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Messages - Shank_ali

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76 / Re: Exclusive + what's the point??
« on: July 17, 2011, 02:35 »
Maybe you should take your issues up in IS forums instead.
Theres a novel idea....
I just think the collection does not work and buyers already pay enough for exclusive content on the site.
I would like to see the company admit the collection does not work and scrap it by the end of 2011.Simple really.

77 / Re: Milan Lypse 2011
« on: July 17, 2011, 00:31 »
I think my camera can do video !
You think? Didn't you notice that when you bought it?
Nope the instruction manual were in lots of different languages and i'm not bisexual so easily confused.

78 / Exclusive + what's the point??
« on: July 17, 2011, 00:27 »
Can someone enlighten me on the reason that Istockphoto introduced this extra price tier.

Cock Up 1- "We are sorry your file did not make it into our sexy Vetta collection but we hope it screws some more money out of the buyers by entering the Exclusive + collection"

Cock Up 2 - "We have decided that you the talented artist are best at managing your own portfolios and can nominate a % quota of your portfolio to add to this new collection "

Cock Up 3- "Non exclusives are now allowed to screw more money from the buyers by nominating files for the exclusive +
collection "
Just scrap the collection.It stinks !!!!

Don's here and speaking with assurance and clarity as normal  :).
The pill has been swallowed.The RC's targets are posted and clear.Istockphoto now have the control back.
Let's not forget the people who tell us things via the Istock forum are not business people and as such make remarks and comments that lack clarity or any assurance.
Communication will continue to be a problem unless there is better liason between the company and the community of artists.Terry J said as much in London.Hope it was taken onboard !

so how would someone become a reviewer? they ever post on craigslist or anything?  It sounds like a pretty interesting job to me  ;D
You have to be a photographer first and a bloody good one at that.

Sorry, but thats a load of rubbish.  Being a good photographer isnt necessary.  In fact, you dont even need to be a photographer at all to be a good reviewer.  Ive been dealing with composition, lighting, contrast, colour temperature etc. practically all my life as an artist and can easily pick a good photograph.  But ask me to produce a good photograph and I wouldnt have a clue.  The requirements for a decent microstock reviewer are 1) a good set of eyes, 2) attention to detail, 3) a good understanding of the market.  Really, that's about it.

A microstock reviewer doesnt need to be a photographer to pick out a good photo just as much as a food critic doesnt need to be a chef, a music critic doesnt need to be a musician, a book critic doesnt need to be an author etc.  If photographic skills were needed to be able to review an image, then buyers, who arent photographers, will be buying as many crappy images as the good ones. 
Eh rubbish of me...Never  :o

81 / Re: Milan Lypse 2011
« on: July 16, 2011, 06:48 »
I've been away, but just to check - this time there hasn't yet been any official mention of forcing paying 'lypse attendees to make their work available via the PP, has there?
As the event is a joint venture between Getty/Istock, all Milan content uploaded by the attendees, will go to the PP.

BTW, that has not been stated.  But I've asked, so you won't have to make up imaginary answers.
Read ALL my post and you will find your answer.You will get the same answer on the Istock forum in due course.

Someone forgot to turn on the PP switch before leaving HQ on friday.Pfffff.Come monday it will be some lame excuse... sowwwy it's the internet and things break !

so how would someone become a reviewer? they ever post on craigslist or anything?  It sounds like a pretty interesting job to me  ;D

You have to be a photographer first and a bloody good one at that.

Contrary to that, inspectors' galleries I'v seen were lined with piss poor shots. The funny part is that most of them were even technically piss poor too!

When i look at other people's photographs i always notice the good points.It's a posative approach that encourages my belief in creating beauty from my own camera ...If you do get the time please have a look at my lightbox via my istock account..:Inspectors Delight ".Not a piss poor shot in sight IMO.

84 / Re: Who is #2
« on: July 16, 2011, 04:05 »
It was truly a sad day at IStock HQ the day Yuri flew by their poster girl and Exclusive contributor Lise, I wonder if they have a day of mourning every year to commemorate that sad occasion, with a fraction of Yuri's portfolio no less... LOL
Having met the very humble and talented Lise in London she would no doubt be the first to congratulate Yuri.She also does not have a team working on her behalf.

85 / Re: Moving backwards with iStock
« on: July 16, 2011, 04:01 »
what a bunch of dilettants istock is. btw they should just pay to licence shutterstock's submission applet, these braindead loosers will never-ever get it right on their own.
The model release needs to be right to protect yourself/ model/agent.Thanks for your amusing comment though !

86 / Re: Milan Lypse 2011
« on: July 16, 2011, 01:29 »
Names have to be given to Echodelta by friday.Dont be late for the party....I think my camera can do video !

Hopely June payments will start to get added to our accounts this weekend.Hoping !
Just been confirmed by adam .They will be completed next weekend...Hopely i can beat 434 sales from last month or match it !

so how would someone become a reviewer? they ever post on craigslist or anything?  It sounds like a pretty interesting job to me  ;D
You have to be a photographer first and a bloody good one at that.

sorry but that might not be true.. there must be smaller agencies having "stock friends" as reviewers, of course they arent paying very well but you might not be a very good photographer (actually it is well payed??), you do need to know all the technical side, which after a few months/years as stock photographer you will get to it..
I was specifically talking about Istock and i also no they train there new inspectors.They usually let them view non exclusives sub standard work  ;D before viewing my creme de la creme !

Let's be honest, non exclusives don't give a dam about Istockphoto for the most part, so they use an outside forum to belittle the company at every opportunity.
And iStock love their exclusives so much that they kick us off the forums at the random whim of a moderator.
He's not that bad but i aint getting a new personality and character to fit into what Istockphoto deems to be fitting !

shank are you from this world?? how can you talk like that saying we dont care about IS? thats a joy to hear, lot of folks here have commited a lot of work into pulling portfolios up there WHICH is a MESS overall with the slots, the keywords, the rejections that dont match pictures (not a lot but some for sure).. and then the WORST paying a low 15%..

I guess you should think first before protecting IS when they were the only ONES screwing our earnings and buyers too.. I dont make much there or anywhere else but the 15% is a thing to be ashamed and I am sure IS on the first days was too but money TALKS!
Well scotty has not beamed me up just yet....
I'm just in the minority in my thinking as i believe that microstock companys provide a resource for selling my photographs and without it i would be screwed.Some are of the opposite opinion..if it wasent for our work there would be no microstock companies.
What came first,the chicken or the egg.
Istock are still the premier microstock agent and no non exclusive will persuade me otherwise.
RC's were a bitter pill to swallow for most but in the long run people will see the benefit.

 I believe every contributor must try all agencies and feel what works best, then you can go exclusive or quit or other
I used that theory before picking the wife :P

exactly.. please help me out there too.. brunettes or blondes?? I have found that brunettes seem more insatiable :P

something on their nose right?
The bald ones are more loyal  ;D

91 / Re: Moving backwards with iStock
« on: July 15, 2011, 14:32 »
"The good news is that Istockphoto are planning an overhaul of the upload system.The present one is too slow."

Really? I use DeepMeta and uploading is a breeze. (Deepmeta is a free program that helps you keyword and upload files).

What are they going to change? Do you have a link?
Just a titbit from the Istock Lypse in London.Like most things on Istock though, regarding change, they take awhile .

shank are you from this world?? how can you talk like that saying we dont care about IS? thats a joy to hear, lot of folks here have commited a lot of work into pulling portfolios up there WHICH is a MESS overall with the slots, the keywords, the rejections that dont match pictures (not a lot but some for sure).. and then the WORST paying a low 15%..

I guess you should think first before protecting IS when they were the only ONES screwing our earnings and buyers too.. I dont make much there or anywhere else but the 15% is a thing to be ashamed and I am sure IS on the first days was too but money TALKS!
Well scotty has not beamed me up just yet....
I'm just in the minority in my thinking as i believe that microstock companys provide a resource for selling my photographs and without it i would be screwed.Some are of the opposite opinion..if it wasent for our work there would be no microstock companies.
What came first,the chicken or the egg.
Istock are still the premier microstock agent and no non exclusive will persuade me otherwise.
RC's were a bitter pill to swallow for most but in the long run people will see the benefit.

 I believe every contributor must try all agencies and feel what works best, then you can go exclusive or quit or other
I used that theory before picking the wife :P

93 / Re: Moving backwards with iStock
« on: July 15, 2011, 13:32 »
The good news is that Istockphoto are planning an overhaul of the upload system.The present one is too slow.
Just download an Istock model release form and fill it in correctly and you should have no problem

Thanks for today's random "IMO" post.
Excuse me but it was hardly random.It was item 4 on the list and as we have entered the 3rd week of July....

shank are you from this world?? how can you talk like that saying we dont care about IS? thats a joy to hear, lot of folks here have commited a lot of work into pulling portfolios up there WHICH is a MESS overall with the slots, the keywords, the rejections that dont match pictures (not a lot but some for sure).. and then the WORST paying a low 15%..

I guess you should think first before protecting IS when they were the only ONES screwing our earnings and buyers too.. I dont make much there or anywhere else but the 15% is a thing to be ashamed and I am sure IS on the first days was too but money TALKS!
Well scotty has not beamed me up just yet....
I'm just in the minority in my thinking as i believe that microstock companys provide a resource for selling my photographs and without it i would be screwed.Some are of the opposite opinion..if it wasent for our work there would be no microstock companies.
What came first,the chicken or the egg.
Istock are still the premier microstock agent and no non exclusive will persuade me otherwise.
RC's were a bitter pill to swallow for most but in the long run people will see the benefit.

To many contributors only viewed the Redeemable Credits from there own perspective/sales/portfolios.
When they try to see the bigger picture they wrongly assumed it was greed by Istockphoto that fueled the change.
The money the company now saves, with this new payment method,will be used to bring longevity to the company which in turn serves all our purposes.

I can't say I really care all that much about the longevity of a company that only wants to pay me 17% of the pie. There doesn't seem to be much of a future there, so I've focused my attention elsewhere.
Let's be honest, non exclusives don't give a dam about Istockphoto for the most part, so they use an outside forum to belittle the company at every opportunity.

To many contributors only viewed the Redeemable Credits from there own perspective/sales/portfolios.
When they try to see the bigger picture they wrongly assumed it was greed by Istockphoto that fueled the change.
The money the company now saves, with this new payment method,will be used to bring longevity to the company which in turn serves all our purposes.

so how would someone become a reviewer? they ever post on craigslist or anything?  It sounds like a pretty interesting job to me  ;D
You have to be a photographer first and a bloody good one at that.

99 / Re: Are Your Exclusive To Istock?
« on: July 15, 2011, 09:46 »
TIP:If your thinking about uploading to Microstock sites for the first time..Join Istockphoto first and keep at it until your accepted.Build a portfolio there and if the sales come, you will need no reason to venture outside IMO

this is not tip no nothing, it just BAD but you may do that and non-exclusives will appreciate this for sure!

what is the point of just sticking with IS and then if things dont go well go with all other?? thats just ridiculous.. you should go with all.. I dont think you would "try" to make it on stock with 15% comission and low sales if your port dont attract massive sales/buyers!
Do you live in china by any chance?

100 / Re: Are Your Exclusive To Istock?
« on: July 15, 2011, 01:26 »
I am exclusive at Istockphoto.I don't mind non exclusives but would find it difficult eating a full one !
Time is an issue for me and one of the main reasons i stay with one particular agent.I really do not have the time to upload to a lot of microstock sites on a regular basis.I earn 30% commission from my work at Istockphoto.If i dropped my exclusive crown it would go down to 16% and then i would be waiting to get my new portfolios established at other sites and the sales might not make up the 14% loss.
"It's better the devil you know ......."
TIP:If your thinking about uploading to Microstock sites for the first time..Join Istockphoto first and keep at it until your accepted.Build a portfolio there and if the sales come, you will need no reason to venture outside IMO

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