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Messages - ShazamImages

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Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Wordpress 3.6
« on: August 02, 2013, 04:53 »
I would recommend backing up your whole site on a regular basis and especially before an update is applied.

What are you backing up and how do you do that?  Are you just backing up your MySQL database?  Or are you backing up directories (if so, which ones)?  And how are you backing them up?  Are you just downloading the files to a local computer?  Or something totally different?

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Wordpress 3.6
« on: August 01, 2013, 17:49 »
You are very brave!

I don't really have any idea what bootstrap is used for (and I've been in the tech industry for decades), so I can't really give an opinion one way or the other.  But one thing that I would say is that I am not a fan of the "bleeding edge" (that is, upgrading just because a new version came out).  Upgrades can be quite costly for applications.  They can break them.  They can cost a lot of time in development and support.

I would like to know what the benefits vs cost (in terms of time) analysis are.

But the bottom line (for me) is - will the new version of bootstrap give us more sales somehow?

If not, then I would prefer see time spent on things that will get us more sales.

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Image Display
« on: August 01, 2013, 15:49 »
Hi again, Shazam,

Yes, I was able to place my stolen-from-you PayPal logo in the footer of my site, so that's one improvement made today. Thanks again for the tip about that.

I shrank the logo size and put it into the 3/3 section of the footer. It's still mostly in the center rather than on the right side. But for now it's okay. I'll keep on until I figure out how to move it all the way toward the right.

This is a wonderfully helpful and supportive group. I'm proud to be part of it!

Glad that I could help.

Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing / Re: what is keyword spam?
« on: August 01, 2013, 08:40 »
I tried a search for "dog", one of my fav stock subjects, and I was surprised to see one of my "pulled pork sandwich" shots show up.  I guess because I included my site name as a keyword "dogford studios". 

Where did you do the search?

I just tried it on Symbiostock.info and didn't see the sandwich show up.


I really don't get why these suspicious questions about Symbiostock keep coming up. Leo is about the most accessible person around, always easy to reach, answer questions, etc.

Amarofil just joined the forums today, so they might be totally unaware of Symbiostock and its development.

Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing / Re: what is keyword spam?
« on: August 01, 2013, 04:44 »

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Image Display
« on: August 01, 2013, 04:34 »
Shazam, I just looked at your site for the first time. Very nice site and work!

Thank you very much.  I hope that customers will find it to their liking as well.

I'd love to know how you placed the PayPal logo at the bottom. Getting the logo itself is no problem, but did you use a widget to put it there? If so, could you please tell me which one you used for that.

I used a Text widget and placed it (via some HTML) in one of the Footer containers on the right-hand side of the widget page.

BTW, I love nature photography.  You have some great photos on your website.  I especially like the close-up of the raccoon.  What type of lens do you use for some of those close-up shots of birds?

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Image Display
« on: August 01, 2013, 04:25 »
The Featured Images work as you suggested.
However, when I attempted to use the Featured Large option, the large picture appeared on the right edge, actually of the screen. Is there a way to control the coordinates for placing the widget?

You can control the placement of the widget by choosing the appropriate "container" on the right-hand sidebar of the Widgets page (Home Page Above Content, Home Page Beside Content, etc)?

If you want to use the large widget, then I wouldn't place it on the side like you have it.  I would place it Above Content, Below Content, etc.

BTW, what widget are you using for your large panoramic image on top of your screen, Shazam? The images you display in that box look very impressive.

Thanks for the wonderful compliment.

I am using two plugins: NextGEN Gallery (the main plugin) and NextGEN Galleryview.  But I found that the plugins might have a slight bug.  If you are entering some text in the search text box and an image switches in the gallery before you finish your entry, then the text box loses focus and you can't type in the text box anymore unless you use the mouse to click on the text box again.  I can see that it could be annoying to customers, so I might be switching to another plugin soon.

Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing / Re: what is keyword spam?
« on: July 31, 2013, 17:24 »
Very easy on simple images, not on conceptual images where a lot of keywords can be used, to describe the concept or a concept.

I have images of a man in a reptile skin, the keywords used on that image are mostly conceptual and far fetched. I added liar to the keywords, and it was bought using the keyword liar.

and how do you know it was purchased by using a certain keyword? this is a concept i would call exaggeration.

Dreamstime sometimes provides the keywords for a purchased image.

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Image Display
« on: July 31, 2013, 17:05 »
Just to add to the above, if you use Featured Images and Latest Images on the home page, you must use the Home Page CTA template. I don't think it will work with any other template. Unless this has changed in 2.5.6 or 2.5.7.

I think that it will work with a few different templates.  I use Home Page Simple.

I upgraded today and when I went to process I got this message:

"You browser doesn't have Flash, Silverlight, Gears, BrowserPlus or HTML5 support."

Up till now I wasn't having any problems uploading images under 10 MB using Firefox or Explorer.

Over 10 MB I still can't do even though I've gone through the changes.  Also I upload basically one or two at a time.  Bluehost.  -  Ed


According to the following thread, it looks like Bluehost is having issues today:


I am getting this error:

/home/content/xx/xxxxxxxxx/html/MYSITE/wp-content/themes/symbiostock/inc/classes/image-processor/symbiostock-watermark.png< ... Please check that you entered it correctly in your Settings Area. Default watermark used.

I have entered it correctly.. I never touched it since last time I uploaded images actually..

the thing is I uploaded my whole portfolio during SY version 1.0

today is the first day I tried to upload some images after the launch of version 2 and I got this issue.. I checked that watermark sits there in the correct folder on the server and the path is correct.. (I am on version 2.5.6 to be precise)


I was getting the same weird error for a while, and then it magically fixed itself.

You can read about it here:


The only thing that I could advise trying is to change it to another file, save it, and then change it back, and save it again.

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Image Display
« on: July 31, 2013, 12:45 »
I can't figure out how to create the Latest and Featured galleries.

Go to your WP Admin-> Appearence -> Widgets (on the left hand sidebar) (http://<your website>/wp-admin/widgets.php).

There should be three widgets for Featured Images (Featured Images, Featured Images Slider (Small), and Featured Images Slider (Large)) and three widgets for Latest Images (Latest Images, Latest Images Slider (Small), and Latest Images Slider (Large))).  I don't use the sliders, but I believe that they are used to display a slideshow (one image at a time).

Grab one of them and place it in one of the containers on the right-hand sidebar.  I have mine in the Home Page (Below Content), but I believe that they can work in other places as well.

Can the new images be fed automatically to the Latest Gallery or do I have to stuff them into the galleries manually?

The images are "fed" automatically.

I did set some images to Featured in the Image Edit, and nothing happens. Whats the proper method to put the images into Featured Gallery?

You need to add the category "Symbiostock Featured Image" for each image that you want included in your Featured Images.

Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing / Re: what is keyword spam?
« on: July 30, 2013, 17:38 »
Without the ability of having a search engine that can search on complex phrases, it is almost impossible to avoid what some people would call spam.  For example, a lot of artists have images with copy space on them (so that customers can add text to the image).  But in order to include that in the keywords, they currently have to include both words "copy" and "space".  So anyone searching for "space" (as in the stuff between the stars and planets), will have images that show up with white copy space and not one star or planet in them.  You could also include the keyword "copyspace" but you never know how someone will spell the word(s).  The same is true for many other keywords that are part of complex phrases.  For example, if someone wants to find images using the word "pop" (as in burst), they will find images with "popcorn", "soda pop", "pop artists", etc.  So I think that the search engine needs to be upgraded to include the ability to search for complex phrases.

In addition, everyone has a different definition of what spam is, so it is hard to come up with hard and fast rules.  This is especially true with conceptual images.

Another idea might be to have the ability to "flag" a keyword on an image.  This way someone could flag a keyword and the artist would get an email.  If the artist starts getting a bunch of emails about a certain keyword in an image, then that would let them know that the keyword should probably be removed from the image.

the question is has anyone done any sales yet

The answer to that would be "yes", but nobody is going to really disclose the details.

I like #symbiostock

do you have to have "payment data transfer" on in paypal?

Payment Data Transfer (PDT) allows you to receive notification of successful payments as they're made



Do many of you have this option setup with PayPal?

I didn't see it in the Symbiostock docs (http://<your website>/wp-admin/admin.php?page=symbiostock-control-options)

If so, how do you setup the Payment Data Transfer Script that they discuss on the PayPal website (https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/products/payment-data-transfer/)?  The URL for the script generator (https://www.paypaltech.com/pdtgen/) seem to be broken/not working.


I am not a coding expert but I believe the issue I brought up is browser specific..

You might be correct.

I was just responding to Kerioak~Christine's post about someone having a similar issue.

Maybe they were using Safari as well.

I may be wrong but I think that is a different issue..

The second question in the OP states:

2. When I make a test buy of a Large photo and download it, it will have .html in the end of the filename: for instance 22-large.jpg.html. If i remove .html, the file is fine?

You could also check if any of your filenames contain some kind of special characters like  ' or .(dot in the middle). Processor just doesn't seem to like those :)

I guess that I'm not the only one that uses dots/periods in their filenames...  :)

Do some of the images show up blank?

If so, can you process the good images?

If you can process the good images, you can then use the "Delete ALL Files" option from the pulldown at the bottom of the Process Images screen.

Alternatively, you can use that option to delete all files and start over again.

How can you add a watermark to the thumbnails?

I believe that you would need to change the code for that.

...that means anyone can take a thumbnail and use it in a blog?

Yes, that is why I am considering adding a watermark to the thumbnails as well.

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