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Messages - Sean Locke Photography

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General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: February 01, 2025, 09:38 »
Congratulations on completely crashing and burning SS!  I made $60 which is about 1/5 of what I made my first month in March of 2013.

General Stock Discussion / Re: 1099 and Paypal
« on: January 26, 2025, 10:31 »
I ignore anything from PayPal.  Never had an issue.  I report my income as I always do - cash accounting.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Contributor Bonus 2025
« on: January 15, 2025, 13:12 »
I'm really disappointed - I no longer qualify for anything free from Adobe Stock.

Same here, with over 6000 downloads and around 30 added files in 2024 I don't qualify for anything free from Adobe Stock. I only upload stuff that I think will sell - thus I never upload a lot of content and I think with a portfolio of < 1k assets and > 6k downloads I wasn't that wrong in the past.

The new bonus rules really prefer AI spammers. So this year I might simply upload a ton of ugly LCV cr*p from my phone, just to qualify for the 2026 bonus - if this is what Adobe wants us to do.  :-\

Exactly my boat.

4 / Re: Shuterstock about to get eaten by Getty
« on: January 13, 2025, 17:06 »
Adobe at $170 this month so far.

Shutterdump at $11.

5 / Re: Shuterstock about to get eaten by Getty
« on: January 08, 2025, 15:30 »
Well, it cant get worse.  So far $6 this month on SS while Adobe is already at $80.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock 2024 Contributor Bonus
« on: December 18, 2024, 10:17 »

Its gone.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock 2024 Contributor Bonus
« on: December 04, 2024, 17:13 »
For the love of god, make it go away!

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock 2024 Contributor Bonus
« on: November 03, 2024, 14:30 »
For the love of god, make the blue bar go away!

Aaargh!  How long will we have to look at it blocking our balance?

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock 2024 Contributor Bonus
« on: October 01, 2024, 20:32 »
Again, blue bar!  Get rid of it.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock 2024 Contributor Bonus
« on: September 22, 2024, 17:35 »
For the love of god, make the blue bar go away!

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock 2024 Contributor Bonus
« on: September 19, 2024, 08:13 »
Can we please make the blue bar stop showing up in the dashboard after Xing it out?

This is the second time I've gotten this.  Anyone else?  Obviously, I've sold a file or two previously, lol.

"We are pleased to inform you that one of your files has been sold.

Selling creative content licenses is an economic activity. Income derived from these sales may be subject to U.S. IRS (Internal Revenue Service) Withholding Tax.

It is important that our contributors comply with tax law. We invite you to visit the Tax Center and to review the information listed on that page.

Until you complete this procedure and the appropriate form is validated, your Adobe Stock income will be subject to automatic withholding at the appropriate tax rate. By submitting the applicable form, you may benefit from a reduced or zero withholding rate on your income.

We suggest you complete this procedure as soon as possible."

13 / Re: Shutterstock is an embarassment
« on: July 17, 2024, 10:37 »
On track for the worst month in 11 years.

July 2023 $510
July 2024 $64

Pond5 / Pond5 Forcing Price Drop
« on: July 02, 2024, 11:03 »
Dear Exclusive Artist,

This July, we will begin a short-term test on new price tiers for HD and 4K clips to simplify purchasing and appeal to buyers with frequent licensing needs.

We continually test and improve our marketplace to offer buyers the best possible experience and drive increased content licensing. These include pricing tests, which have historically excluded your Exclusive content. However, to see the full effects of this change, we feel that its critical to include Exclusive content in this experiment.

One of our primary missions at Pond5 is to help our artists thrive. Our success is dependent on your success. As the royalty-free stock licensing market changes, more competitors emerge, including several offering unlimited subscriptions at low prices. We must consider adjusting our pricing model to meet the needs of todays buyers.

You are not required to take any action, and we will keep you informed of any long-term changes planned as a result of this test. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to contact our Support team at [email protected].

Thank you, as always, for being a valued part of our community.

15 / Re: Shutterstock is an embarassment
« on: June 27, 2024, 10:05 »
On track to make less $$$ than I did my first month in 2013.  The lowest in 11 years.

Good job, SS!

Adobe Stock / Re: What's going on!
« on: June 25, 2024, 16:15 »
That week I had about $200 in sales.  Around 12,000 images in portfolio.  Only $1/wk for 4,000 assets is pretty bad honestly.  If you can post your portfolio, I can give you an advice.  My portfolio is below.

Nice portfolio.

Adobe Stock / Re: Can we go exclusive with Adobe Stock?
« on: June 14, 2024, 13:30 »
I was wondering if we can go exclusive with them? If yes then what royalty do they offer?

You are welcome to submit to Adobe Stock exclusively! The royalty rate we offer is 33% for images and 35% for videos. I should mention, that is the same rate we offer to those who are not submitting exclusively to Adobe Stock also ;)

Sadly, we do not have an exclusivity program, but I think it's great you would consider it if there was!

-Mat Hayward

I was selling our dining room set for $500 or whatever, just to get it gone.  People would ask, how much for just the china cabinet, and I'd say $500, and you get a free table and 6 chairs.

The message was simple - the new iPad can take the place of all these things and be your new creative tool.  The execution was horrific because you didnt know where it was going until the final punchline.

There were a couple years when I paid more than $100k in income taxes :)

Pond5 / Re: What is this "Lump for 9184"?
« on: April 12, 2024, 08:59 »
It's dataset earnings
Just check in financial page of your account, easy to find

The email notice is confusing.

Wooooo, $.11 on my exclusive profile.

Their contributor profile page is not working.  Neither is their Facebook login app.

Can you make up your mind? :)

Yep.  I was previously incorrect.  Further research can do that.

No, it is income and not what is considered royalties.  You will need to pay self employment tax.

Depends. True if it's active and makes the majority of your income. If it's passive, then it's Schedule E, no self employment tax.

At least that's what my CPA said.


Even though an individual is retired and not currently involved in his or her creative pursuit of income, any royalties received are business income if the individual was engaged in the business at the time the material generating the royalties was produced.

No, it is income and not what is considered royalties.  You will need to pay self employment tax.

Adobe Stock / Re: 2023 Adobe Stock contributor bonus plan details
« on: February 19, 2024, 10:53 »
Hurrah!  Thanks Adobe team.  Thats an extra $60 I can spend on beer. lol

Hoping there's an announcement... last year's just expired :(

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