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Messages - SpaceStockFootage

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Shutterstock.com / Re: First full year of the "levels"
« on: January 04, 2022, 13:17 »
Agencies and Designers are not going to be buying from a company that shafts their contributors.

Well the last full year of revenue before they were shafting us... was $623m. And the first full year of revenue after they started shafting us was $666m. Not to mention the totals for 2021 are looking to be even higher. So did these agencies and designers not get the memo, or are they just still willingly buying from a company that shafts their contributors?

Shutterstock.com / Re: First full year of the "levels"
« on: January 03, 2022, 08:16 »
I may be the anomaly, but the reality for 99% of contributors to SS is that they earn money from being on SS... and 100% of those that aren't on SS, don't earn money from SS.

If you think that there's been some kind of, or will be some kind of, mass exodus of buyers from SS due to a relatively small percentage of contributors leaving (or that lost earnings from SS will automatically be made up elsewhere), then you might be the one who is being naive. Sure, my earnings might dwindle over time... they might at any agency, and that can be reviewed on an ongoing basis, but in the meantime I'm earning money from the time I'm spending uploading, so nothing will come back to bite me. And they're not dwindling now... I made a decent amount more last year then I did the year before.

And if you think my post was 'talking up' SS then... well, that's just strange. 

Shutterstock.com / Re: First full year of the "levels"
« on: January 03, 2022, 02:47 »
Anyone who is still uploading to help these two is insane.

I completely agree, anyone who is still uploading to help these two might very well be insane. But you'll find that the majority of people are still uploading to help themselves (rather than those two)... which is considerably less insane. Them getting rich is only a side effect of something I do that benefits me, it's not why I do it.

They're still pretty common, just depends on the way they buy it... whether it's a direct sale or via a subscription. My average is $6.49 which is a lot lower than pre-2019, but it's better than getting $0.25 a sale I guess. Although I am getting more sales (so I guess the subscriptions are kind of doing what they were intended to do)... total revenue is about 25% higher than last year.   

That's twice I've heard this $1.70 for video in the past few days. Not sure where people are getting that from... the minimum is $0.25 per video.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Is this a new low for video sales?
« on: December 30, 2021, 21:23 »
So basically, you had a download, and other contributors get the money.

No. Depositphotos had a sale of a subscription, and all the contributors who have content downloaded, by the person that bought that subscription, share half of the money from that sale.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Highest price for a photo on Shutterstock.
« on: December 29, 2021, 14:08 »
Whatever your getting on Shutterstock, just remember, Jon Oringer and his side kick Stan Pavlovsky are getting at least ten times the amount you get paid.

The whole site is run by a bunch of criminals, who have suckered the talent in and are now ripping them off.

They're getting more than $4550 each this month? Well, yeah... I would have thought they'd be getting paid more than ten times what I get paid. Or are you saying that they're getting ten times more than all contributors combined? I mean, that would only be possible if the maximum royalty they pay out is less than 10%, Shutterstock have no other expenses whatsoever... other than contributors and shareholder/CEO compensation, and those two own 100% of the company combined. But hey, why let the truth get in the way of expressing your frustration, right?!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Huawei phones
« on: December 29, 2021, 01:18 »
Not everyone lives in very rich country like USA so every 100$ counts.
But how did you get the equipment to shoot the great photo you want to contribute?

Probably by making sound financial judgements... i.e. not buying a $100+ phone just to sign up to a website.

If you definitely own the rights to them, then yes, you can sell them.

Envato / Re: Envato's 2021 Public Impact Statement
« on: December 26, 2021, 04:41 »
Yep, but none of that negates what I said.

Envato / Re: Envato's 2021 Public Impact Statement
« on: December 26, 2021, 00:27 »
...after Envato effectively withdrew the bonus scheme in 2019, then shutterstock cut rates and Alamy chopped 20% off royalties.

The greed of stock agencies is now beyond the joke.

You make it sound like they did withdraw the bonus scheme when they didn't. If they did then sure, we could put that down to greed. But they didn't withdraw it, they just changed the way its distributed. They still pay it out, and the total amount they pay out is still calculated the same way... and as subscribers have increased a lot since they changed the way it was distributed, they're also paying out a lot more than they used to.

So yes, the bonus may have been 'effectively withdrawn' for you, but the bonus scheme hasn't gone anywhere... and as a result, it has nothing to do with greed.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Highest price for a photo on Shutterstock.
« on: December 26, 2021, 00:17 »
Got $200 for a video. Not too shabby.

Adobe Stock / Re: Well done Adobe
« on: December 17, 2021, 06:13 »
60% increase for me over last year. That'll do, pig. That'll do. Still about 25% less than my SS earnings, but that could all change next year if it keeps going the same way it has been.

General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: December 10, 2021, 05:42 »
Interesting to see the poll results have Shutterstock in the lead again. Despite the rhetoric, the reality is AdobeStock are performing badly in recent times.

Oh right, the poll... just had a look. What's going on at Envato?

I've been completing the poll for a change!

Shutterstock.com / Re: Still no payment from SS?
« on: December 09, 2021, 22:48 »
Got mine via Paypal on the 6th.

General - Stock Video / Re: Fujifilm X-E4 240fps
« on: November 28, 2021, 08:52 »
I'm no expert, and I;ve never used Fuji, but it looks perfectly respectable and no reason it wouldn't be suitable for stock... I mean APS-C, Full 4K recording, 200Mbps, 240fps option... will do the job and it's a pretty decent price. I'd prefer 10-bit 4:2:2 output and F-Log, but you're unlikely to get that for less than $1000.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Artist Hub
« on: November 25, 2021, 02:13 »
Isn't that just another Behance? 🤔

Did you click on the wrong link?!

General Stock Discussion / Re: microstock goes NFT?
« on: November 23, 2021, 04:20 »
They'll only be forced to do it if another major stock agency does it and they increase revenue as a result. Too many cons and not enough pros for them at the moment, so I can't see it being as 'very near future' as you might think.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: FRAUD, BE CAREFULL!!!
« on: November 22, 2021, 14:48 »
Seeing support can take quite some time to respond, considerably longer than it would take you to change your password/payment address... it's always going to be best to change your password/payment address as soon as you notice anything like this. Then contact support.

General Stock Discussion / Re: microstock goes NFT?
« on: November 22, 2021, 09:10 »
Oh I know what it's all about! I probably know more than the average crypto/blockchain enthusiast who just spout buzzwords, and want to 'stick it to the man', but don't actually know how it really works. Blockchain is here to stay, and rightly so. The get rich quick schemes won't last forever. And yes, fiat money doesn't have any intrinsic value... so congratulations, you've created a new system that doesn't have any intrinsic value either. Hoorah! (that's more to them than you, just so you know!)

General Stock Discussion / Re: microstock goes NFT?
« on: November 22, 2021, 08:16 »
Yeah but that's kind of my point... in this instance, art and stock may as well be the same thing... unless you're famous. Same reason why Damien Hirst and David Hockney don't sell prints on SS, and the majority of us here don't sell artwork in galleries that sell for tens of thousands of dollars.

From what I can see, the more famous you are, the more money you'll make, but at that point you're already making plenty of money... so it's not like this is going to revolutionise anything. The whole talking point is that every day artists can make a living from their work, but do you know any 'every day artists' who are making a living from NFTs? Non-famous ones who don't have tens or hundreds of thousands of followers on IG?

As for the email analogy, emails make perfect sense... people probably had varying opinions on whether they would be adopted or not, but I think everyone could get behind the overall concept. NFTs don't make perfect sense. And it's not because people don't understand them... I think the more you understand them, the more people realise how ridiculous it all is. Not the concept of an NFT, that's fine... the whole blockchain concept has its merits, but people paying so much for essentially nothing other than an entry in the blockchain... it's hard for any rational person to justify it all.

General Stock Discussion / Re: microstock goes NFT?
« on: November 22, 2021, 07:39 »
On rarible, you have the option of having the buyer pay your gas fees so you don't have to.

Sounds great, but why would anyone do that? Why would they pay $150 gas fees plus whatever the price of the image is on top to get something they can get from SS or As for considerably cheaper. Yes, in that case they're just buying the image rather than an NFT (or a license for that image), but they're still getting the image. The only benefit I see to NFTs currently, is trading when it comes to high value pieces by relatively famous artists. I'm not seeing any real benefit when it comes to just owning every-day, regular pieces of art (or every-day non-exclusive, non-commercial copies of pieces of art).

General Stock Discussion / Re: microstock goes NFT?
« on: November 20, 2021, 10:26 »
You might want to add a couple of zeros to that 138 to get the total amount of coins that are currently out there!

General Stock Discussion / Re: microstock goes NFT?
« on: November 17, 2021, 05:28 »
Yeah, your essentially just selling an entry in the blockchain, that happens to come with a jpg. At best, you have a non-exclusive, non-commercial license for that jpg. 

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Sales are so slow this days
« on: November 17, 2021, 05:24 »
On target to make about half of what I did last month.

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