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Author Topic: Wow Stockfresh!  (Read 37628 times)

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« Reply #50 on: August 24, 2011, 06:05 »
For instance, I never understood why a CD or book cover does not require an EL. People do not buy a CD or a book by the cover, but it is a very important selling point, proven by the fact that big recording companies and publishers hire reknowned designers for their more important products.

Try selling a book with no type on the pages, or a cd with no music on it, and see how valuable your image is.  It's a promotional use, like any other.


« Reply #51 on: August 24, 2011, 06:14 »
For instance, I never understood why a CD or book cover does not require an EL. People do not buy a CD or a book by the cover, but it is a very important selling point, proven by the fact that big recording companies and publishers hire reknowned designers for their more important products.

Try selling a book with no type on the pages, or a cd with no music on it, and see how valuable your image is.  It's a promotional use, like any other.

Do you mean something like using the image as a cover for a writing book or a blank CD?
I've seen many people deciding what writing book to buy by its cover.


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« Reply #52 on: August 24, 2011, 06:26 »
Some of the vector files are known to be priced wrong so we're doing a review and bump up the ones that are in the wrong category. By default only very simple files should cost $1. If we find that many files can be bumped up we'll even get rid of the $1 category. We obviously want to have fair prices on the site and it is not our intention to rip anyone off. Personally I don't believe in the one price for all solution though that many sites enforce because for example a 64 piece icon set should not cost the same as a single icon.

Ahh Peter, Peter, Peter, it shouldn't be about the number of icons, but about a lot of things... if you're going to class them, the main factor you should take into account is it's commercial value, then originality, then execution, then complexity.... the number of icons shouldn't be a major factor.

Take this set of 25 icons on your site that you've priced at 10 credits:

Do they have commercial value?  Sure
Are they orginal?  No way.  I've got so many sets of travel icons that I haven't uploaded anywhere (nicer than these) because there's too many of them.
Are they complex?  A buyer can create his own in a day if he wanted to.
Have they been executed well?  Sure but only because a child can do them.

Now take this one caduceus icon on your site that you've priced at 5 credits:

Does it have commercial value?  Absolutely
Is it original?  Not really
Is it complex?  It's far more complex than all those icons combined.
Has it been executed well.  Yes

You've priced these two icons the wrong way around.  The caduceus is much more likely to sell than the those simple icons.

I'll use some of my images as examples because I know them well.

Again I've got a set of travel icons which you'll probably price at 10 credits as vectors  (ignore the word "vector", I didn't end up uploading the vector"

Does it have commercial value?  Yes
Is it original?  No
Is it complex?  No.
Have they been executed well.  Yes.. but only because they're so simple.

Has it sold anywhere on any site:  A big fat NO.

Take this 'icon' of mine now that you'll probably price for 5 credits because it's just one icon.

Does it have commercial value?  Yes, very much.
Is it original?  Yes, there's nothing like it out there.
Is it complex?  Pretty much.
Has it been executed well.  Yes.

Has it sold anywhere on any site... Yes every day.  I've made over $1300 from it in just less than a year.  I've pulled it from many sites that was selling it too low.  If it was to be on your site, I would expect it to be priced at 20 credits... not five.

Are you starting to get the picture Peter?  You're not only doing us out of pocket by pricing vectors the way you have been, but you're also doing yourself out of pocket.  I don't see your logic at all by using the number of icons as the deciding factor for 'complexity'.  It shouldn't be just about complexity anyway as I've mentioned above.  

I'm going to drop it here because I've already my point.  I hope you change your mind for your sake, not for mine.  

« Last Edit: August 24, 2011, 06:39 by hasleftthebuilding »


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« Reply #53 on: August 24, 2011, 06:29 »
For instance, I never understood why a CD or book cover does not require an EL. People do not buy a CD or a book by the cover, but it is a very important selling point, proven by the fact that big recording companies and publishers hire reknowned designers for their more important products.

Try selling a book with no type on the pages, or a cd with no music on it, and see how valuable your image is.  It's a promotional use, like any other.

Try selling a book with a blank white cover placed in rows of books with outstanding images on the cover.

« Reply #54 on: August 24, 2011, 06:29 »
For instance, I never understood why a CD or book cover does not require an EL. People do not buy a CD or a book by the cover, but it is a very important selling point, proven by the fact that big recording companies and publishers hire reknowned designers for their more important products.

Try selling a book with no type on the pages, or a cd with no music on it, and see how valuable your image is.  It's a promotional use, like any other.

Do you mean something like using the image as a cover for a writing book or a blank CD?
I've seen many people deciding what writing book to buy by its cover.

No, I mean the point of a promotional use image is to promote sales of something like a book.  Just because someone thinks a cover is actually a very good use of a promotional image doesn't mean it suddenly qualifies for an EL (in our world).  People aren't buying the book or cd for the cover, as evidenced by a probably lack of sales of Stephen King's latest novel with no text inside, or a Beatles cd with no audio on it, but a nice cover.

« Reply #55 on: August 24, 2011, 06:30 »
For instance, I never understood why a CD or book cover does not require an EL. People do not buy a CD or a book by the cover, but it is a very important selling point, proven by the fact that big recording companies and publishers hire reknowned designers for their more important products.

Try selling a book with no type on the pages, or a cd with no music on it, and see how valuable your image is.  It's a promotional use, like any other.

Try selling a book with a blank white cover placed in rows of books with outstanding images on the cover.

Yes, you've illustrated (lol) that an image on the cover of a book is a good promotional usage.

« Reply #56 on: August 24, 2011, 17:29 »

@Noodelhap.  I think you acted a bit too soon, although I can't say I blame you.  I just saw on SF's forum (I just noticed they have forums today) that Peter wrote "we'll fix it"  when someone brought up Vector pricing yesteday.  I don't know exactly what that means but maybe they will redo their pricing?

I waited a full month before deleting it. Besides, I might reupload JPG only, but so far, sales have been minimal anyway.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2011, 17:33 by Noedelhap »

« Reply #57 on: August 24, 2011, 17:33 »
13 posts were moved to the 'hidden area' of this thread.  Please keep your comments and back and forth discussion respectful of all parties.  Calling people names or insulting each other doesn't help the conversation at all.


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