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Messages - ruxpriencdiam

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Off Topic / Re: Apple Watch is magic
« on: September 13, 2014, 21:39 »
And the only way to not be tracked or listened to if you have a cell phone of any type is to remove the battery and the SIM card.

This too has been known about and going on for years  and years.

Off Topic / Re: Apple Watch is magic
« on: September 12, 2014, 14:35 »

A WATCH!!!!!!

What a friggin brilliant genius of an idea!!!!!!!

Man having to look all the way down my arm at my phone is finally over !!!!!!

Like whoda ever thunk of such an ingenious idea!!!!!!!

Like now all I need to do is look at my wrist!!!!!

Late night comedy had a blast with that one last night as if this was the first ever made anywhere in the entire universe, a never before heard of concept or idea that only Apple could dream up!!!!!

That's where I was headed, not all the rest of it, but who wears a watch to tell time anymore? So i or Android who wants some Dick Tracy wrist thing, that needs charging daily, strapped on their arm? It's more trendy and fashion and not really functional or practical at this point.

To Mac folks in general, not specifically you... I'm a PC user and happy. There are all kinds of people in the world and we all don't have the same computer, car, pets, clothes, or shoes. The only thing that ever got me about the iNzi's was they are like the one true religion and can't seem to understand, everyone isn't a blind follower of their computer iReligion. LOL Don't come Bible thumping on my doorstep on Saturday morning, telling me about the rapture or signs from the heavens and don't keep telling me how "My Mac is better!" Thank You

And there Ain't No Easter Bunny!  ;)

I'm also an Apple user, and hated using a clunky PC so much at my last job that I carried my Air to work with me every day.

I'm just underwhelmed by the watch (though I think the watch face design is cute). And the fist-pumping and screaming from the audience was kinda creepy.

Like many others, I gave up wearing a watch years ago, since I carry an iPhone.

Off Topic / Re: Apple Watch is magic
« on: September 10, 2014, 17:22 »
Apple is so far behind the curve it is ridiculous.

Samsung had the watch last year and the new IP6!

At least two years behind the curve Samsung is the global world leader.

Android had what the IP6 had 2 years ago and Apple is acting as if it is new technology they have come out with .?????

I meant to say as of lately I try and upload one or two photos on average a day. I have close to 1100 images. I've started to keyword more as of lately also.

my port is
Nope not it.

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General Stock Discussion / Re: Site stealing images and clipart
« on: September 04, 2014, 11:19 »
Looks like nothing but sports.

158 / Re: SS not reporting sales!
« on: August 22, 2014, 12:46 »
And when they stomp out the bugs what do they do next?

It is called Job Security they fix something and break something else so they can keep working, people have been doing this for years in the Automotive industry with the cars onboard computers and it will never change in todays technological world, just get worse.

The Image Stats Page is not rocket science.
Rocket science or not, "beta" means "beta".

If they were sure that it is perfectly working they will not indicate that it is *beta*

I am convinced that contributors can explain away any issue at shutterstock, the blinders are firmly in place.

In this case your "Beta" has been in place for several years. Any decent developer could have the bugs stomped out on a simple query by the end of the day.

So it was a dual rejection something you didn't mention in your original post?

I just had another bunch of jpg illustrations rejected again. New reason for one this time: they wanted a translation of the description. The description in question? "Italian wine." what language would they like me to translate that into?

It's a humorous illustration of a glass of red wine wearing a gondolier hat. But the point is moot...the eps was accepted with no problem, as were all the other eps files, but all the jpgs were rejected again, most for noise that doesn't exist. (Adding to the description won't provide a translation, which is what they asked for.)

Perhaps they wanted a little bit more than "Italian Wine"?

More like.

An illustration of a bottle of Italian wine isolated on white?

Just a thought since we have no idea what it really is.

Now back to the topic, yes SS rejects all my photos for Composition and Poor Lighting, the two most subjective reasons. What I'm doing is working more with illustrations there (SS accepts 100%). Photos are going only to IS and FT where they are accepted and sell well.

I just had another bunch of jpg illustrations rejected again. New reason for one this time: they wanted a translation of the description. The description in question? "Italian wine." what language would they like me to translate that into?

Not true you need to read more.


Use or display any Image on websites or in connection with any service designed to sell or induce sales of user-customized "print on demand" products of any kind using or incorporating Image(s), including, by way of example only, postcards, mugs, t-shirts, posters, giclee prints, wallpaper, artwork and other items.

I thought that was essentially one of the main features of an EL: allow the usage of images on products for resale.

Where's the issue?

I think most EL's prohibit POD or using the image on things that will be sold.  FT's EL does allow POD.  They used to let you opt out from EL's but recently changed that policy and suddenly dumped everyone's images into EL = Yes.

SS's enhanced licence allows "Copies of merchandise for sale": Unlimited

iS's extended licence allows: "Items for Resale (limited run)"

As far as I can see, DT doesn't allow it unless with a total 'sell the rights' licence transfer.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Login blocked at Depositphotos
« on: August 12, 2014, 14:01 »
Your driving license uploaded to your profile already expired. Please send us a copy of your valid driving license and we will reactive your account.

Somethings strange?

My license expired 4 years ago and they are just now finding this out?

Sounds like hackers perhaps?

Yeah they can that is the great thing about how FT efs you and why many left there years ago.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Login blocked at Depositphotos
« on: August 12, 2014, 08:46 »
Just sent an email to their support and will now wait for an answer.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Login blocked at Depositphotos
« on: August 12, 2014, 08:07 »
Yeah something strange going on?

Perhaps due to the Russian hackers?

This login was blocked. Please contact our support service to resolve this problem.

It must be just me cause no one else caught it!

Do you feel there are positives than Negatives in this business

What exactly does this say?

Either one word is misspelled or there is one word missing?

General Stock Discussion / Re: airport photo-property release?
« on: August 06, 2014, 17:09 »
depending on your country, airports would fall in the same photography-restricted areas as border-crossing; automobile checkpoints between cities on a toll-bridge;  museums ( Louvres, Bardo, even Madame Tussauds', ... some are forbidden, others allow you to buy a ticket to shoot for personal usa only),etc
when you travel by car (or plane in this case), and wish to take these photos for commercial ( or even editorial use)
one would be advised to ask for permission with office there. if not, you might if noticed by one of the guard(s) to be pulled in and asked to remove all you took (erasure on the spot, confiscation of your card or roll-film,etc) . again, as i said depending on where you are.
ie. if u r just taking a few snapshots like a tourist, it won't alarm security. but if u went about shooting (alot), security will inevitably pull u in to their office.

as for stock sites accepting or not, i think the previous comment by ShadySue has already addressed that .

I've been asked for permission letters for airport pics, but not all of them. I don't know where the line is drawn.
Apparently you missed the links that I posted?

In the U.S.A. anyone can take pictures of dam near anything they want and that includes Airports, and they cannot detain you or confiscate your memory card or camera or erase anything they need a warrant just to even look at the info on the card, if they detain you or erase or take your card your civil liberties have been taken away and the so called security and airport can be sued for things like coercion, kidnapping and more.

168 / Re: Advice on Credentials at Shutterstock
« on: July 31, 2014, 11:36 »

Please consult the listing below for currently known intellectual property infringement issues. If you have any questions concerning these issues, please email [email protected]. Thank you!

* Please note that this list is not all-inclusive. New entries will be added as they are brought to our attention.


    Snowbirds (CAN), Blue Angels (US), Thunderbirds (US), The Red Arrows (UK)
    Images may be submitted as editorial.
    Additional property release or credentials may be required.

I wouldn't worry too much because I have seen some of the images at their 100% full size and the noise and banding in them makes them completely useless unless you are going to use it at a 4X6 or smaller size.

Off Topic / Re: Another plane crash again. RIP MH17...
« on: July 19, 2014, 09:01 »
Putin's latest hunting trophy

General Stock Discussion / Re: christmas at this time?
« on: July 19, 2014, 08:57 »
And with all the new Back to School sales and such being put out way earlier this year because the people want it as they say then your back to school stuff should be started in January now.

Gotta keep track of how the market fluctuates.

Once you start sharing it it is no longer for personal use!

There will be technological advances like no other!

Everyone will still be here and elsewhere discussing the same thing on all new threads.

We will all be on the new thing from Honda that is like the speeder on star wars.


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