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Messages - 7Horses

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I'm running linux - ubuntu. C# will not work at all and mono is a dead end street.

For the moment I have no plans to direct sell either. Yesterday i finally started my site (after some exercising on a local server on my laptop) and here you can see how far I got with the use of  ajt's stockplugin.
I only uploaded some pictures till now but the coming weeks I will add more.

The hosting is with an European provider and the response time here in Belgium seems ok

2.8.2 version is working with php 5.4, blank screen bug was fixed in 2.7.9.
If files don't show after processing, check your watermark image (path).

Did a frresh test install and it is working fine now.

is version 2.8.2 working with php 5.4 ?
My new uploaded files don't show after processing, only tags and keywords but no picture preview. From the support site I understood I should not use php 5.4 so I'm waiting for symbiostock upgrade

If you're using WAMPserver then when it's running left-click on the tray icon, go to Apache > Apache modules and see that rewrite_module is ticked. If not, tick it, restart the Apache service, and try again. This is what operates on the rewrite rules that WP puts in your .htaccess file.

Thank you once again, this did the thrick  :D
Links are working and photo's are showing.
I 'll continue testing and learn how the system works.
Already found and installed the Ajt stock plugin and even added some code to show prints on Artflakes. It's becoming more fun now.

Read The F***ing Manual...

As it's a local WAMP install, is mod_rewrite enabled in your Apache setup?

Probably I missed this step in the manual but I will google how to check the mod_rewrite.

When I leave the permalink settings to "default" the site is working fine. The oops page is only showing when I click an image thumbnail.

... Anyway I learned a lot on wordpress doing this exercise and that's a very good thing.
On the other side  I really don't think symbiostock is quit ready to go life and can be a service to real customers.
I will do a new test in due course but  I still have my doubts if wordpress is the road to go since all the depencies on their platform.

Time will tell just Keep up the good work.

Your experiences are not a reflection on Symbiostock but on people who don't RTFM. Leo made it very clear from day 1 that the permalinks had to be set to Post Name, not only to make the site work but for SEO.

Notice this step in Amanda's detailed tutorial:

I know this, I followed the turorial stritkly but it does not work for me (pobably I did something wrong two times, but what?)
What is RTFM ? I'm NNES - (Not Native English Speaking  :) )

When I leave the permalink settings to "default" the site is working fine. The oops page is only showing when I click an image thumbnail.

... Anyway I learned a lot on wordpress doing this exercise and that's a very good thing.
On the other side  I really don't think symbiostock is quit ready to go life and can be a service to real customers.
I will do a new test in due course but  I still have my doubts if wordpress is the road to go since all the depencies on their platform.

Time will tell just Keep up the good work.

did a new fresh install of wordpress 3.6 - installed the theme and child theme and updated  main theme to latest version.
When I change setting permalinks to post name links stop working.

when I change the  setting permalinks to "post name" the site stops working completely

...then something is completely wrong. You should consider a complete reinstall and confige the postname right from the beginning...

Thanks for the tips.
My install is a local test install the url is left default
This is also the wordpress url and site url in general settings
when I change the  setting permalinks to "post name" the site stops working completely


i finally took the plung and did a test install of symbiostock on my windows 8  laptop
I installed - wamp - wordpress 3.6 - symbiostock theme and childtheme (following the instructions) and got the site up and running.
I could upload some pictures edit them and assign categories.
The search shows there thumbnails but when i click on a thumbnail the image can not be found
I get a page saying
"Oops! That page cant be found.
It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links below or a search?"

Any hint where to search ?

Remember your classics

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia - Unsold contents (ANNOUNCEMENT)
« on: July 25, 2013, 12:46 »
I deleted 75% of my port yesterday evening. Maybe they got scared  ;)

In the Fotolia forums I read that prices have changed to 1 - 6 credits instead of 1-3. Can anyone confirm that?

Thanks for bringing this up Jasmin.  I had noticed the same thing this morning when I was going over some of my recently sold files. 

It's an improvement over the 1-3 scheme, at least.

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia - Unsold contents (ANNOUNCEMENT)
« on: July 25, 2013, 07:50 »
a link to one of my unsold pictures
This morning price range was only 1-3

In the Fotolia forums I read that prices have changed to 1 - 6 credits instead of 1-3. Can anyone confirm that?

can you link us? haven't found that!

pretty much I see no respect from FT not even replying on forum or explain the "bugs" mellimagine found yesterday

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia - Unsold contents (ANNOUNCEMENT)
« on: July 25, 2013, 07:35 »
I checked this morning around 9 o'cl belgium time and then unsold photo's were set 1-3
I just checked again and now they are at 1-6

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia - Unsold contents (ANNOUNCEMENT)
« on: July 24, 2013, 13:38 »
I really can't believe how you "pro" people can take this for granted. Me as amateur  frankly I don't care.  I don't have to pay rent from my photography. On the other hand if I have a agreement with someone (e.g. a plumber) and we negotiate a price I will make a lot of fuss when he doesn't stick to it. And for one thing I'm sure all these sites with their tick boxes "yes I agree" where you have to click it or you even can not read the next page their "agreements" will not stick up in any European court.

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia - Unsold contents (ANNOUNCEMENT)
« on: July 24, 2013, 13:02 »
I'm dutch speaking

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia - Unsold contents (ANNOUNCEMENT)
« on: July 24, 2013, 12:53 »
In Europe these issues can become very complicated with unpredictable results.

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia - Unsold contents (ANNOUNCEMENT)
« on: July 24, 2013, 12:36 »
If the selling price eventually  was split 50/50 we could give it a try. If not, this "try out" should be sponsored by fotolia entirely as the contributor was not consulted about this.
It can not be that this is a one way decision.
As my employer can not cut my wage without prior contract negotiation fotolia can not do it.

Software - General / Re: New Keywording Tool
« on: July 04, 2013, 01:36 »
I'm new to Python but I did a test install on my windows8 laptop
installed python 3.3 from here
and PythonQT4 from here
I downloaded your files and unzipped them

When I open and run in python gui shell I get this

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\dekeyser\Downloads\stockflooder-code-1b30e7aa344541757af37273ee7fe9a8599b430b\stockflooder-code-1b30e7aa344541757af37273ee7fe9a8599b430b\", line 3, in <module>
    from GUI import stmainwindow
  File "C:\Users\dekeyser\Downloads\stockflooder-code-1b30e7aa344541757af37273ee7fe9a8599b430b\stockflooder-code-1b30e7aa344541757af37273ee7fe9a8599b430b\GUI\", line 141
    print monitor.getEarnings()
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Software - General / Re: New Keywording Tool
« on: July 02, 2013, 01:46 »
Seems promising but some install instructions would be welcome

123RF / Re: Has 123 gone haywire?
« on: June 22, 2013, 07:19 »
Wooow you must be working like crazy. Sales will be sky high with this new ftp service.  ;)

73 / Re: Problem login Dreamstime
« on: June 12, 2013, 01:43 »
Problem solved

74 / Problem login Dreamstime
« on: June 12, 2013, 01:10 »
This morning 8 o'clock Belgian Time I can not login to the DT page. After entering username en password I return to main page. Anybody else with issues or is it just my account ?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Fotolia and Travel Pics
« on: April 11, 2013, 11:29 »
When I started stock  photography as a hobby the first agencies I submitted to were DT and FT. I always submitted the same pictures to both and it happened often that FT refused pictures accepted by DT and vice versa. My biggest seller (in downloads) is FT but in money it's more or less equal. The difference in number of downloads however is huge. DT 50 dl for 80$ - FT 150 dl for 80 (Fotolia pays me in ).  Since a while I also submit to SS and it outperforms both.

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