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Messages - hroe

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26 / Upload problem
« on: November 27, 2013, 12:55 »
I am experiencing a freeze on choosing the category, I can't do anything, can't go anywhere (only category part, not keywords)...
Anybody has a fix for this?
Thanks in advance!

Thank you. It's probably too early, they just have been accepted and I am not able to do anything at the moment, so I'll see later.

I look everywhere and no way I can find the way to add the newly accepted images in the catalog manager. Maybe I have to wait or something, but I can only create a "new catalog", not adding images to the ones already existing... I am getting nuts!

Adobe Stock / Re: My images always refused by fotolia
« on: May 01, 2013, 14:10 »
Completely understand the concept, but my point is that they DO sell the images of the subject they have refused from me. I wouldn't write this post otherwise. I see similar images to what they have refused selling well. Don't tell me it's because my images are bad quality and so on. If they were, they wouldn't have been accepted anywhere else.

Adobe Stock / Re: My images always refused by fotolia
« on: May 01, 2013, 08:24 »
Like I said in my post, the other agencies have accepted 50% to 80% of my uploads. I have sold 9553 images as of today since 2009 on 2 micro stocks. These images have been refused in the past by fotolia. They literally refuse all my batch each time except maybe one image (maybe for the principle). On my last upload I got 100% acceptation at Alamy (new agency for me) and DT.
It is true that when I started, I didn't upload the most interesting images, but I have come around and learnt as I went. The other stocks are making good $ out of me.
I guess my lost to try to upload there.

Adobe Stock / Re: My images always refused by fotolia
« on: May 01, 2013, 07:42 »
They've got plenty of dirty HDR on their site.

Thank you  :)

33 / How do you know you sold something in Alamy?
« on: May 01, 2013, 07:19 »
Just new at Alamy and got my files accepted and not sure I understand how the site works. I understand I won't get a lot of sales on this site, but where to you see the sale?

Adobe Stock / Re: My images always refused by fotolia
« on: May 01, 2013, 06:57 »
although the HDR could have been done better

How can someone decide on a low resolution image if the HDR is well done? I don't like dirty HDR, it looks fake.

Adobe Stock / My images always refused by fotolia
« on: May 01, 2013, 06:35 »
I am very puzzled why fotolia refuses my images systematically. They are accepted between 50% to 80% at other sites and they are selling. My best selling images have been refused at fotolia and I feel they put a red flag on me for some odd reason. Does anybody else experience the same problem?

I sent them an email for clarification and here is the answer (just a generic answer - probably a cut and paste sentence): "Thank you for your e-mail. Please note that all of your files have been reviewed by our selection team. Also note that the selection team is a separate department, so we have no influence on their decision. The main criteria for validation or rejection are: the quality of the image/video, the technical requirements, the similarity to existing Fotolia photographs and the image's/video's sale potential. We know that it can be difficult to have an image or video rejected but please bear with us. You would be able to view your deleted files by going to: "My Files > Manage My Files > Show Deleted Files (green button located on the right side)". We encourage you to continue uploading your images and videos."

I have attached some samples of refused files:

36 / Re: Convert earning into credits
« on: March 30, 2013, 17:20 »
Thank you guys! I forgot about the Request Payment button, I went for the $ icon...

37 / Convert earning into credits
« on: March 30, 2013, 10:57 »
Can't remember now. I would like to get paid but the blurb is pretty grey in my mind (and I don't know if they changed it or if I don't remember). They say "how many credits you want to buy". Does that make them send the money to PayPal or they make me buy "credits" available to purchase images.
They have a very weird way to put it, I think.

Adobe Stock / Re: What is the Hostname for FTP for FT?
« on: July 05, 2012, 16:38 »
Thank you! Finally got it! I was mistaken on the username, they don't make it very clear.

123RF / Re: Where to find pending images?
« on: July 05, 2012, 16:12 »
Thank you. I remember now this link on the bottom of the page. Got it!

Adobe Stock / What is the Hostname for FTP for FT?
« on: July 05, 2012, 16:09 »
They make it unclear and whatever I find on their site doesn't work. I need the correct "hostname" if someone can give me that.
Thank you!

123RF / Where to find pending images?
« on: July 05, 2012, 15:46 »
Didn't use this site for a long time and just uploaded some new images via ftp. Where do we see the pending images? I have no clue...
Thank you.

Adobe Stock / Re: 1099 tax form while no income for 2011?
« on: February 08, 2012, 15:16 »
Thank you for your answers. The amount is not important enough for me to contact my accountant about it for now, I will definitely ask her at the time we are doing my tax, but for the quick time I spent online searching, they talk about money received during the tax year, which is not the case... I do graphic design freelance for 15 years and I have never received a 1099 on a job not accomplished yet.
Thanks for your time!

Adobe Stock / Re: 1099 tax form while no income for 2011?
« on: February 07, 2012, 19:16 »
@ Ed: I don't have a link. It was a copy/paste of their response.
@ xst: I don't have any choice, they have declared the income to the irs (when you receive a 1099, the irs receives it also). I really prefer to declare money that went to my bank account. It fits them, no me. It's not a lot, but it's a question of principle.

Adobe Stock / Re: 1099 tax form while no income for 2011?
« on: February 07, 2012, 15:40 »
Oh, I found their response, here:
"Fotolia is required to report all royalties earned in 2011 (over $10) even if they were not cashed out. Royalties are earned and deposited into your Fotolia account immediately after the sale thus you were issued a 1099. Please let us know if you have any further questions."

Adobe Stock / 1099 tax form while no income for 2011?
« on: February 07, 2012, 15:38 »
I have not been paid by fotolia in 2011 and they sent me this 1099 form for 2011. I wrote to them and response received yesterday disappeared from my inbox for an odd reason, but basically they said that the 1099 form is related to the images sold, not to the payment received. It doesn't make sense to me, I have never received a 1099 on money I haven't receive on the tax year.
Do you experience the same problem? (considering you haven't receive any payment from them in 2011)

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia credit earned
« on: February 02, 2012, 10:56 »
Thank you. I was in a different page and had to deal with the calendar story. This is easy. Thanks!

Adobe Stock / Fotolia credit earned
« on: February 02, 2012, 10:36 »
Can someone tell me an easy way to see the earnings in fotolia? I am getting very frustrated here as #1: I thought they made automatic payment (they did before but don't anymore apparently -- without warning too) and #2: I can't see and easy way to check the earnings since the last payment (an easy way, not the painful one)... Anybody knows?
Thank you!

48 / Re: iStock's Agency Collection Pricing
« on: October 15, 2010, 08:14 »
Not only the girl images have wrong keywords, the man image too (it's a great image, but some keywords are wrong): table (irrelevant here), failure (the file doesn't show that), my favorite: wristwatch (that's my winner): we don't see any wristwatch, frowning, complaining.

I just don't get how in the world these keywords have been accepted, it doesn't happen like that in my world. And the funny thing: among all these keywords, a relevant one "glasses" is not there, I guess the contributor has confused table with glasses................. Oh well............

......too late, I already took my decision (before posting this) and uploaded on DT, I will see. If you addition all the agencies, I am still not sure I would make more with only one company (and I hate to throw the hours of work to upload/categorize/re-clean/etc... that I spend so far everywhere. I might change my mind one day, it all depends, but it's scary.

50 / Changed my mind on becoming IS exclusive...
« on: August 30, 2010, 12:45 »
I stopped uploading for 6 months at DT to be able to apply for IS exclusivity, but the sales are so low at IS these last 2 months that I was scared of the jump and decided that I wasn't going to do it.

Maybe because it's Summer, maybe Thinkstock deal (I retrieved myself), maybe new design change favoring exclusivity or whatever but I wonder if some of you were going to become exclusive also and decided not to do it after all?

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