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Messages - Josephine

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Adobe Stock / Re: Updated content policies on Adobe Stock
« on: June 29, 2024, 04:56 »
The algorithm is the pain.

One of my illustration shows two kids with pot smoking parents with the message, that these parents are bad role models. Years later it was found it was inappropriate, because of the pot smoking kids.
One vector illustration shows motives from India, Indian textures. Indian is politically not correct, mixing up American Natives. No chance.
Keep away from the keywords church and child abuse. This is very offensive.

These are some examples out of many.

Real people from Deposit Photo had a second human look and made immediate corrections with a nice letter of excuse.

Adobe does not. They never will give any answer. The algorithm took over the control.

Adobe Stock / Re: What's going on!
« on: June 26, 2024, 01:18 »
12.000 images, impressing job, tedious work, just great, with one little handicap: going through page after page they all look like super perfect manufactured AI photos, even they are not.
My mind is disrupted by AI, I love hand crafted photos from which are not perfect, compared with home made food, but with soul.

Off Topic / Re: I will never use AI
« on: November 29, 2023, 03:18 »
Take Adobe Firefly: "Generate images from a detailed text description." This is the promise of Adobe.

If you write Tiger you get a tiger, if you write Pope you get the image of the Pope.

There must have been a photographer who took a photo of the tiger, and another photographer who took the photo of the Pope." Both photographer go empty and Adobe makes the deal.

Am I wrong?

Off Topic / Re: I will never use AI
« on: November 27, 2023, 02:55 »
All in all. Adobe is selling us the perfect software to fake the whole world. At the same time Adobe Stock is making huge profits by selling this very faked world. Lets praise Adobe!

Off Topic / Re: I will never use AI
« on: November 25, 2023, 14:33 »
My simple question was, if anybody else in this forum decided not to use AI. Thats all.

Off Topic / Re: I will never use AI
« on: November 25, 2023, 03:38 »
I can only answer from the point of view of an illustrator. I easily could generate a coloring book for kids within minutes and sell it on Amazon. Is this fair? without a single stroke, without any knowledge and costs of any software. Its the matter of typing a few words into the search engine and you are done. You can proudly call yourself illustrator.

A photographer can easily steal someones sky and use it for the own purpose. The one who spent maybe days waiting for this very sky with this very special light. If anybody feels this is correct, fine.

Sorry my English is not perfect.

Off Topic / I will never use AI
« on: November 22, 2023, 13:56 »
Many talk about selling AI images. For private use ist o.k. but not for the purpose of making money on other peoples intellectual property.

I will never use AI. Anybody else on this forum? If I would do so, I am no longer myself but a thief.

many thanks to all for their input, which helps me a lot. Its now my homework to prove all alternatives.

Its all about history, historic views of towns, events, people. The documents are heavily damaged, slides as well as photos. For photos a normal paper scanner with vuescan does a good job. Slides of any size are the problem. Normally customers want the documents blown up, poster size if possible. For that they pay any amount, because there is nobody around who works on a single document for many hours, and the result is absolute astonishing. The recent software makes it possible to get great results. .

this is the solution for photographer, I am doing Illustrations only, I dont have a camera...

many thanks to all!
I am wondering if the recent software like the Topaz family can compensate the result of a cheap slide scanner?
the use of a camera or a normal paper scanner?

I found a market for restoring historic slides and photos for local museums and town archives since the microstock business went so bad. The results are very encouraging but very ! time consuming. I want to get more effective with software and equipment.

I need of a slide scanner for old Diapositives and -negatives. Any recommendations for a decent scanner plus software?

DepositPhotos / Shocking Deposit
« on: August 27, 2023, 02:17 »
Yesterday I sold 141 images at Deposit for SIX DOLLAR FIFTY.

10 cents per image is just a dream...

Adobe Stock / Re: Faith in ADOBE
« on: June 07, 2023, 14:11 »
Contributors from EU countries are pissed off because they get their payment in US Dollar. They loose about 10 Percent of their income. Holy crap.

Off Topic / Stop talking politics!
« on: June 02, 2023, 07:36 »
This is no place for political discussions of any kind.

is Adobe not able to deal with two curencies, with Euro and Dollar? Alamy can do, Adobe can do if they wanted...

16 / Alamy, time to opt out
« on: April 01, 2023, 12:26 »
April, its time to optout "Additional revenue options".

General Stock Discussion / Photoshop Extensions
« on: August 15, 2022, 04:04 »
Regarding Raya Pro, ADP Lumiflow, Lumi32, Lumenzia and so on: who of the professional Microstock photographers is using these Photoshop panels, which are very time consuming. Is it worth to play around with luminosity masks? considering the 10 Cents per sale.

Do On1, Lumenzia, Dx0 plugins and so on the same job, but much faster?

18 / Re: Lower rotalties on Dreamstime?
« on: April 18, 2022, 02:19 »
the number of sales is o.k. but the 2 Dollar sales disappeared totaly, only 35 Cents left.

by the way, which software or plugin do you prefer? Luminar, Topaz, On1, Inpixio and so on....

Which smartphone makes the best fotos? I am only interested in the quality of the camera. Thank you for your advice!

21 / Re: Drop in sales - is it only me?...
« on: January 29, 2022, 02:46 »
First illustration sold in China for 27 Cents. Almost 4 times more than I got at Alamy! SS in China?? Since when?

22 / Re: Alamy sale for 7 cents
« on: January 21, 2022, 13:47 »
and it will take around half a year til you the get your 28 Cents....

23 / Re: Alamy sale for 7 cents
« on: January 15, 2022, 03:54 »
this is not China!

Country: United Kingdom
Usage: Editorial, Use in syndicated editorial news features, single context only. Includes archive rights in-perpetuity.
Media: Newspaper - national
64 MB
4400 x 5071 pixels
759KB compressed
Print run: Unlimited
Placement: National
Image Size: up to full area
Start: 22 November 2021
Duration: In perpetuity

for 18 Cents minus 60 %.... do you want me to ad more examples????

Adobe Stock / Re: Well done Adobe
« on: December 17, 2021, 13:06 »
you are right, but you cannot take it for granted that you get it every year....

Adobe Stock / Re: Well done Adobe
« on: December 17, 2021, 12:56 »
Please dont forget, that Adobe is making lots of money by selling you their software....

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