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Author Topic: Yay reopening??  (Read 45380 times)

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« Reply #50 on: January 02, 2021, 04:52 »
Thanks for the update. Also worth mentioning they have no contributor terms on the site. Link is broken. Has been like that since I first tried to read them some time ago.

May be worth trying to delete a couple of images, they seem to not care and will continue to sell them. You may want to verify for yourself. This is a nightmare from a site I thought I was done with.

« Reply #51 on: January 02, 2021, 11:30 »
If I check my email the contact info I had from the new owners was: YAY Images <[email protected]> and I had the Skype from 2019 which was SKYPE: wiredcinema and Business phone number (found on Skype): +19493426648 (Grant Baker) which was the original person who contacted me when restarting Yay Images. Last talk I had was back in May 2020 when he asked if I would upload videos. To be honest I didn't really took time to look through them was very busy on other projects and giving my full attention to stock site we get treated well. For me I try to focus on Canva which, as mostly illustration, I am getting so much return, riding the wave :).

« Reply #52 on: January 16, 2021, 06:53 »
Thanks for the update. Also worth mentioning they have no contributor terms on the site. Link is broken. Has been like that since I first tried to read them some time ago.

May be worth trying to delete a couple of images, they seem to not care and will continue to sell them. You may want to verify for yourself. This is a nightmare from a site I thought I was done with.

Playing advocate of the devil, this was apparently going on years ago under the old management? Who is to say the new management is going to be just as shady?

That said, the site seems dead to me. No sales, nothing. I've spent quite some time uploading and tagging my portfolio, but if RPD and sales are low, it seems to have been a major waste of time.


« Reply #53 on: January 16, 2021, 07:08 »
Thanks for the update. Also worth mentioning they have no contributor terms on the site. Link is broken. Has been like that since I first tried to read them some time ago.

May be worth trying to delete a couple of images, they seem to not care and will continue to sell them. You may want to verify for yourself. This is a nightmare from a site I thought I was done with.

Playing advocate of the devil, this was apparently going on years ago under the old management? Who is to say the new management is going to be just as shady?

That said, the site seems dead to me. No sales, nothing. I've spent quite some time uploading and tagging my portfolio, but if RPD and sales are low, it seems to have been a major waste of time.
No all this is now under the administartion.

« Reply #54 on: January 27, 2021, 15:04 »
Got my first couple of sales.

A pitiful $4 per video download, apparently some cheap ass subscription sale.
I put up my videos in the Premium tier at $59 per video, 50% commission, but they sell for this cheap?
What a joke of a site. I'm going to delete my entire portfolio, can't believe I fell for this crap.


« Reply #55 on: January 27, 2021, 15:17 »
Got my first couple of sales.

A pitiful $4 per video download, apparently some cheap ass subscription sale.
I put up my videos in the Premium tier at $59 per video, 50% commission, but they sell for this cheap?
What a joke of a site. I'm going to delete my entire portfolio, can't believe I fell for this crap.
Wish you the best with that. You can delete from the dashboard but in my experience they keep selling the images anyway. The only solution could be to DMCA their web host.

« Reply #56 on: January 28, 2021, 10:20 »
After delete all videos and photos on your portfolio, write yay every three days, that they should defenitly delete and remove all files from your portfolio AND from all other agencies, where they also sell them for example Alamy and agefotostock. AND tell them you will keep the forum updated if they do it or not. With that way my photos were finally deleted and removed all. You can read about it also in the other thread:
Yaymicro - Legal solution ideas

« Reply #57 on: January 28, 2021, 12:09 »
I have same situation. For short moment, when I received e-mail from Yay I was happy thinking that my footage was sold for normal price... But that was not for long, when I looked at sales were $4 per video. It's far lower than my files was priced. But when I looked at their new pricing and plans for video, I understood, what a great mistake I've made uploading there. So according to UNLIMITED PLAN customers can download unlimited videos and pictures for as low as $29.00/month. Interesting how earnings for unlimited downloads calculated...

I think I need to remove my portfolio from there.

« Reply #58 on: February 24, 2021, 11:21 »
Requested my first video payout 8) a little surprise though they do bring in some money ;D

crossed finger i'll have consistent monthly payout from them but best of luck to YaY.

« Reply #59 on: February 24, 2021, 12:12 »
I just wanted to remind you all that stay on Yayimages, to read the contributor agreement.

"YAY does not take responsibility if an image has been marked for deletion, and is still available for sales either on or any partner site. It is the contributors responsibility to make sure the image has in fact been removed."

After I closed my account in 2016 on Yay, their partner, agefotostock kept selling my images until recently. It took me about 2 months to get them deleted, and I got 0 payment for these 4 years.

It is our responsibility, but they don't give a f**k and when you ask for deletion the partners will tell you they have no contract with you as a contributor, and yay will tell you it's not their problem.

Yayimages is my worst nightmare in my 12 years of being a contributor.

« Reply #60 on: March 01, 2021, 07:35 »
Open_ how much per sale have you got? Because I had there only $4 sales...

« Reply #61 on: March 01, 2021, 07:35 »
By the way they do not reply to any of my messages. They just ignore my questions...

« Reply #62 on: March 02, 2021, 12:29 »
Open_ how much per sale have you got? Because I had there only $4 sales...

Same, flat $4.

better than SStock 0.84c/clip


« Reply #63 on: March 03, 2021, 07:28 »
Are there people still uploading to YAY? even after all the posts here?

« Reply #64 on: March 04, 2021, 01:15 »
Are there people still uploading to YAY? even after all the posts here?

No. I've stopped uploading and deleted most of my clips. Soon I will delete rest of my portfolio...

Uncle Pete

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« Reply #65 on: March 04, 2021, 08:46 »
Are there people still uploading to YAY? even after all the posts here?

I've tried to point out the same but for some reason the obvious, falls on deaf ears. Just like people wondering about Canstock. I wonder how places like these stay in business, but we both see the answer. There are people so desperate for some small bit of money, that they will upload to sites that are half broken, don't pay them and the sales are terrible besides all that.

When Yay closes and keeps their earnings, we'll have a round of, "how can they do this to us?" which should be, "Why did I do this to myself."

Yayimages is my worst nightmare in my 12 years of being a contributor.

People who still have their work on Yay should read what zsooofija has gone through with them. Yay does not remove her images after years! Plus denying that they are responsible for removal from partner sites. Why would anyone stay with Yay?

By the way they do not reply to any of my messages. They just ignore my questions...

« Reply #66 on: March 05, 2021, 23:36 »

Same, flat $4.

better than SStock 0.84c/clip

I don't know how anyone could be satisfied with $4 per clip. That's pretty insulting. I was considering submitting some commercial videos of mine to Yay but now I'm glad that I didn't. I think I'll keep my distance from this agency.

« Reply #67 on: March 30, 2021, 06:53 »
Made the payout treshold, now busy processing ID verification. Then I'll delete my videos and turn my back on these liars forever.

« Reply #68 on: March 30, 2021, 09:26 »

Same, flat $4.

better than SStock 0.84c/clip

I don't know how anyone could be satisfied with $4 per clip. That's pretty insulting. I was considering submitting some commercial videos of mine to Yay but now I'm glad that I didn't. I think I'll keep my distance from this agency.

So far I have no problem with them.

Just requested my 2nd payout with them. Yayhooo!

« Reply #69 on: March 31, 2021, 07:32 »
What the heck, did they change the minimum payout to $60? I'd swear it was $30 earlier?

« Reply #70 on: March 31, 2021, 10:13 »
What the heck, did they change the minimum payout to $60? I'd swear it was $30 earlier?

Not sure if they changed it, i didn't pay attention to payout threshold before and my payouts always over $100.

good luck sir



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