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Topics - melastmohican

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General Stock Discussion / It's rejection season
« on: January 15, 2010, 13:24 »
This month many people have been complaining about abnormal rejection rates. When I was looking at DT chart it stroke me that it was the same last January then slowly it went down. It must be some rational explanation for this, maybe reviewers take vacations in January after busy holiday season.

General Stock Discussion / MPEG-7
« on: January 14, 2010, 19:53 »
It looks like finally multimedia got it's own description standard: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MPEG-7

I wonder when agencies start accepting it for video?

123RF / Comprehensive Extended sold
« on: January 12, 2010, 16:44 »
It's going to be my first in this category. I wonder where will this one land?

Veer / Pixel quality issue
« on: January 07, 2010, 16:33 »
What do they mean by that? I googled and I could not figure out what's definition of this term.

Off Topic / First month after converting to Mac
« on: January 07, 2010, 01:28 »
At first I thought I am joining a cult :-) Now I know it hangs and crashes like Windows or Linux. Overall I am still positive. I am messing it up, installing hundreds of apps which I probably do not need. I was able to get some of my favorite Linux and Windows apps on Mac.

It's going to be my second full year and I am currently uploading to 7. Observing trends from 2009 one I am coming to conclusion that some efforts are not worth return and I will probably stop doing anything with CanStockPhoto or Veer. First one already got enough images and shows no progress. The second one does not cost much time but also does not show any signs of life.


Software - General / PTLens plug-in for Lightroom
« on: November 11, 2009, 13:48 »
When I switched to full sensor camera I started experiencing problems with chromatic aberrations more often than before. I only use Lightroom 2.5 for my post processing so I looked at its lens correction module and it seems like it will be very hard to automate it in y workflow. I started looking for some solutions. Of course if you have full version of PhotoShop you can create action and then use it in LR but I would prefer something cheaper than this. I found great tool called PTLens. Unfortunately there is no plug-in for LR so I started looking for it and found none. I downloaded Adobe Lightroom SDK and decided that learning Lua programming language is probably not so hard. It took two evenings to right something that works. I got post processing filter that calls PTlens after exporting each photo. It's good enough for me but I wonted make it more like Photomatix plug-n so you can select image and edit it interactively in PTLens. 

If interested you can watch progress on Google Code: ptlens-lightroom-plugin. When it's ready I will publish it to Adobe Exchange.

It looks like you can submit 50 images per week:

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If you do not know what is this about it must be about money. Why 40 agencies on iSyndica do not mind that users data is collected?

I downloaded couple presets last night. Sometimes sample images are included so you can reproduce effect in your world. I shoot mostly raw so I do not see similar results on my photos. Most of this presets make images look extremely dark.

General Stock Discussion / Are U Mac or PC?
« on: October 30, 2009, 17:09 »
I have been thinking for a while about my next laptop. Is there any advantage of having Mac instead of PC?

Off Topic / Google and the Deadly Power of Data
« on: October 28, 2009, 14:14 »
Interesting article about next Google's venture: http://gizmodo.com/5391966/google-and-the-deadly-power-of-data

Also mentioned Getty and Corbis as possible next targets.

Lighting / Coco Ring Flash vs RayFlash
« on: October 21, 2009, 22:12 »
It is obviously knock-off of original RayFlash. I do not know quality of it but it costs $60 instead of $200 and looks almost identical.

Coco Ring Flash


Rayflash, on the other hand, seems to be infringing on Kodak's patent (#20060093344).

General Stock Discussion / Veer matched YAY today
« on: October 21, 2009, 15:12 »
I sold 3 images on both this year. It means that Veer is growing faster :-)

General Macrostock / What is your experience with Pixtal?
« on: October 20, 2009, 14:55 »
I just signed with them. It seems like they want images bigger than Alamy.

Software - General / What plugins for Lightroom 2 are you using?
« on: October 16, 2009, 14:13 »
At the moment the only one I am rarely using is Photomatix plug-in to generate HDR.

General Stock Discussion / Approached by a buyer on Flickr
« on: October 14, 2009, 11:53 »
It has never happened to me before. It seems like some press agency from UK want to sell my picture to newspapers in UK:
"I am hoping you would give your permission to use the picture with our story, you would be credited and paid if the picture is used in any of the papers we work with. We pay a straight 50% share of any money we can make selling the picture. This ranges from approx $50 if we get it on a couple of websites to $150 or so for each use in a newspaper. We work with all the main newspapers in the UK and look to sell each story to the main 9 publications. If you are happy we can use this exchange of emails as an informal contract, we don't need exclusive rights as you guessed. If you want to do the pictures exclusively with us and would like a contract you could upload the pictures through our website [edited] which has a contract built in"

I am not comfortable with informal contract but uploading thru their website requires granting them exclusive right which I cannot do for this picture.. I am reading their terms of use right now...

General Stock Discussion / Is this stupid idea?
« on: October 13, 2009, 17:55 »
I was just thinking about new pricing shema for agencies. Let's say they are accepting all images that are technically acceptable. Then image is listed on a site for minimal price, e.g 5 cents. With every download price will be bumped by 1 cent. This way the best pictures will be more valuable than bad ones. Users can search not only for specific keywords but also price ranges. There will be no need for subscriptions cause you can always get cheap ones on demand if you want.

General Stock Discussion / Review time
« on: October 12, 2009, 18:09 »
If review time o a site is always exactly same (a week) does it mean that do not process on first come first serve basis but wait some time then put it in review queue?

Images to IPTC/Exif information embedded inside file or you can have XMP sidecar file corresponding with image file. How about video files?

StockXpert.com / Temporarily down for an upgrade.
« on: September 25, 2009, 13:11 »
Are they taking out hardware to sell on eBay or really something new is going to be rolled out?

Microstock Services / Pixelpipe
« on: September 25, 2009, 12:50 »
This start-up is not exactly targeting microstock but I think it is interesting implementation of upload once/ publish to many idea.

"Pixelpipe is a web gateway that allows mobile desktop and server applications to publish once through Pixelpipe and have that content (photo, video, audio, text, file) distributed out to over 100 different social networks, photo/video sites and blogs around the world."

Now shall I sell my current main lens, Canon EF 17-40mm f/4 L USM lens? I got them when I was using EOS 20D and it's great lens. After switching to 5Dmk2 it seems to be a little to wide for my taste. Now these two lens focal lengths overlap and I already carry 4 lens in my backpack.

General Stock Discussion / Mergers & acquisitions
« on: September 23, 2009, 12:39 »
Can we say that holiday shopping season just got started? I think it actually started when parent of #2 snapped parent of #5. Now #1 takes #6. What should #3 and #4 do, merge? This way Big 6 will be reduced to Big 3 and rest of small players sooner or later will bite the dust. Wait, there is still the "biggest looser" of microstock industry Corbis they can drop big money on something change the balance of forces.

According to Lookstat I sold close to 4500 images. I found my image once on some British computer store site cause it used to be info about it on Fotolia. I wonder how my images are used?

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