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Messages - DallasP

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Probably infinitely easier to go apply at McDonald's and work for a year.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Anybody know any Rasberries?
« on: December 21, 2014, 20:23 »
I would totally make up a fake release and send it to them.

Nice work you do.
On the other hand I'm surprised - I thought this kind of work is more valuable than just 0,30$...

I'd definitely bump those prices up a bit ...

I just keep thinking about 2009 iStock where they did stuff like making vague adjustments to royalties and telling everyone it shouldn't affect contributor earnings because of the increased sales volume.

There are big differences however:

Getty bought iStock because it had to (do something about microstock). They did not have a lot of choices, because they were primarily about selling pictures and microstock was changing the model. And today the company still faces many issues (as we know from the Nov 2014 Moody's analysis which Jo Ann Snover has  posted here). Even Shutterstock, for all of its success and the amazing IPO, is still only in the stock photo business. Everything depends upon them selling pictures.

Adobe by contrast has bought into the stock business because it wants to. I think because it sees stock as being something which it can use to add value to a family of subscription services which are already doing tremendously well. It is not today under the same sorts of pressures to cut costs and compete so ruthlessly. It has much more freedom to shape the thing how it wants it, even to gold plate the service perhaps, to some extent.

Perhaps I am naive, but I actually believe that they really are about building out a marketplace around the Adobe subscriptions.

Couldn't Adobe do this through a partnership, something along the lines SS did with Facebook as opposed to investing $800M?? Personally, I believe that Adobe could enhance their sub services pretty well without spending that kind of money. This is why I believe that there is more to this story than just adding a new 'cross merchandising' model to CC. I may be whacked, but if I spent $800M I would have a lot of plans for that investment and I better be in a position to offer a convincing model to my shareholders. That said, I do agree with you that they wanted to purchase FT to create revenue, but my take is revenue through multiple channels.  I am just not convinced that CC is the only outlet they will use to recoup their investment (and I am not saying that you are saying that either, just in general).

umm ... not really firstly Adobe would I'm sure like to have some customers already acquired ... secondly, contributors already acquired and a library of images ... I think integrating the library into cc and 1 click purchase (or extremely easy purchase and signup) will be key. Adobe is a company that I trust, as I know many of you do ... and I'm sure that they've got some of the best minds available trying to make sure that they do it right ... I'd certainly imagine they're paying attention to contributor interests more now than Fotolia ever has.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Gifs on shutter?
« on: December 17, 2014, 15:11 »
Why delete.. The day will come some small gifs will sell at SS too :)
I already sell ad banner .gif animations (not at SS).

Where do you sell those? Do they sell well? I'm deciding that micro is kind of a drag. lol

Shutterstock.com / Re: Gifs on shutter?
« on: December 17, 2014, 14:49 »
i do not think you can sell gifs there.
SS just creates 8 gifs you can send for free to friends and family..

Thanks max ... Looking there are some animations that I could replicate or do better than but, the reason I was asking is that it if they don't sell reasonably well then it wouldn't be worth the effort and it seems you have to build them in HD? ... I thought they were selling ones similar to the email, which is that little reindeer with the birds decorating it. Just a moment of confusion is all. Someone can delete this. lol

Shutterstock.com / Re: Gifs on shutter?
« on: December 17, 2014, 14:37 »
How in the world do I do that? lol



Huh, well would you look at that. I decided to click the "get started" button and it took me to http://gifs.shutterstock.com/?lang=en#/select Should have started with that ... Neat idea I suppose :/

Shutterstock.com / Re: Gifs on shutter?
« on: December 17, 2014, 14:34 »
How in the world do I do that? lol



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But, maybe I'm a Chicken Little. I'm one of the many that does not find CC attractive, and will stay with CS6 as long a possible.

See, I'm one of the ones that would just make the leap if times weren't so uncertain that I didn't know if next month I'd need the extra $50 or whatever.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Gifs on shutter?
« on: December 17, 2014, 14:17 »
How in the world do I do that? lol

Shutterstock.com / Gifs on shutter?
« on: December 17, 2014, 14:05 »
Just got an e-mail promoting .gifs from SS. I didn't ever realize that "footage" meant .gifs and little animations. How has your experience been selling these? is it worth the effort?

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe shakes things up
« on: December 16, 2014, 17:05 »
and this is also the reason why Linux on desktop failed big time despite the availability of second tier clones of the most popular apps.

Linux failed?  :-\

CanStockPhoto.com / Re: Processing photos
« on: November 22, 2014, 16:16 »

posted on their forum:

Hi Everyone,

 I wanted to post an update here, as I understand there are some questions regarding views and vectors. The two are unrelated, but are two outstanding technical developments that contributors may have noticed:

 Views are not being updated presently. We're updating some of the code behind the scenes as we work on rolling out some exciting search improvements, and views is presently a casualty of that. We will restore the functionality, but given it's primarily a "just for fun" feature, we're focusing on the bigger improvements at the moment before circling back and getting it working again.

 So if you notice your files are not getting views, that does not mean they are not being seen - as many of you will now have files with 0 views and 1+ sales.

 Vectors have been a real pain for many of us recently. We've had an ongoing issue with processing vectors, as we for a while have been barely able to keep up with the flow of vector files coming in. That's a great problem to have, of course. But if a contributor uploads 10,000 vectors at once, it means the entire system can be delayed for a day.

 Vectors are deceptively complicated to process in the back-end, as there are so many different ways the files are saved and so many possible issues to run into. So they have always taken much longer than JPG images for us to process.

 One issue we have had more and more of is people uploading vector files that just contain a single JPG image in a layer. Not only are these files that we would never want to sell, as it's deceptive for customers, but it also is very hard for our system to handle. Our system assumes that .eps files are true vectors - so when rasterized content is included, it tries to make sense of it, which can lead to it crashing. I think people would be genuinely shocked at how many files like this, and otherwise invalid files we get. Those tend to hurt the system and slow down things for everyone.

 So we launched an entirely new vector processing system, which is 10x as fast and able to better detect invalid files. This should mean in the future there won't be any delay in vector files being processed, which many of you will be happy to hear. Over the last week we have been using it to catch up on the backlog. There have been some glitches, however, with thumbnails being broken for some files as one such issue. As a result, we have been sending files back in batches to be re-processed. We have also been working on systems to remove the poor files I mentioned above.

 We're on the home stretch now and hope to be caught up with the vector processing and fix broken thumbnails shortly. Thanks for your patience for all of this, as we think the end result will be worth the speed bumps we've had over the last week or two.


Thank you.

Off Topic / Re: 20 Epic Advertisement Designs
« on: November 20, 2014, 16:56 »
Nice, love it. Thanks for sharing.

Look like i got the same idea as the farmer market a few years back:

Thanks for visiting! Really great illustrations also!

Off Topic / 20 Epic Advertisement Designs
« on: November 20, 2014, 12:24 »
20 Epic Advertisement Designs

I thought Id do something a little bit different this week and share with you some advertisements that I think are really cool. It takes a lot of work to become a brand that can pull these off, and the ad agencies that do them communicate the message clearly, and in some cases with only art and a logo. Its pretty incredible.

General Stock Discussion / Stolen Turkey!
« on: November 18, 2014, 13:44 »
Anyone know how to contact Djart? http://www.clipartof.com/portfolio/djart/illustration/wild-thanksgiving-turkey-wearing-pilgrim-hat-5184.html

Every week my daughters teacher sends out a newsletter with illustrations on them, seems his turkey is featured on a number of free clipart sites.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Is Shuttertweet broken?
« on: November 17, 2014, 15:46 »
Thanks ... guess I'll give up on that idea. lol

Shutterstock.com / Is Shuttertweet broken?
« on: November 17, 2014, 01:19 »
I finally got accepted at Shutterstock! Couple sales from Wednesday to now with only 7 files up, I'm super stoked and hopefully it'll give me some motivation.

Anyhow, I've found twitter to be a decent way to attract traffic and "followers" however, the shuttertweet thing seems to be broken and I can't sign up. I haven't contacted support yet because, I figured someone here would have a reasonable answer or solution.

CanStockPhoto.com / Re: Where is Canstock?
« on: November 13, 2014, 17:04 »
2% here.

Volatile sales, easy upload though.

So far November has been quite a bit slower at all sites than I'd anticipated. I think the easy upload is one of the only reason contributors keep Canstock. My last sale there was October 7. :(

Pond5 / Re: Do you think Pond5 is going to be a leader?
« on: November 04, 2014, 11:12 »
I too like Pond5 ... It's sad that it's not getting the traffic that other sites are because, it certainly deserves it.

Adobe software is a staple in big, big corporations - advertising and marketing, publishing, merchandising and textile design just to name a few. You might be thinking of personal users but Adobe's market share of the industries that create content other than for the personal artist or photographer is huge.

Big companies use what their employees use. Adobe users will increasingly be seen as the previous generation IMO.

Fewer and fewer people need these big bloated old fashioned programs in order to achieve the results they want. And the big bloated suites may actually slow people down.

I guess you haven't been reading what Adobe has been working on lately. Lots of smaller mobile apps. Lots of integration. Very interesting stuff in my opinion.

No I have been completely following them. Other companies are doing much more interesting stuff today. They're kind of like Microsoft in the sense that big companies still use them but they never do anything interesting anymore.

Adobe apps are not going to generate the sorts of incomes which their investors are used to - nor the sorts of revenue growth which investors expect. And tech and new media stocks are in trouble now anyhow (SSTK got close to the 52 week low several days ago). The apps they have shown so far have been rather lame - if they were a startup you would ignore them.

I don't think Adobe has hit the wall (or ceiling) of potential subscribers to CC.
Right now, there are 2 groups who have not jumped into CC :  the people who use CS5 or CS6 illegally, and the people who use the legal version but are happy with their CS5 or CS6 version and refuse to pay a monthly fee for something they already have.

But what will happen in 2 to 4 years?  There will be a new version of Windows, and suddenly, CS5 and CS6 will not be compatible with the latest Windows anymore, and the "old" program on new computers will get buggy or not work at all.   Then there will be no CS7, but only CC to go to.
Actually, there are a ton of new features in the CC that I've been excited to try and use ... I don't think they've hit a ceiling at all, they practically own the industry. I think the main reason people haven't upgraded is that their current version is still working just fine.

Sooner or later it's just going to be a business expense ... Rent's paid, power's paid, better write a check to Adobe ... Right now, there aren't many viable alternatives as far as I've seen.

123RF / Re: is 123rf a worthy-to-upload stock agence?
« on: October 24, 2014, 11:01 »
I don't think I've had one single sale on 123rf this year.

i shoot isolated with 3 to 5 lights...one behind, one under for isolation.... and others to give shape to the object (left, right, up)...taslucient background is needed
That seems like a lot of equipment and work for micro ... Hopefully you're being compensated enough to make it worth it.

I use the pen tool whenever possible and save the clipping path. If an edge is particularly gnarly, I use the quick selection tool, then add a layer mask. Next, I use the Mask Edge/Refine Mask. I set the edge Contrast to around 40, which gives me a pretty crisp edge. That allows me to cut in, or add to the mask with a hard edge brush. Once I get the mask just right, I use the Blur More filter on the mask to soften the edge. Works like a charm!

That looks really good! As I mentioned in the article sometimes I do "a little" blurring after placing it but, never more than a couple pixels to soften the edge a bit ... Mostly, I'm doing this to import in to InDesign for advertisements and things ... in many ways you could look at it as an "end users guide to isolating photos" The stock agency my company goes through doesn't have many isolated images, and most of them aren't that great.

I've been favoring the pen tool. What process do you guys use?

The best process is to do it in camera.  The pen tool will give a result that needs to be modified because any good isolation will have variable softness across all edges.  That's why clipping paths aren't a solve all answer.

Exactly. What is this 'pen tool' of which you speak? Duh!

Well yes, obviously shooting the object isolated is going to be "better" however, this is earth and cars aren't parked on white nor are people always in white rooms.  ;D

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