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Messages - robhainer
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« on: June 10, 2016, 08:13 »
So far, this will be the latest I've been paid since I joined in 2010. I've always gotten it on the 7th or sooner, except once, it came on the 8th. I got the payment email much later than usual as well.
« on: June 06, 2016, 19:44 »
I got one. They upped the earnings by like $500, so I will have to amend my returns probably.
« on: March 17, 2016, 18:18 »
Nothing wrong with Trump winning. People are tired of politicians who promise things and never deliver. People are tried of politicians who are easily bribed by lobbyist groups and help their rich friends get richer.
Trump winning is a shot in the arm for America. He just may be the best candidate in this entire election.
I have no pro or con for Trump. But do you really believe that he will not be, him too, one of these "who promise things and never deliver"? I am sure he will; all politicians are
hard to deliver since he hasn't made any concrete promises other than everything will be great. he's a demagogue playing to sexist, racist, nationalist and anti-immigrant feelings.
even the republican party can't back him!
meanwhile Obama has come thru on many of his promises: -affordable care act giving health care to over 10 million more -stimulus which pulled us out of Bush's recession -steady jobs growth over 6 years -an historic climate change agreement -opening relations with Cuba -fewer prisoners in Guantanamo (remainder are there because of republican congress' refusal to act)
as far as trump as a 'successful' business man - that's no where near the same as running a govt in which you have to actually work WITH the other branches of govt; business owners already run too much in the US while paying little or no taxes
"Affordable" health care. Not. It's more expensive and covers less. I went to a cardiologist. He ordered three tests for me. I didn't do them because the crappy Obamacare insurance won't pay a penny for them, and I have the best plan you can get out of the batch. The other insurance plans wouldn't have even covered the doctor's visit. Those 10 million people you mention may have health insurance, but they don't have health care. So you can listen to the rhetoric about how great the insurance is, or you can try using it to get a taste of the reality. And I make a decent income. All those other people who didn't have insurance before because they couldn't afford it sure aren't going to be able to pay for all the things it doesn't cover.
« on: February 12, 2016, 16:28 »
that day rate is very low. does it include just shooting days or shot and post processing days? how much are you charging the client for a shoot? how long is a typical shot list. you really should put a FAQ on your site
It's not low if you get enough days booked. My daily rate is about the same with a company I contract with, but I book about 200 days a year with them every year. And I don't get my hotels paid for or per diem. It still ends up being a good living, making up about 60 percent of my income. It gels well with stock photography, which I can do at my own pace and schedule when I'm not booked. And I have to do a whole lot more than 16 photos. Usually end up with 8-12 hour days when you include travel. I would apply, but I haven't done a lot of architectural photography, and I'm only really available in the summers.
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:47 »
Clearly, some people need a "safe space" where they wont risk being exposed to opinions that are different or challenge them.
« on: November 17, 2015, 17:58 »
I find it disappointing so many people here don't support doing anything about ISIS. They control land and have a standing Army.
Who armed them?
It doesn't really matter. What matters is stopping them.
And for a fact, the U.S. did not arm them. We armed other rebels opposed to the Syrian regime, and ISIS took their weapons. Then they took land, and recruited a greater force with money from stolen oil.
In the end, they are evil. There's no shade of gray here. If you support doing nothing about them, you are complicit in their evil.
I supposed it's easy for some to stand by while they kidnap young Yazidi girls and sell them as sex slaves while launching attacks on Paris that kill dozens with more to come.
You will be signing up then, to fight ISIS on the ground yourself!
Or do you expect young men all over the world to do the dirty work for you?
I served my time in the military during Desert Storm. I'm too old now. I'd go if they would take me. But my sons might be required to serve. Have you served your nation during war? Until you do, I don't think you can put that criticism on me.
« on: November 17, 2015, 10:37 »
It's not unusual. What you have is a good photo that is appealing to a wide range of people and getting some sales. This should make you happy. You should use it as a learning opportunity to shoot similar images that could also get the same attention.
« on: November 17, 2015, 09:10 »
I think we shouldn't discuss topics unrelated to micro at all. It just creates conflict and weaken our position as contributors. There are many political blogs where you will find people who share the same views, it's more productive and less stressful for all. I will start by myself, hope you guys join in.
Why would I want to post on a blog with people who share my views? You learn nothing by listening to your own echo. This is what ISIS wants: A world where everything thinks and acts the same. I pity people who live in places where they can be put in jail or worse for criticizing their government. I don't understand how they don't have an immediate revolution when that happens, even if their fellow citizens have different beliefs. Society is strengthened, not weakened, by having a diversity of opinions
« on: November 17, 2015, 09:07 »
I find it disappointing so many people here don't support doing anything about ISIS. They control land and have a standing Army.
Who armed them?
Who create them?
Who buys cheap oil from Isis?
No idea. I know the U.S. doesn't. We don't get oil from the Middle East anymore. Most of it is either homegrown or from Canada.
« on: November 16, 2015, 20:36 »
Leftwing people always bring out the insults when they disagree with people.
You were the one who insulted socialists and communists by equating them with so-called IS. I live in a country with a very proud democratic Socialist history during the last hundred years or so, and not a dictator in sight. Therefore I feel your ignorant comment as a insult to my nationality.
I don't see how since I have no idea what your nationality is nor did I attack you personally, at least not until after you attacked me personally. Criticizing socialists isn't a personal attack on you anymore than you beating on the U.S. is a personal attack on me. That would be ridiculous. I personally don't see much difference between socialism and islamist philosophy. They both seek to control people, and both have a history of using extreme violence to do it. If you're from Sweden or Denmark or something, those countries aren't really socialist. They're market economies with larger welfare states. I don't consider them socialist.
« on: November 16, 2015, 20:32 »
Yes. You're supporting them by supporting inaction.
My point is we have to stop not only ISIS, but also possible such group that can appear in future. If you cannot understand what I say, I don't want to argue with you. I know how bad terrorism is as many people in my country seriously affected by that. World can be a better place if we can stop terrorism completely, not temporarily.
I'd be happy if we could stop all terrorism forever. I don't know how. Until then, we have to do everything we can to root out ISIS and other terrorist groups that we can get our hands on. It has to be a worldwide effort. The U.S., Russia, China, Europe, "moderate" countries in the Middle East, we all have to come together to repudiate ISIS and those who support it.
« on: November 16, 2015, 20:22 »
I find it disappointing so many people here don't support doing anything about ISIS. They control land and have a standing Army.
Who armed them?
Who create them?
People like this have always existed. They have just gone by different names like *, Communists, Socialists, etc.
You are afraid of being a victim of ISIS, but you refuse to understand the truth behind the whole thing. You just want to stop them somehow. It doesn't work in that way. Even you stop them, there will be another group supported by someone for some reason and they will continue what ISIS is doing now. You have to kill the cause, not the result.
ISIS is the cause. The murders in Paris are the result.
Your little brain... People like you have always existed. They have just gone by different names like *******
Typical. Leftwing people always bring out the insults when they disagree with people. Did I insult you? No. I just have a different point of view. You should go join ISIS. You would fit in.
I am calling Leaf on this one.... isn't this an insult! Shame on you, senior MSG member!
Go ahead. If you can't win an argument, cry about it and try to shut up people who disagree.
« on: November 16, 2015, 20:21 »
I find it disappointing so many people here don't support doing anything about ISIS. They control land and have a standing Army.
Who armed them?
Who create them?
People like this have always existed. They have just gone by different names like *, Communists, Socialists, etc.
You are afraid of being a victim of ISIS, but you refuse to understand the truth behind the whole thing. You just want to stop them somehow. It doesn't work in that way. Even you stop them, there will be another group supported by someone for some reason and they will continue what ISIS is doing now. You have to kill the cause, not the result.
ISIS is the cause. The murders in Paris are the result.
Your little brain... People like you have always existed. They have just gone by different names like *******
Typical. Leftwing people always bring out the insults when they disagree with people. Did I insult you? No. I just have a different point of view. You should go join ISIS. You would fit in.
No one here like or support ISIS. But some people did, and keep doing....
Yes. You're supporting them by supporting inaction.
« on: November 16, 2015, 20:15 »
I find it disappointing so many people here don't support doing anything about ISIS. They control land and have a standing Army.
Who armed them?
Who create them?
People like this have always existed. They have just gone by different names like *, Communists, Socialists, etc.
You are afraid of being a victim of ISIS, but you refuse to understand the truth behind the whole thing. You just want to stop them somehow. It doesn't work in that way. Even you stop them, there will be another group supported by someone for some reason and they will continue what ISIS is doing now. You have to kill the cause, not the result.
ISIS is the cause. The murders in Paris are the result.
Your little brain... People like you have always existed. They have just gone by different names like *******
Typical. Leftwing people always bring out the insults when they disagree with people. Did I insult you? No. I just have a different point of view. You should go join ISIS. You would fit in.
« on: November 16, 2015, 20:13 »
I had Na_zis in there but it got autocorrected.
I agree with you. Extremist governments that put the state above individual rights like freedom of speech and freedom of religion are bad whether they are left or right.
« on: November 16, 2015, 20:05 »
I find it disappointing so many people here don't support doing anything about ISIS. They control land and have a standing Army.
Who armed them?
Who create them?
People like this have always existed. They have just gone by different names like *, Communists, Socialists, etc.
You are afraid of being a victim of ISIS, but you refuse to understand the truth behind the whole thing. You just want to stop them somehow. It doesn't work in that way. Even you stop them, there will be another group supported by someone for some reason and they will continue what ISIS is doing now. You have to kill the cause, not the result.
ISIS is the cause. The murders in Paris are the result.
« on: November 16, 2015, 20:04 »
I find it disappointing so many people here don't support doing anything about ISIS. They control land and have a standing Army.
Who armed them?
Who create them?
People like this have always existed. They have just gone by different names like *, Communists, Socialists, etc.
You are seriously equating all Communists and Socialists with so-called IS? OK, that gives me your intellectual measure.
My intellectual measure includes reading some history. You should try it. Its about extremists who try to control the way people think and live. Mao and Stalin killed millions. These Islamists aren't much different.
« on: November 16, 2015, 19:53 »
And for a fact, the U.S. did not arm them. We armed other rebels opposed to the Syrian regime, and ISIS took their weapons.
So, albeit indirectly, the US (and other countries) DID, in fact, arm them.
So what? It has nothing to do with anything. Should we arrest Obama for arming Syrian rebels and then later have those arms captured by ISIS? Or do we take on the people who are the real problem?
« on: November 16, 2015, 19:51 »
I find it disappointing so many people here don't support doing anything about ISIS. They control land and have a standing Army.
Who armed them?
Who create them?
People like this have always existed. They have just gone by different names like *, Communists, Socialists, etc.
« on: November 16, 2015, 19:47 »
I find it disappointing so many people here don't support doing anything about ISIS. They control land and have a standing Army.
Who armed them?
It doesn't really matter. What matters is stopping them. And for a fact, the U.S. did not arm them. We armed other rebels opposed to the Syrian regime, and ISIS took their weapons. Then they took land, and recruited a greater force with money from stolen oil. In the end, they are evil. There's no shade of gray here. If you support doing nothing about them, you are complicit in their evil. I supposed it's easy for some to stand by while they kidnap young Yazidi girls and sell them as sex slaves while launching attacks on Paris that kill dozens with more to come.
« on: November 16, 2015, 19:32 »
I find it disappointing so many people here don't support doing anything about ISIS. They control land and have a standing Army. They aren't going away unless we make them, and flying over them isn't going to be enough.
How many deaths will it take? A thousand? Ten thousand? It's not going to end unless we stand up to these people and end it. It's going to take a worldwide effort just like World War II. We're going to have to devote our whole nations to the task.
But I guess that's why my grandfather's generation was the "Greatest Generation" and mine is just a bunch of spoiled whiners and beggars.
« on: November 02, 2015, 19:20 »
I had a decent month. Not BME, but decent. Maybe top three.
« on: October 17, 2015, 20:56 »
I'm sure some people find work that is fun and easy. Maybe. I've never found it. Being a full-time photographer is hard work, too. I sometimes put in 16-18 hour days with travel. No overtime pay. No vacation. No sick days.
« on: October 13, 2015, 20:27 »
Does having guns in the White House with the president make him safer?
Yay! Perfect. You've hit nail on the head. Is anyone in the White House allowed guns other than the people guarding the president? Why do you think that is? Wouldn't he be safer if everyone was armed? Well obviously not. It sounds rediculous. If it's good enough for the president, why not your children (as you are fond of saying)
I you agree to pay for some armed Secret Service agents to guard my house, I will happily give up my guns.
I can't really imagine what it's like to live somewhere where those are the only two options that would make you feel safe in your own home.
Pretty sure violent criminals can attack anyone, anywhere. The question is whether you want to be a victim or not.
« on: October 12, 2015, 21:25 »
Does having guns in the White House with the president make him safer?
Yay! Perfect. You've hit nail on the head. Is anyone in the White House allowed guns other than the people guarding the president? Why do you think that is? Wouldn't he be safer if everyone was armed? Well obviously not. It sounds rediculous. If it's good enough for the president, why not your children (as you are fond of saying)
I you agree to pay for some armed Secret Service agents to guard my house, I will happily give up my guns.
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