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Messages - elvinstar

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Photography Equipment / Re: Going to mirror less
« on: October 20, 2014, 23:26 »
I'm VERY excited to try out the Samsung NX-1 when it comes out next month. I haven't really been tempted by mirrorless before the NX-1, but these specs have me looking:
  • 28.2 megapixel backlit sensor
  • 15 fps burst
  • 205 phase-detect points covering 90% of the frame
  • Weather-resistant magnesium alloy body
  • 4K video
  • 100% viewfinder coverage
  • 1/250 sec flash sync

And it's only $1,500USD body only

Video Equipment / Sofware / Technique / Re: Video equipment help
« on: October 20, 2014, 01:28 »
Definitely buy the tripod first, and don't skimp. You'll use the tripod about 100 times more often than the steadicam. If you have the budget, get both, but the one that you linked to won't fly your Mark III well. Also, you'll want a wider lens to use with a steadicam.

Site Related / Re: I hate animated sponsor ads
« on: October 05, 2014, 17:43 »
I personally never use ad blockers, since I like free content. Also, I see interesting stuff once in a while. Funny that people that create images for advertising use don't want to see ads. :)

General - Stock Video / Re: Video: which sites are worth it?
« on: October 05, 2014, 17:34 »
As a small shop, many of my clients balk at $100+ video pricing. Is that because they don't see the value of the work? No, it's because they don't have the money. Pond 5 is great because you can find something for every budget.

I've made many purchases for clients that would not have happened if all files were more expensive. Please don't forget us little guys!

I answered Canon because I'm poor and can't afford any new gear, so I'll continue to use what I have.  :D

I have to admit, though, the new Samsung NX-1 looks pretty interesting for what I do.

Off Topic / Re: The future of the new camera
« on: September 11, 2014, 00:13 »
Hasn't Lytro been around for quite a while now, or is this a new version?

Video Equipment / Sofware / Technique / Re: Motorized sliders
« on: August 18, 2014, 17:32 »
I would definitely love vertical tilt. It's the one thing that I feel is really missing regarding the Cinemoco. However, I have had very good results in both shoot-move-shoot mode and continuous mode.

Video Equipment / Sofware / Technique / Re: Motorized sliders
« on: August 17, 2014, 18:56 »
Dynamic Perception were one of the first to have a complete solution on the market. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase from them based upon what I've read online.

Take that for what it's worth as I'm not an owner of any Dynamic Perception or Kessler products. I use my Cinemoco (which is considerably less expensive than the Dynamic Perception solution) and love it! I really like the flexibility of straight or curved moves.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Backup Beast
« on: August 15, 2014, 17:47 »
I can get 4TB external USB 3 drives for less that $100

Can you give me a link? I'm always in the market for more storage since I started shooting video.


General Stock Discussion / Re: Banner shots / wide images
« on: August 07, 2014, 22:27 »
One of the most common banner ad sizes is 728x90 which translates to an 8.08888888889x1 aspect ratio.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Licensing video directly
« on: August 03, 2014, 00:46 »
^^ I agree completely.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Licensing video directly
« on: August 02, 2014, 14:39 »
Have an attorney look the agreement over. As long as you retain copyright and they are not allowed to resell the footage, I would be inclined to sign. But I'm not an attorney nor have I seen the agreement.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Anyone using GH4 for stock
« on: July 22, 2014, 14:23 »
it's not the camera and expensive equipment, it's the photographer.
as Ansel Adams, certainly not a stock photographers, said in his seminars all the time during his time on this earth, there are no good or bad photographs, just good or bad photographers.

i still see Matthew Brady and other younger peers of Brady who used fully manual view camera (no digital, not even auto flash in those days), and even Speed Grafiks users, and today students with K1000 pentaxes
that produce amazing photographs. atst, i see a lot of expensive cameras and big bazookas costing more than your car, that produce some of the scariest baddest (as in bad photographers)... how  many? many !!!

the best equipment for you is the one you master. it can even be a PNS. just don't tell the reviewers you used that. empty the EXIFs and when asked, say, "oh, only the most expensive and the latest gadget for me, nothing else !" ;D

I don't believe that the OP was asking how saleable his photos would be, but rather would photos from the GH4 pass technical inspection.

Most contributors visit this board only occasionally. Just how many of them do you think will drill down through thousands of posts and obscure threads to uncover that financial information.

If that's the reason, why not just post a link to the original post with the financial data? It seems that would solve the problem and reduce the amount of flak that you take for re-posting the same information.

I'm an idiot! Somehow, I didn't see your link. Thanks for pointing it out.

As a web developer, I found myself sourcing images from StockXchange way back when. After receiving a camera as a gift from my Mother-In-Law, I though that it would be nice to give back to the community that had helped me so much in my business.

It was incredibly gratifying to see the download numbers and to hear stories of how my images were being used. People sent me links to websites, magazines where my images had been used to illustrate articles and even a couple of covers.

One day in 2004 in the SXC forums, someone mentioned how they were getting paid for their images. WHAT?!?!?! I signup up at DT and it was off to the races.

At first, my wife and I uploaded like mad and our sales grew and grew. Then, as my web business got busier, we didn't have as much time. We got back into uploading and set a goal of 20 new uploads per week. Our sales continued to grow. We eventually ended up with a little over 1,500 images online before my full-time business (along with agency shenanigans) caused us to stop uploading alltogether around August 2011.

While our images are old (and were never that great to start with) we still manage to pay a few bills with our payouts each month. I don't regret one minute of stock, as it has made me a better photographer for my clients and has been generally rewarding overall.

Even though we don't submit anymore, we often think about picking up the camera and getting back into the game. Unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day.

Where did you find those stats? They don't match what I'm finding at all.

Clikc for browser usage statistics

General Stock Discussion / Re: Do you use GoPro Hero 3+
« on: June 29, 2014, 14:14 »
I was replying to the below portion of Zeus' post...

I'm looking for a good mirrorless system but can't find one with decent video specs and decent WiFi control.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Do you use GoPro Hero 3+
« on: June 28, 2014, 16:39 »
What about the GH4? I've read nothing but great things about it.

4K video, 60f/s @ 1080p, etc., etc.

Software / Re: Does anyone here design apps?
« on: June 26, 2014, 21:03 »
Do they make remote desktop stuff for tablets?

Take a look at this...

I may not be the best designer in the world (in fact, I'm pretty sure that I'm not  ;D) but I would love to have editable text in vectors! It would definitely make my life easier.

Dreamstime.com / Re: Mass deleting images in Dreamstime
« on: June 15, 2014, 23:23 »
I may be mistaken, but I believe that it has to do with sales and downloads, not expectations or popularity.

General Stock Discussion / Re: PC recommend compare to imac
« on: June 06, 2014, 13:19 »
Honestly, how much time did you spend researching and assembling, debugging etc.

An hour here and an hour there researching, about an hour assembling, and no time debugging. Then of course software installation (Adobe, etc.) which you'd have to do no matter what you bought.

If I had spare time, I'd rather shoot and upload some new images :)

I don't play that game any more. Whatever my old portfolio brings in is what I earn. I'm not saying that building your own computer is for everyone, merely that you can definitely get the most bang for the buck that way.

General Stock Discussion / Re: PC recommend compare to imac
« on: June 06, 2014, 07:17 »
If you are doing photography as a business, you also need to count the hours used in comparing/buying components and time used for building and installing the machine. And that should be multiplied by your hourly rate.

You must be incredibly busy if you don't have any spare time at all in which to do research on parts.  ;)

General Stock Discussion / Re: PC recommend compare to imac
« on: June 05, 2014, 18:32 »
Still curious what elvinstar got with a 4GB video card and for how much, though he makes a good point that he shopped carefully over a period of months. Elvinstar?

Not saying that this is the best (or even really good) video card. Only saying that it gets the job done for me on the cheap.
4GB GeForce GT630 on eBay

And yeah, I already had monitors, keyboard, and mouse.

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