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Messages - sarah2

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Canva / Odd keywords
« on: January 19, 2017, 03:51 »
OK, so when I send up a fully keyworded pic, with title, somebody at CV goes through it, changes the title (often wrongly) and keywords (often strangely).
It's their ball and their game....but seems a waste of everybody's time.

New Sites - General / Re: What do 500px actually sell?
« on: January 17, 2017, 07:48 »
Ta for that. Shutterforge looks good as a website arrangement, but odds of being found about zip. I'm not in north America either so any promotion I might do to family, friends etc would be little use given any delivery charges etc

FAA. I've had some pics there for ages, sold 3 times, not for huge sums. But FAA used to be ART. Now they sell shower curtains. So no longer sure what to upload there, and actually doing so is a right royal PIA.

Hence the problem.

203 / Re: Stolen images!
« on: January 16, 2017, 07:36 »
did you report him?

New Sites - General / Re: What do 500px actually sell?
« on: January 16, 2017, 03:40 »
OK, so let's agree that 30% is rubbish and the lack of watermark means people steal the pics. So ditch 500px.
SS is up S creek. Barely worth uploading now. Maybe continue but without much enthusiasm.
IS are mean in the extreme. 15%? Ditch.
FT sells for utter peanuts if you're not Gold/Diamond or whatever, and we haven't forgotten the DPC.  Got face on. Ditched.

DP (!), BS (25c) etc - well let's just group them together as not worth the effort.

Leaves us with...? Pride. But zero sales, zero income. Pays no bills/butters no parsnips. Not great either!

I guess from the fact you are on this forum you are still supporting the Microstock middlemen?


New Sites - General / Re: What do 500px actually sell?
« on: January 15, 2017, 14:30 »
"the clueless photographers were presumably not trying to pay their bills with their photography"

I don't know why you assume that Douglas.....

206 / Re: down the toilet
« on: January 12, 2017, 16:07 »
and now Error 404 message when trying to access the site

207 / Re: down the toilet
« on: January 12, 2017, 13:34 »
truly truly awful
as if Christmas continues

208 / Re: Amounts disappeared from Stats Page
« on: January 01, 2017, 03:42 »
Thanks suwanneeredhead and Cider Apple. Found the balance!

PS What a shambles! :(

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Contributor Portal update
« on: December 31, 2016, 03:09 »
Thanks YadaYadaYada but the link doesn't seem to go anywhere...

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Contributor Portal update
« on: December 28, 2016, 04:05 »
Ok. I'm confused.
I thought Adobe stock was Fotolia - just rebranded.
Is it?
Do you need to 'join' Adobe Stock? Or does FT stuff go to AS?
Sorry if this is a really gormless question.
I seem to have been living in a parallel universe for the last few months.....or something.....

General Stock Discussion / Re: BBC news getty images year in focus
« on: December 28, 2016, 03:52 »
When? Where? Never noticed it....

212 / Re: November and December Drop in sales
« on: December 23, 2016, 07:58 »
down to Christmas 2013 levels

213 / Re: Low Sales Day? (Friday 25th Nov)
« on: November 26, 2016, 04:49 »
To the OP: Sales Friday were diabolical alsofor me.
Side  note: a holiday in America only affects America, not the rest of the world which generally continues to function.

214 / Re: Payment Threshold
« on: November 24, 2016, 05:59 »
I wish we could choose the level at which we get payout......
Diddling around with the accountant and taxman for every 50$ is a right royal pain and costs money...

215 / Re: Shutterstock search change??
« on: November 24, 2016, 05:21 »

Maybe we just have to join them. One photo through a dozen slightly different colour filters and submit them all with a title and keywords full of spam.....


216 / Re: iStock Royalty Change
« on: November 24, 2016, 03:40 »
I never though I'd see the day when Dollar Photo Club would look like a GOOD deal....!

New Sites - General / Re: What do 500px actually sell?
« on: November 24, 2016, 03:33 »
Thanks so much obj owl. Just what I needed to know..... That seriously is not great and with the ex IS guy it is indeed likely to get worse.... :(

I have sold there just twice for fairly good money but what with all the messing about with small size/large size for marketplace etc..... :(

Busy trying to find alternatives though to standard microstock. SS all up creek with search,nothing new selling, database expanding exponentially and spammed; IS...well....IS; FT and DT tick along as ever but not enough to pay many bills....the rest barely keep me in coffee and chocolate on a good month.

If anybody has any better ideas than 500px I'd be extremely pleased to hear!  (You never know......!  ;D)


New Sites - General / Re: What do 500px actually sell?
« on: November 23, 2016, 15:51 »
Some actual answers to my questions might be nice.....

New Sites - General / What do 500px actually sell?
« on: November 23, 2016, 08:11 »
I mean, they used to sell pretty much one size canvas prints, I seem to recall.  But now????

The problem is that I typically put my (best) photos on more than one site, but would like to have some consistency of pricing across all sites.  With FAA you can choose price (markup), my own site ditto. But 500px?

How have other people dealt with this please? Is there any way on 500px I can set size/price, for example? Or is it basically just the microstock model where 500px sell whatever they can for whatever they can get - and just give us a percentage of that. I really just need to see their price list and purchase option (shown to customers) I guess....

I did look on their site but found no useful info.


220 / Re: Shutterstock search change??
« on: November 23, 2016, 02:55 »
It's all very odd.... I've been around for about 5 or 6 years now. The last few months have been TERRIBLE with old and some REALLY old and forgotten stuff selling, nothing new, not my usual best sellers.
But whatever they have done has improved my situation. This month is not like how it was, but way better than it has been lately.
I think they just keep tinkering, or else servers keep having issues...
Sometimes you are on the 'up' side and sometimes on the 'down'.....but you never know when things might change again....

Reminds me of the Skinner Box experiments - quote from Wikipedia:
"Skinner's research discovered many fascinating examples of animal behavior. One of the most interesting, perhaps, was Skinner's work on superstition. Instead of giving a reward for a specific action and training a specific behavior, Skinner would take a hungry pigeon and place it in a box that would release a food pellet at random. The pigeons developed all kinds of complex behavioral responses such as bowing, scraping, dancing, and neck turns.[7]

What happened was the pigeon would receive the food pellet while it happened to be performing some action, and rather than attributing the food pellet reward to randomness, it would assume that the appearance of the food pellet had something to do with its behavior. So it started doing whatever that action was, over and over again, and sure enough, it was eventually rewarded with a food pellet again. Since the pigeon is increasing the amount of time spent performing a particular action, it is also increasing the number of times it is "rewarded" for that action, even though the reward is random".

We are the pigeons but one day we will fly away....

123RF / Re: Sales
« on: November 12, 2016, 02:26 »
re sales - same old same old. No rise nor fall for 12 months. Just trundles along...upload/no upload, no change...

re survey/sales - I wanted to buy a few images the other day using my credits (it's a long, tedious story). But could not find out how to convert. So 123 lost the sales, another site gained them.

My chq for September is also late. Usually here by now......

123RF / How to turn contributor earnings into credits to buy photo
« on: November 08, 2016, 06:40 »
I can't find link and 123 support chat is not chatting....
Any help appreciated.

no worry - got from Dreamstime as it was easy there

224 / Re: iStock Royalty Change
« on: November 08, 2016, 02:45 »
The odds of them now moving to increase rates must be...
now where's that infinite improbability drive thing gone?

225 / October results
« on: November 01, 2016, 02:14 »
SS down 40% on Oct last year despite uploading.....!!!!! :o

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