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Author Topic: Im going exclusive, final thoughts.  (Read 16712 times)

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« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2012, 14:19 »
Aren't you still on DT?  If so then you have many months to think about it.

Ofcourse! and DT, is one of the few producing some very good sales. As I said, I am in two minds at the moment. Dont know yet. The thing that nobody can deny, is gotswycks words: follow the trend,  he is right on that one.


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« Reply #26 on: August 08, 2012, 14:22 »
Here read this.

Why going exclusive with another agency is a bad idea:

1) You will be just another exclusive among hundreds vying for the same resources from one company. You can't go to another company to complain- you are stuck with a single channel.

2) Competition is good for the industry and YOU! Let's say you don't like the way they are treating a certain rule/idea/etc. You have nowhere to go! At least you can use your vote by concentrating your efforts on another agency until the other one gets back in line. Why give up your voting power? In fact, these other agencies don't even let you talk about other stock agencies on their forums. You give up a lot to go exclusive.

3) Why sell your photos in one place for just a 10% increase at that one agency? Tons of photographers are telling me every day that they make more with ShutterStock than anywhere else! Why not make cash here, AND everywhere else?

4) Staying with ShutterStock means being part of something new and changing. We consider all of your suggestions - and implement them back into the system as quickly as we can. What happened when we weren't processing photos fast enough? We hired a night reviewer who worked on Christmas Eve! What other agency will review your photos on a major holiday?

5) I don't like exclusivity -- and i don�t plan to lock anybody into ShutterStock. I think you guys should sell your photos everywhere and make as much money as possible! Besides - the model we have here is just one model... Your photos may do well here some parts of the year, and better in other places other parts of the year.

6) Other places may try to convince you that going exclusive is a good business idea. It is exactly the opposite! If you aren't convinced of that, go back to (1) and do not proceed until you agree. ;)

7) Our traffic is increasing. Sales are increasing. If you don�t believe me, check out our Alexa Graph. If that doesn�t convince you to stay here � what will?

7) Finally, I would hate to see any of you go!

Would welcome any feedback you guys have.

Jon Oringer, Founder and CEO
ShutterStock, Inc.


« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2012, 14:25 »
You're kidding, right?  

Even with sales down on all sites, Istock leads the pack.  Sales have crashed there.  Can't imagine limiting myself to fighting for the ever dwindling pool of remaining sales there.  

I would doubt that  Lagereek would loose out if he takes advantage of agency or vetta or E+ as exclusive.  It seems he would not need a lot of these sales to surpass the puny subscription SS sales and the lot.  The hedge of independence has not panned out in enough sales when compared to the large revenue avenues of the higher end sales at IS. 

It would be fascinating to compare an indie vs exclusive from the start both with 250000 downloads to see who was the smarter person.  One has made the wrong financial decision.  The data is out there!

 I think youre right, I have quite a number of images that would qualify for Vettas, and thats where the revenue is, no doubt about that!  question is ofcourse, if they would accept me, or others like me? I mean we have enough given them some stick over the years.

Exclusivity doesn't work financially for everyone. If your portfolio relies on sheer numbers of walk around tourist shots, or what you ate for dinner each day then I don't think it's worth it. The money to be made is in Vetta, Agency and exclusive +. So, given that your portfolio is of high end, hard to get to, niche images then I think you're mad not to be cashing in on the extra $ available in the collections. Obviously it doesnt matter who you are, or what "stick" you've given iStock. To think otherwise is some sort of bizarre vanity. Of course, I'm also pretty sure you're not serious and are simply posting for posting's sake, in which case... meh.


« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2012, 14:33 »
Even taking SS out of the equation, I'd still say that exclusivity at istock is a mistake. If SS closed up shop tomorrow, I still wouldn't opt for the crown. I can do better elsewhere, even without my SS income.

And here I thought I was the only one that thinks there is more to stock than just SS and IS.

Well taking SS out of the equation would definitely hurt. I'd have a hard time making a living at this without SS, but it wouldn't be impossible. Certainly wouldn't help if I decided to go exclusive. I'd do far worse as an istock exclusive than I would as an independent without SS.

« Reply #29 on: August 08, 2012, 14:46 »
Aren't you still on DT?  If so then you have many months to think about it.

Ofcourse! and DT, is one of the few producing some very good sales. As I said, I am in two minds at the moment. Dont know yet. The thing that nobody can deny, is gotswycks words: follow the trend,  he is right on that one.

Huh, don't you bet against the trend when investing in stocks??


« Reply #30 on: August 08, 2012, 14:57 »
Here read this.

Why going exclusive with another agency is a bad idea:

1) You will be just another exclusive among hundreds vying for the same resources from one company. You can't go to another company to complain- you are stuck with a single channel.

2) Competition is good for the industry and YOU! Let's say you don't like the way they are treating a certain rule/idea/etc. You have nowhere to go! At least you can use your vote by concentrating your efforts on another agency until the other one gets back in line. Why give up your voting power? In fact, these other agencies don't even let you talk about other stock agencies on their forums. You give up a lot to go exclusive.

3) Why sell your photos in one place for just a 10% increase at that one agency? Tons of photographers are telling me every day that they make more with ShutterStock than anywhere else! Why not make cash here, AND everywhere else?

4) Staying with ShutterStock means being part of something new and changing. We consider all of your suggestions - and implement them back into the system as quickly as we can. What happened when we weren't processing photos fast enough? We hired a night reviewer who worked on Christmas Eve! What other agency will review your photos on a major holiday?

5) I don't like exclusivity -- and i don�t plan to lock anybody into ShutterStock. I think you guys should sell your photos everywhere and make as much money as possible! Besides - the model we have here is just one model... Your photos may do well here some parts of the year, and better in other places other parts of the year.

6) Other places may try to convince you that going exclusive is a good business idea. It is exactly the opposite! If you aren't convinced of that, go back to (1) and do not proceed until you agree. ;)

7) Our traffic is increasing. Sales are increasing. If you don�t believe me, check out our Alexa Graph. If that doesn�t convince you to stay here � what will?

7) Finally, I would hate to see any of you go!

Would welcome any feedback you guys have.

Jon Oringer, Founder and CEO
ShutterStock, Inc.

I know, I know!  doesnt make one feel any better, even worse when he is probably right.

« Reply #31 on: August 08, 2012, 15:33 »
"3) Why sell your photos in one place for just a 10% increase at that one agency? Tons of photographers are telling me every day that they make more with ShutterStock than anywhere else! Why not make cash here, AND everywhere else?"

It certainly isn't a '10%' increase...

« Reply #32 on: August 08, 2012, 15:49 »
"3) Why sell your photos in one place for just a 10% increase at that one agency? Tons of photographers are telling me every day that they make more with ShutterStock than anywhere else! Why not make cash here, AND everywhere else?"

It certainly isn't a '10%' increase...

I think Jon's statement was originally published several years ago (possibly as early as 2005). The "one agency" he was referring to was DT. In those days DT were paying 50% to non-exclusive contributors and 60% to exclusives.

« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2012, 15:53 »
Didn't you delete lots of your best sellers from istock?  On the other hand, you've also left several of the independent sites.  I don't really see the logic in doing either of those things.  So there isn't much point in trying to persuade you either way.  Do what you want, like you always do.

Everyone of us has a different situation.  For some, going exclusive saves on the hassle of uploading to multiple sites and they might have a portfolio that works well with istock.  For me, I enjoy using lots of different sites and I don't find it any hassle.  Having all my eggs in one basket would be far more stressful and I've never really got my sales going enough with istock to consider it.

None of us know what's going to happen with SS, not sure why the IPO should be negative?  As long as they do it right, it could be very good for us.

« Reply #34 on: August 08, 2012, 15:54 »
I dropped exclusivity 9 months ago... believe me... I DON'T REGRET IT. SS and FT ROCKS....

I believe that  the growth of DP and FT is mainly due to the IS decrease. SS is increasing steadlly every month.


« Reply #35 on: August 08, 2012, 15:58 »
I dropped exclusivity 9 months ago... believe me... I DON'T REGRET IT. SS and FT ROCKS....

I believe that  the growth of DP and FT is mainly due to the IS decrease. SS is increasing steadlly every month.
That was Dreamstime exclusivity though wasn't it?  I don't think anyone here thinks going exclusive at DT is a good idea financially.

« Reply #36 on: August 08, 2012, 16:04 »
Personally, I don't even see why exclusivity exist. If most of these agencies were actually offering good deals and sales, they would get plenty of exclusive content and destroy their competition just by being better.


« Reply #37 on: August 08, 2012, 16:23 »
Hey Lagereek, I totally understand your desire to go exclusive since I too feel every now and then the desire to reduce complexity in this troublesome business. So, when I feel this need, usually take a break, from the business and step back a bit. Then always the same happens:
1. I see everything much more relaxed which may change your POV a bit. And, more importantly...
2. My income is amazingly STABLE.
I mean, the "mains sites" seem to go down quite a bit after the first month, BUT there is a continuous stream from all the other sites of my little network.

So, projecting all this to the future, with going exclusive I would risk exactly this income stability I was looking for - not only other income sources which may result in beeing not too effective.

What is in 2 years?  istock still stable? No new competitors? 5 years? No changes in the income position for your site? Very questionable in this unstable business. 10 years? Will istock even be there at this time?

And last but not least, I think the MS Contributor is actually f***ed anywhere at the moment. Sometimes we just need to look out for some destiny and proyect our hopes even to concepts like  exclusivity which may promise us a safer harbour, which, oftenly, is a fatamorgana.

« Reply #38 on: August 08, 2012, 16:35 »
Good luck to you!

« Reply #39 on: August 08, 2012, 16:40 »
...With SS, now going public and changing everything, well there goes the independants last stronghold, lets face it, many of us have been hiding behind the "safe" walls over there and now it turns out, being not so safe. Fragile...

Know something the rest of us don't? What's changing?

Even taking SS out of the equation, I'd still say that exclusivity at istock is a mistake. If SS closed up shop tomorrow, I still wouldn't opt for the crown. I can do better elsewhere, even without my SS income.

Maybe that has something to do with us being illustrators :) Because I feel the same.. Even if SS closed the shop, the crown is still a strong "NO NO!"

« Reply #40 on: August 08, 2012, 19:52 »
Aren't you still on DT?  If so then you have many months to think about it.

Not if it's been 6 months since he has uploaded.

« Reply #41 on: August 08, 2012, 21:20 »
I think that the risks you're taking on by going exclusive are high. Especially if another private equity firm buys Getty from H&F. I completely get the pull to avoid all the idiocies at all other agencies, but the iStock that was is gone. Go read the July earnings thread on IS and look at the diamond and black diamond reports


« Reply #42 on: August 08, 2012, 23:36 »
I know many think that I was just kidding around here, but frankly I wasnt, However tons of ppl contacted me yesterday, mails, this and that and well, I suppose, I have to re-consider this, too much at risk and too much hassle deactivating files, etc at all sites.
I actually got sent to me some extremely interesting stats, earnings at IS, vettas and all that and believe me fellas, contrary to what we want to believe, there are plent and plenty of great earners at IS, equally, there are ofcourse lousy earners but as Ive said before its not just all about money, its about time, peace of mind, this and that, OTOH, these are ingrediants, totally strange to the micro world, isnt it?
So in short, I will stick with independancy, getting too f###ing old in this game to start changing now. Thanks anyway for all your differant views. :)


« Reply #43 on: August 08, 2012, 23:45 »
My thoughts...get out of microstock.  I've said it before and I'll say it again...there are just as many non-exclusive traditional agencies out there and the barriers to entry are slim to none.  These agencies are consistent in reviewing, they treat you like a professional, and they don't change their search engine every 4 weeks for the heck of it.

Started in the micros in October 2005.  Left for good last month.


« Reply #44 on: August 08, 2012, 23:55 »
My thoughts...get out of microstock.  I've said it before and I'll say it again...there are just as many non-exclusive traditional agencies out there and the barriers to entry are slim to none.  These agencies are consistent in reviewing, they treat you like a professional, and they don't change their search engine every 4 weeks for the heck of it.

Started in the micros in October 2005.  Left for good last month.

Youre right, there are plenty of them, I belong to 4 trad agencies, theyre all run professionally, differant world alltogether, isnt it.

« Reply #45 on: August 09, 2012, 00:22 »
I know many think that I was just kidding around here, but frankly I wasnt, However tons of ppl contacted me yesterday, mails, this and that and well, I suppose, I have to re-consider this, too much at risk and too much hassle deactivating files, etc at all sites.
I actually got sent to me some extremely interesting stats, earnings at IS, vettas and all that and believe me fellas, contrary to what we want to believe, there are plent and plenty of great earners at IS, equally, there are ofcourse lousy earners but as Ive said before its not just all about money, its about time, peace of mind, this and that, OTOH, these are ingrediants, totally strange to the micro world, isnt it?
So in short, I will stick with independancy, getting too f###ing old in this game to start changing now. Thanks anyway for all your differant views. :)

Is not all about the money; i understand that. Upload only to the big 4 SS, IS,FT,DT. don't waste your time with other smaller agencies for say max. 20% of total revenue. this way you will have a steady income and much more free time to use as you like.




« Reply #46 on: August 09, 2012, 00:46 »
I know many think that I was just kidding around here, but frankly I wasnt, However tons of ppl contacted me yesterday, mails, this and that and well, I suppose, I have to re-consider this, too much at risk and too much hassle deactivating files, etc at all sites.
I actually got sent to me some extremely interesting stats, earnings at IS, vettas and all that and believe me fellas, contrary to what we want to believe, there are plent and plenty of great earners at IS, equally, there are ofcourse lousy earners but as Ive said before its not just all about money, its about time, peace of mind, this and that, OTOH, these are ingrediants, totally strange to the micro world, isnt it?
So in short, I will stick with independancy, getting too f###ing old in this game to start changing now. Thanks anyway for all your differant views. :)

Is not all about the money; i understand that. Upload only to the big 4 SS, IS,FT,DT. don't waste your time with other smaller agencies for say max. 20% of total revenue. this way you will have a steady income and much more free time to use as you like.



Actually theres lots of sense in what youre saying.


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« Reply #47 on: August 09, 2012, 01:39 »
Exclusivity doesn't work financially for everyone. If your portfolio relies on sheer numbers of walk around tourist shots, or what you ate for dinner each day then I don't think it's worth it. The money to be made is in Vetta, Agency and exclusive +. So, given that your portfolio is of high end, hard to get to, niche images then I think you're mad not to be cashing in on the extra $ available in the collections. Obviously it doesnt matter who you are, or what "stick" you've given iStock. To think otherwise is some sort of bizarre vanity. Of course, I'm also pretty sure you're not serious and are simply posting for posting's sake, in which case... meh.

He might be but your analysis is correct I think :)


« Reply #48 on: August 09, 2012, 01:51 »
You're kidding, right?  

Even with sales down on all sites, Istock leads the pack.  Sales have crashed there.  Can't imagine limiting myself to fighting for the ever dwindling pool of remaining sales there.  

I would doubt that  Lagereek would loose out if he takes advantage of agency or vetta or E+ as exclusive.  It seems he would not need a lot of these sales to surpass the puny subscription SS sales and the lot.  The hedge of independence has not panned out in enough sales when compared to the large revenue avenues of the higher end sales at IS. 

It would be fascinating to compare an indie vs exclusive from the start both with 250000 downloads to see who was the smarter person.  One has made the wrong financial decision.  The data is out there!

 I think youre right, I have quite a number of images that would qualify for Vettas, and thats where the revenue is, no doubt about that!  question is ofcourse, if they would accept me, or others like me? I mean we have enough given them some stick over the years.

Exclusivity doesn't work financially for everyone. If your portfolio relies on sheer numbers of walk around tourist shots, or what you ate for dinner each day then I don't think it's worth it. The money to be made is in Vetta, Agency and exclusive +. So, given that your portfolio is of high end, hard to get to, niche images then I think you're mad not to be cashing in on the extra $ available in the collections. Obviously it doesnt matter who you are, or what "stick" you've given iStock. To think otherwise is some sort of bizarre vanity. Of course, I'm also pretty sure you're not serious and are simply posting for posting's sake, in which case... meh.

Yes Im sure youre right. trouble is, its a mega job deleting, moving, terminating images everywhere, six months waiting with some of them and the ultimate question still is: is it worth it? Im not sure anymore as I said, Ive had tons of mails, this and that and it seems to be a 50/50  deal for and against. So, who knows, really?
In my case, Im not only thinking revenue all the time, there are other criteria just as important.


« Reply #49 on: August 09, 2012, 04:32 »
Now, find old Johnny Cash and listen to "16 tons"

Johnny Cash - Sixteen Tons

exclusivity = dependency


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