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Author Topic: Adobe Stock generative AI reminders  (Read 31322 times)

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« Reply #175 on: September 30, 2023, 12:52 »
likely they're training for a 3-legged race parcours style
« Last Edit: October 01, 2023, 12:15 by cascoly »

« Reply #176 on: October 01, 2023, 06:52 »
There are currently 873 video items tagged as genAI. That's been growing over the last month or so, but very, very slowly. 356 two months ago vs 791 in the middle of August.

They seem to be lots of animated illustrations - moving through an AI image like the Ken Burns effect.
It's nowhere near 873, Jo Ann. Currently, contributors cannot label videos as AI. They can only mention it in the title or keywords. This number 873 you see is the AI-reviewer marking. Which it shouldn't have done in the first place.. The same situation as with AI vectors. Not all of them are AI videos and not all actual AI videos are labeled.
On the other hand, you can search for AI Generated in all videos. And there are 10,006 results. Not all of them will actually be created by artificial intelligence, but this way you will find many more producers who just want to be honest about their content.

« Reply #177 on: October 01, 2023, 16:39 »
The hits just keep on coming...


« Reply #178 on: October 04, 2023, 00:22 »
@ Mat Hayward

28,968 files NOT identified by checking the box Created using generative AI tools.

And that is just a small amount of "vectors" created by AI which are accepted in a collection without being stated as a AI generated content.
I strongly think that accepting those files on a daily bases , as regular vector files, harms both contributors and buyers.   

« Reply #179 on: October 04, 2023, 04:38 »
The hits just keep on coming...

How's this bizarre dental anatomy?! And they submitted it as a video which is not permitted.

« Reply #180 on: October 06, 2023, 08:13 »
@ Mat Hayward

28,968 files NOT identified by checking the box Created using generative AI tools.

And that is just a small amount of "vectors" created by AI which are accepted in a collection without being stated as a AI generated content.
I strongly think that accepting those files on a daily bases , as regular vector files, harms both contributors and buyers.   
I don't see much AI here. Pretty solid styles and correct shapes. I maybe found 2 images on the whole page, which could be AI. OR it can be SVGs, produced by vector AI...

Let me remind you that vector artists don't have the Created using generative AI tools checkbox. But we desperately need it.

« Reply #181 on: October 06, 2023, 19:09 »
@ Mat Hayward

28,968 files NOT identified by checking the box Created using generative AI tools.

And that is just a small amount of "vectors" created by AI which are accepted in a collection without being stated as a AI generated content.
I strongly think that accepting those files on a daily bases , as regular vector files, harms both contributors and buyers.   
I don't see much AI here. Pretty solid styles and correct shapes. I maybe found 2 images on the whole page, which could be AI. OR it can be SVGs, produced by vector AI...

Let me remind you that vector artists don't have the Created using generative AI tools checkbox. But we desperately need it.

Do not submit vector images created with or by generative AI software.

Thank you,

Mat Hayward


« Reply #182 on: October 06, 2023, 20:37 »
« Last Edit: October 06, 2023, 22:16 by hellou »

« Reply #183 on: October 12, 2023, 11:17 »
Do not submit vector images created with or by generative AI software.
Now we have Vector Firefly. Are there any news?  ;)

« Reply #184 on: October 16, 2023, 11:41 »
At first you don't notice the third arm...

What is the point of reviewing if g@rbage like this gets accepted? It's not just one or two. It's not just a start-up glitch. There are now over 19.5 million acknowledged genAI items at Adobe Stock.

The contributor should have noticed this and not uploaded it.

The reviewers should have noticed this and rejected it.

Different contributor. This time there's a leg missing. Oh well. It looks stylish and polished, so who cares about the details..../

The three-legged woman I pointed out a week or two back is gone, but many many more are still there weeks later - e.g.


What has happened to pride in the quality of the Adobe Stock collection? Being part of a larger company that is focusing elsewhere - getting the stock price up as part of the AI goldrush - has its downsides...

« Reply #185 on: October 17, 2023, 02:37 »
At first you don't notice the third arm...

What is the point of reviewing if g@rbage like this gets accepted? It's not just one or two. It's not just a start-up glitch. There are now over 19.5 million acknowledged genAI items at Adobe Stock.

The contributor should have noticed this and not uploaded it.

The reviewers should have noticed this and rejected it.

Different contributor. This time there's a leg missing. Oh well. It looks stylish and polished, so who cares about the details..../

The three-legged woman I pointed out a week or two back is gone, but many many more are still there weeks later - e.g.


What has happened to pride in the quality of the Adobe Stock collection? Being part of a larger company that is focusing elsewhere - getting the stock price up as part of the AI goldrush - has its downsides...

Third hand, logos, missing legs..all this can be captured by some coding and AI. Then all this photos will be separated in the review process, I think they will have some kind of tool soon, because billions of AI images are coming with breakneck speed.


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