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Messages - eppic

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New Sites - General / Re: photocase.com
« on: November 23, 2009, 21:24 »
Well I uploaded 22 images several days ago.  So far 7 have been reviewed with 4 accepted and 3 rejected.  I guess I'll see how the rest fare in the review process.  That final process for publishing photos is quite involved and time consuming; definitely not set up for mass uploads

Site Related / Re: MicrostockGroup Rank - What's yours
« on: November 23, 2009, 21:21 »

MicrostockGroup Ranking
    Sales    263 / 390
    Uploads    167 / 390
    Sales    230 / 446
    Uploads    235 / 446

I guess I better get cracking!

About that flood filter, I know it was soooo two years ago but do the images sell that's the important thing?

Lol I seem to remember that effect being quite popular with buyers back then.  I've played with that filter a bit on other software that has it but in the end it just screams "tacky" to me.  Perhaps someday soon another filter shall rise in favour amongst the buyers that everyone in turn will copy.

Software - General / Re: Adobe Lightroom 3 - Free Beta Download
« on: November 20, 2009, 16:36 »
I just found out about the Version 3 beta today, so I downloaded and installed the 64 bit version (yay 64 bit version!).  I still use version 1.4 and have been waiting for 3x to come out for upgrading.  I really like the gradient tool for getting rid of too dark a sky from over-polarization.  I noticed however that in the noise level controls the luminance slider doesn't work, but the other two do.  So far I think it'll be worth the upgrade for me.

Software - General / Re: Windows 7
« on: November 20, 2009, 16:29 »
You shouldnt have to upgrade your software Lisa; at least that's been my findings so far.  I've upgraded some of the software installations to the 64 bit version where available, but so far everything that's worked for my on both XP and Vista has had no problems on Windows 7.  Even some of my old Windows 95/98 games work on Windows 7, so backwards compatibility is far better than Vista ever was.

Adobe Stock / Re: Is it Fotolia or Me??
« on: November 20, 2009, 16:17 »
I'm sitting at around a 75% rejection rate, so you certainly are not alone in this camp.

Software - General / Re: Windows 7
« on: November 20, 2009, 02:08 »
Code: [Select]
I ended up getting the HP after doing some research.  It has arrived and is having to wait for Saturday for me to get it all hooked up and start playing with it.   
HP's are OK as long as you don't start adding hardware or making hardware upgrades.  I've found if I start adding internal hard drives or adding RAM, upgrading the graphic card etc they tend to crash; maybe too much proprietary stuff in HP's that doesn't like to play with other stuff. That's one reason I went with Gateway this time around (more generic internals).

Thankyou for helping to provide some clarification.  Some have also mentioned, if you look at the previous posts, that there's documentation on depositphotos that very closely resembles that of Istock's.  Can you comment on this?

Well this is all very interesting!  Hopefully a Deposit Photos rep will come to this thread to respond.

Has anyone checked out if they are the same outfit, or owned by the same people as depositfiles.com?

I did a whois lookup on both domains.  While each is registered under a separate company and country, both have "Moniker" as the registrant. 

.tried doing a simple keyword search for 'business' and also 'teen girl beach' which should bring up many images...but all I got was a 0 images screen.

That is a bit odd considering that there's a few thousand images in the "business and finance" category.  Maybe the keyword search needs a bit of tweaking.

Adobe Stock / Re: "Premium subscription"
« on: November 16, 2009, 22:14 »
oh yes I love those notices too!  Kind of like getting break-down notices of banking fees.

No one else is worried about some of the things I mentioned in the other thread (poor English; copied iStock photographer's manual)?

The poor english is kind of strange I admit.  I guess we'll wait and see if Elvinstar gets paid out in a timely manner; that will help tell the tale.   This is also one of the reasons I wanted to begin this thread; if anyone's finding anything else kind of fishy, it's good to let others know.

I suppose if you  don't have 250 accepted images, then you'd have to rely on sales to take you up to $50.00. 
Here's the commission rates:

One kind of weird bug I found when uploading a larger batch of files (like 40), that some seem to get lost in the process.  They usually take a little while to show up in the "unfinished files" section, but it seems that for some reason not all of them find their way over, so I have to re-upload those that didn't make the first time around.

So last week I decided to begin submitting images to depositstock on account of the .20/per accepted image for the first 500 images (100.00).  So far I've submitted 123 images with one rejection, so I certainly cant complain about my acceptance ratio.
The upload servers seem pretty fast with no upload limits and the option for multiple uploads either via browser or FTP.  All my images have IPTC data which was nicely placed in the title desc and keyword boxes.  They have categories as well, but it's a simple drop-down menu like SS has, so final image submission is fairly quick.
I see I have 24.40 in m account balance from my accepted images, so I say so far so good with depositphotos.  I think I'll be asking for a payout once I have 500 images accepted just to make sure they honour the whole thing.
One stipulation however in this program is that your images remain with them for a 6 month minimum. Fair enough sice they paid you to upload them.
Anybody else giving them a try?

New Sites - General / Re: photocase.com
« on: November 16, 2009, 14:49 »
I think etien has a good point.  Look at the photog profiles and you'll see that most of them are listed with ages in their late teens and early 20's.  They're producing a different kind of stock imagery that strays from what we are used to considering as stock.  While it's great that there's an agency for this kind of photography, it's certainly not wihin my portfolio realm.

Bigstock.com / Re: Increase in BigStock downloads lately?
« on: November 12, 2009, 11:38 »
The 2nd half of Oct was good, but that would probably be more due to my uploading over 100 images during that time which I hadnt done in months.

DepositPhotos / Re: Depositphotos - new fotobank
« on: November 12, 2009, 06:08 »
I sent in my initial 5 images about 7 hours ago and have since gotten reviewed and accepted.  Now if subsequent images get reviewed that fast I'll be pretty impressed.

Admittedly the timing is abit off and sites like "Cutcaster" are, well how does one think ahead for names like that.

I assume "12" is the best quality setting? I save at 100 using Lightroom and keep everything in Adobe1998 colorspace until I submit to stock in Srgb.

This is just a humourous musing, but something to think about:
With a new site seeming to pop up every week, I think the money to be made with these new sites is to register as many domains as possible with the word "photo" or "stock"in it and then just squat on those domains so you can sell the new upstarts the domain they want for a profit.
At 2.99 per .com domain you can get a pretty exhaustive list registered without breaking the bank.

DepositPhotos / Re: Depositphotos - new fotobank
« on: November 11, 2009, 11:15 »
Interesting site.  I was having a look at the whole registration and upload process and it talks about gaining "inspector loyalty" through quality image submissions. I found the wording quite curious and was wondering if it's an indirect refrence to inspectors playing favorites or giving preferencial treatment to established contributors versus new contributors?

New Sites - General / Re: photocase.com
« on: November 11, 2009, 08:54 »
The other thing I found a little odd at Photocase was while scrolling through the list of contributors I found it pretty rare to find photogs with ports over 50 images.  Most have ports of under 20 images.  I found one guy with 400 and another with 200, but they were clear exceptions.
Must be really difficult getting images accepted there.

General Stock Discussion / Re: cushystock
« on: November 11, 2009, 06:29 »
Send me your log file for detect the problem, please. You can criticize the software or you can help me to make the software better...

I dont have any log files as I've since bought a new desktop and haven't bothered using the program.  I now have my own system established outside of Cushystock so I'll be sticking with that now.

General Stock Discussion / Re: cushystock
« on: November 10, 2009, 18:46 »
Cushystock stinks.  I bought it awhile back and it was quite unstable on both XP and Vista.  I never did get it to work properly (version 1.9.2) but at least the wizard part was good for keywording.  Version 2 doesn't work properly either and I've since given up (Vista and Window 7).  Oh yeah and the C.S. sucks too.
Anybody who's considering it can get a free trial version and see if they can make it work before forking over 50.00 for the licensed version.

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