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Messages - ShazamImages

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It looks like you might be on the right track...

That version (3.1.4) was provided by my host (latest version they have, downloaded just last night).
I couldn't update it to the latest 3.5.2 version due to old version of PHP used by this host. Thanks for letting me know how old is it.
I wonder why they still use such an old PHP version and if many other hosting companies are still using such old software.

FYI: I'm on GoDaddy and they are on php 5.3 and WordPress 3.5.2.

My host is ipower with wordpress 3.1.4 and PHP 4.4.9

Yes, the current version of WordPress is 3.5.2.  Version 3.1.4 is ancient.  It is two years old.  See here for details:

In addition, the current version of PHP is 5.4.16.  Version 4.4.9 is about five years old!  See here for details:

I would definitely say that your issue has something to do with the versions of the software that your host is using.

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: July 28, 2013, 18:17 »
...maybe WebHostingHub does a few things a little abnormal or...

That is definitely a possibility.

Sorry, I thought that you were with GoDaddy.

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: July 28, 2013, 18:07 »
It says...
You'll have to edit your php.ini file and add:

I never added anything for ImageMagick to my php.ini file.

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: July 28, 2013, 18:06 »
If you want to login to the command prompt on the server, then you will need to download puTTY or something similar.  I believe that you will need to enable SSH on your GoDaddy Control Panel.  If your Control Panel looks like mine, then it will be under More -> SSH.  If I remember correctly, you will need to be near a phone since they will call you with a PIN that you need to enter.

Here are the instructions:

I'm going offline now, but I should be back in the morning.


What are the last two columns?

the last 2 columns are the filter level yellow = 1, red = 3 and the 'show-unrated' - 1 = yes

I'll be changing these to more descriptive values shortly

Thanks.  Where does that info come from?  I notice that my site ( has a 1 and a 0.  So how did my site get a 1 (yellow)?

first,i mis-typed - it should be 1 = green, 2 = yellow. 3 = red

OK, thanks.  That makes sense now.

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: July 28, 2013, 17:51 »
Yes to your third question. I've tried it both enabled and disabled. Neither way works. Should it NOT be installed with Symbiostock?

As far as I now, there is no need to install a plugin to get ImageMagick to work.  I don't have it installed.

Are you on a shared or dedicated server?

Please login to the command prompt of the web server and type "identify -version" at the prompt and see what it returns.

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: July 28, 2013, 17:35 »
Not sure where I began with SymbioStock, probably 2.x.

Following are the active plugins, some of which I don't even know what they actually do or why/when they were installed, like the first two.

Contact Form 7
Enhanced Text Widget
Google Analytics
ImageMagick Engine
Symbiostock emails and notifications
Symbiostock Image Sitemap
Wordpress SEO

Contact Form 7 is for creating a page that a customer can use to contact you (usually on a Contact Us page).

You have an ImageMagick Engine plugin?  Did you recently install this?  Is it because Symbiostock wasn't using ImageMagick and you were trying to resolve the issue?  Or was there another reason that you installed this?

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: July 28, 2013, 17:23 »

What WP plugins and themes do you have loaded?

Also, what version of Symbiostock did you start with?

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: July 28, 2013, 17:19 »
When I go to my process uploads page it says "Using GD Library".  No other options.

As I stated before, my Process Uploads page says "Using ImageMagick" and I don't have any other options either.

Did you do something special to be able to connect?


Are you on a shared server at godaddy or a dedicated one? 


When I login using PuTTY to the web server, I can type "identify -version" at the prompt and it will return the following:

Version: ImageMagick 6.2.8 02/25/09 Q16 file:/usr/share/ImageMagick-6.2.8/doc/index.html
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ImageMagick Studio LLC

I can then change directory (cd) to /usr/share and there is an ImageMagick directory there.

Symbiostock - Hosting / Re: Installing ImageMagick
« on: July 28, 2013, 16:59 »
Hi Don - Yep I'm in the same boat.  My host (godaddy) says Imagemagick is installed on the server but the symbiostock theme isn't connecting with it.

I am with GoDaddy and have no issues.  When I go to Process Uploads (http://<your website)/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=image&page=symbiostock-process-images) it says that I am "Using ImageMagick".


What are the last two columns?

the last 2 columns are the filter level yellow = 1, red = 3 and the 'show-unrated' - 1 = yes

I'll be changing these to more descriptive values shortly

Thanks.  Where does that info come from?  I notice that my site ( has a 1 and a 0.  So how did my site get a 1 (yellow)?

Symbiostock - Development Area / Re: Pages - Browsing Bug
« on: July 28, 2013, 12:10 »
I have also noticed this, but haven't had time to look into it.


What are the last two columns?

Symbiostock - Development Area / Re: More photo resolutions?
« on: July 27, 2013, 11:51 »
A custom resolution that the customer specifies would be even better

How would you price it?  By the pixel?

Added to

71 sites now :)

welcome - you're in the global database now at

also, shows which sites specialize in 3d and other illustrations

ajt & cascoly: Thanks to both of you.

Looking forward to lots of sales  ;D

Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing / Re: Symbiostock Sales POLL
« on: July 26, 2013, 16:04 »
I have now fully SEO'd 55 images...

Would you like to share what you did exactly?  There are so many things that I have read from different sources and it is hard to tell which ones will make a difference.

  But if you remove the <h1> at the beginning of the line, and leave the </h1> at the end of the line, it probably won't affect anything, it will just be bad html practice.

if you change the <h1> to <h2> and don't also change the </h1> to </h2> then everthing will be set at H2 until the page encounters a </h2>, if ever

Thanks.  Lack of sleep.  I have modified my post to strike out the bad advice.


Nice site and 3d illustrations, added you to my network...

My symbiostock site :   ;)


I was just looking at your site.  Your images are fabulous.

And I am honored that you have added me to your network.

Here is a suggestion:

The way that it should work is that the customer should be able to enter in the DPI that they want, and the Symbiostock app would then apply this entry into the created file.  For example, if a customer buys a Large, but wants it at 200 DPI, they should be able to enter that into the system and have the system generate an image file with 200 DPI.

OK - I'm officially going crazy. What buyer will take a file they have paid good money for and send it straight from the file manager to a printer without looking at it in a photo editing program and maybe cropping it a little to fit with their design? As they are doing all that, they need to decide how big it needs to print. So, they adjust the dpi to fit their printer process and scale the file down to meet the physical size they want. What has Symbio got to do with any of that?


I was just trying to make a suggestion that would help make it easier for some customers.

For a pro that understands image sizes in MP and print sizes in DPI, then that is fine.  But there are a huge amount of people that don't understand these nuances.

We aren't sure who Symbiostock customers will be yet, but I'm betting that it won't be the monolithic ad agencies and it will rather be the mom and pop shop that doesn't understand that sort of thing, or doesn't own the software to do that sort of thing.

Anyway, it was just an idea, so feel free to shoot it down...

MSG name: ShazamImages
website: ShazamImages
your photo topics: 3D CGI, Photos, Illustrations, and Fractal Art
what  you're looking for: Not sure whether to go with similar sites or not.  Haven't figured it out yet.  At this point, I'm leaning towards similar sites.

I'm kind of late to the party, but hopefully some of you will have a few network slots left open for my new website.  Please, only G-rated sites.

I'm still working on the site (and probably will never be done), but feel that it is at a point where I can start opening it up for others to critique.

I only have about 100 images up at this point, and should have about 500 images up within the next month or so, with a lot more to come in the future.

Here is a suggestion:

The way that it should work is that the customer should be able to enter in the DPI that they want, and the Symbiostock app would then apply this entry into the created file.  For example, if a customer buys a Large, but wants it at 200 DPI, they should be able to enter that into the system and have the system generate an image file with 200 DPI.

yeah, forgot to mention to Leo and I keep editing that

68 line of header.php from <h1 class="assistive-text.... to <div...

That menu doesn't really need the H1

There is a second h1 in that line of code, do we need to do anything with that?

 <div class="assistive-text"><?php _e( 'Menu', 'symbiostock' ); ?></h1>

If you remove the first <h1> at the beginning of the line, then you should also remove the </h1> at the end of the line.  One denotes the beginning of the header <h1>, the other denotes the end of the header </h1>.

If you change the first <h1> to an <h2> or <h3>, then you should also change the </h1> to the associated </h2> or </h3>.

But if you remove the <h1> at the beginning of the line, and leave the </h1> at the end of the line, it probably won't affect anything, it will just be bad html practice.

Redneck: Sorry for the confusion.

plrang: Thanks for the solution.

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