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Author Topic: Veer: Portfolio Size, Sales, Views, & Keywording  (Read 23425 times)

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« on: August 02, 2009, 14:02 »
Hi Everyone,

Now that Veer has been up and running live for a short time, I was wondering how everyone was doing?

Overall:  I'm a bit frustrated with the images that transfered from SnapVillage.  These images don't have the correct keywords set. They are missing very important words which would be relevant to the image.  For example many of my dog photos & horse photos don't even have "dog" or "horse" as a keyword.  When is this going to be corrected?


1.  What is the size of your Portfolio on Veer?

2.  Are your images getting views?

3.  How many sales hae you had so far?

« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2009, 14:07 »
Portfolio Size: A meager 26 images - but still building (lots of rejections)

Image Views: Only 1 image has 2 views - the rest 0 (lots of keyword issues with SV transfer)

Sales: None yet - but hoping to see one soon.

« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2009, 15:45 »
I have 182 files with about 10% with views . . . . . .  no sales yet.

. with it, I'm going on vacation.


« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2009, 15:47 »
My images have not been transfered from SnapVillage, so my information may not be useful to you.

1. My portfolio is still very small there, 57 images, but i'm not finished uploading.

2. So far 15 images have been viewed: 11 images have 1 view, one image has 2, one has 3, one has 4 and one has 6.

3. One sale, with earning of 1.75.

About what i expected for a few days of activity with such a small number of images.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2009, 15:50 by Scylla »

« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2009, 16:22 »
1.  So far 331 images

2.  About 53 images have views so far, but none yet on the ones transferred from Snapvillage

3.  No sales yet. My images are illustrations/vectors.

« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2009, 17:27 »
so far 111 images (about half transferred and half new).
6 of new images have 1 view each; one of transferred images has 2 views.
no sales so far.


« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2009, 08:50 »
I have 145 approved files on right now. I've slowed uploading of vectors because of the disappointing statement that it's not a top priority to implement the jpg image download probably until "fall" and from what I see right now, the price point for vectors might be a hard sell. I have views (other than my own) on a lot of my vectors, but no sales. Right now my images are only available at Veer and iStock.

My exact stats are: 145 files total
- 12 raster illustrations (most of which do NOT appear in illustration searches because they were uploaded before they implemented the radio button so that we could designate them as illustrations. I've asked multiple times how to correct this, with no response. If you do any wide photo searches, you'll see that many are in the same boat.)
- 3 photos
- 130 vector illustrations
- 128 total views spanning across 54 files. 26 files have single views; the remaining 28 have multiple views, the highest being 10, 7 others have more than 5 each. All multiple views are on vector files.

Another problem I have is that some of my preview images are messed up, either with pixelation or the color is messed up and looks desaturated. I contacted support when this first appeared and sent examples, and received a response on July 28 that they are aware of the problem and are in the process of generating new previews to correct it. A week later, all of mine are still messed up. Some of these affected files are the ones with multiple views, so this may also be a factor. I have figured out that vectors need to be uploaded as CMYK and not RGB as is stated in the instructions. The images that were messed up were the ones that I had uploaded as RGB. I should have cancelled the upload when I saw them appear like that, but I thought it would be corrected when the file was approved. (Stupid me, I know.) Anyway, now I know. WYSIWYG ... and now I'm stuck with it I guess until they decide to fix it. I have asked multiple times if I could just upload replacement files myself to expedite the process, and have gotten no response to that question either.

Despite these problems, I remain hopeful, and still believe that once they get it together, it will be a good sales venue. I just wish it wasn't taking quite so long to implement important features (such as the ability to fix problems--keywords, file type-- on approved files, and a sales summary report). For those who have no knowledge of Veer prior to this, I can understand your frustration and skepticism.

« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2009, 09:45 »
Portfolio Size:  228 images - but still building (23 % of rejections)

Image Views: cca 10 views

Sales: None

My hopes are bleeding for Veer... :'(

« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2009, 10:00 »
Portfolio size: 295
40 images with at least one view.
2 sales

« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2009, 12:05 »
Do you know of any shortcut to these facts?  I refuse to check every single file. Got better things to do...

« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2009, 15:48 »
Do you know of any shortcut to these facts?  I refuse to check every single file. Got better things to do...

No shortcuts - just the agonizing frustration of an agency that has been selling stock images for at least 8 years but failed to implement sales statistics and other important features for their contributors.



« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2009, 16:29 »
Do you know of any shortcut to these facts?  I refuse to check every single file. Got better things to do...

No shortcuts - just the agonizing frustration of an agency that has been selling stock images for at least 8 years but failed to implement sales statistics and other important features for their contributors.


Macro agencies do not all provide up to the minute live stats for sales, or do they? I seem to remember hearing that Getty reports on the 15th of the month for the previous month's sales, and that is all the info you get. Sell something May 1, and hear about it on June 15.

« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2009, 16:34 »
Do you know of any shortcut to these facts?  I refuse to check every single file. Got better things to do...

No shortcuts - just the agonizing frustration of an agency that has been selling stock images for at least 8 years but failed to implement sales statistics and other important features for their contributors.


Macro agencies do not all provide up to the minute live stats for sales, or do they? I seem to remember hearing that Getty reports on the 15th of the month for the previous month's sales, and that is all the info you get. Sell something May 1, and hear about it on June 15.

Well I know that Macros don't do "real time" but Marketplace could have at least a stats page - come on.

« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2009, 16:45 »
Do you know of any shortcut to these facts?  I refuse to check every single file. Got better things to do...

No shortcuts - just the agonizing frustration of an agency that has been selling stock images for at least 8 years but failed to implement sales statistics and other important features for their contributors.


I think they don't want us to see how miserable sales are at veer :)

« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2009, 19:10 »
I too am astounded that there is no stat page by now. I've had 4 decent sales so far that is far superior to other newbie sites results so early. I won't be digging through them again to calculate results though.
My evaluation so far is "promising". But, c'mon Veer, give us some numbers already.


« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2009, 22:12 »

I think they don't want us to see how miserable sales are at veer :)

Yeah that's probably it. After all, it has been over a whole week now.  ::)


  • Architect, Photographer, Dreamer
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2009, 14:42 »
My port is at 31 with 110 under review or waiting to be sent to review
about 20 views total
No sales

« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2009, 17:19 »

I think they don't want us to see how miserable sales are at veer :)

Yeah that's probably it. After all, it has been over a whole week now.  ::)

Not expecting much until they offer jpeg versions of my vectors.

« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2009, 18:28 »
ditto to all above.

21 images online.

about 14 views.

Zero sales.

And hopeful, waiting to see before taking the time to upload dozens more.

« Reply #19 on: August 06, 2009, 01:15 »
202 images online
  0  Sales

« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2009, 01:59 »
523 on line, approx. 10% have views. I am not checking all that lot!

I am disappointed that we cannot edit the files transferred from SV. It would help sales if the customers could actually find the images!

My impression of the site so far is good, but lots of room for improvement.

« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2009, 02:24 »
Hi there

Porfolio 1250
Views and sales - I'll wait for them to finish the stats page - they have paid out every month though since going live.

Promising site, however for some reason runs slow on my pc with Windows XP, so did Snap Village. I find it unweildy to navigate around. Anyone else have that problem?

Now a sad tale from an old macro hand.

Pic used 1st January 2008 in UK newspaper.
Due for payment 28th Feb 2008 (end of suceeding month)
Whoops, forget to put on system, no payment arrives. (happens all the time)
1st March - claim for paytment sent in - amazingly dealt with same day.
Takes 6 weeks with this paper to appear on system
Due for payment End April 2009.
Sale reported by agency to photographer in Apr - July sales report (2nd quarter), dated 07/31
Commission paid to photographer 2 week later, 14 July 2008, over six month's after publication.

Above happens to me every month!

Right, enough posting for one morning - off to work


« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2009, 07:49 »
240 images online
about 15 to 20% have some views
noticed my first sale today for $0.35

« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2009, 14:55 »
This is promising also re: my inquiry to Veer.

When will we have a sales reporting page?  If I knew what was selling
from my portfolio I could more easily plan more uploads.

Hi Lou
That feature and a few others are in progress, and we will be rolling
them out over the next month or so.



Marketplace Team 

« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2009, 15:03 »
That feature and a few others are in progress, and we will be rolling them out over the next month or so.
Marketplace Team 

...next month or so.


« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2009, 15:16 »
That feature and a few others are in progress, and we will be rolling them out over the next month or so.
Marketplace Team 

...next month or so.


I'd be skeptical too Click, except that sales have started there immediately -- at least with my images. Better than the first entire year of Yay and Lucky Oliver combined. With about 95% less hype. Not too bad for a week or so in the micro business. I won't even start my standard rant on the Snapvillage fiasco.

I'm real inclined to read "a month or so" from this bunch as pretty close to 30 days.

« Reply #26 on: August 06, 2009, 15:22 »
I'm real inclined to read "a month or so" from this bunch as pretty close to 30 days.

I hope you're right.

I see some sales as well now. It's just beyond me how the programming of a stock image site can not have the royalty status page included in v.1.0

People are trying to make money here and status is quite some important factor for our work...

« Reply #27 on: August 06, 2009, 15:50 »
 I'll gladly trade quick sales for a tardy sales reporting function. The shock I feel is that they are actually getting sales right out of the box. Makes you think they know what they're doing.

« Reply #28 on: August 06, 2009, 16:16 »
That feature and a few others are in progress, and we will be rolling them out over the next month or so.
Marketplace Team 

...next month or so.


Hi All -

Just to clarify that further:

  - stats/metrics tools
  - portfolio links/search by contributor

...are scheduled to launch before the end of August (likely the last week).

- Brian

« Reply #29 on: August 06, 2009, 16:34 »
Hi All -

Just to clarify that further:

  - stats/metrics tools
  - portfolio links/search by contributor

...are scheduled to launch before the end of August (likely the last week).

- Brian

Thanks Brian!

« Reply #30 on: August 07, 2009, 13:37 »
First sale today!

1,05 $

« Reply #31 on: August 07, 2009, 13:44 »
Congrats borg! 

I don't know if I have any sales yet.  Too hard to tell.  Have a couple hundred photos approved so far.

I love Veer's upload process.  Really, really easy and fast.  Especially since the limits have been raised. 

So far I have my worst acceptance rate there of any site.  They seem to be very hard on similars. They are very strict on keywords, so some of my earlier work has required rekeywording for them (not complaining - tight keywords are a good idea).  The other thing I noticed is they will reject images showing older technology - cellphones, computers, etc. 


  • Architect, Photographer, Dreamer
« Reply #32 on: August 07, 2009, 14:37 »
Congrats borg! 

I don't know if I have any sales yet.  Too hard to tell.  Have a couple hundred photos approved so far.

I love Veer's upload process.  Really, really easy and fast.  Especially since the limits have been raised. 

So far I have my worst acceptance rate there of any site.  They seem to be very hard on similars. They are very strict on keywords, so some of my earlier work has required rekeywording for them (not complaining - tight keywords are a good idea).  The other thing I noticed is they will reject images showing older technology - cellphones, computers, etc. 

I just got 61 images rejected, heavy on the similar or not quiet the fit for veer comment

« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2009, 05:38 »
I have 230 images on line.
the most viewed image has 35 views and 2 sales =5.25$
totaly around 6~8 sales so far (didnt count them) and 3 of them are 5.25$ for 1 purchase. At this point its sure better for me than my 2 lower earners, BS and 123rf.
Lets see what happens when the statics page is finally implemented and we can see a hole month of sales.

« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2009, 06:16 »
Congrats borg! 

I don't know if I have any sales yet.  Too hard to tell.  Have a couple hundred photos approved so far.

I love Veer's upload process.  Really, really easy and fast.  Especially since the limits have been raised. 

So far I have my worst acceptance rate there of any site.  They seem to be very hard on similars. They are very strict on keywords, so some of my earlier work has required rekeywording for them (not complaining - tight keywords are a good idea).  The other thing I noticed is they will reject images showing older technology - cellphones, computers, etc. 

I have also here my average acc. rate around 75-80 %

I notice that Veer likes little bit artistic and conceptual photos...

« Reply #35 on: August 09, 2009, 08:04 »
80 approved
32 rejected
no sales

« Reply #36 on: August 09, 2009, 09:45 »
I notice too that Veer takes some of my more artistic shots that either don't get accepted at other sites or don't sell well. Kind of excited to have chance to upload to a place like this. Makes them different from the rest. Might even upload photos to Veer that won't go to the other sites because they would be rejected as "not stock worthy".

« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2009, 11:41 »
I agree. The first 4 sales at Veer were of images not all that popular on the other sites. I liked the images and wondered why they weren't better sellers. Example:http://images.veer.com/IMG/TIMG/MPP/1280953_T.JPG


  • Architect, Photographer, Dreamer
« Reply #38 on: August 11, 2009, 14:34 »
This is what I am looking like...after the last 20 I am 100% up.

Pending (20)
Approved (31)
Rejected (285)
Earned: $0.00

My views are increasing though.


« Reply #39 on: August 11, 2009, 15:19 »
Finally 2 sales 1 yesterday 1.05 and today .35

368 on line
100 pending

« Reply #40 on: August 11, 2009, 17:35 »
I have over 1,000 on the site, most of them transferred from SV.
Can't track sales easily yet but I had a payout last month and it was much more than I used to get with SV.

« Reply #41 on: August 11, 2009, 18:30 »
Is there a way to create lightboxes? I have lost track of my online photos and do not want to go through pages to find out what I have and have not uploaded.


« Reply #42 on: August 11, 2009, 18:34 »
Is there a way to create lightboxes? I have lost track of my online photos and do not want to go through pages to find out what I have and have not uploaded.

How weird. :( The MP images used to go straight in with the regular images in a lightbox. Now they seem to have removed the ability to lightbox images.  ???

This explains the email that I got a little while ago apologizing for deleting the MP images I had in my lightbox, and providing a list of the image numbers. I can't understand how they would think this is an improvement for buyers.

« Reply #43 on: August 11, 2009, 18:58 »
Snapvillage did better for me then veer sofar.
Just wait and see what's gonna happen.

BTW I Hate the upload systeem I go crazy when I upload some vectors and the bars for editing name/description/keywording
are flipping to the top and bottom. 

« Reply #44 on: August 11, 2009, 20:08 »
168 Online
1 Sale ($1.20)

Didn't bother to look at the views.

« Reply #45 on: August 12, 2009, 06:11 »

OK, finally got round to signing up on this board. Here's my VMP stats so far:

Accepted:  73
Rejected:    7

Images Viewed:  22  (30% of portfolio)
Total Views: 43
Most viewed image: 8

Sales: 0

The only other sites I'm on are iStock and, up till recently, Fotolia. Although I do OK on iStock all my sales are from old, established images; none of my  newer images are selling at all. Acceptance rate is slightly lower at iStock. Fotolia I gave up on as they failed about 85% of my images and I had one viewing in six months of the handful that did make it on!

So VMP is a far better experience for me so far over Fotolia but jury's still out on how performance matches iStock.

« Reply #46 on: August 12, 2009, 12:18 »
Is there a way to create lightboxes? I have lost track of my online photos and do not want to go through pages to find out what I have and have not uploaded.

How weird. :( The MP images used to go straight in with the regular images in a lightbox. Now they seem to have removed the ability to lightbox images.  ???

This explains the email that I got a little while ago apologizing for deleting the MP images I had in my lightbox, and providing a list of the image numbers. I can't understand how they would think this is an improvement for buyers.

In order to create the dual-pane search setup that shows your content side-by-side with Veer's macro RF and RM content, we are essentially rebuilding the search UI from scratch. To get things rolling sooner and add in a critical feature like the search by price filter - a top customer request - we had to drop some of our existing search tools from the Marketplace side - including lightboxes (interestingly our research indicates lightboxes are not as commonly used by buyers as we might expect). The plan is to add these back in later. 

What you are seeing today is the first step in a bigger plan for search that will unfold into next year and beyond.

« Reply #47 on: August 12, 2009, 13:48 »
Just had a check. With 192 files I find 2 sales . . . .$1.75 and $3.50.


« Reply #48 on: August 12, 2009, 13:51 »
(interestingly our research indicates lightboxes are not as commonly used by buyers as we might expect).

As a buyer of hundreds of stock images per year, I never realized my buying habit of lightboxing to compare options, rather than immediately purchasing the first image that might work, was so unusual.

Glad to hear that this is not a permanent state, but hearing phrases like "next year" being applied to some of this stuff is a little daunting. I would really like some responses to previous questions regarding reassigning illustrations to the illustration category (when they were labeled as photos automatically and we have no way to change them). They do not appear in the illustration search at all. Also, to questions regarding replacing vector files whose previews do not appear correctly. It has been two weeks since someone told me they were in process of fixing these files and nothing has changed. Can I upload replacement files or do I need to continue to be patient for an indefinitely longer period of time?

I know there is a lot going on but I've asked these same questions at least 3 different times in 3 different places (email to support, here, and via sitemail) and I'm starting to feel a bit ignored.


« Reply #49 on: August 12, 2009, 15:27 »
Finally 2 sales 1 yesterday 1.05 and today .35

368 on line
100 pending

Today all 100 Accepted
All the same Model

« Reply #50 on: August 12, 2009, 15:38 »
(interestingly our research indicates lightboxes are not as commonly used by buyers as we might expect).

As a buyer of hundreds of stock images per year, I never realized my buying habit of lightboxing to compare options, rather than immediately purchasing the first image that might work, was so unusual.

Glad to hear that this is not a permanent state, but hearing phrases like "next year" being applied to some of this stuff is a little daunting. I would really like some responses to previous questions regarding reassigning illustrations to the illustration category (when they were labeled as photos automatically and we have no way to change them). They do not appear in the illustration search at all. Also, to questions regarding replacing vector files whose previews do not appear correctly. It has been two weeks since someone told me they were in process of fixing these files and nothing has changed. Can I upload replacement files or do I need to continue to be patient for an indefinitely longer period of time?

I know there is a lot going on but I've asked these same questions at least 3 different times in 3 different places (email to support, here, and via sitemail) and I'm starting to feel a bit ignored.

Hi whatalife -

It's not that using Lightboxes is unusual - it's not at all.
Sorry if that was unclear - I meant that I personally would expect the vast majority of buyers to use 'em (75%+ or more), and we have found it's actually lower than 50%. But obviously still an important feature.

As an aside - one interesting finding from this research - our teams talked to a surprising number of buyers who pull images directly off a site to store as small comps on their machine - a kind of offline/manual lightbox of sorts. (Though, these are most likely buyers who are looking at images across many sites.)

We have been busy after the release, apologies if your questions on MSG or to support weren't answered. When things get busy I don't make it here as often as I would like - so emailing directly to  [email protected]  will give you a quicker answer.

We went through the collection on the backend and switched over previously uploaded JPEG illustrations from "photo" to "illustration". It sounds like some of your files weren't caught in this sweep. Do you happen to have an example SKU# handy?  I'll do some investigating...

I'll also check in on the preview regeneration and send you a update via DM.

- Brian

« Reply #51 on: August 12, 2009, 17:59 »
Brian, can you also add the "Delete" function? Because Veer is a new agency, sometimes I probably uploaded the same images twice from my achive.

« Reply #52 on: August 12, 2009, 18:03 »
168 online
1 sale so far ($0.35)


« Reply #53 on: August 12, 2009, 18:15 »
168 online
1 sale so far ($0.35)

Congrats on the sale.  How did you find out you had one?  Is there some way other than looking at each image?

« Reply #54 on: August 12, 2009, 18:21 »
Thank you Lisa.

It seems like there is still no way to see the summary of all the sales. I actually went through all the pages of images to see it.


« Reply #55 on: August 12, 2009, 19:17 »
WOO HOO!! *~* happy dance *~*

I finally had my first sale! A vector (gasp!) ...and a yummy $7.00 royalty!  ;D

Brian also got back to me and said that the repaired vector previews should go live by tomorrow and that my mis-categorized files have now been tucked away in the correct place.

« Reply #56 on: August 12, 2009, 19:50 »
WOO HOO!! *~* happy dance *~*

I finally had my first sale! A vector (gasp!) ...and a yummy $7.00 royalty!  ;D

Brian also got back to me and said that the repaired vector previews should go live by tomorrow and that my mis-categorized files have now been tucked away in the correct place.

Yup! vectors are 20 credits so when they sell, they are sweet  :) After 2 ridiculously silent weeks, yesterday I had 2 vector sales and $14 royalty.

I hope they implement the jpegs and cheaper options soon because I do believe with buying options from 1 to 20, I would have made more than $14 with 249 files.

« Reply #57 on: August 18, 2009, 12:49 »
I think it's time for another look at Veer, since it's been up a while.

I wanted to compare my performance there vs. the other sites this month, so I went through the ridiculous exercise of going through each page in my port and jotting down my numbers (the sales stat page better come quick!).  Didn't track views, just sales.  Anyway, here's how I've done so far...

Images online: 418
Rejections: 82
Purchases: 21
Revenue: $26.95

That makes Veer #8 of 9 sites for me (Crestock, as always, dead last).  How about everyone else?

Has anyone had better luck getting batches approved lately?  My last two batches got whacked with the "images too similar" stick, all at once.  Many were pretty unique with nothing else similar in the batch or my overall port.  Pretty clear that it's very hit and miss there right now.  I either get a lenient reviewer who will let 30 images in with no problem, or a grump who will reject 30 at once without, it seems, really looking at them.  I want to upload more, since I think the results are at least promising, but refuse to until they figure out what they're doing in terms of approvals.


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