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Messages - LDV81

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FOAF kind of hearsay that most often doesn't trace back to any real individual at all. What people believe and how many believe, doesn't make something real.

If Grusch had been told BS, it raises many questions. Grusch is not some YouTube dude with a UFO podcast, he was tasked with this investigation by the Department of Defense. It's no joke, that thing was serious.

Now, if some people with very high clearances had decided to tell him fairy tales as part of his investigation, the obvious question is: WHY?
W-T-F is going on there? Lying to someone in his position, while he is conducting an investigation, is really serious. And if they believed in what they told him, then it's another "W-T-F is going on there?"

This will be just another farce from the UFO cult followers. These events are nothing but more programming for the weak minds of the brainwashed.

Denialists are the new conspiracy theorists :) There is a conspiracy behind any attempts to research anomalous phenomena and attempts to declassify stuff, LOL. :) Noland, Elizondo, Loeb belong to the conspiracy :) LMAO...

Why would people with respected careers in their fields risk being ridiculed? Because they are part of the conspiracy, LOL...But what are the goals of the conspiracy? Hmmm....

That is true. There is certainly non-human intelligence on this planet. I mentioned this before. There are chimpanzees, other great apes, dolphins and to a lesser degree cats and dogs and many other animals. And it is in fact a global phenomenon. Just recently, I detected a cat in my neighbours garden.

Very funny  ;D Consider a career as a stand-up comedian :P

"Adam Frank, a professor of astrophysics at the University of Rochester, published a critique of the Grusch claims on June 22 with Big Think. Frank writes that he does "not find these claims exciting at all" because they are all "just hearsay" where "a guy says he knows a guy who knows another guy who heard from a guy that the government has alien spaceships".[24]"

From what I have read, some witnesses have confirmed at least some of Grusch's claims and there will be a hearing. The fact that such claims are even being investigated is quite astonishing. Before 2017, they would have just been ridiculed and ignored.

Jonathan Grey, a current US intelligence official at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (Nasic), confirmed the existence of exotic materials to the Debrief.

The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. We are not alone, Grey said.

Retrievals of this kind are not limited to the United States. This is a global phenomenon, and yet a global solution continues to elude us.

c - their testimony will cover only unexplained events, no actual evidence, especially now ET  artifacts or bodies
d - they have examined all the evidence & concluded there is nothing ET
e - they will release data previously classified for natl security which led to conspiracy theories. releasing it earlier would have exposed our technologies which have now been replaced by more sophisticated programs
f - they have finally developed cameras that can actually focus & discovered the terran origin of previously classified as UFO

What? What you have come up with is already covered by a.
Grusch and others have made some very concrete and bold claims. Watch the interview with Grusch. I think you are not familiar with it. Apparently, he, and other people who came out, are viewed as "credible" by the Congress and elsewhere.

If these claims are not true, then some high-ranking US officials are nuts, mentally unstable or whatever. Or this is psyops.

Denialism at this stage is nothing else than a religious belief. I don't know if Grusch and others are nuts. Maybe they are, but maybe not. But I am very curious to find out the truth and I am simply open-minded about it.

no one yet has actually shown ANYTHING related to interstellar lifeforms -  congress may declassify such material IF IT EXISTS, but does not say there actually is any there there.

1. "Interstellar lifeforms" is already an interpretation. At this point, the public doesn't know much, so "NHI" and "the phenomenon" are better terms.

2. Face the music. If there is nothing behind the claims, then either one of these must be true:

a) some high-ranking US government officials and military staff with high clearances are bats#it crazy
b) we are watching some gigantic psyops

There are no other options.

But if it is psyops, they could certainly make it more shock-and-awe... And it should get much more coverage in mainstream media.

This will be just another farce from the UFO cult followers. These events are nothing but more programming for the weak minds of the brainwashed.

Besides that, do you also have anything intelligent to add?


In a June 26 interview with NewsNation, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) stated that multiple individuals had corroborated a whistleblowers explosive allegations of a secret, decades-long UFO crash retrieval and reverse-engineering effort.

As the top Republican on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and a member of the so-called Gang of Eight, Rubios extraordinary comments carry particular weight.

According to Rubio, only one of two remarkable outcomes will ultimately explain recent developments, Either what [the whistleblower] is saying is partially true or entirely true, he said, or we have some really smart, educated people with high clearances and very important positions in our government who are crazy and are leading us on a goose chase.

Most of these people, Rubio continued, have held very high clearances and high positions within our government. So, you ask yourself: What incentive would so many people with that kind of qualification these are serious people have to come forward and make something up?

Pressed for details, Rubio stated that individuals with firsthand knowledge or firsthand claims are saying to us what youve seen out there in the public record, whether its about legacy [UFO] programs or about current events.

According to Rubio, the whistleblowers statements are beyond the realm of what any of us [on the Senate Intelligence Committee] has ever dealt with.

I'd say the third option is psyops... but I don't know how likely it could be at this point.

I am leaning towards option 1. Am I certain? No. But it is a very interesting and important subject matter.

Denialists will say: "It can't be, therefore it isn't."

What do the aliens look like? We have all kinds of reports and claims, people have seen them and believe they have been abducted. What do aliens look like in their descriptions. That's a pretty basic and simple question? Is there any group consensus or collective way to describe the alien appearance?

What do UFOs look like. I mean, I can describe an airplane, boat or a car, can someone describe what the aliens travel in? No I don't expect anyone to understand the propulsion systems, just some nice basic data to build from?

 There are all kind of photos and claims. Darn near everyone now carries a camera/phone that can take photos or video. I would expect we'd have more and better images, than in the old days.

After the disclosure or the official first contact, you should be able to buy an encyclopedia of aliens with illustrations. If you survive the ontological shock.

For now, the field is so muddied with hoaxes and disinformation, that for the average person it is difficult to figure out what is true.

Listen to serious and credible people like Elizondo, Nolan, Coulthart or Valle. You will not hear stories about the Galactic Federation or alien races from them. But what you hear from them sounds very serious. Elizondo and Nolan probably cannot disclose everything they know and have seen. Look up that famous "somber" comment from Elizondo...

There are plenty of reports from "experiences", just look for them. There are some recurring "races" of aliens in their stories, but it is up to you to judge how credible a given experiencer is. I will not do that for you. I am not trying to convince anyone about anything, but I wish some people expanded their intellectual horizons a little. It is great to be an open-minded skeptic, but it is stupid to be a denialist.

Why haven't we had a disclosure or an official first contact yet? Well, just look at this thread... Denialists and religious fundamentalists on the whole planet would probably go berserk... But things have accelerated greatly in the recent months for some reason. I think we are approaching that moment.

How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

DNA analysis. This is what Noland did.

I read the link, it says it was human DNA?

What's the problem? Nolan examined it said it was human. That is the whole point. Read the context of the post. A poster claimed that there is some "UFO propaganda" rejecting all evidence that doesn't fit into the narrative. And here you have people like Nolan.

I'm trying to follow the logic here (without actually reading all of the links).  So someone found an "alien" body, tested the DNA and it came back human.  So not alien.  This proves that some people at least will admit they are wrong when faced with clear evidence, which gives them credibility if they have some evidence they think must actually be alien?  Even if it is a different kind of evidence that is outside their area of expertise?  I think that is the point you're trying to make.

Almost. Nolan did not find the body. It was sent to him. He never claimed it was alien. From what I have read, Greer was very angry that Nolan dared to say it wasn't alien. But Nolan doesn't care about such people or publicity. He doesn't care if you believe in UFOs or not. He is not part of the "UFO Entertainment Industry". He does what he does, and he is an expert in his field. And he is a consultant of the CIA/Pentagon in the field of UAPs.

So, when you have respected people like Nolan, who have access to more information than we do, say things like this:

we should at least pay attention.

actually your mention of a shadow biosphere says the exact opposite - that there may be such organisms that evolved here on earth

Thank you, Captain Obvious. I wrote that "such lifeforms would seem 'alien' to us" (without being alien). Where's the lie?


did you bother to read your link?   "Existence of a shadow biosphere could mean that life has evolved on Earth more than once, which means that microorganisms may exist on Earth which have no evolutionary connection with any other known form of life  also note that this hybpthesis doesn't propose anything above microbial level

Did you try to understand what I wrote? I never mentioned any biosphere beyond microbial level. It was just an example: it is conceivable that there are organisms on Earth that could appear "alien" to us, but in reality originated also on Earth in a different process.

OK I thought you were saying this is some kind of proof of alien life forms, when it was instead a deformed fetus that had DNA defects.

I also wondered how someone claiming it was Alien DNA (not you, someone else) would have alien DNA to compare it to, instead of jumping to the conclusion that, since they don't know why it's different, it must be space visitors.

You don't need to know alien what DNA is like to confirm that some species is not from Earth, or rather not part of the same evolutionary tree as us.

But if there is a shadow biosphere (hypothetical) on Earth, such lifeforms would also seem "alien" to us:

Nolan talked about such a possibility in some interviews.

How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

DNA analysis. This is what Noland did.

I read the link, it says it was human DNA?

What's the problem? Nolan examined it said it was human. That is the whole point. Read the context of the post. A poster claimed that there is some "UFO propaganda" rejecting all evidence that doesn't fit into the narrative. And here you have people like Nolan.

Yet we can't seem to figure out, where they come from. Air, underground or from the water?

Because we are not very smart as a species, in the grand scheme of things. The US military has reports of trans-medium craft, operating in the air and under water at speeds and acceleration beyond our science.

How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

DNA analysis. This is what Noland did.

Why do they crash if they are so advanced?

Nolan speculates that at least some of them are in fact intermediaries, drones, an intelligence test for us. Showing up on a planet ruled by monkeys with nukes who eat other animal species may very well be perceived as dangerous. So, maybe they want to see if we figure out what is behind that craft, as an intelligence test.

Here is what humans do with wild animals in forests and jungles. You might think that leaving a mirror in a forest or a jungle doesn't make sense and is in fact stupid. But nevertheless, humans do it and observe the reactions of the animals:

There are literally loads of such videos on YouTube. I have a feeling that denialism is similar to failing the mirror test.


his account is much more nuanced in an interview he discussed some of this work -- many individuals had been found to have similar brain 'damage' without disability , among them pilots who saw UFO but many had MRI showing damage before claims of seeing UFO)

Question: How does the impact of electromagnetic frequencies factor into your hypotheses about what exactly transpired here?
With one of the patients, it happened on the Skinwalker Ranch. Given how deep into their brain the damage went, we can actually estimate the amount of energy required in the electromagnetic wave someone aimed at them. We don't think that has anything to do with UAPs. We think that that's some sort of a state actor and again related to Havana syndrome somehow.

it's an interesting, detailed interview in which Nolan  says "  The data is there  the explanation is not."

question:How many objects {alleged to have fallen from UFO} have you checked out that are not playing by our rules?
So of the 10 or 12 that I've looked at, two seem to be not playing by our rules. That doesn't mean that they're levitating, on my desk or anything, it just means that they have altered isotope ratios....Let's say we didn't have transistors today and one of these objects dropped a big chunk of germanium doped with other elements, or, you know, these little transistors. We would not have a clue as to the function, and we would ask 'why would anyone put arrays of germanium with these strange impurities in them what is this thing?'

it's an unexplained instance but doesnt follow other claims that these are metals unknown on earth - they can be reproduced.

As you can see yourself, he is not a "UFO performer" or part of the UFO Entertainment Industry. He examines stuff, and if something is of human origin, he will just gladly say the way it is. He has a reputation and I don't think that he could have motivation to tell lies.

But here is a recent interview with Nolan:

Recorded about 1 month ago. I don't care much what people like Greer, Corbell, de Long or Knapp say about UFOs. But when Nolan says something like that, it has a certain weight. And what he said was a bomb, as a matter of fact. Nolan has connections to the Pentagon and the CIA and he must have seen some stuff, about which he is not yet authorized to talk in detail right now. But I think we will slowly get to that point.

Your link is from 2021, and since then a LOT has happened in this field. I used to be on the fence a few years ago, but now not so much.

I think we are currently seeing a "gradual" disclosure to avoid a shock in our societies. For some reason, this process has accelerated greatly recently. Maybe it is the knowledge of certain future events, maybe certain circles think that the public should know. It is no longer the fringe subject that it was even 10 years ago. Coulthart claims that the Pentagon/CIA have been talking to people in Hollywood about the contents of sci-fi movies and series and have been trying to influence them.

I think many people will experience a huge ontological shock and when/if the day comes, and their belief systems will be shattered. I think I can handle the truth myself because I am familiar with most hypotheses in this field. But the truth might be even wilder than I can imagine, multiple hypotheses could be true...

Denialism is just as stupid as the Ancient Aliens show, whose authors seem to see "aliens" almost everywhere. Same thing, just the opposite direction.

in this case how do his achievements, patents & reputation become evidence for accuracy wrt alien UFO? argument from authority does not give reliability to any statements they may make

That is true, but his achievements prove that he is no tin foil hat wearer and he would be risking his reputation telling lies. And also: he is a freaking consultant of the Pentagon and the CIA in the field of...., yes: UAPs/UFOs. In other words: he has seen things. And he is even an "experiencer" himself.

I cannot think of any possible motivation for someone like Nolan to claim that UFOs are "real", if it wasn't true (at least based on information available to him). He has much, much more to lose than to gain. He probably doesn't need more money. If anything, some people say he might have lost a chance for a Nobel prize, because he has been saying things that have been stigmatized for so long. Therefore, I think he is interested in the truth, has sharp thinking skills and has access to more information than we do.

The UFO propaganda machine is designed to tell the lies over and over and also discredit anything that doesn't agree with the propaganda version of the story. Anything that shows evidence that does follow the story line is vigorously attacked, but anything that follows the propaganda mission is accepted without questioning.

They claim to be searching for the truth but instead are ignoring the facts that would show their claims are vague fantasy science fiction.

This may be true for some, maybe even for many people in this field. But your claim is arrogant and ignorant.

Garry Nolan was asked to examine the Atacama skeleton. Stephen Greer was convinced that it was extraterrestrial. Garry Nolan examined the skeleton, and guess what. He said it was human. He had no problems to admit it.

If you accuse serious researchers and respected scientists like Garry Nolan of being part of "UFO propaganda", you are making a fool of yourself. There are some clowns in the field, yes, but people like Nolan are the real deal. Look at his scientific achievements, registered patents, position and reputation in the world of science. And then listen to what he says about UFOs.

Ross Coulthart talking on the Theories of Everything channel now:

I consider Coulthart a serious journalist. He might be a little biased, yes. But I don't consider him to be part of the "UFO Entertainment Industry", like many others. There is a reason why Grusch went to him and I think it is because of Coulthart's reputation. The podcast host is genuinely interested in UFOs, but I wouldn't call him a "UFO enthusiast". No tin foil hats.


In a single spade of earth there are hundreds of life forms. On our planet trillions and trillions from bacteria to mammals. In that universe ... the simplest explanation is not interdemensional beings.

Not if the theories of people like Donald Hoffman are correct (and I think they might be). And not if what is reported by people who experienced astral projections is part of the "objective reality". Check Robert Monroe's books or other people who report similar things. They open a door to a whole new reality.

That would be very "woo", but maybe woo is just the way things are in the grand scheme of things. Do you want to experience weird things yourself (without taking ayuhuasca, DMT or any drugs)? Try this program used by the CIA for years, the report was declassified some time ago:

I have been doing it since last year, and it is amazing. I feel much better and stronger. I was able to control (completely "switch off") physical pain with my mind a few times and it shocked me as it happened instantly. Some experiences can be mind-blowing. And I am just a beginner, advanced users often report super-woo things.

Grusch's claims being a giant psyop just doesn't make any sense.

Without having enough information, it does make sense. Trying to scare the adversaries of the US. It doesn't have to be the case, but it is one of the possibilities.

As other high-profile people seem to confirm the main points and claim Grusch is a credible person, I exclude the possibility that Grusch is making things up. But he might have been fed false information, or partially false information, as part of the psyops.

And if the phenomenon includes humans from the future, it could explain the great secrecy.

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