What do you think?
Lucy x

I shoot nearly nothing else but food, and I'm aware of what psychologists say about blue, but I don't stay away from it. Blue and purple often give a nice contrast to the boring colour of pasta (yes, I know that pasta can look very yellow, but I don't like that look at all). Often, I use blue and white edible flowers to decorate arrangements, and it looks nice with pasta and very light green salad leafs, for example. Also, blueberries and blackberries seem to be very popular dessert ingredients for American buyers (Europeans seem to like raspberries and strawberries more, from what I can tell), and these "new" blue potatoes that are trendy now go well with lots of dishes (maybe not meat so much, though).
What I find most important in food photography is distracting the eye from parts of the dish that you just can't get to look appetizing: Chili con Carne or Bolognese sauce as such always will look awful and offputting. Lots of shots of those dishes don't distract the eye from the ugly bits, the really successful ones always do, though!

Newbie Discussion / Re: Hi Everyone
« on: May 30, 2009, 15:50 »
Hello Luceluceluce and Welcome!
Just went to SS Forum, and people there seem to be missing you too, if that's any comfort.

It helps a lot not taking rejections personally. You might be overinterpreting the feedback IS is giving you. What they are saying with a rejection is "We don't want the photo", they are not saying a single thing about you. Even if the rejections are weird or arbitrary or whatever. If you don't come to understand that, you're trying to enter the wrong business.
Otherwise: Good luck to ya!

With my rather small port (300), my sales are increasing constantly on DT. May is BME there, eventhough may is awful in Europe. Also I notice that the keyword that a sold image was searched by is often quite a bit away from my main keywords, so it must have taken the buyer quite a while to find my image, no matter whether they used relevancy, date or most downloads.

If may is bad in europe, howcome Fotolia is doing well, and they sell mostly to EU.

On the German Fotolia Forum, people including high-ranked contributors have been complaining about low sales since the beginning of April. Strangely, at the same time, everyone's views seemed to have gone through the roof.

Shutterstock.com / Re: would I do well on SS?
« on: May 07, 2009, 15:53 »
IF there should be an IS  ... ;)   it could be only PC

What does  PC mean?  :-[


Oh no! Let's hope not!  ;D

Shutterstock.com / Re: would I do well on SS?
« on: May 07, 2009, 15:47 »
IF there should be an IS  ... ;)   it could be only PC

What does  PC mean?  :-[

Shutterstock.com / Re: would I do well on SS?
« on: May 07, 2009, 15:46 »
I thought this at one point too. it doesn't make sense from an economic perspective. if agencies were to do that it would upset the whole cart and completely change the agency model. t

agencies would have to lure the best contributors with incentives and this would result in shrinking their profit margins substantially, for little gain. I think most agencies are more concerned with branding themselves rather than branding their contributors.

That makes sense. I just got that idea when fotolia started copying istock's exclusivity model. Since then, I have the strong feeling that sometime soon they will just kick me out ("Thank you, white, bronze, and silvers - we've reached 10 Million images now...").
That is also the reason that I'm staying with all of the big 6. I just don't think all of them will survive. And when 3 of them have gone, I don't want to have been exclusive with one of those. Although, from the beginning, being exclusive at istock has always tempted me, but I'm not nearly there jet (61 DLs :-[  ;D

BTW, I enjoyed looking through your portfolio a few times since you've come over here. I'm sure that you'd do well anywhere. Not sure whether anyone has made this point before, but suddenly having to get used to uploading, categorizing, and keywording to many agencies and also getting a few of their wild rejections might be quite a pain to someone who's been exclusive for quite a while. It's not just the time factor.


Shutterstock.com / Re: would I do well on SS?
« on: May 07, 2009, 10:16 »
Does anyone fear (like me) that every one of the big 6 someday will demand exclusivity from all contributors (maybe even after excluding contributors that don't perform well and demanding fees for uploading)? What then? Would IS take ex-exclusives back?
Just a thought.

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