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Messages - Graffoto

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326 / Re: My first flame
« on: May 24, 2010, 00:19 »
Congrats on that! Nice clean shot, its little wonder that it has sold well.

I'm still 13 DLs away form my first flame.
It would really be cool to finally get one of those suckers  ;D

Off Topic / Re: First artificial cell is made
« on: May 22, 2010, 16:19 »
the Green revolution was made possible 40 years ago by bio-engineered crops and while the GR has problems, it has had tremndous effects in reducing hunger
At the same time it increased the use of pesticides and other chemical stuff that damages watersheds and ultimately ourselves.

"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." - ISSAC NEWTON
We learned that in grade school. Elementary physics.
Yet our scientists and technocrats seem to conveniently forget this when it is in their own best interest.

328 / Re: Istockphoto Hot Shots
« on: May 14, 2010, 22:48 »

Unfortunately I'm over 50 and no longer know any good looking people.  :)

Hey, I'm over 50 as well and I know a ton of good looking people!
They are the friends of my young adult children. They only problem is getting them to pose for me  ;D

I think you'll eventually come to the conclusion that 'quality' is virtually the only thing that matters because increasingly only the very best of new images that will ever see sales.

I think we're now mixing our definitions of the word 'quality'.  I figured this would happen, and it's why I stated "Why TECHNICAL quality doesn't matter" as the title of the thread.

To restate my thesis: I believe we've already reached a point where 'technical quality' is irrelevant because virtually everyone has it.

The thing that will matter most as we move forward is clarity of concept.  Yes, only the best of new images will ever see sales and the rest will quickly be buried.  But 'the best' will be those who best communicate their concept and grab the attention of buyers from the moment they hit the microstock sites.  It will have nothing to do with technical quality.  The majority of shots from technically proficient contributors will slip into a black hole if they do not immediately scream to the buyer "I AM the message you want to convey!"  That's the new definition of quality in the evolving microstock world.

Yup, that pretty much sums it up.
We can close this thread now  ;D

That is significantly less that I currently make at my day job.... but if I had to, I could live on it (as long as my wife keeps on working).  :D

Off Topic / Re: 40 Four Chord Song (with song titles)
« on: May 08, 2010, 10:49 »
Four chords, and forty hits?
Not bad, but the classic Twelve bar blues progression only needs three chords and there are literally thousands of songs based on that simple foundation.

Really cute video BTW, thanks for posting!

332 / Re: best match Churn
« on: May 04, 2010, 14:02 »
Old files that sell well stay near the front of the best match.
Files that do not get pushed further and further back in the search results.

So, if you have great quality & unique files they should continue to sell year after year.

333 / Re: No POTW this week... I would bet...
« on: May 04, 2010, 08:23 »
Simply amazing!

334 / Re: istock...arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggh!!!
« on: May 04, 2010, 01:24 »
What this time?

335 / Re: best match Churn
« on: May 04, 2010, 00:27 »
@ Race, please don't misunderstand, I'd rather get some downloads than none  ;D
In the case of your xmas file being sold in April... its pretty obvious that the buyer searched for something specific.

My old files... well they usually are pushed so far down the best match that no one ever sees them.
Also there are many, many better files on the same subject matter at IS.

I suppose my gripe, if I have one is that my newer files are Vetta and E+.
I would much rather that these show up in the best match before the tired old not-my-best-work images.  ;)

336 / Re: best match Churn
« on: May 03, 2010, 13:14 »
Well yes, I am fully aware that the best match changes several times a year. I also know that my sales usually tank when the best match changes. But this is the first time that I can recall where the change somehow managed to dredge up some really old files that never moved in the first place.

In other words stuff that probably should be in the dollar bin but isn't because they had one sale.

337 / best match Churn
« on: May 02, 2010, 23:39 »
What's up with current best match at IS?
About a third of my downloads last week were from really old files that never sold very well to begin with.

I know I cannot be the only one who has noticed this strangeness.
Why put in a best match algorithm that favors the crummy stuff?  :-\

Lighting / Re: Help with Lighting Equipment Purchase
« on: April 27, 2010, 11:15 »
Sorry to disagree with Randy on this one, but I have used white lighting strobes on the beach on several occasions. Just bring a couple of Vagabond II battery packs, some high output beauty dishes and a reflector/diffusion screen & you are good to go. Oh, and it helps to bring an assistant along as well ;)

Off Topic / Re: Irony
« on: April 25, 2010, 14:17 »

and don't think FREE is the last step.
sooner or later clients will ask you to be paid to actually print or use your images, as if they're making you a favour and giving you exposure !
sort of like "emerging" bands playing in pubs and getting paid in beers ... that's our future in a not far away scenario.

Funny you should mention that. I was in an "emerging band" in the seventies. Clubs would 'audition" us by having us play in the club on an open Sunday afternoon to see how many of our followers would show up to buy food and liquor!

Peruse Craigslist just about any day of the week and you will find 'fashion" designers looking for photographers to do free work for exposure only.

EX:Date: 2010-04-22, 2:51PM PDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

International clothing line is having an open audition to select the photographer for the next commercial shoot advertising the new line.
Work consists of fashion photos with a different twist making it creative. Ads will be nationwide, this is a great exposure opportunity and to build or increase a professional portfolio.
All interested photographers, please respond to this ad with contact information.
If you have a website with previous work, please include.
Selected candidates will be contacted on a one to one basis.

Everyone loves something for nothing!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Weekend sales @ IS
« on: April 24, 2010, 15:11 »
Its been a slow month for me as well.
Sat. is generally nada. Sometimes I get one or two on Sunday.

Yup. I'd say it is a "just you" thing  ;)

But who is it who buys stock? At work today I saw the latest copy of New Scientist in the staff tea room. Opened it and a big ad on the inside of the front cover. I immediately recognized the three models  in one photo - Cecilie, Sophie and Ask. Not too many blond, blue eyed Scandinavians in India or China.

Exactly why Yuri & Mr. Locke et al do not have any competition from Indian or Chinese shooters. They only need to worry about competition from the old Soviet block.

Yeah, stuff can be done cheaply if the far east (on bootleg software), but you are not going to get cheap decent looking Caucasian models there.
High end -read expensive- models travel to the far east for gigs,
When the major consumers of stock start to switch to targeting the far east then the model demographic will need to change as well.

I have been around Asia quite a bit. In India, the models are fair skinned Indians.
In Singapore, Indonesia etc. the models are fair skinned Asians or fair skinned mixed race (Asian/Caucasian).

343 / Re: Stock "factories" slowing uploads?
« on: April 14, 2010, 22:57 »
Deduct what exactly?

344 just need to shoot more of what the buyers need for their projects.

That is good advice!
So you can read their mind?

It is not difficult to do a bit of research. Most stock sites have a page showing the best selling images.
Or you can just go straight to the portfolios of Yuri Arcurs, Monkey Business, SJLocke etc, etc to see what the top image makers are doing.

The OP is a pro. Fully capable of producing the same sort of work if he so wishes.

Mr. Locke is correct; less lingerie more teenage girl, young families etc.
Other than that proper key-wording is vital to your images being found.

You do nice work... you just need to shoot more of what the buyers need for their projects.

346 / Re: More istock server problems
« on: April 08, 2010, 21:57 »
When your market is world wide any down time at all is lost revenue.

I have no idea how much per minute they make, but I am confident that this is costing a mint!

347 / Re: More istock server problems
« on: April 08, 2010, 21:01 »
Yeah they are having a severe weather pattern that is playing havoc with everything.

It's a shame that there is no mirror site to take over the load when these things occur.  ::)

348 / Re: Congratulations, Ivan (WhiteChild)!!!
« on: April 07, 2010, 12:17 »
Very cool news. Congrats Ivan!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Spring Break = Sales slowdown?
« on: April 05, 2010, 18:59 »
Last year, April was the start of a dip that didn't recover til August.

I hope that was an anomoly and not a trend that will repeat itself this year.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Spring Break = Sales slowdown?
« on: April 05, 2010, 10:50 »
Yeah, my college age daughter was off last week.
But my high school age son had half of last week and all of this week off.

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