
MicrostockGroup Sponsors


Please select as many as apply to your personal situation (if you don't have a site see the last 3 questions of the poll)

I started a site but stopped because it was too complicated
12 (2.6%)
I started a site and was able to complete it with help from the community
33 (7.2%)
I started a site and was able to complete it on my own.
29 (6.3%)
I am not happy with the appearance of my site
10 (2.2%)
I am Ok with the appearance of my site but I would like it to look better
25 (5.5%)
I am extremely happy with how my site looks
27 (5.9%)
I started a site but no longer have one or I abandoned it (for any number of reasons)
13 (2.8%)
I started a site and am still running it
47 (10.3%)
I used the free theme and have not/ do not expect to see a profit in the first 6 months
19 (4.2%)
I use the free theme and have/ expect to see a profit in the first 6 months
7 (1.5%)
I have purchased premium upgrades and have not/ do not expect to see a return on my investment
12 (2.6%)
I have purchased premium upgrades and have / expect to see a return on my investment
22 (4.8%)
I have never had a sale
29 (6.3%)
I average 1 sale every six months
12 (2.6%)
I average 1 sale every three months
7 (1.5%)
I average 1 sale every month
12 (2.6%)
I average 1 sale every week
3 (0.7%)
I average 1 sale every day
2 (0.4%)
I average multiple sales a day.
0 (0%)
I DON'T think Symbiostock was worth my time/money invested
15 (3.3%)
I DO think symbiostock was worth my time/money invested
43 (9.4%)
Cascoly's Co-op idea is interesting and I'm considering it
32 (7%)
I am considering building a personal site but I am on the fence
39 (8.5%)
I really don't see myself ever building a symbiostock site or joining a co-op.
7 (1.5%)

Total Members Voted: 114

Author Topic: Symbiostock -What we all really want to know!  (Read 19766 times)

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« on: March 10, 2014, 21:36 »
I think this is what people really are interested in but the threads turn into bickering and fighting. I'm guilty of that myself. For this thread however if we could try to keep it focused on the poll results it would be much more productive. There are other threads for the bickering and comments. Please do your best to refrain and keep this one on topic. Thanks
« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 22:01 by chromaco »


« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2014, 04:33 »
Very smart initiative :)

« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2014, 05:10 »
The poll will show nothing new...those who LOVE SY will come and vote all the positive answers. If the votes get way over the typical number of SYers who rally here with the pluses and minuses, it might possibly mean something. Not everyone who has or had a SY site will even vote. Most everything in the poll topics has been stated in the bickering threads.

« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2014, 05:44 »
Good Idea Chromoco - one thing you have maybe missed out is that the even if some are getting low sales the value of those sales is way above that of agencies (depending on the prices chosen by the site owners of course).

« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2014, 07:06 »
nice poll chromaco

« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2014, 11:31 »
Leaf is there a way to allow people to change their vote or update their votes? I thought there was but I can't find it.

« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2014, 13:36 »
Leaf is there a way to allow people to change their vote or update their votes? I thought there was but I can't find it.

Doesnt seem like there should be, otherwise results could be skewed to show a better outcome.

« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2014, 13:51 »
Actually I was thinking about people who later on decide they are unhappy like you did. It would be nice if the poll were dynamic to indicate what is currently happening rather than just what is happening on March 11 2014

« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2014, 14:14 »
Actually I was thinking about people who later on decide they are unhappy like you did. It would be nice if the poll were dynamic to indicate what is currently happening rather than just what is happening on March 11 2014

I see what you are saying. How about a monthly poll? I remember the poll on SY can be updated, hopefully because sales figures are updating on a daily/weekly basis.

« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2014, 14:17 »
asked Cascoly a few questions regarding domains at Symbio forum, no reply

« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2014, 15:52 »
Leaf is there a way to allow people to change their vote or update their votes? I thought there was but I can't find it.

yep, i've modified it now so people can change their vote if they want.

« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2014, 17:55 »
asked Cascoly a few questions regarding domains at Symbio forum, no reply

He was traveling for awhile but he's back now.  He may have missed your questions.

« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2014, 18:45 »
asked Cascoly a few questions regarding domains at Symbio forum, no reply

sorry, I didn't see anything in the symbio forums earlier but finally found it... you asked if the co-op included domain name -- it doesn't.  each co-op site will have a separate, fully functional WP and Sym theme installed in a subfolder & subdomain of and can be accessed by eg

while the main idea is that artists won't need to learn WP,  everything will be there if they decide to use it at some future date.

of course, you could always redirect a domain name to that address if you wanted to.

... best way to contact me is email or PM  here or in the sym forums

« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2014, 17:48 »
Very smart initiative :)

Can you explain this quote from you?

we should make these greedy and destructive agencies superfluous.


I wouldnt recommend Symbiostock at this point either, and you know why.

Why not recommend and I don't know why. Whats the story? I'm thinking of trying Symbiostock. Do you have a Symbiostock site Ron?


« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2014, 17:51 »
I am not sure what your intentions are, as you would have seen my signature when you quoted me, twice.

« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2014, 21:19 »
I am not sure what your intentions are, as you would have seen my signature when you quoted me, twice.

"I wouldnt recommend Symbiostock at this point either, and you know why."

No I don't know why. My intentions are ask you a simple question for a straight answer. You say youy don't recomend Symbiostock and at the same time power your site with it, contradiction. If you wouldn't recommend why do you use it. Instead of answer you question my intentions. What is the truth that is my intention.

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2014, 22:30 »
The poll will show nothing new...those who LOVE SY will come and vote all the positive answers. If the votes get way over the typical number of SYers who rally here with the pluses and minuses, it might possibly mean something. Not everyone who has or had a SY site will even vote. Most everything in the poll topics has been stated in the bickering threads.
I think the number of minuses proves your point. 18 people think this was a bad post, when actually I think you have  a valid point. I think "have you turned a profit for your time/money invested" is a valid point to include.

« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2014, 05:38 »
It's an interesting poll - it's good to see how often people get sales, it gives some idea of how effective it has been up to now.

One problem is that the "percentages" are meaningless because they are calculated across a range of different topics.  You need to read the number of votes for each section and recalculate percentages just for those votes.


« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2014, 16:31 »
It's an interesting poll - it's good to see how often people get sales, it gives some idea of how effective it has been up to now.

One problem is that the "percentages" are meaningless because they are calculated across a range of different topics.  You need to read the number of votes for each section and recalculate percentages just for those votes.

Right and 46 people are still running the sites thats a good number.


« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2014, 16:33 »
I am not sure what your intentions are, as you would have seen my signature when you quoted me, twice.

"I wouldnt recommend Symbiostock at this point either, and you know why."

No I don't know why. My intentions are ask you a simple question for a straight answer. You say youy don't recomend Symbiostock and at the same time power your site with it, contradiction. If you wouldn't recommend why do you use it. Instead of answer you question my intentions. What is the truth that is my intention.

Ron doesn't answer questions just dodges them. You will get minuses for asking for fact.

« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2014, 20:03 »
I am not sure what your intentions are, as you would have seen my signature when you quoted me, twice.

"I wouldnt recommend Symbiostock at this point either, and you know why."

No I don't know why. My intentions are ask you a simple question for a straight answer. You say youy don't recomend Symbiostock and at the same time power your site with it, contradiction. If you wouldn't recommend why do you use it. Instead of answer you question my intentions. What is the truth that is my intention.

Ron doesn't answer questions just dodges them. You will get minuses for asking for fact.

I see I did get a minus for asking a question. Why won't he answer? Can anybody show me why not recommended. He uses it for his website and then says do not use?

"I wouldnt recommend Symbiostock at this point either, and you know why."

No I don't know why.

« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2014, 20:49 »
Leo took a well deserved break from development for about four months. He is back now but some site owners were frustrated that some smaller bugs were not resolved right away. Leo is back and actively developing an updated and streamlined version for release sometime later this year. I believe most of these issues have gone away. The easiest way to determine if it is going to work for you is to invest in a small hosting plan and start building with the free version. There is lots of tech support at


« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2014, 21:23 »
I use the free version for 2 sites and I like it a lot. My reasons for using it besides getting 100% of sales are to also have an online backup of my stock photos, an online portfolio not connected to any agency, and a guarantee that my images will never be part of any "orphan works" claim in the future. Those alone make it worth the hosting cost. Its also very easy for me to install and use (I have some front end experience so WP is my friend) and I like being able to one-click update.

I have not explored the networking side of things much at all. I've connected to a couple of sites but that's about it. I like that I can create my own network sometime down the road if it suits me.

I don't like that my site can display every other Sym site out there if you click on the network thing (ie. I haven't looked enough how to turn that off yet. I'd rather pick and choose sites that have similar subjects and prices. I'll figure it out when I get time.

I much prefer it over ktools or the free shopping cart systems I've tried in the past.

« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2014, 03:19 »
I use symbiostock for my site and I love it. Although I'm not selling directly it's a pleasant way to display my work and keep track where it is for sale. I've included the network feature and links to so my search displays the works on other symbiosites to make some promotion. You can check it out at

The reason I don't sell direct on my site is due to purely legal issues attached to my personal situation.

« Reply #24 on: May 22, 2014, 06:13 »
I used the symbiostock theme for a year and made one sale. During that time, i had to totally rebuild my site once because of major changes to the theme. The networking feature, in my opinion, benefits only a few, while most in the network see little or no sales. Basically, the networking presents more problems than benefits.

There arent too many other software choices out there for selling your own images, but i wouldnt recommend SY. They all have faults, but in my opinion, this one has way more faults than benefits.


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