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Messages - Lina

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Adobe has a specialized discord, but it is invite only.

Just correcting incorrect statement, everyone can join Discord, just can't post problematic AI files immediately:

Yes, amounts are getting obviously smaller lately. But 3,30 sales for example are rare for me last few years and ELs almost non-existent.

Adobe Stock / Re: Weird Rating
« on: July 06, 2023, 01:49 »
I got that impression too, they download each others free images, maybe even paid ones, who knows...
And they upload 1000 AI images in one day so that helps their position in search for sure.

Adobe Stock / Re: Weird Rating
« on: July 06, 2023, 01:38 »
Last one is already gone, so probably some suspicious activity?

I think the flags are ok, because the customer can immediately see what the problem is. If they don't like it, they won't download.

Maybe... if buyer is buying some other country flag, not his own, he won't notice immediately something is wrong with it.

I responded to ADH's post below - good bye camera manufacturers. I believe camera manufacturers aren't producing cameras just for microstock, that's all.

I am sorry, I had overlooked that post. You are of course right and your statement makes sense in regards to this.

All fine, thanks for explanation. :)

But we are in a microstock forum in a thread talking about AI model collaps and what that means for the microsock bussiness, not whether people still will take photos at their kid's birthday party. So I maybe I do not understand the relation of your comment to this topic...?

I responded to ADH's post below - good bye camera manufacturers. I believe camera manufacturers aren't producing cameras just for microstock, that's all. (Now I see I didn't quote his post when I responded, probably because I was on phone and it was late and so on...)

With new MJ versions coming this summer Ai illustrations will look 100% like photographs. By the end of this year, good bye stock photographers, goo bye models, good bye camera manufacturers. Unfortunately

I was trying to say that photography is much more than microstock. And people usually want genuine photos of their weddings etc. Maybe some composites can be done with ai for fun, but most of it must be real.

So it will produce wedding, birthday, family photos too (if it is good bye for camera manufacturers)? Amazing!

Adobe Stock / Re: Faith in ADOBE
« on: June 08, 2023, 04:23 »
They also use our images to train their AI softwear, claiming that it was ethical because they only used "their" images (It is OUR images! not THEIRS!) and claim that they had been in conversation about a compensation for this usage of our images with contributors (A lie), oh, and they say they plan to compensate us once the training is done, without anyone knowing whether that will really happen, how much that will be and with no option for us to opt out.

Yeah, it's so disgusting, I go crazy when I see people in PS groups discussing how ethical Adobe is unlike other AI sites. So Adobe, we pray for your lying soul.

This is only available in the beta version of Photoshop (and I have no idea how one gets that):

It's under "Beta Apps" in Creative Cloud Desktop App. Looks that it runs parallel with "normal" PS.

And there really is no great knowledge or playing around needed. I am still not sure what some people here are talking about or what crazy AI image generation sites you are using that you make writing prompts sound like rocket science. Just describe what you want in a few words and in 90% cases you will get a usable result at once. Works for me.

I have different experience, I tried Midjourney and SD and got disappointing results, some low-quality images which weren't close to what I had in mind. I could play more, but I am not so interested and I believe average buyer wouldn't be either. And certainly wouldn't try to find software to upscale or find prompts which will create other aspect ratio than square etc.

When did you try this? Because I tried Midjourney as well when it was fairly new and thought the results were very unsatisfying.

But that has been a while and when Midjourney released their version 5 in March this year and I saw the images online the results were mind-blowing. So I tried it out again and as said I get almost perfect results most of the times with completely simple prompts where I do nothing but describe what I want in a few words.

They have already released version 5.1 by now, but I haven't tried it yet, because I still have thousands of AI images I need to keyword from my last try.

Somewhere in beginning of this year, I believe. Probably it is time to try again. :P

I'm afraid he might be right, we'll see. I loved this sentence: "I am belly laughing at this stock agencies because they're bunch of thieving soul suckking scam-eyes who've been ripping photographers off for decades so fuck those guys..."  :D

and I THANK you because I'm not a natural English speaker so this was too fast for me... I understood the general meaning of the sentence and the spirit, but I wanted to understand exactly. Thank you!!!  ;D

Haha, I am SO glad it was helpful. :) I am not native speaker either, that's why I am often using english subtitles on Youtube (and that's how I caught his lovely sentence). Although they are not perfect, I highly recommended them.

And there really is no great knowledge or playing around needed. I am still not sure what some people here are talking about or what crazy AI image generation sites you are using that you make writing prompts sound like rocket science. Just describe what you want in a few words and in 90% cases you will get a usable result at once. Works for me.

I have different experience, I tried Midjourney and SD and got disappointing results, some low-quality images which weren't close to what I had in mind. I could play more, but I am not so interested and I believe average buyer wouldn't be either. And certainly wouldn't try to find software to upscale or find prompts which will create other aspect ratio than square etc.

I don't know how to tell this to an admin. (see the subject)

But this video is a crystal clear and brutally honest thought that I found shared in some group in some social: (title "A.I. Is Going to Destroy the Stock Photography Market (And It's Coming For Your Porn Too!)" by photographer Andy Hutchinson)

I appreciate the part about porn and recognizing that it is all generative production of anything that can touch the senses (audio/video) and digitizable. If it can be digitally reproduced, an iA can do it, it's just a matter of time. Porn has always been a frontier and experimental market for everything: it works or it doesn't work, it can be done or it can't be done, both technically and legally, it is economically viable or not and on what terms.

So I consider watching this video to reason, lucidly, remembering that when we feel fragile we tend to always listen to those who reassure us.

it is really hard to know what to do in the future, and it would be very very nice to be able to reason ASSEMBLY with the platforms-they do not feel like needing us and paying us. In the same way customers would like to do vis--vis the platforms.

Each of us is somewhere in this chain.

Regarding porn and (sensitive) variations of it, I think it should not have been allowed to happen. But as it is, I really really hope laws will be created soon and restrict AI use because it doesn't make sense, it can be very dangerous in wrong hands if it continues to be developed and used without restrictions.

I'm afraid he might be right, we'll see. I loved this sentence: "I am belly laughing at this stock agencies because they're bunch of thieving soul suckking scam-eyes who've been ripping photographers off for decades so fuck those guys..."  :D

I admit I had that sentiment myself.

I am convinced AI will destroy my means of living, but I think "at least it will take down stock agencies with me". It's like the only good thing about it.  Stock agencies played a huge role in devaluing artistic work and to this day they are looking for ways to pay us even less (See Adobe -$ currency change) and AI is only completing what they started.

I think I am finally done with stock agencies, I was hoping to make a living from it one day but obviously it will never happen. Currency change and mess Adobe made with accepting AI images were last straw for me. I will probably upload enough to get free software (if it continues) and that's all.

Actually maybe AI will make less need for buying stock images, but I don't think it will destroy it completely. I don't think it will ever be able to make good vector image, maybe some mess but nothing of good quality. Also yes, maybe some people will rather use AI sites than buying from stock, but clients who need lot of images don't have enough time and often knowledge to play with various prompts to get results they want. Plus, easy-to use AI sites are or will be paid for commercial use, not free so there is not too much benefit from using them instead of stock sites. So we'll see how will it all develop.

I'm afraid he might be right, we'll see. I loved this sentence: "I am belly laughing at this stock agencies because they're bunch of thieving soul suckking scam-eyes who've been ripping photographers off for decades so fuck those guys..."  :D

Overall, super disappointing if they're not shutting down whole accounts. One theft/infringement should be enough to constitute a material breach of the contributor agreement. I'll try to reach out to AS on Twitter about this...can't on SS as they blocked me on there.

Yeah, probably all images are stolen. I was too lazy to search for all images, just found bicycle on Pixabay:
and butterfly:

Adobe Stock / Re: Minimum royalty amounts
« on: April 14, 2023, 04:40 »
Maybe you need to fill out tax form? If you are in non tax-treaty country, it won't help anyway, 30% of USA sales will be withheld.

Checked in on the Discord. Quote: "there were many people who sent 200, 300 AI images a day, I myself sent around 150 a day, then the moderators were overloaded" lol

Yeah, amazing, but usual talk there. Until someone gets blocked. :P

AS limited number of uploads (from Discord channel):

"As some of you may have noticed already, we have established some limits to the number of assets you can have pending moderation at once. If you reach that limit, you will have to wait until the moderation process is complete for your files before being able to submit new assets for consideration.

We hope this will unclog the moderation queue and result in better waiting times from now on.

The maximum number of assets you can have waiting for moderation will depend on several factors and will be adapted to the global queue.

Thanks for your understanding and patience."

I saw it on AS Discord, I don't know if it was announced somewhere else too. And I moved it to other topic so I don't ruin this one:

Things are now sliding quick. I attribute my drop so far largely to Canva. I am making sales volumes comparable to my lifetime sales at SS every month for a tiny fraction of a cent each. Anyone who thinks at least a few of those arent coming from customers who would have purchased on other sites (if Canva wasnt there) is crazy. It only takes a tiny percentage to make a big difference thanks to the massive volumes involved.

AI is the nail in the coffin. March looks likely to be $3000 or more down on last March. I can only see thing accelerating from here. Take a look at Adobe insights, most of the big selling ports are almost exclusively AI already and it has only been a matter of weeks..

Canva - very interesting point, I was thinking it just took away many graphic design jobs. But if it sells such a high volume of images that's bad. How nice it would be if they could pay us properly and keep everyone happy instead of killing this business.

AI - let's see if Ai portfolios will stay as bestsellers now that AS introduced limits for uploading. I believe most of them were so successful because they uploaded hundreds images in short time which gives them better position in search.

Got my first payment since the currency chnage. Lost 11,58% of my income. Thanks for nothing, Adobe.
They need extra money to feed the deep AI mouth... and build our (no?) future...

Nha, they need extra money to make some CEOs, managers and shareholders even richer. Maximizing profit is really all companies care about. That's what capitalism is about. And that's not even what I am holding against them. After all I am looking to maximize my profit as well (with the only difference that I am not already a millionaire) Just wish they'd find other ways to do this than by taking it away from the very people their business was build on.

the only thing we can do to save some money is not to buy adobe product....
No need since Adobe is giving their products for free to worthy contributors ;)
most of us have only 1 app for free...for the missing apps there are other solutions...

I guess you have 2: LR and PS, right?
quote... quote... quote... quote...
nothing more, I only wanted to quote...
Does somebody want to quote after ? ;D ;D ;D
It wouldn't help.


Maybe AI creators are slowly coming to their senses (or they are forced to think twice): "The letter, issued by the non-profit Future of Life Institute and signed by more than 1,000 people including Musk, called for a pause on advanced AI development until shared safety protocols for such designs were developed, implemented and audited by independent experts."

Will they "regulate" Chinese AI too? Which will gain leverage during the "pause"?

What AI would you rather submit to? English-speaking or Chinese-speaking? :P

It all is rather scary indeed :)

Frankly, I don't care much more for USA than China regarding this issue.

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