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Messages - Lowls

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They do not say they are aliens and think they may be a prehuman race related to lizards.

There is no such thing as a prehuman race related to lizards.

What do you think they are? I thought these mummies had been debunked. Then it transpired these were not the amalgamated ones. Now none of them appear to be. So what are they?

In a second Mexican congressional hearing (dubbed in English) we have a 3 hour presentation regarding the Nasca mummies. And they show that there is no manipulation of the skeletal system or the mummies generally. Giving one presentation is the Ex President of the Medical Association of Peru who is now a Member of the Acadamy of Medicine New York, David Willy Ruiz Vela.

3 hour presentation including newly released UFO footage.

They do not say they are aliens and think they may be a prehuman race related to lizards.

More news today as a previously revealed encounters with Chinese spy balloons is exposed as one spy balloon and some other objects.

Previously Biden was interviewed after the shoot down of the spy balloon and stated that he had ordered the shoot down. However he then gave an address regarding the events where he revealed by accident that they had "narrowed their radars". In fact what had happened was that the radar systems had been altered to filter out vast UAP activity because it had been deemed that nothing could be done about them. Following the obvious sighting of the spy balloon by large numbers of the populace the White House demanded why it had not been detected far sooner. The reason was because the radar filters had been altered to exclude UAP and by accident made them less effective.

After this was discovered a presidential order was made to immediately fix the radar filters and then the balloon showed up as well as other objects. This is where this has resurfaced today with new revelations by Ross Coulthart and Christopher Mellon ....

But as well as Artemis and being a significant defence contractor of exotic technologies they have a massive amount of employees. Thousands and thousands across the world. And guess who worked for them ...

According to filings made against SAIC they were charged with wrong doing and who was named ... Sean Kirkpatrick.

Who else alongside SAIC is working in Artemis - Lockhead Martin who are also named as holders of Crashed UAP technology and who else has contracts within the Artemis programme to return to the moon?

"We don't have any crashed UFOs or alien bodies because if we did I would know" - Elon Musk. Contracted to provide landing craft and crucial states for Project Artemis.

Wonder what Kirkpatrick invented. Whatever it was it involved holographic technologies at the nanoscale while he worked at SAIC.

Maybe just maybe Kirkpatrick has an everso huge conflict of interest in his role at AARO director.

AARO director Sean Kirkpatrick comes under more fire for lying to congress.

Who is Sean Kirkpatrick.  Scientist and inventor.
What is SAIC and why does it matter.

SAIC - Science Application International Corp - SAIC is a premier Fortune 500 technology integrator driving our nation's digital transformation. Our robust portfolio of offerings across the defense, space and civilian.

This week Sean Kirkpatrick revealed that he has on numerous ocassions attempted to reach out to David Grusch and his Lawyer but has not received any communications in return. This is blatantly a lie. His lawyer has his own website with all his contact details which anyone can find. Grusch himself is easily contactable through various official channels. And neither have recieved a single communication from Sean Kirpatrick in response to their emails.

The attempt to get Grusch in a secure scif failed and instead Burchette and Luna were briefed by other inteliegnece members which was reported as a complete waste of time and obfuscation. Attempts continue to secure a scif to interview Grusch. He is more than willing but he has been told he isn't permitted to.

And as well as the lie that Kirkpatrick claims he's had no communication from Grusch he has also stated that there are no satelite images of UAP. None. Which is another lie as former Deputy director of the Intelligence Community Christopher Mellon has seen first hand 4k footage of various UAP as had Senator Harry Reid and many many more officials.

He also claims that there are no UAP reports that he has seen that do not have a mundane explanation. Another lie because he has seen first hand the radar footage and cockpit footage from Nimitz Omaha and Princetown to name two incidents.

He is refusing to divulge who his secret team are that are overseeing AAROs investigations. Who could they be. Who is this mysterious organisation.

Likely SAIC. And what do they do ...  well they are a significant defence contractor. Involved in Artemis, Radar defence, Cyber security, fringe and exotic technologies ......

It has never gone down like this before. Never.

Bryce Zabel and Ross Coulthart run a podcast that ocassionally post and usually its following an event within Congress regarding a stage in what some perceive as a slow disclosure. The slow disclosure has been slowly coming for 30 years and will likely never arrive. That's my experience. But how slow would it need to be. And I don't know the answer because it never seems to move along.

There are rumours that the James Webb Telescope has found something rather large that shouldn't be where it is. This something has allegedly moved any time scale that may have existed to a much faster roll out. Much faster than many would like.

A few hours ago the need ro know podcast posted a very short clip prefaced by a random thumbnail. It'll no doubt come to light what that is but Bryce and Ross tend not to speculate beyond journalistic rigor.

"The next president will be the disclosure president whether they wanna be or not" - no ambiguity there. Allegedly Biden is too far gone to deal with it and the time scale will bring it too close to the next election. So what does this mean. Bryce clarified in a response implying 4 year max.

And then the random thumbnail. Could be some sorta a helicopter maybe ...

Today allegations against the head of AARO Dr Sean Kirpatrick have been revealed.

Following revelations from someone who was interviewed by AARO regarding their experience it has been alleged that Kirpatrick has not been following his mandate. Kirpatrick has a team of investigators who interview witnesses within the military. However this witness has stated that the team claim they have no knowledge of any historic UAP investigation data, and have no historic experience of dealing with the UAP phenomena.

Further it is alleged that Kirkpatrick hasn't been relying on his team to summarise the reports. In fact he has created a secret team outside of the oversight of AARO and it is they who compile the results. He was asked to reveal who this team were by Congress and he refused to comply with their request. However their names have been supplied to Congress by another source.

Kirkpatrick did initially state that he would create two teams. One would approach the phenomena from a national security threat assesment angle.

The other would assess reports from a technological angle. If they concurred that what they were looking at was both anomalous and a national security threat then that example would be classified as serious. If neither team regarded it as an issue it wouod discarded. If one team flagged it as an issue and the other did not then he would examine the evidence and pass it back until a resolution was reached. If that didn't happen he would make a judgement call.

It appears this isn't happening and any evidential findings are being presented to his secret council who are allegedly made up of people from the back engineering and crash retrieval teams. This is also who make up some of the 30 whistle blowers who have been interviewed under oath in a secure scif regarding their role in these programs by Thomas Monheim The Inspector General of the Inteligence Community. The same Thomas Monheim who after interviewing David Grusch and extensively investigating his claims declared them urgent and credible.

If Kirkpatricks days looked numbered before then they are certainly numbered less now.

AARO have published their latest findings

It is a poor read and be warned it is very disingenuous. Whilst it is their genuine report there is a rather large issue with it. Their findings are very much a case of nothing to see here. But what they aren't being up front about is that this conclusion only takes into account declassified cases. Of which some still remain unexplained and they claim that given enough time these too would be resolved.

The problem is that, a lot of cases have been classified illegally. Anything that may reveal capabilities or lack thereof of the military are classified as a matter of course. And these are handed to special access programme trams. Not AARO. But Kirkpatrick claims that this is not true. Factually he is lying.

Matt Gaetz attended Eglin AFB to interview two pilots who witnessed a craft that Gaetz claims "there is nothing in his experience that would permit him to explain what he saw". And he saw it because the pilots had filmed it and photographed it. Their footage was confiscated and handed over. Gaetz was only permitted to see the photograph and associated radar imagery. Its not mentioned here but there is also footage.

Further more two people who ran the organisation that preceeded AARO have come foreward (with an inevitable book) but they have explained that there is a vast library of such incidents that they compiled along with Senator Harry Ried. A library that they arent sure if AARO has bothered/permitted to access. However that statement was a few days prior to the AARO report. And clearly from AAROs report they haven't accessed it. Because the other statement that was made and cleared by DOPSR was that "a recovered craft of unknown origin was finally opened and access was gained".

Before the sofa debunkers begin eye rolling "unknown origin" means exactly that. Not ours and no one else's either. Odd that they refuse to continue the obvious conclusion that if its no ones they know ... then where does it come from. Its getting ridiculous now. Forget extra terrestrial origin for a second and just try and categorise what it's origin is.

So how is that omitted by AARO?
How is the eglin incident omitted by AARO?
On their own website they have declassified the gimble video and have classified that as unresolved. But it is a fact that there is a further 4 minutes of the gimble video which isn't mentioned. This further four minutes remains classified.

How is it that AARO have omitted the 3 years worth of spheres containing cubes data off the East Coast of the US - filmed, radar, photographed, engaged, near missed with multiple witnesses that caused the air flight safety protocol to prevent flights continuing ... all to be omitted, despite it being a matter of public record that these incidents have been handed to AARO in the hundreds per month. The USS Omaha incident where the ship was surrounded by 100 plus objects, filmed and with radar footage which has been leaked into the public domain - omitted.

This had led to a crisis in Congress because Kirkpatrick has publicly claimed he has all the clearances he needs and has access to everything. Everything and his report states there is nothing that cannot be explained by prosaic means. The omaha was 100+ miles out to see and was alone. Drones do not have that capability. No drones have the battery life to achieve those distances from shore. These objects were there for several hours.

Despite a heroic effort by senator Mike Turner to thwart any further investigation and hearings ... they are going ahead but subpoena powers have been removed. Gursch will also be interviewed in a scif where he will be permitted to speak openly about everything he couldn't previously. However there jave already been moves to restrict his commentary even within that scif.

This is due to take place in a couple of weeks.


Meanwhile in the real world ...

When did following actual 'science' and stating the obvious become offensive? This isn't just about UFOs it is also about, freedom of speech. I have a right to my opinion, without being attacked and called names. I won't be intimidated or silenced by your torrent of incorrect, irrelevant, or idiotic arguments. You don't answer any direct questions, but instead, avoid, deflect and distract.

I have a right to disagree without your abusive, bullying replies.

exactly! and that's why it's important to call out nonsense & pseudo-science.  the state of scientific knowledge in the US has been declining for years - more people believe in astrology than evolution, and it's reflected in real world damage - eg anti-vaxxers'

You sell photos and hillwalking tours ... Steve. The font of all knowledge you aren't. Your role here isn't to call out anything unless someone posts incorrect advice on packing a rucksac. Your ego has emboldened you to expound beyond your remit. Another liar claiming factual events regarding UAP are nonsense despite official congressional evidence to the contrary. You picked a pretty pathetic location to build your moral highground. I certainly wouldn't employ you to lead the way to the shops. Clearly your issues aren't with UAP but anyone who doesn't agree with you and your skewed views on every subject. You're exhausting.

When did following actual 'science' and stating the obvious become offensive? This isn't just about UFOs it is also about, freedom of speech. I have a right to my opinion, without being attacked and called names. I won't be intimidated or silenced by your torrent of incorrect, irrelevant, or idiotic arguments. You don't answer any direct questions, but instead, avoid, deflect and distract.

I have a right to disagree without your abusive, bullying replies.

none of which bares any relevance to anything I asked.You are offensive though and clearly see no wrong in anything you state. Your contribution ro this thread has been zero other than negative, mocking comments and as you see them, attacks. I just think it is attention seeking trivial drivel. I answer questions. I rebuff moronic statements. I have posted a timeline of events which you find pathetic and moronic.

What is rediculous is that despite behaving like a manchild and posting irrelevant clutter about it all being nonsense, you provide no evidence of such when asked.

Who to believe 🤔  various official bodies investigating the phenomena and individuals proven to have legitimate evidence by those bodies or ... you .. who's sole outlet on the subject is a thread they claim is a joke. And does so with full on arrogance and self belief. It's a hard choice granted but I'll have to side with those employed by governmnents to provide further information rather than you ... a random ... who posts lies.

Sometimes, you need to reason like Sherlock Holmes - if you eliminate possibilities one by one - whatever is left will be true, no matter how unlikely it seems at first. If you cannot eliminate certain explanations with available knowledge - it sucks, but it sometimes happens and you just need to be patient.

Yes, glad you brought that up:

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.

― Sherlock Holmes

In you're determined quest for 'evidence' Peter how many congressional representatives have you sent word to, to encourage openness about UAP. It can't be zero obviously because in almost every post you claim a thirst for some evidence. So ... how many please.

You mean the US congressional reps, have the evidence and they are withholding it? Will they answer and send me proof?

Have you written to yours? What state are you in?

YOU are making the claims, could you please supply some proof? 22 pages of conspiracy and something big is coming soon, and nothing but words. Does anyone have photos of all these crashed craft. Seems there are hundreds of them. Anyone have anything that's an alien, seems there are hundreds of different visitors dead or alive, but no one has a photo? Just some petrified fake composite body.

I wouldn't be surprised if these visitors were time travelers from the future or maybe dimensional parallels that are viewing and exploring. I'm much less likely to say, just because we see a UAP that somehow in a leap of logic, equals aliens from space. Mystery light does not = Aliens. It's just lights.

Scientific Method:
    Ask a question about something you observe
    Do background research to learn what is already known about the topic
    Construct a hypothesis, or testable explanation
    Make a prediction based on the hypothesis
    Test the prediction by conducting an experiment
    Analyze the data from the experiment and draw conclusions
    Communicate the results to others

In that order, not the reverse and don't fudge the data by only taking what you want the evidence to prove and ignoring, denial, of anything that doesn't fit your preconceived agenda. Notice, communicate the results is last and with peer review and after study, then form conclusions.

YOU will provide us with the names of all the Congress people YOU have contacted in order to help them understand that disclosure of whatever the government has, is important to you. And when you do that they reply. That's a known. So you'll have those responses to hand as well.

Now I'll let you know I didn't read any of the above because its the usual nonsese and we both know you've contacted zero Congress people. So you are either entirely disingenuous and just trolling here or you have contacted them and can provide the evidence. Until you do that ... rant away ... not interested and every avoidance post you make just makes matters more pathetic.

We wait with baited breath ...

It's useless to try to have a conversation or reason with you. If that was your goal, to silence anything that's not in line with your personal agenda, you win. I have better things to do with my time than take your personal attacks, name calling and abusive replies and then try to be reasonable in response.

He's not interested in conversation or questions, only the blind followers who won't question the obsession and cult beliefs. Only those who agree are allowed to comment. I'm done too. We can look forward to 22 more pages of unreliable and biased fake news links.

By all means prove your claim of unreliable and biased fake news links. Go ahead lol. This should be hilarious. Happy to discuss the topic and happy to discuss or watch others discuss ... as has happened on the previous pages ...

But now that you've made that statement I would like you to prove the fake news allegation.

Sometimes, you need to reason like Sherlock Holmes - if you eliminate possibilities one by one - whatever is left will be true, no matter how unlikely it seems at first. If you cannot eliminate certain explanations with available knowledge - it sucks, but it sometimes happens and you just need to be patient.

Yes, glad you brought that up:

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.

― Sherlock Holmes

In you're determined quest for 'evidence' Peter how many congressional representatives have you sent word to, to encourage openness about UAP. It can't be zero obviously because in almost every post you claim a thirst for some evidence. So ... how many please.

You mean the US congressional reps, have the evidence and they are withholding it? Will they answer and send me proof?

Have you written to yours? What state are you in?

YOU are making the claims, could you please supply some proof? 22 pages of conspiracy and something big is coming soon, and nothing but words. Does anyone have photos of all these crashed craft. Seems there are hundreds of them. Anyone have anything that's an alien, seems there are hundreds of different visitors dead or alive, but no one has a photo? Just some petrified fake composite body.

I wouldn't be surprised if these visitors were time travelers from the future or maybe dimensional parallels that are viewing and exploring. I'm much less likely to say, just because we see a UAP that somehow in a leap of logic, equals aliens from space. Mystery light does not = Aliens. It's just lights.

Scientific Method:
    Ask a question about something you observe
    Do background research to learn what is already known about the topic
    Construct a hypothesis, or testable explanation
    Make a prediction based on the hypothesis
    Test the prediction by conducting an experiment
    Analyze the data from the experiment and draw conclusions
    Communicate the results to others

In that order, not the reverse and don't fudge the data by only taking what you want the evidence to prove and ignoring, denial, of anything that doesn't fit your preconceived agenda. Notice, communicate the results is last and with peer review and after study, then form conclusions.

YOU will provide us with the names of all the Congress people YOU have contacted in order to help them understand that disclosure of whatever the government has, is important to you. And when you do that they reply. That's a known. So you'll have those responses to hand as well.

Now I'll let you know I didn't read any of the above because its the usual nonsese and we both know you've contacted zero Congress people. So you are either entirely disingenuous and just trolling here or you have contacted them and can provide the evidence. Until you do that ... rant away ... not interested and every avoidance post you make just makes matters more pathetic.

We wait with baited breath ...

It's useless to try to have a conversation or reason with you. If that was your goal, to silence anything that's not in line with your personal agenda, you win. I have better things to do with my time than take your personal attacks, name calling and abusive replies and then try to be reasonable in response.

Your idiotic demands are what got you where you are now.

You demand proof and you have been given proof. It's not the proof you will accept. You glibly call I hearsay.

There is so much idiotic claptrap you've posted here in virtually every post it beggars belief. Even when you have conceded you had a gut punch swipe along with it.

You have added nothing but abuse, sneering, mocking, disparaging and dismissive comments from the very first post.

And when ... when you are given an avenue to follow which is laid out not by me but by congressional bodies to ask for your congressperson to challenge the overclassification of military reporting regarding UAP .... you squirm and peddle that toxic crap.

No one forced your head up your nethers Pete and frog marched you in to this thread. You strutted in and dumped your unbidden opinion at length, repeatedly page after page. Fact. And call it attack that is the argument of a person eho has no defense for their actions. You have imparted nothing. Zero viable information. You have exploded continously and tried to force your uneducated opinion regarding historical events. Factual incursions into our air space. The credibility of a decorated veteran with more clearances than the president of the United States. Of decorated pilots. Of civilians and any objective thinking person. And you, you obsessed about aliens.

I for my part have responded to yours and others toxic bile with a mixture of surprise, information and eventually derision and now utter contempt. But I have still posted an edited timeline of events involving people who are at the coal face. When the thread hasn't been derailed by you and others as you have just aptly displayed.

Still no contact made by you to your congress person. Clearly no interest in the subject. Clearly your only task here is to foist your uneducated opinion and lack of awareness of events and when that didnt work you show off and claim you have better things to do.


Because you are an unpleasant individual is the impression I now have. Truly.

If you want proof that will satisfy you clearly I am not the person any sane person would ask. I don't have the job role, clearances, likely inteligence nor scientific background. But I have paid attention and I have enjoyed the journey for several decades.

Only a devisive, vindictive ____ would pretend otherwise to illicit tension. Congratulations you odious pedant.

Sometimes, you need to reason like Sherlock Holmes - if you eliminate possibilities one by one - whatever is left will be true, no matter how unlikely it seems at first. If you cannot eliminate certain explanations with available knowledge - it sucks, but it sometimes happens and you just need to be patient.

Yes, glad you brought that up:

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.

― Sherlock Holmes

In you're determined quest for 'evidence' Peter how many congressional representatives have you sent word to, to encourage openness about UAP. It can't be zero obviously because in almost every post you claim a thirst for some evidence. So ... how many please.

You mean the US congressional reps, have the evidence and they are withholding it? Will they answer and send me proof?

Have you written to yours? What state are you in?

YOU are making the claims, could you please supply some proof? 22 pages of conspiracy and something big is coming soon, and nothing but words. Does anyone have photos of all these crashed craft. Seems there are hundreds of them. Anyone have anything that's an alien, seems there are hundreds of different visitors dead or alive, but no one has a photo? Just some petrified fake composite body.

I wouldn't be surprised if these visitors were time travelers from the future or maybe dimensional parallels that are viewing and exploring. I'm much less likely to say, just because we see a UAP that somehow in a leap of logic, equals aliens from space. Mystery light does not = Aliens. It's just lights.

Scientific Method:
    Ask a question about something you observe
    Do background research to learn what is already known about the topic
    Construct a hypothesis, or testable explanation
    Make a prediction based on the hypothesis
    Test the prediction by conducting an experiment
    Analyze the data from the experiment and draw conclusions
    Communicate the results to others

In that order, not the reverse and don't fudge the data by only taking what you want the evidence to prove and ignoring, denial, of anything that doesn't fit your preconceived agenda. Notice, communicate the results is last and with peer review and after study, then form conclusions.

YOU will provide us with the names of all the Congress people YOU have contacted in order to help them understand that disclosure of whatever the government has, is important to you. And when you do that they reply. That's a known. So you'll have those responses to hand as well.

Now I'll let you know I didn't read any of the above because its the usual nonsese and we both know you've contacted zero Congress people. So you are either entirely disingenuous and just trolling here or you have contacted them and can provide the evidence. Until you do that ... rant away ... not interested and every avoidance post you make just makes matters more pathetic.

We wait with baited breath ...

Adobe Stock / Re: Account blocked - another story
« on: October 04, 2023, 13:02 »
When a builder makes an appalling mess of your house some owners have taken to locking their tools up to give an incentive to do the job prepaid for or rectify the mistakes. The law prohibits "removing access to the tools that someone relies upon to work and make an income"

Locking your copywritten images up and your earnings is going to breach some laws. Terms of use or terms and conditions do not constitute laws only a contract. You can't break lass to enforce a contract.

I suspect they're going to do this to the wrong person and then there will be trouble.

Laws have been created to protect actors from A.I. so it won't be long before Adobe jave their toys taken off them.

Sometimes, you need to reason like Sherlock Holmes - if you eliminate possibilities one by one - whatever is left will be true, no matter how unlikely it seems at first. If you cannot eliminate certain explanations with available knowledge - it sucks, but it sometimes happens and you just need to be patient.

Yes, glad you brought that up:

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.

― Sherlock Holmes

In you're determined quest for 'evidence' Peter how many congressional representatives have you sent word to, to encourage openness about UAP. It can't be zero obviously because in almost every post you claim a thirst for some evidence. So ... how many please.

NASA Report, Officials stressed the panel found no evidence that UAPs had extraterrestrial origin.

We find no evidence that UAPs are extraterrestrial in origin, said team lead David Spergel at Princeton University during the press conference. Most events are explainable as planes, balloons, drones, weather phenomena and instrument features.

NASA Independent Panel report.

That said it only exhibits 70% human dna and 30% unknown.

Unknown doesn't translate to aliens or anything, it means... UNKNOWN very simple, it couldn't be identified because the structure was too old or had been destroyed. Finding nothing is not a way to jump to the conclusion that it's something else.

Thank you Peter for explaining the obvious. Just answering a question. Don't panic no one is challenging your religious beliefs.

Looks more like they are challenging your cult religious beliefs. Your denialist rants and personal attacks on anyone who questions your religion is over reaction to doubts. Why can't you answer or give us the evidence for the claims instead of many people, or calling them whistleblowers? Their whistle makes no sound just a stream of hot air.

A blistering grasp on the reality of the situation. Until you pointed it out I thought I had started a thread to see if anyone had found any UAP caught by chance in their photography. And what I thought had happened was a bunch of feral brats had lumped on here to mock, patronise and throw any old tripe out there in some vague attempt to quell any responses.

Quite by chance a decorated officer of the USAF and top tier intelligence officer came forward to deliver a paradigm changing account. Despite having Stella credentials and the respect of his peers, the great knowledge bank that attended this thread treated us to a endless stream of hogwash.

But now that you have taken the time to give us your measured and knowledgeable account I truly feel ashamed. I have let myself down. But I'll live. Thank you for your wise words. Truly humbled by your contribution, whoever you are.

It is a known scientific fact that aliens have indeed infiltrated the air space of the planet and further more landed craft on numerous ocassions.

And I thought I was the one supposed to make the jokes in this thread.

Only our arrogance prevents us from believing its possible.  Didn't say which planet.

And from those locations we ... are alien  ;D and I kinda like your jokes because they feel light hearted not malicious.

1. When people talk about "the planet" without further specification, it is kind of understood that they talk about the Earth. When you read the slogan "Save the planet", you probably don't think they mean Mars or Venus. Just like when you are in England and talk about the Queen (ok, now the King), it is understood that you mean the Queen of England and not the one of Denmark or the Netherlands.

2. I guess technically we are aliens on other planets in our solar system, however, as there is no one there to call us that, I am not sure how much sense such a designation really makes. Also please note that even if for example Martians existed, they could still not truthfully claim to have been visitied by aliens, since so far only unmanned spacecraft have landed on other planets (the moon is not a planet).

3. Most importantly, it is clear that interplanetary spacefaring is possible and that in the future people from Earth will likely visit Mars and possibly other planets. Interstellar space travel is a totally different thing, as the distances are incomparably larger and the star systems next to us are probably not inhabited. So even it we traveled there, we would probably not find other civilisations.

You made the assumption. The wording was exact and specific. Pretty lame hair splitting. Little bit sad. Take it on the chin cupcake 🧁


It is a known scientific fact that aliens have indeed infiltrated the air space of the planet and further more landed craft on numerous ocassions. You just choose to believe this is not possible despite evidence to the contrary.

If this is a know scientific fact, maybe you can show the evidence?

you'll have to check 2 posts under that original post. It was perspective humour.

Erm so with regard to your comments if we were in a room together I'd have a better handle on what context you're coming from. If you are a flag waving American then maybe your perspective is I'd say screwed. If you're Russian then I see aspects of what you're saying accurate and if you're Ukranian then ... well it would make a lot of sense. There were many examples through history that show the Russians to be a dirt poor nation. Ruby Wax visiting Rissia was permitted to buy pizza but her Russian guide wasn't. They built two single skin titanium submarines that were maybe still are far superior in certain aspects to any competitor. But it was always states this nearly destroyed the country due to costs. These snippets have always been the case. But even during these sanctions you can find Russians online who are filming supermarkets and various other places and there is no shortage of everyday vituals. Half an army means very little when you have nuclear arms as a backstop. They have developed a far superior radar system and energy weapon system in the last ... if I remember rightly 15 years ago is when I found out. I admit I don't go looking often it's just not my thing. But what is a fact is that science is science and you cannot legitimately claim that Russia and China wouldn't understand what they were looking at. Factually they just dont care as much about danger. This gives them the edge in any conflict. And the only reason Ukraine have managed to stave off Russian invasion is ... well I'll give you 70 billion+ reasons. Rightly so obviously it is an atrocity... but it isnt because they are any better than the Russian army. You have disasters like tank design. Omitting a secure wall between the weapons bay and the soldiers was as they've found to their costs a massive strategic failing. But its quite silly to claim their scientific community is less than anywhere else. As I said science is science and anyone can educate themselves to apply scientifc principles. Or they take them ... like America did after WW2.

Evidence ? make that

Sure look a couple of pages back 😊

Please be specific? What evidence, not conjecture, hypothetical or someone claims he knows someone who said they saw something. I mean, solid factual evidence. Not made up stories by someone like Lazar who says he saw things and has evidence, but he's not going to show his piece of Element 115 to anyone. "Lazar said that deep within an unconfirmed section of Area 51 called S4, hed once worked on recovered extraterrestrial spacecraft for the US government."

Got a photo maybe?

Grusch claims he has given Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General extensive classified information about deeply covert programs that he says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin. Quite a number,

Anyone have a photo or maybe some piece of one of these?

I can't stop you typing your consciousness stream unfiltered but I can minimise its impact on me. I said look back a couple of pages. You've just proved you thought it smarter to be a smart mouth. A constant theme with you. So one final time ... a couple of pages back it may even be the previous page. I'll not indulge your bs any longer.


It is a known scientific fact that aliens have indeed infiltrated the air space of the planet and further more landed craft on numerous ocassions. You just choose to believe this is not possible despite evidence to the contrary.

If this is a know scientific fact, maybe you can show the evidence?

you'll have to check 2 posts under that original post. It was perspective humour.

Erm so with regard to your comments if we were in a room together I'd have a better handle on what context you're coming from. If you are a flag waving American then maybe your perspective is I'd say screwed. If you're Russian then I see aspects of what you're saying accurate and if you're Ukranian then ... well it would make a lot of sense. There were many examples through history that show the Russians to be a dirt poor nation. Ruby Wax visiting Rissia was permitted to buy pizza but her Russian guide wasn't. They built two single skin titanium submarines that were maybe still are far superior in certain aspects to any competitor. But it was always states this nearly destroyed the country due to costs. These snippets have always been the case. But even during these sanctions you can find Russians online who are filming supermarkets and various other places and there is no shortage of everyday vituals. Half an army means very little when you have nuclear arms as a backstop. They have developed a far superior radar system and energy weapon system in the last ... if I remember rightly 15 years ago is when I found out. I admit I don't go looking often it's just not my thing. But what is a fact is that science is science and you cannot legitimately claim that Russia and China wouldn't understand what they were looking at. Factually they just dont care as much about danger. This gives them the edge in any conflict. And the only reason Ukraine have managed to stave off Russian invasion is ... well I'll give you 70 billion+ reasons. Rightly so obviously it is an atrocity... but it isnt because they are any better than the Russian army. You have disasters like tank design. Omitting a secure wall between the weapons bay and the soldiers was as they've found to their costs a massive strategic failing. But its quite silly to claim their scientific community is less than anywhere else. As I said science is science and anyone can educate themselves to apply scientifc principles. Or they take them ... like America did after WW2.

Evidence ? make that

Sure look a couple of pages back 😊


It is a known scientific fact that aliens have indeed infiltrated the air space of the planet and further more landed craft on numerous ocassions. You just choose to believe this is not possible despite evidence to the contrary.

If this is a know scientific fact, maybe you can show the evidence?

you'll have to check 2 posts under that original post. It was perspective humour.

Erm so with regard to your comments if we were in a room together I'd have a better handle on what context you're coming from. If you are a flag waving American then maybe your perspective is I'd say screwed. If you're Russian then I see aspects of what you're saying accurate and if you're Ukranian then ... well it would make a lot of sense. There were many examples through history that show the Russians to be a dirt poor nation. Ruby Wax visiting Rissia was permitted to buy pizza but her Russian guide wasn't. They built two single skin titanium submarines that were maybe still are far superior in certain aspects to any competitor. But it was always states this nearly destroyed the country due to costs. These snippets have always been the case. But even during these sanctions you can find Russians online who are filming supermarkets and various other places and there is no shortage of everyday vituals. Half an army means very little when you have nuclear arms as a backstop. They have developed a far superior radar system and energy weapon system in the last ... if I remember rightly 15 years ago is when I found out. I admit I don't go looking often it's just not my thing. But what is a fact is that science is science and you cannot legitimately claim that Russia and China wouldn't understand what they were looking at. Factually they just dont care as much about danger. This gives them the edge in any conflict. And the only reason Ukraine have managed to stave off Russian invasion is ... well I'll give you 70 billion+ reasons. Rightly so obviously it is an atrocity... but it isnt because they are any better than the Russian army. You have disasters like tank design. Omitting a secure wall between the weapons bay and the soldiers was as they've found to their costs a massive strategic failing. But its quite silly to claim their scientific community is less than anywhere else. As I said science is science and anyone can educate themselves to apply scientifc principles. Or they take them ... like America did after WW2.

So the phenomena is global. Allegedly all the major powers possess them. No country has managed to get very far in researching them. Allegedly.
The Russians do not have the research potential to study UFOs. The Russians may find a UFO, but they won't understand anything about it.
Therefore, any information that is declassified by the United States and other NATO countries will give the Russians a clue.

Well personally I believe that perspective is incorrect. Russia has incredible scientists. They may lack economic money but they don't lack money. They have a bottomless wealth and resources. It will come down to political will.

The problem that the US have is that Russia and in fact China do not have anywhere near the restraint that the US have. So they will forge ahead and deal with the consequences as apposed to being restricted by something as mundane as safety. Political will supercedes many things. And it would be quite short sighted to believe they are stupid compared to the US. It just isn't a factor. Not even a bit. Possibly even the other way round.

It is a known scientific fact that aliens have indeed infiltrated the air space of the planet and further more landed craft on numerous ocassions.

And I thought I was the one supposed to make the jokes in this thread.

Only our arrogance prevents us from believing its possible.  Didn't say which planet.

And from those locations we ... are alien  ;D and I kinda like your jokes because they feel light hearted not malicious.

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