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Messages - lirch

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76 / Re: Seriously?
« on: December 28, 2011, 07:10 »
Great presentation.

77 / Re: SS down!!! I'm panicking!
« on: December 16, 2011, 17:10 »
Cool, its working again.
 Still, great way to loose weight, opening up ss and... nothing:)

78 / Re: SS down!!! I'm panicking!
« on: December 16, 2011, 15:11 »
Dont know what sales are for me, this is what I get when opening ss:

"Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, [email protected] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log."
Hope theyll fix it soon.

New Sites - General / Re: iRockStock?
« on: December 15, 2011, 12:39 »
I quite like the fact each file is checked by the contributor before it enters the queue. A chance to make sure duplicates, previously rejected images haven't crept in by accident, a chance to check for 'I'll fill this in later' type descriptions (if you're like me, sounds like you're not), that sort of thing. Removing that step would create more pressure on our resources. I'm not claiming it's perfect and the 'continue uploading page' I promised to remove ages ago - oops.

I wouldn't say it's 'not very easy at all' so I was quite interested to see if lirch would elaborate a bit for my benefit assuming FTP isn't at the root of the issue.
Multiple upload would save a lot of time halfshag, like Java or whatever. For somebody with more than 3000 images it takes a lot with the curent sytem, thats all Im saying. I think that more than 70% of stockers do have metadata implemented.

New Sites - General / Re: iRockStock?
« on: December 15, 2011, 06:45 »
but I am (still) waiting for a proper upload method since I've got no time to upload 20 pictures at a time to a new site
Still 10 times less than on Veer where the FTP always disconnects and that doesn't accept IPTC properly (they are married to Adobe's private scheme and ignore the base IPTC scheme). Browser upload only works with 1 file at a time. At least iRockstock works like a charm even on a jungle-wifi with antenna.

I've got 40+ illustrations up there now. Uploading them one at a time is the only flaw. No disconnects or weird metadata problems. Submission is very, very easy. I hope to get my portfolio up there and support independents like iRockstock.

I have more than 100, submission is not very easy at all, it took me  hours plus, no sales, only a few views for more than a month now.

« on: November 20, 2011, 03:12 »
After 100+ comments, You-Know-Who finally weighs in with his usual elementary school principal snarkiness and closes the topic and remind us it's the weekend. Wait til Monday. Right...Monday...beginning of a holiday week.
:) Cat and mouse.

82 / Re: Reviews taking longer than usual this week
« on: November 16, 2011, 07:09 »
You know, whenever you upload files to ss you get a message like this: "...Please allow 72 hours for your photos to be processed. In many cases we can complete a review in as little as 48 hours, but during times of high volume it may take longer. Initial review of new accounts may take 7 to 10 days...." Your delay is probably caused by high volume of uploads they have to deal with, being the best month and the end of the year, I wouldnt be worried if I were you.

New Sites - General / Re: GL stock images
« on: November 05, 2011, 03:35 »
Yeah, that transition thing is kinda messing up my upload system. I wonder how long does it take to move stuf from one server to another one?

General Stock Discussion / Re: absolute despair
« on: October 23, 2011, 23:41 »
What is tha posted image supposed to be?  Why would the typical micro buyer download it?  LCV means low commercial value, yes?  Low, not zero?  So it may sell for a quarter one time in two years.  Who wants a collection full of cintent like that?  If you're wrong %3 of the time, so what, if a tighter collection draws more overall as a user experience.
I guess that the only think that really matters in this business (beside being a technically good image) is that your image should help somebody sell a product, if you can go with that you will have sales but maybe I am wrong.
This should anser stockastic' questions too...

SS rules, as usual.

New Sites - General / Re: Superhug sells stock images
« on: September 30, 2011, 04:37 »
I don't get the upload system. Maybe its just me but I find it kinda complicated, 30 minnutes and still cant make one image available....

« on: September 22, 2011, 23:06 »
Has anyone noticed missing credits from their ballance at Pixmac? If there is such a person and Im not the only one please explain to me why this is happening: periodically 2 credits turn into one or something like this, never a big ammount but ive seen this 3 or 4 times, and the only answers I get are : the guy in charge of that is on vacation or we will look into that wich for me is t is useless. Its not a real good earning site for me but I kinda hate that stuff. >:(

New Sites - General / Re: What do you prefer to be called?
« on: September 03, 2011, 05:28 »

Nice site, just like photaki-  in spanglish:)

90 / Re: Revised Artists Supply Agreement
« on: August 30, 2011, 11:47 »
Feels like a bad marriage lately with istock.

Photo Critique / Re: Need advice for submitting to istock
« on: August 27, 2011, 00:03 »
 Have fun on Istock planet. Try 3 more times then you have a chance:)

Illustration - General / Re: Exclusive at Dreamstime
« on: August 03, 2011, 15:00 »
Hi Lirch,
I'm thinking of going exclusive myself. One day, if I live long enough :) And that's a big 'if' :)
And I'm curious, since uploading, reviewing, 60% commission, search engine, consistent sales, site stability, good customer service and so on are not considered 'strong points' in your view, what other factors are?
I'm curious and willing to learn ... :) 
Ok. I am thinking of that too but it has to be good, not an experiment. Lets talk numbers: say that DT only provides 30% of what SS does and 10% of all sites while being a consitent contributor and I am guessing that this goes for most of us, but maybe I am wrong so please correct me. How is becoming exclusive could change all that in a good way? Like covering for the losses you get from letting go of that good stuff actually working like super SS and making some more. That will be a factor that will make me smile all day. I dont care if that guy is nice and that guy is not, or the review over there is smooth or whatever site looks nicer with the new logo or the new black, there are too many people involved in this business to not have problems and issues with reviewers so I dont really care about the service or what is called as long asa I can deal with it and eventually solve it. DT does good for me, not as good as I wanted but kinda stable, just wanted to hear if becoming exclusive that wolud improve things, same goes IS or FT or 3DS for that matter. 60% commission sounds good rest is a legend IMO and  search factor on DT is still a mistery for me. I was actually looking for a post for some explinations on that:)
 Sorry bout my English, hope you understand me.

Images online, thank you isignstock. :)

Illustration - General / Re: Exclusive at Dreamstime
« on: August 02, 2011, 21:08 »
For the fun of it? Are there such people?  There is no fun in having a vector file rejected for improper lightning exposure.
So far no real reason for becoming exclusive, sorry Eireann, no strong points in your admiration for DT, I like them too no pb. I ll listen to some more.
I wish somebody from DT or any other agency that is offering exclusivity could give us their view on this matter.

Illustration - General / Re: Exclusive at Dreamstime
« on: August 02, 2011, 05:44 »
O.K. This is going the wrong way, please, both of you, stop jumping. Nobody was offending anybody and nobody is uncivilised or whatever. Could you guys, please,  just focus on convincing me that it could be a good thing to ( or not to ) go exclusive to DT or anywhere else? Thank you

Illustration - General / Re: Exclusive at Dreamstime
« on: August 02, 2011, 05:30 »
Sorry Nicku, was not trying to offend you.

Illustration - General / Re: Exclusive at Dreamstime
« on: August 02, 2011, 05:02 »
Not only does Dreamstime not allow you to sell RM, but they don't even allow you to sell products on POD sites with your own images on them.... despite the buyers of your images being allowed to if they purchase the right licence... that's nuts!

Lirch, you may be interested in this post made by Sparticus where he expresses his disappointment after 6 years of being exclusive and only earning $1.27 in July from 3 subs, after having a BME in June.  If these sort of highs and lows bother you, then I wouldn't go exclusive.

I personally wouldn't go exclusive anywhere.  One month your favourite best performing agent could change their policies and become your least favourite worst performing agent.

Yes, thank you pseudonymous, I know that topic too, but they are mostly photographers, maybe I am wrong. I wouldnt go exclusive either, at least not to DT anyway, but I want to see what makes them do it. Maybe it's beneficial move I dont know, let's hear some more opinions. Thank you.

Illustration - General / Re: Exclusive at Dreamstime
« on: August 02, 2011, 04:57 »
My link to DT is on my profile page.... I forget to mention... i started to contribute 11 months ago (although i have the account from 2004).... and July was my 5th BME in a row.... I don't try to convince nobody to become exclusive nowhere i just tell you the situation where I am now. Regarding illustrations i upload both pictures and illustrations...
Yes, I found. I know youre not trying to convince anybody, not with those sales anyway:) Dont worry this was just a question so I can figure it out if it's a deal for me to go exclusive or not. Dealing with all the sites its not really a problem for me, part of the job, somebody has to deal with it and It's better to do it your self, I just want to know if this is good business or not, it will take far more than that to convice me to do anything.
 Thank you.

Illustration - General / Re: Exclusive at Dreamstime
« on: August 02, 2011, 04:14 »
I am exclusive contributor on Dreamstime, and i am pleased with the results so far..... my wife is nonexclusive she upload to all major agencies..... the results are..... i make more money than her... course my portfolio in twice as big. Maybe  when my portfolio will exceed 3000 files i will consider to contribute to all major agencies....

Now, frequently i earn $4-5 from an simple XL RF file download due to the huge 60% revenue. Almost all my pictures appear in the first 3 pages in  search algorithm.... becoming an exclusive on any agency is a personal choice of each contributor who is in this business. ::)

Thank you, do you mind sending me a link to your portfolio, also from your wife too? Not necessarily here if that is a problem for you.
Thank you.
I know this kind of topic was opened before, my question was regarding illustrators ( it's a different market in my opinion ), just felt to rectify that- hence posting it in this section...
 So you are saying that it is possible to opt out of an exclusivity deal with DT. I didn't knew that.

Illustration - General / Re: Exclusive at Dreamstime
« on: August 02, 2011, 03:10 »
Wow, that is good info, thank you. I wish ss would offer exclusivity but it's like you say, could never happen. I have asked specifically about DT because I notticed that every day some more contributors become (or even new ones) exclusive. I thought there is something there but I guess its just a hobby to them. Thank again jsnover.

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