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Messages - DiscreetDuck
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« on: January 31, 2025, 13:53 »
« on: January 18, 2025, 04:31 »
do you think I don't understand you?I know very well that letting a machine do a job that a person should do is a destructive thing.
I'm 49 years old and I too have seen many things that have changed for the worse,let's be clear,everything has really changed,I think that before true freedom really existed,today it is just a distant memory.
In my opinion your flaw is that you try too aggressively to fight something you can't fight,then the flaw that you can see in me or that I can see in you are just our points of view and nothing more.
"i don t know nothing at all" it's just a joking way of saying that you should never think you know everything because no one knows everything,this is the only certain thing,and having an "I know it all" attitude and then starting a conversation with an insult,you've already made a mistake,and even if you're right you end up being wrong only in the way you stand.
yes,the AI have also changed the contributor bonus and much more as you know,and in my opinion you continue to make the mistake of going against something that cannot be stopped.
if you don't want to use AI,it's your choice,but you can't simply attack those who use AI,you're angry,I understand.
Anyway,I think that's enough,let's not digress too much from the bonus contributor,let's try to stay on topic! 
So, you are still young Yes we have entered the era of mass reprogramming. We want to make people believe that certain values were restrictive, when they were the safeguards that protected freedom. I never thought I knew everything, since my steps have always progressed in doubt and conscious ignorance. Apart from the insult, the tone of irony and sarcasm must still be perceptible, because I am not the type to insult. On the other hand, I have been given real insults twice on this forum. Yes, I have a combative stance against AI, but it corresponds to the massive and majority support that I see here. No, an image generated by AI should not be called a photograph on the Adobe site which plays on ambiguity and does not distinguish the two enough, this is the heart of the problem of what reveals unfair competition. We must (Adobe must) keep the nobility of real photography. I don't feel like I'm going against something that can't be stopped (I'm well aware of that), but it should be done with respect and preservation of the nature of something previous, original.
« on: January 17, 2025, 13:31 »
it is simply a gift,and we simply have to thank.
This sounds quite immature. For example, if you go to the supermarket, where they sell you 3 products for the price of 2, that's just business (generating motivation to make contributors accept certain other unfavorable orientations can be part of the business). You can consider it's a gift, or consider they get some interest in doing this....
"next year we can easily expect 300 minimum contents to be uploaded" ... "next year there will be at least 200 minimum uploads"
So funny how you are confused in your statements... Or maybe you used ChatGPT... 
Obviously, and no one can attest to the contrary: this indirectly benefits contributors who upload AI-generated images. These people were able to reach this quota in a single day, or a few days. This does not encourage talented contributors who bring their skills and want to make a much longer production time profitable. (I am not talking about me specifically, I will be able to benefit from this bonus again this year).
look....in my opinion what you wrote doesn't make much sense.
Now,it's not like that for you,and it's not like that for others?Well,I'm for freedom,as long as you don't insult other people or other people's opinions,like you did here now and like someone else did too.
so in this case,please repeat after me:"i don't know nothing at all!" 
Maybe you wanted to say: so in this case,please repeat after me:"I don't know anything at all!" because the meaning of : "I don't know nothing at all!" simply is a statement that the person knows something. When I make mistakes, I seek to correct myself, not to correct others. Do you know what insults really are? For the second time, I am simply pointing out your shortcomings. I am fiercely opposed to anyone who generates AI images. This has nothing to do with a difference of opinion, since it refers to an action on their part, which has a destructive impact on the activity of others who do not engage in it, based on a generalized spoliation. The conditions for granting this bonus shows here one more consequence...
« on: January 17, 2025, 07:38 »
it is simply a gift,and we simply have to thank.
This sounds quite immature. For example, if you go to the supermarket, where they sell you 3 products for the price of 2, that's just business (generating motivation to make contributors accept certain other unfavorable orientations can be part of the business). You can consider it's a gift, or consider they get some interest in doing this.... "next year we can easily expect 300 minimum contents to be uploaded" ... "next year there will be at least 200 minimum uploads"
 So funny how you are confused in your statements... Or maybe you used ChatGPT...  Obviously, and no one can attest to the contrary: this indirectly benefits contributors who upload AI-generated images. These people were able to reach this quota in a single day, or a few days. This does not encourage talented contributors who bring their skills and want to make a much longer production time profitable. (I am not talking about me specifically, I will be able to benefit from this bonus again this year).
« on: January 14, 2025, 04:24 »
"dollar bin" prices becomes "cents bin".
« on: January 12, 2025, 06:06 »
so was I right?it's not a glitch but a choice,the search still excludes AI content by default.
It's not necessarily a definitive choice,perhaps only temporary,on the other hand I think it also depends on the customers,many believe they prefer to see real content immediately,but others perhaps might prefer to see all types of content.
it is certainly difficult to please such a large audience.
I think that SS and Getty don't accept AI content because they simply want to create and sell it for 100% profit,they still need contributors for real content,but they are not interested in receiving AI content from contributors.
I don't think SS and Getty are worried about the legal implications of accepting AI,but they use this as an excuse to feed to contributors.
Adobe is the only agency that is truly interested in us being successful in our business/hobby/work,since Adobe is also the world leader in creating software tools for creativity and productivity.
but Adobe (in Arab culture) is also the mixture of clay,sand and straw dried in the shade,used by many populations in every era to build bricks! 
Since you are expert in Arab culture, is AI images generation halal or haram?
« on: January 11, 2025, 05:07 »
Yes, well done Adobe!!! keep it going  Sure that AI sheeps are alrerady crying Next step: - One section with real photography of real world, taken by photographers, excluding any AI images. - Another section with AI generation engine directly used by customers, prompting themself what they want, maybe wih voice recognition (100% royalties for Adobe). GOOD EXCITING NEWS!!!
« on: January 10, 2025, 08:34 »
« on: January 06, 2025, 09:00 »
« on: December 27, 2024, 11:55 »
I want to leave DT due to very few sales but I've only just over $26 in my balance. I've Uploaded videos which pay more but no sales. And the rate of sales hasn't increased at all even though I steadily increased my port to about 1500 photos & videos
Sorry, but your lifetime download per image is 0.03, mine is more than 6 for lifetime. I never expected a fortune for snapshots, and I think I was right to be very selective, and hard working for the highest level I could produce. DT was and is a very good company I like to contribute to.
« on: December 27, 2024, 05:39 »
Thanks Jamie, you did a good job and you're part of the good old times. (closing on December 31st)
« on: December 24, 2024, 06:41 »
I'll side with what majority seems to believe, which is that Microstock is on its deathbed with AI placing final nail in the coffin. At some point these famous photographers like Yuri were paving the road and showing what's possible with skill and hard work. Not anymore; microstock is nowdays "Uncle Pete hobby", which for average contributor can hardly even finance cost of gear. I look sometime at amount of work Brutally Honest Microstock guy Alex Rottenberg invests, shooting, technology, extremely well researched blogs - and what does he have to show for it? Few 100's a month.
It's really a shame because photography, when done properly, is form of self expression, art and can bring lots of joy beyond just financial aspect. In particular this downright despicable mess AI is creating. Today, while researching potential trip to Alaska next summer, I went to Adobe (as customer would) and searched for "Chilkoot Lake". Wanted to throw up when I saw results - some guy spammed with 100s of AI generated shots of grizzly bears that look about just as ridiculous as anything I have ever seen. Shooting wildlife is art, waiting, patience in the wild, having proper equipment/lens - not this. AI is downright evil in my view, not just in photography. Why don't all these Googles and Apples (and Adobes) invest effort in figuring how to save the planet that is dying in front of our eyes with human caused global warming, instead of working on software algorithms that won't mean anything once Planet can't support life anymore. Sorry for rant, just very bitter about it.
Bravo! I really enjoyed reading you. There are the people who have a conscience and who are conscious, there are the others.
« on: December 21, 2024, 04:07 »
Mediocre contributors will submit to AI, being the tools of AI machinery, but it will be for short-lived success.
« on: November 30, 2024, 14:56 »
« on: November 28, 2024, 06:00 »
« on: November 25, 2024, 06:05 »
AI is just a tool. How you use it and make the most of it is up to you.
Absolutely not, YOU are the tool of AI, and are submissive!
« on: November 19, 2024, 08:47 »
I don't understand why people waste their time uploading to Dreamstime
Maybe they do understand
« on: November 12, 2024, 05:11 »
This forum has become a den of bandits...
« on: November 05, 2024, 05:37 »
Recently, I came across many contributors which have used my work in generating similar AI-generated images.
Creating and maintaining original works takes time and with such AI tools creating replicas is super easy. This is serious copyright infringement and the companies needs to look into this.
Companies should keep the original work and AI generate work as a separate two categories.
I feel sad to see this. 
You can be sure that these contributors are reading you on this forum... They like AI power sooo much...
« on: October 31, 2024, 05:16 »
« on: October 31, 2024, 04:52 »
If your port is dropping on Adobe, please dont automatically blame everything on ai competition.
I am not an amateur, but I am a professional.
So I have never had any problem with being copied, because my images have always been among the best (in my niches) and I have easily always put them at the top of searches.
Amateur images have not given me problems.
My earnings on Shutterstock are good (with SS I earn about x3 what I earn on Adobe Stock) and my images at the top of searches.
The same with Istock.
The problem is that SS and IS have lost many buyers and so instead of increasing my earnings, these remain the same.
And the buyers have all gone to Adobe Stock, where however I find competition from AI. My travel and landscape images have to fight against similar, but non-existent landscapes.
Low quality images (if viewed at full resolution), but which have extraordinary and unlikely colors and lights, which capture the eye of the buyers.
And so on AS I can't recover the earnings that SS and IS lose, but not because of my portfolio, but because companies are losing customers (see Shutterstock Q3 report with paid downloads sharply decreasing in the last year).
Hello Bauman, thank you for your interesting posts. You bring opinions with which I agree. Most people here are Pro-AI. To the person you quoted (whose posts I ignore on this forum and I feel happy to be usually unable to read): AI images already represent one tier of total images at Adobe. OF COURSE it's unfair competition for non amateur contributors. But amateur/snapshot contributors already had negative impact by diluting quality photos in the collection by submitting en masse. I think Adobe's algorithm is may be reviewing the priority display of best sellers. The problem at Adobe is that the new photos, even if they are exceptional, are not very visible and do rarely sell. This is not the case at SS and IS. Yes, the artificial rendering of AI has the effect of attracting the eye with a programmed visual impact, without having the primary intention of reporting a true reality in a true moment. The photographer wants to extract stunning from the ordinary by his skill, AI transforms the stunning into ordinary, automatically. Maybe the eyes connected to an organic brain will get tired of it.
« on: October 28, 2024, 12:23 »
« on: October 22, 2024, 16:50 »
What's the story? This forum has become a place for political propaganda?  Is there an administrator somewhere?
1. Where did you see propaganda? 2. Why did you decide that economic and political topics cannot be discussed on this forum. 3. What country are you from?
1. Where did you see propaganda?Better place here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=660ZCEhvbnw2. Why did you decide that economic and political topics cannot be discussed on this forum.YOU decide propaganda, I decide to come here for microstock subjects 3. What country are you from?Humans are the same in ALL the countries they inhabit! but differents by the soul that inhabits them.
« on: October 22, 2024, 03:13 »
What's the story? This forum has become a place for political propaganda?  Is there an administrator somewhere?
« on: October 20, 2024, 04:38 »
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