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Author Topic: making a second symbiostock site with blue host  (Read 6484 times)

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« on: June 12, 2013, 11:29 »
I want to have a second symbiostock site and I use Blue host / Justhost.
I have created a addon domain there and I understand I have to reinstall wordpress?
I have started to do that but after having chossen to inmstal wordpress on the new domain (addon) I got the meaasge"Directory exists! I understand that continuing will overwrite files."
I wonder what I do wrong. Isnt possible to have two domain names under a single hosting account?
Thanks for any helping.

« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2013, 11:45 »
Thank you Ron, so the instructions says I have to reinstall, however I'm a bit nervous with the warning I have already 2000 or so pictures on the main site and dont want to loose all... anyone have tried?

« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2013, 11:48 »
Hi Jean

That is a standard warning.  If I remember rightly you are trying to overwrite something in the root which is where I usually put them anyway.

Are you using an add-on or sub-domain - I use sub-domains and you can install a new wordpress in each one (I actually have three wordpress accounts on mine, one of the main domain and one each on two sub-domains)

As long as you are sure you are loading it onto the subdomain
this was a tutorial I created which may or may not help

« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2013, 11:52 »
Thank you Tinny; in fact it is an addon as I want to use a completely different name.
I supose subdomains are having names related to the main domain?

« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2013, 12:22 »
Thank you Tinny; in fact it is an addon as I want to use a completely different name.
I supose subdomains are having names related to the main domain?

subdomains are a separate issue

each wp-sym site needs it's own folder - I put mine in /pix and /symbiotest and then reference them by http://cascoly-images.com/pix  etc

a subdomain is a naming convention like travel.cascoly-images.com  which would then be set to point to http://cascoly-images.com/pix or whatever.  by default a new subdomain points to the root

yet another option to buy additional domains from the same host -- eg cascolytravel.com but again  these all point to the root  by default. 

finally you could get another hosting package entirely -- I currently have 2 sites with 1and1 (one MS and the other Linux), and one with justhost

« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2013, 12:47 »
Thank you all
I have now the two sites
and eveything works fine so far....
thank you so much for this fast help!


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