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Author Topic: Microstock.Plus: The first cloud platform to manage, upload & submit any content  (Read 135017 times)

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« Reply #175 on: July 15, 2019, 20:38 »
Question: I'm noticing an issue with 123rf uploads. I've uploaded a combination of editorial and creative files but looks like only the editorial files made it into the upload queue on 123rf. Can you please investigate? Here are a couple of ID's: 5d2c02cc9b7b12765ef37cb5, 5d2c02b69b7b12765ef37c9d, 5d2c02949b7b12765ef37c6b - show up as uploaded in MS, but not found in 123rf, editorial; 5d2c01c69b7b12765ef37b0f, 5d2c014b9b7b12765ef37a3d, 5d2c00d09b7b12765ef37971 - show up as uploaded in MS, and is found in the 123rf queue, non-editorial

« Reply #176 on: July 16, 2019, 01:03 »
Question: I'm noticing an issue with 123rf uploads. I've uploaded a combination of editorial and creative files but looks like only the editorial files made it into the upload queue on 123rf. Can you please investigate? Here are a couple of ID's: 5d2c02cc9b7b12765ef37cb5, 5d2c02b69b7b12765ef37c9d, 5d2c02949b7b12765ef37c6b - show up as uploaded in MS, but not found in 123rf, editorial; 5d2c01c69b7b12765ef37b0f, 5d2c014b9b7b12765ef37a3d, 5d2c00d09b7b12765ef37971 - show up as uploaded in MS, and is found in the 123rf queue, non-editorial

That's normal, 123rf processing system is terrible...

The system will automatically re-upload the files if they don't show up within a week (or you can do it manually by changing their status to 'ready' for 123rf and re-uploading them)

« Reply #177 on: July 16, 2019, 21:35 »
Ok, good to know, thanks!

« Reply #178 on: July 17, 2019, 15:29 »
I've tried it several times now, still no success. However, I have no difficulties when I upload with an FTP client. How is this different? Is there something you could maybe dig into as it seems to follow a very specific pattern (non-editorial images only, not happening with FTP clients)?

« Reply #179 on: July 17, 2019, 21:21 »
I've tried it several times now, still no success. However, I have no difficulties when I upload with an FTP client. How is this different? Is there something you could maybe dig into as it seems to follow a very specific pattern (non-editorial images only, not happening with FTP clients)?

There is nothing specific about non-editorial files except that you need to specify correct file type when starting the processing on their website (the system does that).
Besides, it works correctly for other users... So probably an unlucky streak of uploading attempts?

« Reply #180 on: July 18, 2019, 21:59 »
Well, I think that must have been it! I didn't realize they would end up in different queues and that I'd have to go through the submission process twice. I've now gone down the editorial path on the website and there are new files in the queue. Thanks for the help!


« Reply #181 on: July 25, 2019, 03:00 »
Does the system keep uploading to 123RF until they get there? Currently none of my recent images manage to get into the 123 system even though they have an uploaded status.

« Reply #182 on: July 27, 2019, 10:43 »
Does the system keep uploading to 123RF until they get there? Currently none of my recent images manage to get into the 123 system even though they have an uploaded status.

Yes, it will re-upload files every week until it'll see them there.

« Reply #183 on: July 29, 2019, 14:09 »
I used the tool for quite few uploads now, but I am concerned about the renaming of the file names. Sometimes its kind of, sometimes its the correct one, uploaded to the tool.

Arent those cryptic names bad for the search on some portals?

Thank you :)

« Reply #184 on: July 29, 2019, 15:26 »
I used the tool for quite few uploads now, but I am concerned about the renaming of the file names. Sometimes its kind of, sometimes its the correct one, uploaded to the tool.

Arent those cryptic names bad for the search on some portals?

Thank you :)

It doesn't matter for the search at all.
Microstock agencies are using metadata for search (titles, descriptions, keywords).

« Reply #185 on: August 09, 2019, 11:12 »
Suggestion: could you please add Travel as a top level category? It maps 1:1 with categories at most agencies I submit to. I am having to go into Agency Categories for 90% of my photos as there is no other top level category that allows populating relevant values at the agency level.

« Reply #186 on: August 09, 2019, 13:01 »
Suggestion: could you please add Travel as a top level category? It maps 1:1 with categories at most agencies I submit to. I am having to go into Agency Categories for 90% of my photos as there is no other top level category that allows populating relevant values at the agency level.

1) If there are going to be categories at all, I agree with your suggestion

2) I ignore categories. Those were needed a decade ago, but search algorithms now make them pretty much obsolete. Many agencies have dropped them entirely, while others still have them as a holdover. I don't think anyone really uses them when searching though.  Just add 'travel' as a keyword, and you are set for any search engine likely to be used today.

« Reply #187 on: August 10, 2019, 03:30 »
Suggestion: could you please add Travel as a top level category? It maps 1:1 with categories at most agencies I submit to. I am having to go into Agency Categories for 90% of my photos as there is no other top level category that allows populating relevant values at the agency level.

Thank you for the suggestion, I'll add it to the task list :)

« Reply #188 on: August 10, 2019, 23:28 »
Thank you for the suggestion, I'll add it to the task list :)

Awesome! Thanks a lot. Look forward to having it later!

« Reply #189 on: August 13, 2019, 23:23 »
Quick question: my Adobe uploads are failing (Internal Error), are you aware of any issues?

« Reply #190 on: August 14, 2019, 15:27 »
Quick question: my Adobe uploads are failing (Internal Error), are you aware of any issues?

Not really. Please PM me your registration e-mail so I could check what's going on.

« Reply #191 on: August 14, 2019, 22:27 »
I just realized that I changed my PW on a bunch of sites yesterday and Adobe was one of them. Sorry for the false alarm! Although, it would be good to get an alert within the UI that clarifies that a connection failed because of a bad password


« Reply #192 on: August 20, 2019, 05:25 »
I there anyway that MicrostockPlus can display the correct montly earning from 123RF. Typically it shows the previous month as well as current month added together which is pretty annoying. Im aware 123 have some site issuses but they so display the correct data on the site. No way to use this???

« Reply #193 on: August 20, 2019, 08:00 »
I there anyway that MicrostockPlus can display the correct montly earning from 123RF. Typically it shows the previous month as well as current month added together which is pretty annoying. Im aware 123 have some site issuses but they so display the correct data on the site. No way to use this???

Well the system is reading the data displayed by 123rf on the website... I'm not quite sure where do you think it SHOULD read the correct value.

« Reply #194 on: August 23, 2019, 03:02 »
Hi. Why would a MOV file encoded at 29.97 FPS that is 59 seconds and 29 frames long be considered too long by StockSubmitter when the agency submission limitation is 60 sec and I am just under it (by 0.97 frames)? Thanks!
« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 04:38 by notaslave »

« Reply #195 on: September 02, 2019, 17:53 »
Hello Everyone,

I'm using M+ for 3 weeks now, this is a great platform! But I'm having real issue with Pond5, Alamy and 123RF.

I understood 123RF there is nothing much to dooo.
But I don't know why my upload failed each time for Alamy and Pond5? In the manage agencies; Pond5 and Alamy are ready to use, but when it's time to upload always failed!

Do you have any suggestions how to resolve that?

Please help :)

Thank you


« Reply #196 on: September 03, 2019, 05:39 »
I have noticed that nothing is getting through to 123RF for months now. Any news on this issue?


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #197 on: September 05, 2019, 13:23 »
Can you upload illustrative editorial to Adobe Stock now? Is this an option anywhere in the settings?


« Reply #198 on: September 08, 2019, 08:55 »

Could you provide a file ID of that footage?


What does it state as the reason the upload has failed?
And for 123rf what problem are you experiencing exactly?


What does happen when you try to upload  there?


There's no solution for that at the moment.

« Reply #199 on: September 15, 2019, 17:58 »

for pond5, Alamy and 123RF the upload failed each time ==> but before uploading the light is yellow and ready.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but before uploading the light is orange and ready?
What should I do?

For Alamy should i complete metadata maybe? normally should work without


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