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Messages - Shelma1

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Yea, no.  If you have followed her in previous threads you'd clearly see what a troll she/he/it is.

perhaps, but i haven't seen that here - the original statement was a legitimate one and she got slammed based on hypothetical subtext and judgment

All you have to do is click on her name and look at her previous posts.

Selling illustrations is perfect for people who depend on a wheelchair, who have no voice, who cannot hear, who have mental problems and so on, its a big big chance for them and part of their daily therapy to be accepted by the society.
By the way, the term "underdeveloped country" is politically not correct.

I agree. Please explain why you're upset with people who are fighting for a higher wage that YOU will also benefit from? I really don't get it. If nobody fights, the agencies will just keep dropping royalty rates, and eventually they'll be unsustainable for YOU, too. 10 is OK right now. How about a year from now, when they drop it to 1? Still OK? 0.1? OK then? When you're starving with 0.1 on each sale and Oringer and Pavlovsky are scooping up your money to pay for their extravagant lifestyles, still OK?

At what point does it become not OK for millionaires and billionaires to take your money to buy their pool tables, caviar, champagne and mansions? When does it become not OK for rich white men in The United States to take money from disabled women (I'm assuming you're a woman) in Africa?
Maybe other people telling her whats good for her and being called a Troll for having a different opinion?

She's not called a troll for having a different opinion. She's called a troll for consistently coming to this forum to call people names, tell them they're old and have no ideas, and to support Shutterstock no matter how badly they treat her and her fellow contributors.

Selling illustrations is perfect for people who depend on a wheelchair, who have no voice, who cannot hear, who have mental problems and so on, its a big big chance for them and part of their daily therapy to be accepted by the society.
By the way, the term "underdeveloped country" is politically not correct.

I agree. Please explain why you're upset with people who are fighting for a higher wage that YOU will also benefit from? I really don't get it. If nobody fights, the agencies will just keep dropping royalty rates, and eventually they'll be unsustainable for YOU, too. 10 is OK right now. How about a year from now, when they drop it to 1? Still OK? 0.1? OK then? When you're starving with 0.1 on each sale and Oringer and Pavlovsky are scooping up your money to pay for their extravagant lifestyles, still OK?

At what point does it become not OK for millionaires and billionaires to take your money to buy their pool tables, caviar, champagne and mansions? When does it become not OK for rich white men in The United States to take money from disabled women (I'm assuming you're a woman) in Africa?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock contributor blog themes
« on: July 31, 2020, 08:48 »
Looking on the Shutterstock contributor blog, they heightened the activity a lot. So on one side they are stealing money from all contributors - mostly from poorer parts of developed world, but in same time there are at least 2 posts a week about supporting of minorities of any kind. It's really very nice from them and social...self-censorship mode activated.
But I guess it costs them almost nothing and its good smoke screen.

From the business side of the thing - do you see increased demand for such topic? I'm not photographer, but in thousands of images I have few pieces that are more or less about this theme. I saw few sells over years, really nothing significant. But my style is not trendy, so it's possibly problem on my side.

Let me to be clear: I stopped to upload on SS since the announcement. I deactivated my portfolio for several weeks to support the action, but microstock is the only income of my family, so my portfolio is online for now (but it can change) without new content.

All you have to do is look at their C-suite executives to see their real feelings about women and minorities. Seven men, no women, all white. (Yes, there's a woman on the page, but you'll notice she doesn't have a C-level title...but they had to stick a woman in so it wouldn't look quite as bad, and then again she's also white.)


Shutterstock.com / Re: So they do use AI to review then...
« on: July 31, 2020, 08:39 »
They used AI, plus they got hit with a class action lawsuit from their human reviewers for allegedly not following U.S. employment law. So the solution for that was to get rid of the pesky humans altogether.

Negative comments because if everyone had sacrificed a few weeks of income SS would have been forced to roll back their draconian royalty cuts and we'd ALL be back to higher royalties. Instead, the vast majority stayed, accepting a big loss this year and an even bigger loss come January, rather than a temporary, much smaller loss for a few weeks in June. We own the content. The agencies are nothing without us. But whatevs.

If youd all disabled your portfolios on June 15 Shutterstock would have had to raise royalties again because they would have had no content. Enjoy your soon to be 10-cent video sales.

"...because we are accessing our customer's customer, we expect these relationships to effectively open up new market segments for us" and that these customers are more likely to stay (customer retention & "stickiness")

I don't see how they'll access their customer's customer. They'll be giving designers and art directors a quick tool to create ads for their clients...I don't think clients will create ads themselves. And if by some chance clients DO create ads themselves they won't need the designers and art directors any more, which means those people will no longer be licensing as many images because they'll lose business from their customers, which would be a wash.

No more reviewers, no more customer service for contributors.

OP has a long history of promoting Freepik for referral fees, see:

Mr. Critique, again you. I don't have any referral link to Freepik, please check facts before posting. And I never had and also they are not paying me in any way. And I don't promote or endorse Freepik, this is just a blogpost among many others.

I wrote a blogpost with a cool research I did and I shared it. Why wouldn't you create a blogpost where you will tell the world about the unjustice and shame Freepik has brought to your life to balance things in the universe?

Just search freepik here and you can read all about the unjustice and shame Freepik has brought to my life.

That video of Pavlovsky standing at his pool table in his multi-million-dollar house like a stiff cardboard cutout, reading stilted jargon-filled gobbledygook into the camera with a bad microphone with lots of echo, then awkwardly hitting his cue ball with that self-satisfied let-them-eat-cake smirk, tho...

I am living in a country with no social welfare benefits like unemployment money, food stamps or stimulus check like in America. The alternative would be begging in the streets.
I envy people who can quit SS and argue about their lost self-respect or wasted time, because they simply do not depend on the money from SS. In times of corona I do more than ever before.
I am self-reliant, I am self-employed, I am proud of me and I am getting the respect from my family and people around me. Ten US cents here might be more then 10 Dollars in rich countries. In my eyes protest against SS is as useless as anything. And I am wondering where this hate and ire comes from?
If people with provoking opinions are called TROLLs, I am one of them.

Your position might be representative of other artists from underdeveloped countries who find image uploading to SS still worthwhile. Taking that into perspective and the low quality of new images being uploaded, SS may gradually become a go-to outlet for acceptance and distribution of the art work from the third world countries. If SS gets sold and the new owner moves their offices from the Empire State building to somewhere in central Africa, that could further reduce SS expenses and improve their bottom line.

Oringer has made no secret of the fact that he sees SS as a marketplace for people in poor countries to sell images to people in rich countries. He stated as much years ago. I have to find his quote.

Theyll be in touch if youve been accepted.

I am living in a country with no social welfare benefits like unemployment money, food stamps or stimulus check like in America. The alternative would be begging in the streets.
I envy people who can quit SS and argue about their lost self-respect or wasted time, because they simply do not depend on the money from SS. In times of corona I do more than ever before.
I am self-reliant, I am self-employed, I am proud of me and I am getting the respect from my family and people around me. Ten US cents here might be more then 10 Dollars in rich countries. In my eyes protest against SS is as useless as anything. And I am wondering where this hate and ire comes from?
If people with provoking opinions are called TROLLs, I am one of them.

Yes, we know, youve explained your dire situation before. My question is, if youre happy with your dwindling earnings, what difference does it make to you if others find the hit to their earnings unacceptable? If they decide to boycott, why does it bother you enough to come here repeatedly and ask the same stupid questions over and over again?

And to the rare people who are somehow magically earning more, why do you think its swell to come here and rub it in the noses of people whose income has been devastated? Is it some kind of game to you? Whats your point? Im doing ok, eff all the rest of you. You think its fun to say that to people who are struggling?

Now we know one reason everything paused for a couple of days.

What is the final goal of the protest?
How realistic are all these energy and time consuming actions?

If you don't agree with the protest and enjoy making 10 sales, why waste your time trolling here? Troll.

I find his move anything but sad. He is making tens of thousands $ a month. It doesn't have to sustainable for ages, 5-10 years is enough for him to retire. Actually, I think he already can. He is not doing it for community's higher cause.

How do you know? Tens of thousands a month sounds like a lot, but if you have staff salaries and high equipment, model/actor and location costs to pay, youre not making all that much yourself. People who live in expensive areas like New York and make 20K per month are just managing to pay their sky high rents or mortgages and property taxes.
because I know few of them that are in the same category like he is. It is of course their private matter and I don't feel like making it public. I just wanted to point out to you that your estimate is far far away.

My estimate? I didnt estimate anything.

I find his move anything but sad. He is making tens of thousands $ a month. It doesn't have to sustainable for ages, 5-10 years is enough for him to retire. Actually, I think he already can. He is not doing it for community's higher cause.

How do you know? Tens of thousands a month sounds like a lot, but if you have staff salaries and high equipment, model/actor and location costs to pay, youre not making all that much yourself. People who live in expensive areas like New York and make 20K per month are just managing to pay their sky high rents or mortgages and property taxes.

What are we?

We are part of a VERY large crowd in a crowd-sourced industry.
We work in an industry where the basic tools of the trade are owned by virtually everyone.
We are contributing media to a pile which is larger than most people can imagine.

I don't understand why so many contributors think they should be special or "precious" to these agencies. You are a face in a crowd. Infinitely replaceable.

As are stock agencies to buyers.

for the major agencies, maybe - but if stock was fungible, the 'lesser' agencies would do better

whenever i encounter people who buy from stock agencies (or those who even know what stock is) their primary response is shutterstock, followed sometimes by adobe or getty, but rarely all 3 and rarely another agency

A greater agency today is a lesser agency tomorrow. I remember when Tony Stone was it, then Veer, then Getty, then iStock, now Shutterstock. Tomorrow, who knows? (Speaking from a buyers perspective.) Agencies rise and fall. Buyers just want a suitable image.

Tony Stone was a great agency... until Getty bought them. (Speaking from a contributor's perspective), you could almost say the same about iStock apart from the bottom feeding micro perspective. Shutterstock was never great. They took bottom feeding to a whole new level and called it subscriptions.... and this is where I can say I told you so.

And yet here you are, posting in MicrostockGroup.

What are we?

We are part of a VERY large crowd in a crowd-sourced industry.
We work in an industry where the basic tools of the trade are owned by virtually everyone.
We are contributing media to a pile which is larger than most people can imagine.

I don't understand why so many contributors think they should be special or "precious" to these agencies. You are a face in a crowd. Infinitely replaceable.

As are stock agencies to buyers.

for the major agencies, maybe - but if stock was fungible, the 'lesser' agencies would do better

whenever i encounter people who buy from stock agencies (or those who even know what stock is) their primary response is shutterstock, followed sometimes by adobe or getty, but rarely all 3 and rarely another agency

A greater agency today is a lesser agency tomorrow. I remember when Tony Stone was it, then Veer, then Getty, then iStock, now Shutterstock. Tomorrow, who knows? (Speaking from a buyers perspective.) Agencies rise and fall. Buyers just want a suitable image.

What I find sad about the article is that he lost income, then ramped up production in order to regain his earnings...how long is that sustainable? There'll come a point when so many images are being produced that there's simply no way to keep up any more. (I think that point has been reached already.)

What are we?

We are part of a VERY large crowd in a crowd-sourced industry.
We work in an industry where the basic tools of the trade are owned by virtually everyone.
We are contributing media to a pile which is larger than most people can imagine.

I don't understand why so many contributors think they should be special or "precious" to these agencies. You are a face in a crowd. Infinitely replaceable.

As are stock agencies to buyers.

Shutterstock.com / Re: We are having some impact
« on: July 19, 2020, 04:16 »
Im also banned, I guess because I pointed out that he gets barely any sales. Easy enough to see his Twitter account, though, where he spends a lot of time retweeting Jo Ann, so I thank him for that, though he only has 14 followers so hes not helping us spread the message all that much. I feel sorry for the guy.

I have been monitoring content totals and looking at new uploads at Shutterstock, and on Saturday noticed that the totals were the same late in the day as on Saturday morning. No updates Sunday or Monday morning.

There was a post Monday in the Shutterstock forums:

"Approved content is taking longer than usual to be published. We expect everything to be back to normal by end of business (New York time) tomorrow."


From Saturday morning through Tuesday afternoon is a very, very long outage and it makes me wonder if they're making changes (rather than fixing bugs).

They disabled my account so I couldn't do anything even if I was inclined to, but possibly now might be a good time to grab anything you've a mind to in case it's no longer there after the changes.

Or this is just a very long bug fix and I'm concerned over nothing :)

I'm sure they're changing things. Too big a coincidence.

General Stock Discussion / Re: I NEED YOUR HELP
« on: July 11, 2020, 09:40 »
If I won the lottery the last thing Id do is start an agency. Id retire somewhere nice and warm and spend my days swimming and cycling and partying.

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