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Messages - hellou

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Adobe Stock / Re: Your account has been blocked?!
« on: October 20, 2020, 06:00 »
A friend also had this a few years ago at fotolia, which means you uploaded too many similar images and most of them are "bad" in AS's opinion. If you upload from the same series several times a day, you will be reported by a selector. 2 weekks until you receive a message, and they will tell you, you should delete a few similar images by yourself. Just the experience of Fotolia, no idea whether it is the same with Adobe.

I would give a part of my images (200 of my 20k) for free to AdobeStock.
I would love to support AS. One of the last hopes i have for Microstock.
A nice to have would be, resize these free-images to 2500px. Big enough for customers but not big enough to re-sell or re-upload by thiefs. Full-size by payment only.
What i realy hate, some (not all) people complain about this concept or middle-tier sites but at the same time offer their images on "unlimited downloads" sites too. That is realy killing the business.

Dreamstime, canstockphoto, indivstock.
123rf maybe too, couldnt find it, so maybe not anymore

Upload BEFORE knowing the commission rates and prices? in the worst case the site will offer unlimited-downloads for USD 9.99 .. Who knows.

today i disabled 10.000 images.

you should not write "BEACH" or "Beach". It maybe will not be translated or split wrong, as recognized as a name of something.
= beach

good: New York City
bad in some cases: new york city

Realy critical if you make more "mistakes", e.g you add "a new york city"
Will be completely different and will be translated incorrectly

just my experience

I will disable my portfolio June 1st. I haven't uploaded much lately for other reasons, but I won't upload anything to SS.

In addition to tweets about the change, I thought I'd also try highlighting images that would be #GoneJune1 as part of #boycottShutterstock. I haven't put links to Adobe Stock in tweets yet, but might mix tweets about #Shutterstock slashing royalties with "go here instead" messages.

I think the messaging should be simple - to try and get the general point across. Especially on twitter, you don't want lengthy explanations of the details.

The small things are very important. Delete the SS badge at your profile too. The best thing that can happen is that the SS is forgotten and Adobestock becomes the standard. Little things count.

I will not delete, but i stopped uploading to SS. There is not return for me. Same as i stopped istock a long time ago.
If i would continue there, i would feel bad every single day while working. No thx.
AS, 123rf and some others to continue.

there is no "who is". I'm a little skeptical

... what? haha
There is no "about" page - who is running this site and if company, the name of the company.
Not sure but, i can see only 11.000 images. The pictures are displayed repeatedly.

there is no "who is". I'm a little skeptical

DepositPhotos / Re: Good sale numbers this month April 2020
« on: April 22, 2020, 07:37 »
i never know what people mean with "better" or similar.
From 1 USD to "better" 200USD or
from 1 USD to 5 USD?
The first means a lot more sales
and the second would mean only 5 images sold more the month.

Canva / Re: Canva announcement
« on: April 06, 2020, 11:45 »
This is a subscription with which a customer can use ALL your images for a monthly subscription.
Similar to hyperstock.
And you are happy with that..

Wondering how microstock sites such as Getty/istock will be affected by the coronavirus.

The sites will be fine it's not an electronic virus.

For fun and because i can not believe what is going on here on SS i used the live chat at SS website.
I copy and paste the link to MSG and thiefy portfolio page and asked "realy ? ".
The answer was just sad:
"I don't think I understand your question, can you clarify it?"
 :o They do not care at all.

123RF / Re: Pixlr Market
« on: March 11, 2020, 16:13 »
Would never join there. And since I now know that 123rf would ruin the market so lightly, this was also my last upload to 123rf. To be honest it is not hard for me to say goodbye to 123rf.  ;D

General Stock Discussion / Re: Missing Portfolio on SS
« on: March 04, 2020, 08:20 »
"opted out of all image sales"
So, you did stop selling images on Shutterstock?

Pond5 / Re: Hyperstock
« on: February 15, 2020, 04:04 »
To remove your content from hyperstock you have to confirm it TWICE.
By the way.. what >:(
"I hope I have provided you with some clarity, and I am truly sorry you feel this way.  If you still want your content removed from HyperStock, just confirm once more "

General Stock Discussion / Re: Yaymicro? Is it a good site?
« on: February 01, 2020, 10:27 »

123RF / Re: Is it the end of 123rf
« on: January 30, 2020, 17:01 »
average $ 79 each month. 948 a year. Upload every second month and all at once.
All my pictures have saved exif keywords and titles. Work takes 20 seconds for select files and upload. Get a coffee and finish the uploads.
Simply earned extra money. Do not understand the account closers. I like 123rf even i hate they cut commissions.

On the other hand, I no longer upload anything to istock. These 0.00003 amounts are outrageous. Annoy me every time I read the name istock.

yes they support p**bay as shu**stock does allow them to be an affiliate and earn money this way.
I can not see any giveaways from shu**stock (free images).
But you are right, as they keep p**bay alive. Hand in hand with the devil  >:(

StockFresh / stockfresh down
« on: December 27, 2019, 10:10 »
deleted- up again

73 / Re: December 2019 Royalty Stats report
« on: December 19, 2019, 17:15 »
I feel happy, i stopped uploading to istock over a year ago.
Low earnings (% / 0.0002) and more strange things.
I know a few companies asked where there is more of this image series to have a uniform website and so changed to adobestock and others. This is one reason for sure my adobestock and 123rf earnigns have doubled in the last months. I wouldn`t even notice if the number of sales of  0.0002$ each would increase  ;D

74 / Re: December 2019 Royalty Stats report
« on: December 19, 2019, 16:54 »
something is pretty wrong on istock/esp
esp - summary -
contract: Ra*** h****
This is not my name.. so i can see the earnings from another one?

Adobe Stock / Re: Seasonal uploads
« on: December 12, 2019, 16:38 »
..because I probably only got 10 cents. lol
Do not upload to sites that pay you 10 cents. shame on you  :'(

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