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Messages - Year of the Dog

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This morning


This is to inform you that our account on Adobe Stock has been temporarily deactivated. We are in the process of adjusting our integration including a few technical improvements, potentially adding creator names under each image/video and etc.

Due to the holiday season, the process is taking a bit longer, but we expect to have everything completed in January. With the updates in place, the operations will become smoother and more reliable, allowing a long-term consistent workflow.

Wirestock team apologizes for the inconvenience, and wishes you happy holidays!

Team Wirestock"

you have to feel bad for those who trusted them with significant portfolio.  Also curious what they are doing with things like the SS "Contributor Funds:

How was WS supposed to know what SS was doing? We didn't. Give them some time instead of always being negative, finding the worst and accusing.

Dear Mat,

did you get my e-mail? I wrote to you again.

Best regards

Hi Juergen,

I'm sorry, but no I did not. Please try again: [email protected]

If you are comfortable sharing the file number here in MSG I can take a look. Are you sure the files weren't renewed in 2022?

Thank you,

Mat Hayward

I was thinking the same as Phototom, some of mine seem to have been renewed. I know some are new and I did screen shots of the first set accepted. Then I wrote to you and some were added in June? I don't know how to keep track at this point. I mean, yes I can see FREE I just don't know which are new or old or if I was credited for the renewal.

The best way to verify is to refer to the email you received indicating how many files you had approved in 2022. Then, visit the dashboard section of the Adobe Stock contributor portal and filter by price tier to show only those in Free. The number of photos should match the number you were paid for this year.

If you can't find the email (I received mine on June 30) then you can email me with your Adobe ID and I can confirm the number you were paid for, to cross reference. I have not heard of any discrepancies in this program though I am always happy to verify for peace-of-mind for you.


Mat Hayward

Thanks for detailed how to find this on my own.

I can't say what I'd like or I'd be banned from the forum. Worst ever!

Its interesting that there is as many people here on $2,000+ as there is on $100-$200.

That's because the scale is not uniform, Annie.
If the poll would use regular intervals, and the number of voters would be much higher, I belive the graph may end up looking like a poisson distribution.
There might be some logic to that, since, overall, microstock sales may follow a poisson arrival process (just a hypothesis).

You are of course right that the size of the brackets influence the picture we get. For example, the bracket 1000-1500 ist five times as large as the bracket 900-1000, so it is not surprising that there are more people in it.

Is it still remarkable, though, that about 30% of the voters earn more than $1000 on average. So for a lot of people the money from microstock is still a significant part of their income.

This is a Microstock forum, you should expect that the best people will be members here.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Adobe rejections
« on: October 24, 2022, 08:39 »
Sort of offtopic, sorry, but I didn't want to start another thread, because my observation is Adobe-related.

I don't have a large portfolio at Adobe but after 2 and half years of uploading I came to the conclusion that the only or at least most important factor to popping up in search results is the age of your images.

The majority of my images just started to gradually show up in search results after 2 years, and this has nothing to do with Adobe's stupid keyword weight scheme. Since all DAM programs I use (mostly ACDSee but sometimes Bridge) sort keywords in alphabetic order, I didn't bother to rearrange them all on Adobe dashboard, as it takes forever. Apparently this doesn't affect sales, there's no significant difference between ordered and unordered keywords sets.

Can anyone confirm? If this is right, it's a huge a time saving to just ignore order of keywords.


Adobe Stock / Re: PNG files on Adobestock - Some Questions
« on: October 15, 2022, 06:52 »
You're ignoring my question Mat ?

Some of my vectors (newly uploaded) with white background are automatically available also as PNG , but my old vectors aren't

I'm sorry, what is the question?


some of my vectors (newly uploaded) with white background are automatically available also as PNG , but my old vectors aren't

Are you asking me why that is? This is a process that requires a lot of time and resources. The priority was placed on newer files, once complete I am told we will begin converting older files also. I do not know what the timeline is for this.


Mat Hayward

Good news when that happens, I'll have more PNG files from my old EPS. TY

iStockPhoto.com / Re: august sales statement not published yet
« on: October 03, 2022, 08:59 »
Stats available now

Ask the rest of them what day is it today?

Royalties, earnings and contributor account balances are now calculated and reported monthly, so real time information is not available.

Royalty Statements are published on the 20th of each month. You will see what you have sold and what you have earned and can download that data.

If your earnings for the month exceed your minimum payment threshold, then you will receive your payout on the 25th of each month.
When is the 20th not the 20th? Published noon Seattle time on time.

General - Top Sites / Re: Why don't members show their images?
« on: September 16, 2022, 09:00 »
I would love to see people post their rejections!
We can all learn from those.

Why don't people show the links to their ports?
Afraid of all the trolls that hang out in every forum.
I don't care for all the whine posts and don't read them. What I care about is images that sell and those that don't.
Trolls be damned.
So here is the link to my port.
It's a work in progress and always has been.
I'm not interested in bragging or showing off. I'm interested in what sells.
So here is my troll bait link.
I don't really need comments on my port, it is what it is.
If you want to criticize my port you had better post the link to your port or be known for the troll you are.

AI does reviews and they are often random followed by 2nd upload or more before being accepted. I don't understand why a link to my port has anything to do with show rejections. Good work, nice port. I forgot, no comments.

Shutterstock.com / Re: SS strict rejection policy
« on: September 08, 2022, 17:09 »
Two accounts and they are noticing the same images uploaded to both. You won't last long.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Banned by Shutterstock?
« on: August 28, 2022, 08:50 »
Be sure not use "please" in a message asking...
Who are you since you are a newcomer?

I'm nobody from nowhere really.  Please ignore me.  I'm ignoring you from now on too.


iStockPhoto.com / Re: June statements are in
« on: August 23, 2022, 08:13 »
Way better than my horrendous May and June, and also better than Junes 20 and 21, due to more downloads; but that's not saying much, and my  trend is very up and down but, overall, inexorably downwards.

Same for me, downloads and income are up, but overall down from 2 years ago.

I had a $15.47 for one photo DL a few months ago.

You must be a relative newcomer.  Did you start after they started the $0.10 subs?

What does being a newcomer matter? I get nothing but 10c subs and I'm from after the 10c started.

I was just asking/guessing because the poster only had one $15 DL in a few months.  Stop being upset about anything.

Who's upset? I just asked what being a newcomer had to do with $15.47 DL. I'm new and I don't get anything that good, most are 10c.

I had a $15.47 for one photo DL a few months ago.

You must be a relative newcomer.  Did you start after they started the $0.10 subs?

What does being a newcomer matter? I get nothing but 10c subs and I'm from after the 10c started.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: half a penny per image royalty
« on: June 08, 2022, 12:16 »
Getty images has over 749,000 customers and 70% of its revenue comes from exclusive content.

123RF / Re: Is this the oldest refund ever
« on: April 15, 2022, 07:38 »
I'm getting these too now. I agree that taking this cash 13 years later or whatever can't be legal. Are there any lawyers about who know how this works in terms of legal time limits?
Was that a joke? This is Microstock with no rules and no laws to protect us.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Wirestock Upgrade?
« on: April 15, 2022, 07:35 »

after having problems uploading more than 5 images at a time, support told me:

We still have some issues with upload functionality. Currently, all the upload options (FTP, Google Drive and Dropbox) are not available. Please upload via browser for now and please limit your upload batches to 700MB at a time

of course, i also tried the browser & well under 700MB and still had problems!

Ridiculous rejections, they say, This is work in progress, we are working closely with our content review team to have more consistent acceptance criteria in line with our partner agency requirements. Uploads doesn't work right, Before the end of this month including faster uploads of video files, FTP/gdrive/dropbox full support. Errors on the Portfolio page, Will be fixed before the end of this month. Promises are vacant and have been wrong for many months. Now the upgrad shows on the dashboard.

It is not propaganda. Poland is not a Democratic country anymore and should be expelled from the Union.

Yesterday, polish people used to say that ukrainians were stolen their jobs. Glad they changed their minds now.


More then jobs stolen from Ukranians.

General Stock Discussion / Re: use two words in one keyword ?
« on: March 01, 2022, 22:05 »
SS separates them but for Adobe, my compound keywords don't get separated as far as I have noticed.

Ok, thanks for the info.  I've just looked and it seems that a lot of Alamy contributors must split their own keywords.  ::) Though 'no people' always seems to be 'stuck together'!

It also seems that files on SS can have 'phrase keywords'.


How would you have them do the keywords to make this right?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: I stock new rate card reset.
« on: February 10, 2022, 09:40 »
15% is, was, and will be a greedy insult.

Money won't buy happiness, but it will let you be unhappy in nice places.

This is not a problem. Africa Studio is not one person, but a conglomerate of contributors. As long as you have contractually regulated the rights of use, that's absolutely fine.

Didn't Africa Studio pull their entire massive port from SSTK when the commission cuts happened and then put it back after they realized they couldn't sell anywhere else?, sounds familiar.
They can't sell anywhere else but they sell the on all top agencies. What sounds familiar is you making things up.

General Stock Discussion / Re: VECPHO - anyone heard of them?
« on: November 16, 2021, 05:54 »
Personally, since I already use Wirestock I don't need another distribution channel that covers the same places. That makes no sense?
i realize you know this, but would also be a ToS violation since WS only takes images not available elsewhere
No wirestock only takes images for the places they supply that are exclusive. You could upload to istock myself and wirestock for what agencies I pick. Not exclusive. Doesn't matter Vecpho is a scam that has nothing behind the claims.

Newbie Discussion / Re: boycott shutterstock
« on: October 06, 2021, 12:43 »
To each our own, and everyone can decide for themselves.  :)
sergio76: Claiming that SS only pays 10c is ignoring the whole picture. I had an $18 and a $13 download last month for example.

Of course, yes we are underpaid and not treated very well. The reset in January is a travesty, no one can really look forward to making gains, when everything is taken away again, every year. Our reward for hard work is, "go back to level 1".

I'm still asking if everyone who says Boycott Shutterstock is also boycotting iStock for paying us 2 cents or less? Do we hold all agencies to the same standards on an equal basis? What of the new revenue sharing plans and the unknown in that. Who's money are we sharing or getting a share of? I mean, maybe I should join into that and get your money? Isn't that sharing?

ok, 13 or 18$ on many photos do you have and above all how many times does it happen? however, my bad opinion on ss is not just about the 0.10$, I also happened to have some non-approvals uploaded photos because the moderator sayed me that contained "noise", when the photo was taken with a canon 6D full frame at 100 iso, where they saw the noise only they knew. Or that the description of the photo wasn't pertinently, or that my photo was similar to others already present in the ss database..in short, if I already have to be paid so little and then on 5 photos that I upload I wasting time writing a description and adding tags, after 3 of them are reject with these reasons, for me ss remaining a big rip off... on pond5 at the moment I have 700 photos and only 3 have been rejected and two of them because wasn't present a release, so not a really reject. ss wants the highest quality and then pays you nothing, as they say here in my country "they have seen a beautiful world"...

You don't like SS because they rejected you, you are new and don't know how to pass. 700 on Pond 5 where you make nothing with no downloads, but you are accepted. How many on SS do you have?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Contributor forum deceased?
« on: October 06, 2021, 12:37 »
goooooood riddens

My view too. Anything we could do there we can do here nobody from SS ever answered or helped.

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