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Messages - madman

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iStockPhoto.com / last two days no download...
« on: November 30, 2016, 05:48 »
I have no download last two days on istock, although monday and tuesday... usually it would be a few downloads, I wonder if something special these days?

General Stock Discussion / Re: No new sales since long time?
« on: October 03, 2016, 09:54 »
microstock industry growing day by day, number of the images on sale are increasing rapidly... that increase of image numbers are too much I think... decrease on the earning is normally in this case, here is a sample, my earnings is almost four times down at the last 3 years and still continues to decline, I don't know how far it will go on like this...

Bigstock.com / Re: very strange and dumb rejection reason...
« on: October 02, 2016, 09:43 »

I understand. Once I also emailed them and heard back after a month. They have very busy support team.

bad, very bad... I ve stopped submission currently because of dumb rejections.

Bigstock.com / Re: very strange and dumb rejection reason...
« on: October 01, 2016, 15:19 »
Maybe you need to select illustration option check mark

illustration categories already selected on the site also, there have no checkmark, I dont understand which checmark do oyu mention about?

oh, ok
did you tried contacting them? what did they say coz for me I think you are doing it correctly.

yes, I ve contated them via mail and still waiting a logical reason but... I don't think I would get a satisfying answer.... They seem to be looking for a ridiculous reasons for image rejection.

Bigstock.com / Re: very strange and dumb rejection reason...
« on: October 01, 2016, 07:38 »
Maybe you need to select illustration option check mark

illustration categories already selected on the site also, there have no checkmark, I dont understand which checmark do oyu mention about?

Bigstock.com / very strange and dumb rejection reason...
« on: October 01, 2016, 06:52 »
my images mostly rejected due to that so dumb reason and I ve tired to deal with that dumb reasons, I've added to title and keywords "3d illustration" but that says constantly "3D Title/Keywords Requirement -- 3D images require the phrase "3D illustration" or "3D rendering" in the title and keywords." GOD... I ve already added that both title and keywords... what happen???? please give me logical reason, otherwise, I'm going to lose my mind.....

I want, because I cant find, it is not too hard to give some links...

give me the links please...

Sorry, it's only been two weeks since the last thread.  Please come back in January.

where is the thread?
There have been lots of threads about this for over a decade now.  Just type "union" in the search box if you want to see how this topic has gone nowhere.

I've made a search for "union" but I cannot say I can find any results "exactly the same" with my topic.

maybe this topic will go "nowhere" but why? there's a reason for that, there is a lot of contributors who selling their works in different microstock agencies and at the same time there is so many contributors who doesn't even know the existence of this forum...

It's a free market with really A LOT of buyers and sellers. And it works with good old supply and demand thing. Why instead of trying something new for yourself (cg, code, site themes, forex, tutoring, knitting, breeding rabbits) you are going to make those simple things more complicated?

yea.. that is not so simple as saying...

by the way, its better if we dont see here any unnecessary posts so can't pollute the subject... thanks for understanding folks...


this is not the same thing...

Sorry, it's only been two weeks since the last thread.  Please come back in January.

where is the thread?

I think how bad we couldnt control prices of our own products on everywhere... our crafts sold by very high prices while can be sold at very low prices on the other hand,  our earnings are bad in both cases, I believe that this situation is going to get worse over time, I think microstock agencies earn too much and they pay very little commission to us... I think there must be "microstock trade unions" to protect and defend our rights.. am I right? please ... I'd love to get your feedback... "if you don't ask, you don't get"  so I want to ask all the complainant microstockers, how we announce our voices to make a call to our rights?

they must be lowering credit sale prices to make improvement for sales, one image sell for $33 for many years, this is a ridiculous logic... at least prices must be 1-2-3 credits by size, but not, because they coluldnt destroy istock completely....  >:(

what about collect our signatures and give our demands to istock heads? Let's make a topic about it?

First of all, you'd need to get everyone to agree on the same demands.
Secondly, they'd just say 'take it or leave it', knowing enough people would stay, especially now that SS are apparently now on the same sticky slope.

how bad we couldnt control prices of our own products on everywhere... someone wins and we are loose everytime... I think there must be "microstock trade unions" to protect and defend our rights.. am I right? please ... I'd love to get your feedback... we have a saying there, "baby cant get nipples if dont cry"  so I want to ask all the complainant microstockers, how we announce our voices to make a call to our rights?

MicrostockSubmitter / how safe?
« on: July 30, 2016, 10:37 »
I wonder, how safe to use stock submitter?

Microstock Services / mymicrostockupload.com
« on: July 30, 2016, 10:35 »
anyone use mymicrostockupload.com ?

they must be lowering credit sale prices to make improvement for sales, one image sell for $33 for many years, this is a ridiculous logic... at least prices must be 1-2-3 credits by size, but not, because they coluldnt destroy istock completely....  >:(

what about collect our signatures and give our demands to istock heads? Let's make a topic about it?

 they are doing everything to destroy the istock ... they make it very well.  >:(

normal image prices are too expensive, 3 credits $33, who pay with this so expensive price for one image? on the other hand, our images selling by "almost no price" under the name that subscription plan... quality of images has been so down since 3 years, everywhere fully covered garbage, they will accept when I take my ... photo also... I totally see it as a big disgrace...

my monthly revenue constatnly decreasing for past 3 years although increasing portfolio 6 times more ...

Are you iStock exclusive or independent?


my monthly revenue constatnly decreasing for past 3 years although increasing portfolio 6 times more ... in july, I've passed one level more, my july revenue down 40% compared to last month, it seems really never and never end recession trend on istock, really.... istock heads doesnt make any improvement for this, what about you guys? Why we aren't doing anything? why we can't react... ???

why you dont put some other choices like 80% ? my istock revenue 80% dropped On iStock Since The Peak In 2012 due to vary bad and very cheap subsciption plans... yes, that is so true and bite fact... and I am still exclusive too... I am amazed that why Istock contributors doesnt show enough counter reaction to ... or boycott, strike or something like... are everybody happy to lose?

istock was changed their prices too low a couple years ago by the subscription plan, do you think why you need it? sure due to other low priced microstock agencies... now I want to ask you guys, why you upload your pictures and allow to sell your images so low prices other agencies before, when istock has pay you much more royalties? now istock is one of them, too... low prices, low commission pays, this is the cause of your symptoms. I know here is SS forums... These are linked to each other ... These are my thoughts...

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