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Messages - ShazamImages

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I was thinking if a thumbnail watermark feature isn't going to be added, does anybody know of a good freeware or open source watermark program I could you use to watermark my thumbnail images manually?

You can use ImageMagick manually.

Symbiostock - General / Re: duplicate folders
« on: September 05, 2013, 06:30 »
As Travelling-light stated, it is probably that one folder is the real folder and the other folder is "virtual" and just a pointer to the real folder.  You can verify this by creating a file in one folder and see if it gets replicated to the other folder.

What is creating that virtual folder and why is it being created?

The web hosting service is most probably creating it, but you would have to ask them as to why.

Symbiostock - General / Re: duplicate folders
« on: September 05, 2013, 05:38 »
As Travelling-light stated, it is probably that one folder is the real folder and the other folder is "virtual" and just a pointer to the real folder.  You can verify this by creating a file in one folder and see if it gets replicated to the other folder.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Backing up
« on: September 05, 2013, 05:30 »
One thing I discovered talking to support of UpdraftPlus is that currently it is a full backup every time you run it - not incremental. They are working on an incremental solution right now. Hence, we need to be careful how often we run the full backup - database is fine as that is small, but there isn't really a need to run a full backup of all the images every night.

The fact that you don't need to backup the same images multiple times is what led me to break up my backups to only backup my uploaded images once.  So I only backup each original image, watermark, and thumbnail once.  The way I do this is to backup images in groups.  Since the images are renamed by Symbiostock, I use that to my advantage.  Images are renamed and prepended with a number.  So I backup images in sets.  The first set of images I backed up were images with numbers between 1 and 100.  Once that was done, I then did the next set (with images numbered from 101 to 200), and the next set (with images numbered from 201 to 300), etc.  I kept backing up sets of images until I arrived at the most current set.  I then let that backup run for multiple days until I have uploaded enough images so that it is full and move onto the next set.

It works great because I don't have to download 100s of MBs every day and my downloads to my local PC now only take about 5-10 minutes each.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Backup Vaultpress
« on: September 04, 2013, 12:06 »

How to back up your entire Symbiostock website (in less than one hour) ➤

I'm not sure that you are completely backing up your site properly.  According to your blog, you are backing up "the /symbiostock/ folder".  But that doesn't contain everything.  See my post here for a list of directories that need to be backed up:


I have my complete Wordpress/SYMBIOSTOCK installation in the folder "symbiostock". It's backing up everything that belongs to the site.

OK, I thought that you were only backing up the symbiostock directory under wp-content/themes/

When you say type into the prompt are you talking about a DOS prompt or some prompt somewhere else?

The script that I wrote is for UNIX, so it would be at the UNIX prompt.

A similar script could be written for Windows, but my host is UNIX based.

I'm sure this works, but why not use one of the WP plugins that does exactly this.

A few reasons:

- At the time that I wrote this, I was unaware of any plugins that did this.
- Plugins can affect your site negatively.  There are many threads where people discuss that their site is broken only to find that disabling a plugin will fix the problem.  I'm sure that the plugins you mention won't cause a problem, but you never know.
- Plugins can create security holes for hackers.
- I didn't have to spend any time researching the various plugins to find their pros and cons.  It literally took me about 5-10 minutes to write this and test it.
- Since I wrote the code, I can modify it to do anything that I want.
- But mainly it is because I'm a Type A personality!

FYI: I went to checkout UpdraftPlus and thought that the following was kind of funny (as long as it doesn't happen to you):

Q: My site was hacked, and I have no backups! I thought UpdraftPlus was working! Can I kill you?
A: No, there's no warranty or guarantee, etc. It's completely up to you to verify that UpdraftPlus is creating your backups correctly. If it doesn't then that's unfortunate, but this is a free plugin.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Ftp backup
« on: September 04, 2013, 09:03 »
If I back up the whole tree from :/ will it include the databases?

Where are your database backups being stored?

Symbiostock - Technical Support / How to Backup Your MySQL Database
« on: September 04, 2013, 09:01 »
Since there seem to be a lot of questions about backups, I thought that I would provide a short UNIX shell script for creating a backup of your MySQL database.

Here is the script (please note that you will have to modify the areas marked with <> to match your configuration - most of the information can be found in your wp-admin.php file):

Code: [Select]

# NOTE: Need to make this file executable (chmod 740 dbdump.sh) in UNIX

HOST="<your web hostname>"
DB="<your MySQL database name>"
USR="your MySQL db admin user name"
PWD="your MySQL db admin password"
# RETAINDAYS is how many days you want to keep the backups

DUMPPATH="<the directory name where you want to put the backups>"
DBFILE="$DUMPPATH/$DB-`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M`.sql"
if [ "$HOST" = "" ]; then
mysqldump $HOPT --user=$USR --password=$PWD --single-transaction $DB > $DBFILE
echo "$DBFILE dumped"

# The following line removes DB dump files that are older than RETAINDAYS
find $DUMPPATH -name "*.sql" -mtime +$RETAINDAYS -execdir rm {} + ;

Place the script above inside a file called dbdump.sh (or whatever else you want to call it, just make sure it ends in .sh) and upload it to your host.  I would recommend creating a directory under your web root (mine is called html, but I've seen it called public_html on other hosts).

You will need to change the permissions of the dbdump.sh file (from an application such as PuTTY) so that it can be executed using the following command at the prompt:
   chmod 740 dbdump.sh (if you used a different file name then that will need to be used instead)

You can also change the file permissions if you use FileZilla by right-clicking on the file and choosing "File Permissions..." and then enter 740 in the text box at the bottom.

You can now manually execute the file (from an application such as PuTTY) by typing the following command at the prompt:
  bash dbdump.sh

If you want, you can also schedule the database dump on a regular basis via the cron (a UNIX job scheduler) that you should have available from your host.

Tip: Try to run all of your backups at the same time, so that there is consistency between all of the data.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Backup Vaultpress
« on: September 04, 2013, 08:43 »

How to back up your entire Symbiostock website (in less than one hour) ➤

I'm not sure that you are completely backing up your site properly.  According to your blog, you are backing up "the /symbiostock/ folder".  But that doesn't contain everything.  See my post here for a list of directories that need to be backed up:


Symbiostock - General / Re: Ftp backup
« on: September 04, 2013, 08:40 »
Can someone help me with the ftp backup. I have copied the whole of "public_html" directory. Does this literally back up the whole site?

It should, but it is hard to say without actually seeing what is in it.

You can compare what you have in your backup against what I listed in this post:


Does it back up the data tables?

It all depends.  Are you or your host backing up your MySQL database and putting it in a directory under public_html?

Symbiostock - General / Re: Backing up
« on: September 04, 2013, 06:51 »
I could not find that file but worked it out by going in and finding the list of users

It should be in the web root folder for each of your WordPress installs.

Symbiostock - General / Re: English native speakers help thread
« on: September 04, 2013, 06:09 »
...I just didn't know whether you better say starting with, starting at or starting from ...

You can say either starting at or starting from.  I prefer starting from.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Twitter/Facebook list
« on: September 04, 2013, 06:06 »

Symbiostock - General / Re: Backing up
« on: September 04, 2013, 06:03 »
This just leaves the MySql backup.   I have four of these (maybe for my three wordpress installations and a spare)  does anyone know how can I tell which one goes with my main symbiostock site?  (I also have test symbiostock site)

You can tell by looking in the wp-config.ini files for each of your WordPress installations.

They probably searched for something else but decided to try luck on your website. Good for you! Any influx of legitimate traffic (not spammers, and bots) counts. I mean you can never know, your visitor may become buyer on your website even when he/she didnt wanted to become one initially. ;)

The more legitimate traffic your website receive the better will be your chances for finally bumping into some buyer(s).

After thinking about this some more, I agree with you and think that they must have been searching for something else and came across my website by serendipity.  Now if I can just turn some of those visits into sales I'll be a happy Symbiostocker.

Not sure if this is a breach of the RF folder and if all full res images can be accessed like that as well.

Only the thumbnails and watermarked images can be accessed that way.  The original, full-size images are protected.

By watermarking our thumbnails, we're trying to make people buy our images that they intend to use for a 80x80 pixel avatar?

No, not necessarily.  A lot of images are useful at a very small size.

For example, alphabetic characters, buttons, sports balls, icons, etc.
Very good point. I'm just very hesitant to add a watermark to the thumbnails...

I am as well.

I have been thinking about either reducing the size of the thumbnails, or adding watermarks selectively to images that I feel would benefit from them.

By watermarking our thumbnails, we're trying to make people buy our images that they intend to use for a 80x80 pixel avatar?

No, not necessarily.  A lot of images are useful at a very small size.

For example, alphabetic characters, buttons, sports balls, icons, etc.

I would like to have watermarks on thumbnails, and from reading through the above posts it was something that was being considered, did this idea get any further or was stopped because no one was interested?

At the moment, watermarks are not added to thumbnails.  Someone would need to change the code to make that happen.

Just an update - both base and plugin should be ready for an update, fixing the collection and "symbiocard" issue.

Leo: When you get a chance, it would be great if you could update GitHub with the latest version.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Woohoo... first real SymbioStock sale.
« on: September 03, 2013, 12:56 »

Symbiostock - General / Re: Pricing sets
« on: September 03, 2013, 12:55 »
...the collections section is just in the premium upgrade correct?

Yes, that is correct.

I just saw that a customer searched for "image 505" on Google and then clicked on the link to go to my website.

So I did a Google web search for "image 505" and found that there was a link to my website at the bottom of the first page that brought me to:


I checked and this is indeed "image 505".

I'm wondering: Was the user searching for something completely different and they then clicked on the link to my website with the hope of finding what they were looking for?  Or did they somehow know the image # on my website and then try to find it via Google?  If the latter, how did they know the image number to search for?

Symbiostock - General / Re: Pricing sets
« on: September 03, 2013, 08:38 »
What would be the benefit of offering zipped files in comparison to "Collections"?

I would have thought that collections would have been zipped (to make them smaller and more efficient for downloading), but I haven't upgraded to the newest version and don't know much about either at this point.

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