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Author Topic: Microstock.Plus: The first cloud platform to manage, upload & submit any content  (Read 135602 times)

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« Reply #200 on: September 16, 2019, 03:40 »

for pond5, Alamy and 123RF the upload failed each time ==> but before uploading the light is yellow and ready.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but before uploading the light is orange and ready?
What should I do?

For Alamy should i complete metadata maybe? normally should work without

What does it state as the reason of the upload failure? Select a single file to see it.

« Reply #201 on: September 16, 2019, 09:19 »
Why change to the cloud system :( bad idea in my opinion. Love old system

« Reply #202 on: September 17, 2019, 00:49 »
Why change to the cloud system :( bad idea in my opinion. Love old system

Old system is still available to those who prefers it :)


« Reply #203 on: September 18, 2019, 06:01 »
When I upload to 123RF through microstock plus all of the files status changes to UPLOADED but they never seem to get to 123RF and change to submitted.

I am able to submit through their own website without issue

« Reply #204 on: September 18, 2019, 08:28 »
Hello, StockSubmitter user here trying out for the first time.  I have a video that I am trying to submit, got it all ready (love the web-based interface), but am having problems with the last step.  Once I selected to upload the video to my selected agencies, it goes into "Queued" status.  However, it has stayed that way for over 12 hours now, is there something that I am missing?  As far as I can tell, all of my agencies are setup correctly and the file is all ready.


« Reply #205 on: September 18, 2019, 09:51 »

If the files didn't appear at the agency website then it's purely agency's server fault and there's not much we can do about it. M+ will automatically re-upload files if they won't appear within a week. Alternatively, you can do it manually by assigning the "Ready" status for this agency and starting the upload again.

@Chris Kelleher

Please PM me your registration e-mail and what agencies you experience this problem with so I could check it.

« Reply #206 on: September 18, 2019, 14:35 »
@Niakris it says wrong login/ftp password ==> but in manage agencies it's ready to use.
I did re-insert login and password and ready to use again, but still wrong login/ftp password when the upload failed
What to do?

« Reply #207 on: September 19, 2019, 03:52 »
@Niakris it says wrong login/ftp password ==> but in manage agencies it's ready to use.
I did re-insert login and password and ready to use again, but still wrong login/ftp password when the upload failed
What to do?

Pond5 - make sure you've entered correct FTP password, it's different from the website password.

123rf, Alamy - please try logging in manually via any FTP client (e.g. Filezilla) with the same login/password and see if it works.

« Reply #208 on: September 24, 2019, 15:09 »

Everything working well now.
Just little questions concerning pond5 and dreamstime, it upload well but never submit, I always need to submit by myself, is it normal? Or should I wait more time?
I tried to wait 4 days but still not submitting.

Also can you let me know where I can find the API Key and API Secret for Istcok.

Thank you for all your help.

« Reply #209 on: September 28, 2019, 04:06 »

Everything working well now.
Just little questions concerning pond5 and dreamstime, it upload well but never submit, I always need to submit by myself, is it normal? Or should I wait more time?
I tried to wait 4 days but still not submitting.

Also can you let me know where I can find the API Key and API Secret for Istcok.

Thank you for all your help.

No, it's not normal, please don't submit files manually. And if you do, don't forget to mark files as submitted in M+ interface, otherwise the platform will consider files 'lost' by the agency and re-upload them after a week.
Next time you encounter this issue please contact me immediately using Telegram Netherspite or e-mail [email protected]

Regarding iStock, our keys were blocked by Getty so we cannot provide them anymore I'm afraid.


« Reply #210 on: September 30, 2019, 02:12 »
I have noticed that Microstockplus is not showing the correct balance for Alamy for the last few weeks. Is this an error with the software or their site?

« Reply #211 on: October 01, 2019, 03:51 »
I have noticed that Microstockplus is not showing the correct balance for Alamy for the last few weeks. Is this an error with the software or their site?

Are you comparing it to the Cleared Balance on Alamy website?


« Reply #212 on: October 02, 2019, 03:32 »
I have noticed that Microstockplus is not showing the correct balance for Alamy for the last few weeks. Is this an error with the software or their site?

Are you comparing it to the Cleared Balance on Alamy website?

Yes I was, It seems to have updated now and showing correct. Thanks

« Reply #213 on: October 16, 2019, 13:35 »
Hi, I must say I love the cloud base solution its amazing, but I do have one problem for some reason Pond5 is stuck to validate is say  Status: verifying login information And it wont move from there I entered the right password for user and for FTP

« Reply #214 on: October 19, 2019, 05:10 »
Hi, I must say I love the cloud base solution its amazing, but I do have one problem for some reason Pond5 is stuck to validate is say  Status: verifying login information And it wont move from there I entered the right password for user and for FTP

It's due to their paranoid bot-protection system. Validation can take as long as their system will keep refusing connections from our address that has been assigned to you, up to several days.

« Reply #215 on: October 23, 2019, 12:54 »
Hey, are there issues with uploads to Bigstockphoto? One (or two) of my photos got uploaded 1,791 times! I now have 1,792 pending edit where there should only be 2 or 3 (one additional photo was uploaded manually by me via their website).   
I can't see the photo preview on their website, it's broken, but based the description the photo ID is either 5dad2a8e6538587e67a99c25 or 5dad2a4b6538587e67a99be1

« Reply #216 on: October 24, 2019, 02:20 »
Hi! New user here. I see others were having the same problem:
API keys in iStock/Getty are not available. Still M+ asks for them in order to ad iStock to my agencies.
Does that mean iStock is not usable in M+? Just delete and forget? Or will M+ come up with some solution like stop asking for impossible or supply it themselves (here in this thread there was a suggestion that those keys could be passed around from other users).
Actually I am halfway done with trying to work with iStock anyway, they are a headache.

« Reply #217 on: October 24, 2019, 03:52 »

It could happen if uploading fails due to some network or internal Bigstock error (from the M+ PoV) but Bigstock is still recognizing and showing the file in the unfinished list.
In this case I'd recommend to remove those files from there and set their status to 'ready' for Bigstock in M+ so it would stop trying to upload them.


The thing is that we cannot provide those keys anymore. We had our keys but Getty decided to block them for some stupid reason so now the only way to work with them is if you can find a working key pair somewhere.

« Reply #218 on: October 25, 2019, 01:30 »

The thing is that we cannot provide those keys anymore. We had our keys but Getty decided to block them for some stupid reason so now the only way to work with them is if you can find a working key pair somewhere.
Thanks! I understand!

« Reply #219 on: October 27, 2019, 13:12 »
It's me again :) . I can't ad Dreamstime to my list of agencies. M+ says there is no such profile. Well, there is and was for a while already. I can log on normally from Chrome and from the link in M+. I tried Deactivate and start anew but it didn't help. I don't use any Remember Password feature. Any suggestions what should I do?

« Reply #220 on: October 28, 2019, 07:56 »
It's me again :) . I can't ad Dreamstime to my list of agencies. M+ says there is no such profile. Well, there is and was for a while already. I can log on normally from Chrome and from the link in M+. I tried Deactivate and start anew but it didn't help. I don't use any Remember Password feature. Any suggestions what should I do?

What does it say exactly?

« Reply #221 on: October 28, 2019, 14:15 »
What does it say exactly?
I tried once more and right now it says "error (undefined)"

« Reply #222 on: October 28, 2019, 18:30 »
What does it say exactly?
I tried once more and right now it says "error (undefined)"

Please PM me your registration e-mail

« Reply #223 on: November 04, 2019, 14:50 »
 :) I'm getting my ducks in a row.

So what would be the best workflow now? Upload one file and submit one by one or first upload all I have for that day and submit all together? Can a ready file wait a day or two before submitting?
Is there any specific procedure for editorial?
After the files are submitted to the agencies do they stay in M+? In file manager or do they go to archive? Is it necessary to leave them in M+ after they are submitted?


« Reply #224 on: November 05, 2019, 04:28 »
:) I'm getting my ducks in a row.

So what would be the best workflow now? Upload one file and submit one by one or first upload all I have for that day and submit all together? Can a ready file wait a day or two before submitting?
Is there any specific procedure for editorial?
After the files are submitted to the agencies do they stay in M+? In file manager or do they go to archive? Is it necessary to leave them in M+ after they are submitted?


1. You can choose whatever workflow you prefer. I'd recommend to upload all files first, then tag them and then upload them whenever you want to.
They can wait there forever.

2. For Editorial please check the corresponding checkbox in the metadata panel.

3. Yeah they stay in M+ until you remove them. If you remove them, the system will remove the actual files from our storage and move files to the Archive section in the UI, allowing you to still copy metadata from them if you need. You can no longer upload them though. Submission should still work for files in Archive except for submitting vectors to Dreamstime as it requires the system to upload EPS files and obviously they're not in the storage anymore.
So technically, Archive is the section for removed files.


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