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Messages - silveandalu
« on: May 03, 2024, 05:45 »
Hello, as I mention in other post I have recived my redention code, but when I click in the link to redeem it, the web doesnt work (adobepartneroffer) it seems to be a issue for more people as I discovered in the adobe forums, but I havent find a solution, anyone knows about? Matt? Thank u
« on: May 03, 2024, 05:40 »
Hello, I recived my reedem code  ), but when I click the link, the web doesnt work, I reseached, and there are some people in the adobe forum reporting this problem with the web: adobepartneroffer, any one here with the same problem? Can u help Matt? thanks!
« on: July 22, 2022, 05:00 »
Hi everyone, I am a videographer, what do you about uploading in summer, it is worth it? or it is better wait for the new season (september) when the costumers will return? maybe is better for visibility (upload and putting the contente in "fresh content") maybe now is a waste of energy? What do you do? Thanks! and hope you are well and sell a lot
« on: November 14, 2019, 07:14 »
Thanks for sharing the video, very interesting... I upload to Pond 5, SS and Adobe. To me adobe is the most friendly to upload and use, and in the beginning (I started on micro video ending 2017) Adobe was better than SS, whit a rate of 200 $ at month (a bit more a bit less) but since 7 or 8 months Adobe has decrease a lot my sales, today is dificult to make more to 100, when the number of files uploaded has been increased (2.000 clips today)... I dont know why, maybe the Fotalia ending, who knows...
« on: October 02, 2019, 10:56 »
For me is the oppossite, in same point Adobe was a bit better than SS, but in the last months (maybe since June) My earnings with them has been decrease a lot, I usually sell one video at week at least, and know is normal "waves" of 3 or 4 weeks with zero solds. I dont know if is the fotalia close, or other thing. My numbers are the same than with SS and P5, and there my numbers are better than the past year... A pity, because AA was my first and a solid one, but it has change.
« on: September 03, 2019, 11:07 »
Hello everyone! Good news... I got mine last year but I tryed to get my acces to the cloud bonus but I couldnt do it... I woul like to make this year because I am tired of my mac and I will go to winddows for working, please Mark, if you or someone can help me I will apriciate... The last year when I tryed to start the bonus key it sayed that it was already validated (But I didnt, or if I did I didnt installed/enjoyed the programs)... Thanks, and sorry for my english (I am from Spain  Hugs!
« on: January 31, 2019, 05:37 »
Hi, I have a similar problem, I am also using the Mac version, in my case the ftp options it doesnt appear for shutter stock, and for 123rf... just the HTTPS and sign option
« on: January 31, 2019, 05:02 »
I was wondering the other day about it, the major agencies allow to upload in vertical? I think its interesting for showing a natural shots taken from the phone, and to some footage in that they want to do exclusive for smartphone or some parts that transmits the naturallity from recording in smartphone....
« on: January 09, 2019, 13:18 »
Hello everybody. I usually use the tool of this web: http://microstockgroup.com/tools/keyword.php for take the word for my clips, and I usually fill the 50 words that the agencies leave to put... But now (after read in the Pond 5 suggestion for authors that the recommends to put around 10-20 an focusing in the topic) I am wondering if I did wrong, and If I had to change my clips and start to putting just 20 instead 50 words... I dont know, Ho do you do guys? Thanks!
« on: January 09, 2019, 13:15 »
This is quite an old thread, but I am just curious, @Videostocker how are you doing now? Are you still in Stock Footage business? Have your portfolio increased? What about your earnings, do you have new stats? I feel, that this topic is still missing on microstock and would be interesting to see how the market changed since your last post.
Thank you and have a great time!
Yes, would be nice to know how it goes now
« on: January 09, 2019, 13:14 »
Hello everybody! Happy new year, althought we are at9th of january hehehe
I know that this "bussines" is upping and dowing and that you have to look the long term, but it is strange to me that my sales have been stoped in Adobe Stock just when it was greater (from september to november all weeks with some clip solds, and september my BME with 220 in earnings... But since november ending I havent sell anything... SS and even Pond5 (wich is to me more inconsistente than adobe) are selling well (more or less the usual) Maybe is just a bump, and it will come back to the "normal"way... I hope, because Adobe was my best agency, close to SS but a bit better.
« on: December 27, 2018, 05:08 »
Nice, but I would have chosen another kind of music for a video about Cadiz
Hahaha, yes totally right, but I didnt want neither use the tipical flamenco guitar style
« on: December 26, 2018, 11:41 »
Hi everybody, recently an ad agency contacted me because they watched a vdeo of mine about Cdiz (The city where I live) and they wanted to use some parts of it for an ad campaign, I told them that I already have those videos as individual clips across the stock platforms, and also I told them that I can sell them directly, finally we put a price and they bought 3 clips. This made me think about all the material (I have around 2.000 videos on stock) that maybe nobody never will watch, and I am wondering if it is worth to make a simples footage with some material (putting together by matters) and upload them to youtube... I made a try with this one (subjet: beautiful women... an easy start for testing) and in 2 days have 32 views... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIiZSZeNONAI dont know if someone here had the same idea, and if it works for him/her... By the way this is the video about Cdiz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsdvaJxOrUY&t=2sWhat do you think about? Thanks!
« on: November 13, 2018, 08:37 »
I asume that all of you are talking about pictures, not video, yes? For me (video contributor, not many sales, just 2 in november) And pictures, I have 150 more or less... someone told in this forum that he had just videos and when he uploaded pictures the sales of videos starting to get off... so I stoped to upload photos... Anyway, congrats to everyone who is getting big sales
« on: November 08, 2018, 08:04 »
Yes, I sold in octuber 6 videos for 2 $ ech one and another one for 6$ I dont understand from where come this numbers because they sell starting at 59 $ right?
« on: November 06, 2018, 06:55 »
Oh Im a video novice too, as I said Ive only got around twenty 4k timelapses I captured with my Canon 6D. Some encouraging sales though for such a small amount.
Next step is to get a full-frame mirrorless camera that can do normal 4k video, looking at getting either a Sony A7 III or Canon EOS R.
Switching systems will be expensive but has to be done really, think mirrorless will take over now.
I also just got an iPhone XR which does reasonable 4k video, handy for places that I cant use a big camera for some 4k editorial video.
Go for the Panasocin GH5, for video is the best in my expirence, I had the sony a7sII, and it was amazing, but the GH5 has 4K 60 p, and 180 fps in 1080... For stock it works  (Panasonic doesnt pay me hehehehehe) Good article brasilnuts, I saw that you visit Spain (Seville) I live near, in Cdiz
« on: October 29, 2018, 02:43 »
Good morning guys! Yes, as some of you told me, ir was my mistake... I exported in 4K by error  , I shot in 4K (sony a7sii and GH5) and slow motiin in 1080 but this time I mess with the cinfiguration of exporting in media encoder... So I reexported again in 1080 and less slow (who knows if that also was rejectable) The thing here is that Adobe and pond 5 accepted the clips... I am thinking to send them the good files in HD for exchanging, donyou rhing that it will worth the effort? Thanks to all for sharing your thoughts
« on: October 27, 2018, 13:26 »
Hello everebody, I recently uploaded some videos that I shotted in slowmotion mode of the Panasonic GH5, in 180 FPS... But in SS they rejected them saying this: "Frame rate / Shutter speed: The clip displays issues related to frame rate or shutter speed." Can it be that for them there is too much slow motion? Do you think if I try to render again the clips in other frame rate, instead 180 fps, maybe 120 or 90 ? Of course I export the clips at 24 fps, I am talking of making less slowmotion. Here there is a clip of the batch, in Pond5 they accepted all of them: https://www.pond5.com/stock-footage/97278063/father-and-son-silhouette-playing-together.htmlThanks!
« on: October 17, 2018, 10:18 »
Hello, Finally today I get 1 sold in shutter of 1 vdeo... and was the same day that they aproved new video content (I uploaded yesterday) a coincidence??? Strange at least... but it was more than 3 weeks without selling, and the same time without uploading and just the same day boom!...
I dont like to think that when I leave of uploading stop the selling... I would like to think that there is a factor, but no so deteminated... Waht do you think?
« on: October 16, 2018, 02:12 »
Hello, I am almost one year in microstock, I have near of 2.000 videos in shutter, AS and Pond 5.
I was very happy because the sales started to get steady, more or less 100 $ at month in shutter and AS, this one even more (in september 200 $) and Pond 5 some months sells for good money, so I thought even the sales will be take off finally...
But since 15 days It is not selling anything!! It wasnt happen never to me, sometimes I had some bumps, but 1 week or 2 maximun, and never at the 3 agencies at the same time, I dont belive in the conspiracy plots... but, what is happening? Octuber is (normally) a good month... maybe is because I am not uploading in this last 10 days? but in august i didnt uploaded in the whole month and I sold as "normal (near of 100 $ in each agency) I dont know maybe is just bad luck... I wonder if someone have been there too.
I looked your photos over and they are OK
"A beautiful woman using her laptop in the bedroom"
I would avoid these cliche titles and go for more description
Example " Young female teenager or student checking her course work on a lap top in her bedroom"
Try and make the descriptions less about how you see the girls (beautiful sexy etc) and more about what the girls are doing and why they are doing it etc.
Ladies are more than beautiful and sexy and buyers will prefer more about what the image is about.
That way it comes over better.
Thanks for the advice, you are right I will name better my files pointing the matters more than the adjetives... I have just a few photos, I am pointed to video (2.000) I dont know why my profile of microstock dont link with the videos instead the photos... Talking about the issue, since I wrote it I have sold 2 videos but only in Adobe Stock, nothing in shutter neither in P5, when especially in SS since 1 year ago I always do more than 100 $... Maybe it is bad luck or the impact of uploading new content is very high...
« on: October 09, 2018, 03:19 »
My thought:
Don't worry, nothing special it's happening  One year it's very little time to calculate the short and long periods fluctuations. One important thing that you should have in mind is: you should not expect a continuos growing trend, it's normal that trend will slowly reach a point that you will find day by day more difficult to overdrive. It's a statistic trend, nothing personal
But I would be happy if someone should give a different more optimistic answer 
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, yes, I can imagine that the normal is to get a flat point at getting harder to increae the earnings, but I think (I want to belive) that I am still in the growing period hehehe, Who knows, this is a changing bussines. Thanks and good luck to you too
« on: October 09, 2018, 02:46 »
Hello, I am almost one year in microstock, I have near of 2.000 videos in shutter, AS and Pond 5.
I was very happy because the sales started to get steady, more or less 100 $ at month in shutter and AS, this one even more (in september 200 $) and Pond 5 some months sells for good money, so I thought even the sales will be take off finally...
But since 15 days It is not selling anything!! It wasnt happen never to me, sometimes I had some bumps, but 1 week or 2 maximun, and never at the 3 agencies at the same time, I dont belive in the conspiracy plots... but, what is happening? Octuber is (normally) a good month... maybe is because I am not uploading in this last 10 days? but in august i didnt uploaded in the whole month and I sold as "normal (near of 100 $ in each agency) I dont know maybe is just bad luck... I wonder if someone have been there too.
« on: July 10, 2018, 07:21 »
I have checked and all the videos arent aviables!!! I mean, if you look for whatever video appears a erro web page... What is happening??? Someone can checked?, maybe its only in some places? (I am in Spain)
« on: July 10, 2018, 07:14 »
Hello, I just checked that all my portfolio is not online right now (more than 1.400 videos) the images yes, but I have a few (400) I mostly do videos... and lately the stats were improving... Recently I changed the public profile of my name, this can be made it? I wrote to the help of shutter, I hope it will solved soon, anyone has suffered this issue sometime?
« on: May 21, 2018, 09:36 »
For me is near to SS, but yes, last two months (pond 5 ass well) almost nothing, I dont know why, just the ups and the downd normals... you have to watch the big picture, one year at least, for anilizing if they are selling your videos. How many videos have you? and how are them? can you share?
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