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Messages - lola

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Veer / Trying to upload first 10 - is upload down?
« on: March 19, 2011, 20:30 »
First of all - do we just upload JPGs of vectors for the first 10, or EPSs with their JPGS - but then is it 10 files in total, or 20 files?  

I assumed JPGS only and it's not working.  I tried to upload them and I get an "unknown error" - and it's not uploading them.  The jpgs are saved at 12-quality level and they say 9 - is that the problem?  

The files are also the correct size for both MP and MB as listed in their info.

I saw the post about it being down on 3/19 but it's 8pm already.... CST.

Veer / Re: How is veer with vectors?
« on: March 19, 2011, 20:25 »
Thanks guys - of your rejections - have you seen a pattern of refusals for certain images?

Am I wrong in assuming that they are harder to get into than other sites?

I'm currently approved on - SS, DT, FT, CAN, 123RF, GL, BS - but these are not that hard to get into, or so I hear.

Wow - getty is 3 months - how can anyone want to wait that long - are sales that great there?

And IS - 2 weeks, I guess I'm spoiled with the under-a-week group...

54 / Re: How many downloads in a day?
« on: March 18, 2011, 14:32 »
My best so far was 7 in the first week I was up with 19 images.  Since then 4 has been my best with about 38 images - which is not great, but my port is slowly growing...

Oh, and SS is the ONLY site, out of 8 that I'm with, that I have ANY sales - so that's not great either! ???

Veer / Re: How is veer with vectors?
« on: March 17, 2011, 21:12 »
Thanks Dirkr - I found it, but on Cutcaster I can't find my ID# anywhere in my account - only my username....

BTW - your nature shots are wonderful.

Hi RT - yeah, it's faded on purpose to add to the dimension - where the 'light' is coming from.  The stroke is colored with a linear gradient to fade up on the left.

They've now put it back up, so I guess my email convinced them.  But they have still rejected what I thought was a very nice file for poor execution.

Anyways, I'm over it. 

I do appreciate the opportunity to gripe though - always nice to have a place for that, when you need it. :D

Veer / How is veer with vectors?
« on: March 17, 2011, 14:24 »
Has anyone noticed any obvious preferences there yet? (like SS doesn't want any flowers, abstract backgrounds, and icons right now)

Are their "likes" more geared toward new ideas, or run of the mill clip art or what?  What about vintage color schemes, and vintage-looking illustrations?

I ask because I signed u,p but haven't uploaded at all yet.  I've been reading that they're more artsy and it's easy to get rejected there.  - am I off my rocker?

I have some vintage-inspired stuff that is very simple in concept but sells well because it's "cool" - but some sites have rejected them for "too simple", not seeing the big picture - if you will, and I don't want to start out with a 100% rejection rate...

BTW - how the heck do you get the little icons at the bottom here showing your ports?

i wrote them an email about it - they don't want these things discussed on the forums - so we'll see... 

I know it's just a rejection - get over it - but they've rejected majority of stuff I've submitted and as you all know these files take precious time to make.  Also, if DT is one of those sites that doesn't earn you money until you have a large port - how am I ever going to make it with all of these rejections?

for all the "high standards" and all, my port get among the lowest views there...


fotolia takes almost as long as dreamstime for me - definitely not the fastest.  The fastest is canstock and shutterstock in my case.

Is it worth it to "bother" the reviewers to tell them that an image they just rejected is actually more accurate then the version they approved only 1 month ago?  They rejected it for "poor execution" which bothers me too - the other one was almost exactly the same - all of a sudden it's badly done?

This is the new one (changed to make the character look more like a bird, fixed her eye-shadow - it was not aligned properly - and got rid of pink background to make editing easier for designers - it was getting views, but no downloads anywhere) - btw it was approved on SS - old one deleted, and it sold within a day already:

This is the old one:

It's a jpg, so none of the eps reasons for poor execution go with it.  Another file that I submitted at the same time was also rejected for the same reason - of course it was approved everywhere else.  I wonder if they just hit whatever button they seem to be nearest during review-time.

(The only thing that I can possibly see is that in the new one I didn't stroke the "nails" on her feet - as in the other image - could that be it?!)

DT seems to have the highest rejection rate for me so far.  I know that I'm not some genius at this - I only started to do digital stuff 2 months ago, but I can't be that bad when everyone else is approving my stuff.

Thanks guys, I was just wondering...

Is it just me?  It's been over a week for a couple of images - no other site I'm with takes that long...

If that's the norm then fine - just wondering what your experience is.

GLStock / Re: GraphicLeftovers - any good news?
« on: March 14, 2011, 20:50 »
I've only got a handful of images, and no sales, but they are getting viewed. 

My problem is that I keep losing files in upload.  I upload them, and they never show up in the "unfinished" section - I know how the system works, but they're not even there the next day, never mind in a couple of hours.  This has been happening for a couple of days now.

On the other hand, the support team seems to be very good there.

Thanks CD :)

What markers are you looking for on a new site you joined to see if it will be worth your time?  Obviously downloads, but sites' searches work differently, and they have different types of buyers, so what do you guys base it on:

Is there a number of images that you want to be at before you judge a site?  Or, a certain period of time? 

FYI - I have one site - SS that is earning for me - whereas the others (6 of them) have views only - no sales, though only a month has gone by, and it's a small port of 50 images.  (I want to know what parameters to use in the future to see if they are worth staying with.)

So, I wanted to make some keyword changes and I see that on their history page it says "when you edit your keywords the image goes back to 'pending' " which to me implies that you CAN edit them, but when you go to their FAQ page it says you can't edit keywords once they are downloaded.

Has anyone been able to email them and have them change some keywords on accepted images?

Thanks all.

Thanks CD, I will do that - would you suggest checking the keywords or titles of the images or what?

I've read more than once that people check for that on their own, so I guess it's time I start as well.

cd123 - I haven't read that info anywhere - is there a thread or two on these forums where I can read about that further - the server/search "thing"?

The reason that it was bothering me, is that I'm with several sites and this one takes the longest to post approved images in my port - so I thought there was a problem.

Could what you said also be the reason why I have zero views on a couple of sites where images have been up for only a couple of weeks?

Newbie Discussion / Re: checking views at different sites
« on: March 10, 2011, 01:01 »
scarlet - I'm with you on this. 

For me it's important as a beginner, because if I see that my port has had ZERO views in a 2 weeks - something is wrong and I can follow that up.  This would apply especially if you're new, because you upload your files and need to see if anyone was looking at them.  For example, I have one site that has had 0 views in a month - and I'm trying to research if this is a quantity-of-files issue, or I am uploading the wrong stuff there - without that info, how would I know interest, apart from sales?

Unless I'm not understanding this correctly, doesn't view mean that they clicked on it?  Why is that not a good indication of interest?

On the "123RF" thread I started my own question on how to see views there...

Hi, where do you go to see your image views at 123rf?  Is that even a feature they have?

Also, my approved images are taking like days - to a week - to show up in my port, what is up?  (this happened with my first upload - I had to email them to see what the problem was then too.)

Cutcaster / Zipping files for Cutcaster, and rasters...
« on: March 07, 2011, 17:02 »
I appreciate you guys helping me upload vectors on Cutcaster it says:

"Only upload EPS or AI formats with attached JPEG preview zipped into one file.
Note: Do not place the vector and JPEG preview inside a folder when compressing them into a ZIP archive."

1) How do you zip 2 files into one file, vs placing them in a folder (zip archive)? you just right click, and go "add to"?  because they DO end up in a folder that way....

2) What's the difference with Fotolia and the zipping there?

3) Does Cutcaster generate the JPG from the EPS or do you have to upload that separately?

Thanks - that pretty much explains it.  The alias and username seem redundant though, and what's the point of using an alias when the copyright holder's name is on the photo anyways?

Oh, and artist - yes,.........showgirl - no.  LOL 

"lola" is just a name I like. 

Thinking to self........."I wonder if showgirls would want to waste their time doing stock, for pennies a day - hey, wait! - 'pennies a day' - doesn't some charity have that slogan?" 

Okay, so I just signed up with Cutcaster, and don't understand which name will be used where.

copyright holder - is this only viewed by buyers and for the copyright line?  Is it visible with your images - because if it is I may use an initial instead for the first name.

username - where is this name displayed?

alias - who sees this name and where?

Thanks to anyone who can enlighten me here. :-\

Thank you for your quick and totally accurate reply - I just checked ;)

I've never seen that before on other sites even when I'm logged in.

Consider this thread closed.  ;)

Hi guys, this is my first post here.  I'm online with 8 agencies and just went to check my first files on 123rf and they say that they are free for download for a standard license...

What .?

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