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Messages - Artist

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Should we expect firefly bonus this year?

Software / Re: Maigen - Automatic metadata generator
« on: July 25, 2024, 02:42 »
There is a new update from the developer:

New Update Maigen v2.2.1

Windows : https://bit.ly/4df7Gaz
Linux : https://bit.ly/3zXmZGC
MacOS Arm : https://bit.ly/3yfTe3l
MacOS Intel : https://bit.ly/46j1xb7

Trial key : MAIGEN_TRIAL_1945

How to install for MacOS, follow this tutorial:

- Now supports macOS and Linux.
- Add option to choose title only, description only, or both.
- Remove dependency on exiv2 library.
- Save Adobestock and Shutterstock category info into a file.
- Fix issue with opening folder after exporting CSV.
- Fix the metadata in SVG file so that it can be read directly by Adobestock system.
- Add option to use title or description when exporting CSV.
- Change CSV naming to include export date and time.

Why don't you have any website?
Why are you giving direct download of the software?
Is this safe and legitimate?
What is your privacy policy and terms and conditions?

Just curious to know how you find out if your work has been stolen by another Shutterstock contributor? Do you just right click the photo and search for the image on Google - or do you use another method?

Shutterstock have a Similar images option when you open any image.. you can then see some in same page or click see all to see more in same style or series.

Adobe Stock / Re: New vector uploading rules
« on: July 21, 2024, 21:41 »
i use Adobe Bridge to add keywords to eps files

I add my keywords and title in the EPS file.

What software? Mine doesn't do that. I mean, I can't attach keywords and title/descriptions to EPS files. I have to cut and paste for each image, which is a long process.

Thanks both, I don't use bridge and if I did, I'd still need to copy and paste the keywords from the JPG to the EPS, so I might as well, copy them from the JPG to Adobe, when I upload. Maybe I should learn bridge?  :)

I also use bridge and its a great tool.


there is no interest in this,and I think this has been clear for several years.

the fact that we need to report copyright infringement is already wrong,it is the agencies that should deal with it,not us.

I can agree on that, why should WE report it. Agencies are taking big cut on every image we sell and then they are doing nothing to keep the contributors safe.
I totally find shutterstock liable for such infringements. Its their platform and they need to make your boundaries strong to protect the IPs of real artists.

The other day I accidently uploaded an image which had already been accepted. No big deal and it was rightly rejected (see below)

How the fk does a company worth more than 1 billion with 1,286 employees not have a way to identify images that have already been accepted (by other contributors)?

Identifying images is helpful but the people doing this are really clever. They flip the image, cut out parts, change the colors and make other tweaks to avoid getting caught.
Since, being the owner, I can easily confirm the infringement.

Can you post the thieves' and your portfolio?  I can report the theft to Shuitterstock.  I have had many thieves' accounts closed.

I am saving all the links, but to send those list for dmca, I have to first compare them one at a time with my portfolio and send shutterstock with both infringement and original links.
The issue here is, since the infringement is massive, comparing them is taking time.
Any solution to this?

I don't usually browse Shutterstock, but today, I was shocked to find 100s of contributors shamelessly uploading my contents to their portfolios.

I'm really upset with Shutterstock by seeing so many infringements on their site.
I feel cheated as this has caused me a lot of losses.

What makes it worse is that Shutterstock keeps the earnings after banning those infringement portfolios... WHY? Isn't it fair for them to compensate the original artists?

As a small contributor, every penny matters to me. Shutterstock is a big company with millions in their accounts. Why should they keep the earnings when it was earned from my content?

I'm feeling lost and don't know how to handle this. Can anyone help?

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe has blocked my account
« on: July 12, 2024, 05:02 »
This is a serious issue, if someone is downloading same theme photos in bulk then how can you stop them?
It is something out of your reach and you cannot control this.

Yes, there can be scene where the author can fake download the stuffs but eventually Adobe has to find the solution of such situation.
Banning accounts isn't the right way to handle such cases.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe has blocked my account
« on: July 12, 2024, 00:44 »
Now it hit me too: Woke up this morning to see me Adobe Contributor account deactivated. No explanation, no email.

I have 4000 assets, mostly photos, all non-AI. Latest upload was 2 photos of a Cannabis-plant and a video of me mowing my lawn.  ;D
Curios where this is going, Ill keep you posted.


I don't understand why agencies ban contributors without any explanation and even if they give reason, they do not listen to any of your plea.
It hurts to see when many users have asked questions and got no reply.

What will be the price? Just wondering.


What is this 23? And what kind of answer is this?

Is this free? How do you get API from Gemini?

And what is the privacy?

No, that is not it. It seems some free e-mail providers don't accept the e-mail activations. Try using a different e-mail service, he may have better luck with that.

I doubt as it never happened with other channels. He is using Gmail.

I referred this group to a friend who is trying to register and not getting activation email...
Is this any bug or the group has stopped taking new registrations?

Adobe Stock / Re: Updated content policies on Adobe Stock
« on: June 28, 2024, 01:36 »
I also got this email with 1 asset removed.

I also wonder on how can we keep updated with changes happening to the policies so frequently.
Every now and then you see some policy change, restrictions, guidelines, compliances etc.

The game is getting tougher, do a small mistake and you are gone.

Only 1 of the 145 selected photos was approved. Really this must be a joke.

lol... I feel sry for you dear.

Why, in this case, I took the photograph myself and never submitted the work to the website that Shutterstock sent me a link to. I have the original work and raw files that I have kept and sent to Shutterstock. I did nothing wrong. Why does my account get suspended when I am the owner of the work? I am very upset to encounter this. :'(

SS sent you a link to a different website, which has your image, in use in some way, and that's why they suspended your account? Is that another stock site? Seems odd that SS would care, so I'll guess, someone filed a DMCA against you, for your own image?

I know none of us can answer, but why would anyone do that? Seems unusual and there's no gain, unless they were just out to cause trouble for you.

If you have the RAW files and know the site, file a DMCA against that person!
Thank you for the advice. I believe this might be a case of someone trying to sabotage me, as you mentioned, because my images have become very popular. This situation highlights a potential loophole in the DMCA policy that affects genuine content creators. :'(

This is pure exploitations of the policy. SS needs to understand the situation by first inquiring with the accused person and if the person is unable to provide evidences then they should ban them.
They should put a hold on the portfolio instead of banning them in first place.

What kindda joke is to bann people and then don't reply.

Adobe Stock / Re: Can we go exclusive with Adobe Stock?
« on: June 14, 2024, 10:44 »
I was wondering if we can go exclusive with them? If yes then what royalty do they offer?

You are welcome to submit to Adobe Stock exclusively! The royalty rate we offer is 33% for images and 35% for videos. I should mention, that is the same rate we offer to those who are not submitting exclusively to Adobe Stock also ;)

Sadly, we do not have an exclusivity program, but I think it's great you would consider it if there was!

-Mat Hayward

ha ha  ;D
I got the point  ;D

But I wish there was one.

Adobe Stock / Can we go exclusive with Adobe Stock?
« on: June 14, 2024, 07:43 »
I was wondering if we can go exclusive with them? If yes then what royalty do they offer?

I was hit by the same Shutterstock violation as you today, even though the work is my own. I have submitted the evidence as raw files today. I want to know if your portfolio has been reopened yet. I am very concerned about the timeframe. I have been a member since 2012 and have approximately 30,000 images. It's really sad

I have heard same from few others too, they are banning people with violations which they never did. The worst part is they stop responding even you send the evidences.

Who are your customers and from where will you find them?

Hi Artist,

These are good questions..

- Any photographer who wants to generate extra income with their work.
- We are trying different techniques; ads, UGC videos, and affiliates to name a few. We just launched, and are now exploring the possibilities.

Happy to answer any other questions you may have! Feel free to reach out by email if you want: [email protected]

Regards, Cees

With customers I meant the buyers.
Its a very competitive market and how will you bring the buyers in?

Other companies are already giving stuff at either very low price or free to attract buyers.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe has blocked my account
« on: June 03, 2024, 04:57 »
What exactly did you violated? You need to have some information before you make an appeal. Did you asked them?

Who are your customers and from where will you find them?

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe has blocked my account
« on: June 02, 2024, 23:14 »
Just got blocked too with 12k videos and 1,500$ in my portfolio.

I am a full time stock contributor and Adobe is my best earner. I don't work with AI and I have no idea what is going on.
I sent them a message, but I'm still waiting for a response...   >:(

did you received any email on why they blocked it?

General Stock Discussion / Why no mercy for contributors?
« on: May 31, 2024, 10:32 »
One of my colleague portfolio got banned due to one design which was similar. His all 6 years efforts was destroyed in just a snap?
Isn't this too brutal way to deal with contributors?

Eventually the big companies became big because of us.

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