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Author Topic: October 2012 Earning Thread  (Read 16863 times)

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« Reply #50 on: November 02, 2012, 03:05 »
BME for me. Video sales were way up, and helped by a great month on Alamy.


« Reply #51 on: November 02, 2012, 03:41 »
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 06:31 by SA »


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #52 on: November 02, 2012, 05:15 »
  the overall BME is due to a sale at IS of 30$ (don't know what has sold as it was credit card I think)

Or it might be an EL (Extended licence). Check by going to your financials tab, then click View Extended Licence earnings.

Paulo M. F. Pires

  • "No Gods No Masters"
« Reply #53 on: November 02, 2012, 05:58 »
BME on SS, without any single EL, but with a big increase of OD's downloads.

SS, followed by Alamy and 123RF.

The big surprise: Photospin. Officially I start on 10th Oct. Even with that strange 0,09c sales, I got more than IS and DT together. Now we are on 2th Nov., and already doubled sales. Funny fact is that i'm selling my worst files there...

IS, DT, FT.... almost death. Is was going well with PP sales, but nowadays is WME each month.

« Reply #54 on: November 02, 2012, 07:07 »
BME also for me!
+40% compared to September.

More than 50% of the income is from Shutterstock (BME).
Followed by Fotolia (BME), 123rf (BME), Photodune, Depositphoto (BME), Pond5, Veer (BME), Dreamstime, CanStockPhoto, GL Stock Images (BME), Stockfresh and Alamy.

« Reply #55 on: November 02, 2012, 12:13 »
Up 29% to last month, and up 26% to October 2011. Best four: Shutterstock, Zazzle , DepositPhotos, Dreamstime

Complete statistic at

(This statistic include referral earning at the different agencies)

« Reply #56 on: November 02, 2012, 15:09 »
BME on SS, without any single EL, but with a big increase of OD's downloads.

SS, followed by Alamy and 123RF.

The big surprise: Photospin. Officially I start on 10th Oct. Even with that strange 0,09c sales, I got more than IS and DT together. Now we are on 2th Nov., and already doubled sales. Funny fact is that i'm selling my worst files there...

IS, DT, FT.... almost death. Is was going well with PP sales, but nowadays is WME each month.

Hi, Paulo,

glad that You selling on Photospin with success.
How many did You uploaded ?
And sold ?
Photos ?
Thx in advance

« Reply #57 on: November 02, 2012, 16:36 »
   Go to the profile menu and select Forum Profile. Put your DT and SS user info into the fields provided then check the "Hide Portfolio Links" if you don't want them displayed.

for some reason i cant get my SS port to show up -  i enter my name but it gets reset to '0' when i save it

2nd BME overall   prev BME included a $300 EL from DT

BME for SS, beating previous by 30%
good month for DT Big 123

« Reply #58 on: November 02, 2012, 16:37 »
Great month on IS... North of $10 per download all last week


  • website ready 2026 :)
« Reply #59 on: November 03, 2012, 06:03 »
Great month on IS... North of $10 per download all last week

nice :)

Steady as she goes for me (IS Exclusive)

« Reply #60 on: November 03, 2012, 06:24 »
IS: A mediocre month, still -40% from the BME
SS: A new BME!
DT: Much weaker than last month that was a BME, but still okay compared to this year's average.
FT: Weak as usual
VMP: BME! (Veer is now officially ahead of FT for me)

Paulo M. F. Pires

  • "No Gods No Masters"
« Reply #61 on: November 03, 2012, 16:51 »
Hi, Paulo,

glad that You selling on Photospin with success.
How many did You uploaded ?
And sold ?
Photos ?
Thx in advance

606 Files, 30 sold on October.  5 so far, where 2 were sold for 27$.

The bad: In October 2 files hit the "infamous" 0.03$ value.

Let's see how it goes on next months ( My portfolio is small and  is not as "commercial" as it should be )

« Reply #62 on: November 03, 2012, 17:35 »
   Go to the profile menu and select Forum Profile. Put your DT and SS user info into the fields provided then check the "Hide Portfolio Links" if you don't want them displayed.

for some reason i cant get my SS port to show up -  i enter my name but it gets reset to '0' when i save it

you need to enter your Shutterstock ID#, not your user name.

THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« Reply #63 on: November 03, 2012, 20:40 »
Hi, Paulo,

glad that You selling on Photospin with success.
How many did You uploaded ?
And sold ?
Photos ?
Thx in advance

606 Files, 30 sold on October.  5 so far, where 2 were sold for 27$.

The bad: In October 2 files hit the "infamous" 0.03$ value.

Let's see how it goes on next months ( My portfolio is small and  is not as "commercial" as it should be )

Wow, interesting stuff thanks for sharing. I was looking at their payment page, and it states this:

"Each revenue split is based upon the number of total downloads of your images per customer per month."

Meaning what exactly - you will never know what you are supposed to be paid? Am i reading that right?

And 0.03cents in value for a sale.......really?.....iStock will be jealous. ;)

« Reply #64 on: November 04, 2012, 02:06 »
Hi, Paulo,

glad that You selling on Photospin with success.
How many did You uploaded ?
And sold ?
Photos ?
Thx in advance

606 Files, 30 sold on October.  5 so far, where 2 were sold for 27$.

The bad: In October 2 files hit the "infamous" 0.03$ value.

Let's see how it goes on next months ( My portfolio is small and  is not as "commercial" as it should be )

Wow, interesting stuff thanks for sharing. I was looking at their payment page, and it states this:

"Each revenue split is based upon the number of total downloads of your images per customer per month."

Meaning what exactly - you will never know what you are supposed to be paid? Am i reading that right?

And 0.03cents in value for a sale.......really?.....iStock will be jealous. ;)

No problem with 0,03 $ if You had sold 2 for 27$. Bravo for this, Paulo.
Anyway, 0.08 $, 0.03 $.. this is total degradation :(
But participation in stock business is our choice, agree?

Paulo M. F. Pires

  • "No Gods No Masters"
« Reply #65 on: November 04, 2012, 08:40 »
No problem with 0,03 $ if You had sold 2 for 27$. Bravo for this, Paulo.
Anyway, 0.08 $, 0.03 $.. this is total degradation :(
But participation in stock business is our choice, agree?

Yeah, 0,03$ is nearly a crime. But we are talking about "premier" colection ( 300k pictures ), and only if client spend all subscription. If they not spend it at all, You get higher royalties for those images, something does not happen in other agencies ( They still paying 0,20$,0,25... ).

So, the best way to evaluate PS, is on the end of each year :D

Another "funny" fact is that, some files sold on PS, never got any sale ( or even were got accepted ) in any of agency's that i'm working with. Here among us, "where nobody can listen": I should be paying to customer for every download of those "images" LOL

Most people criticize these "business template", because it makes other agencies lower their prices ( IS and FT by the way ), but I'm the few one that believe that they would lower the prices any way. Moreover, regularly, I got same image sold in more than agency, on same day, with different prices: once was from 0.25$ to 131$. This means that we have enough clients for any price, and working with "very low price"  agency, doesn't means that "all clients" runway to that agency on first chance.

But I agree with You.. it's everyone own choice. Micro Stock is my third source of income ( second in photography business ), and i'm not working with the most salable images.

More easily I stop downloading to Is, than to PS. I give more importance to the final $ income, rather than the RPD.

Wow, interesting stuff thanks for sharing. I was looking at their payment page, and it states this:

"Each revenue split is based upon the number of total downloads of your images per customer per month."

Meaning what exactly - you will never know what you are supposed to be paid? Am i reading that right?

And 0.03cents in value for a sale.......really?.....iStock will be jealous. ;)

You right. As I stated above, we only will know the final results on the end of each year, and probably we will get much of those 0,03$ downloads.

But non-sub downloads are interesting.


« Reply #66 on: November 04, 2012, 09:04 »
- from September 2012 (up 30%)
- from October 2011 (up 38.7%)
- 42 months of stock
- 3 new uploads in October
- SS with 3952 pictures (370 editorial)
- traditional top 5 - 67.5% (SS, IS, FT, 123RF, DT) (Sep 66.8%)

Oct % - Sep % - last month $ %

TOP 8 - 83.4% (80.3%)

SS 42.4% (38.4%) (up 42.4%)  (Oct - 2 EL + 7 SOD = 139.13$) (Sep - 0 EL + 1 SOD = 2.55$) (3rd BME)
IS 8.8% (12.7%) (down 11.5%) (8 months with no new uploads)
Z 8.6% (5.7%) (up 86.3%) (BME)
123RF 8% (5.5%) (up 86.5%) (back on the 100$'s after many months below) (very close to BME)
FT 5% (7.1%) (down 0.8%)
ISIGN 4.2% (4.8%) (up 14.1%)
DT 3.3% (3.1%) (up 38.6%) (May 69$ (BME), Jun 35$, Jul 35$, Aug 39$, Sep 34$, Oct 47$)
PM 3.1% (0.5%) (up 736%) (Sep 6$, Oct 44$) (BME)

MIDDLE - 12.6% (15%)

DP 3% (2.9%)
XY 2.3% (1.9%)
XX 2.1% (2.2%)
XZ 1.7% (2.5%)
PD 1.4% (2%)
BigStock 1.1% (1.2%)
V 1% (1.7%)

LOW - 4% (4.7%)
(12 agencies all below 1% each)

edited because of IS incorrect earnings (StatsPlus help) and also Zazzle bonus added (7% after 100$ earnings)
« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 22:43 by luissantos84 »

« Reply #67 on: November 04, 2012, 10:33 »
Luis my head is Good summary :).


« Reply #68 on: November 04, 2012, 10:56 »
- Jan 1073$, Feb 1090$, Mar 1342$, Apr 1396$, May 1452$, Jun 1206$, Jul 1273$, Aug 1441$, Sep 1083$, Oct 1396$
- from September 2012 (up 29%)
- from October 2011 (up 37.4%)
- 42 months of stock
- 3 new uploads in October
- SS with 3952 pictures (370 editorial)
- traditional top 5 - 67.5% (SS, IS, FT, 123RF, DT) (Sep 66.8%)

Oct % - Sep % - last month $ %

TOP 8 - 83.2% (80.3%)

SS 42.8% (38.4%) (up 42.4%)  (Oct - 2 EL + 7 SOD = 139.13$) (Sep - 0 EL + 1 SOD = 2.55$) (3rd BME)
IS 8.3% (12.7%) (down 11.5%) (8 months with no new uploads)
Z 8.2% (5.7%) (up 86.3%) (BME)
123RF 8% (5.5%) (up 86.5%) (back on the 100$'s after many months below) (very close to BME)
FT 5.1% (7.1%) (down 0.8%)
ISIGN 4.4% (4.8%) (up 14.1%)
DT 3.3% (3.1%) (up 38.6%) (May 69$ (BME), Jun 35$, Jul 35$, Aug 39$, Sep 34$, Oct 47$)
PM 3.1% (0.5%) (up 736%) (Sep 6$, Oct 44$) (BME)

MIDDLE - 12.8% (15%)

DP 3% (2.9%)
XY 2.4% (1.9%)
XX 2.1% (2.2%)
XZ 1.7% (2.5%)
PD 1.5% (2%)
BigStock 1.2% (1.2%)
V 1% (1.7%)

LOW - 4% (4.7%)
(12 agencies all below 1% each)

You've been busy.  Good to see that hard work is paying off.

« Reply #69 on: November 04, 2012, 13:10 »
thanks for both comments! ;D

actually I haven't been working that much (at least in the latest 12 months), time to work on the k's of pictures from St. Lucia, Spain, UK, Ireland and Portugal, I am settling down for a while so it will be a month of hard work, will see how it goes!

« Reply #70 on: November 04, 2012, 14:06 »
   Go to the profile menu and select Forum Profile. Put your DT and SS user info into the fields provided then check the "Hide Portfolio Links" if you don't want them displayed.

for some reason i cant get my SS port to show up -  i enter my name but it gets reset to '0' when i save it

you need to enter your Shutterstock ID#, not your user name.

thanks! i had forgotten there was a difference


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #71 on: November 04, 2012, 19:53 »
Looks like I am following a similar trend to others - easily my BME with sales just over $2000, compared to $1676 last month and a previous best in June of $1766. Shutterstock easily beat all previous records with $826 compared to $686, and iStock was not bad with $326. The unlikely star for me this month was 123RF with sales of $226 (compared to a previous best of around $120) and referral earnings jumping up to $66. So whoever signed up to the site using one of my links from my website - congratulations on a fantastic month for yourself and thanks for helping me out!

I'll work on the earnings per image and update my spreadsheets with that, but in the meantime, here are the headline graphs and totals of files per site. As usual more details on my blog.


« Reply #72 on: November 04, 2012, 19:58 »
impressive Steve, very nice indeed! ;)

are you including referral earnings in your statistics? if I have 1$ per month from that is a lot, stopped blogging 1 year ago and I was never very active too

edited for typo
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 21:00 by luissantos84 »


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #73 on: November 04, 2012, 20:05 »
impressive Steve, very nice indeed!

are you were including referral earnings in your statistics? if I have 1$ per month from that is a lot, stopped blogging 1 year ago and I was never very active too

Thanks! I feel good about last month, and this month is off to a great start with one of those famed $70 downloads on Shutterstock!

I do count referral income in my totals, and I've started adding in Zazzle as well (although I don't try hard there). Most of the sites are negligible in terms of referral income, but 123RF really surprised me. The contributor must be really selling well to result in me getting $60. It built up over the past 3 months as well so I don't think it is the combined efforts of a lot of people.


« Reply #74 on: November 05, 2012, 23:46 »
BME on 6 of 8 sites I submit! SS has always been a BME month after month in both dls and $$s. But I have just 600 files on SS.. Lets see how long this continues..


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