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Author Topic: Introducing Adobe Stock!  (Read 122316 times)

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« on: June 15, 2015, 23:27 »
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a brand new stock marketplace, Adobe Stock!

As most of you will know, Adobe has continually strived to ensure those working in the creative industry, including photographers, are at the forefront of their company environment and ethos. We are together working to expand this vision towards a multi-billion dollar sharing economy which you are now part of. All images available in Fotolias standard collection have automatically been added to Adobe Stocks platform.

The integration of Adobe Stock with Creative Cloud allows Creative Cloud customers to launch Adobe Stock directly within CC desktop software, and add watermarked or licensed images to their Creative Cloud Libraries. This in turn allows them to access and work with images across multiple desktop tools. When creatives are ready to license the image for the final project, they can do so directly within the desktop software they are working in. In short, your images will be far more accessible and easy to purchase than ever before.

Adobe Stock will act in addition as a standalone website expanding again the potential reach for your images to be seen by millions. This will no doubt have a phenomenal effect on your sales.

The good news does not stop there. Fotolia subscription payouts have been raised, from 20-25% to 33% for all contributors! Adobe Stock payouts will be 33% on all products. And are maintaining the existing Fotolia guaranteed payout floors to protect your commissions on large subscriptions.

In addition, all subscription sales at Fotolia and Adobe Stock will be equal to one full download towards your rank. This gives you an opportunity to jump through the ranks and increase your income at a much faster rate. All you have to do is continue to submit your images through Fotolia.

« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2015, 23:38 »
Beautiful words!
What to make us trust you?

« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2015, 00:05 »
And my question: i tried now to convert credits and send them to my PayPal address. I entered the sum which was convertible and then your system tells that i don't have credits enough for convertion - "Vous n'avez pas assez de crdits disponibles pour procder leur conversion."
Your instruction tells "Ds lors que vous atteignez 50 Crdits gagns, vous pouvez les convertir en argent via PayPal ou Skrill (anciennement Moneybookers)" and my available credits were more than 50. Tax form ok.
New "bug"? Before i had no problems.

« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2015, 00:06 »
It will take a 300% increase to get where I have been with fotolia 2 years ago. I'd sure like to see that happen with the new adobe stock deal. However, somehow I don't feel like holding my breath...


« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2015, 00:08 »
Image prices seem to range from $9.99 for a single image, to as low as 26c for the super heavy users (750 images / month).

$3.33 for a DL isn't bad (I think; it's been a while since I've thought about indie commissions), but I'm positive that 9c is terrible.

I'd guess that the most common sale price will be 10 images a month for $30 to CC subscribers, so $1 commission per sale.

It could be worse.

« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2015, 00:14 »
Image prices seem to range from $9.99 for a single image, to as low as 26c for the super heavy users (750 images / month).

$3.33 for a DL isn't bad (I think; it's been a while since I've thought about indie commissions), but I'm positive that 9c is terrible.

I'd guess that the most common sale price will be 10 images a month for $30 to CC subscribers, so $1 commission per sale.

It could be worse.

@KB You can learn more information about the commission structure here:

No commissions will drop below the minimum amount which is based on your Fotolia rank.


« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2015, 00:17 »
Sounds nice, thank you for this great info! Let's hope that things come true.

From January 2015, my rank (sell) fall from 300 to 1000, So there must be some change. I upload new photos twice per week, but nothing change. I hope that it will now.



« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2015, 00:25 »
No answer - found myself. You have a bug. Your system shows different digits for credits on sales page and on convertion page. Entered the smaller one from sales page and payment pass
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 01:14 by skyfish »

« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2015, 01:46 »
Fotolia subscription payouts have been raised, from 20-25% to 33% for all contributors!

I can't see anything like this on Fotolia site yet. All it says in the note is: "All other products - 33% of the sale price"

In addition, all subscription sales at Fotolia and Adobe Stock will be equal to one full download towards your rank.

Is there something you are not telling us? Is contributors' ranking changed too?  I'm bronze but when mouseover my rank, it shows that I need 9,xxx downloads to reach the next rank which is gold. It seams that silver (1,000-9,000) is gone though I still see it here: Is this a bug or if not, where can I see the new ranking system?


« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2015, 02:13 »
Will there be an opt out?  I ask because I don't want to be tied in for life as is the case with Canva, I wish to retain my right to withdraw my labour.

« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2015, 02:13 »
so if now everbody will use adobe stock instead of fotolia the ranking has in future no sense. like the exklusiv member status too. :(

« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2015, 02:15 »
Did anyone else's ranking position changed? I had a "bronze" medal, for "658" downloads. Now I just checked, and apparently I have silver medal, despite having less than 1000 downloads. And when I go with a mouse on silver medal icon, it says only 9,342 more sales needed for next (gold) level.

« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2015, 02:25 »
so if now everbody will use adobe stock instead of fotolia the ranking has in future no sense. like the exklusiv member status too. :(

As I understand Mat's post, all sales from Adobe Stock will count for the Fotolia rank.

« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2015, 02:32 »
As I see the changes right now it's all positive:

- prices on Adobe Stock seem reasonable
- royalty rate is higher than on Fotolia up to Gold level (from emerald on FT onwards people get paid less on Adobe Stock)
- royalty rates for some products on FT moved up (those subs packages that pay above minimum rates)
- sub sales on FT (and the new ones on Adobe Stock) now count as a full sale towards the rank

Add to that the (possible) reach of Adobe Stock, it all sounds like really good news!

A few questions I have:
-What happens to exclusive files when moved to Adobe Stock? Higher price / higher royalty?
- I did not find anything about extended licenses on Adobe Stock. Are they available? At what price?

Overall very positive.

« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2015, 02:36 »
As I see the changes right now it's all positive:

- prices on Adobe Stock seem reasonable
- royalty rate is higher than on Fotolia up to Gold level (from emerald on FT onwards people get paid less on Adobe Stock)
- royalty rates for some products on FT moved up (those subs packages that pay above minimum rates)
- sub sales on FT (and the new ones on Adobe Stock) now count as a full sale towards the rank

Add to that the (possible) reach of Adobe Stock, it all sounds like really good news!

A few questions I have:
-What happens to exclusive files when moved to Adobe Stock? Higher price / higher royalty?
- I did not find anything about extended licenses on Adobe Stock. Are they available? At what price?

Overall very positive.

Agree with you.

« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2015, 02:38 »
Thanks for the great news Matt.  I'm excited to see how this new move by Adobe affects sales!

« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2015, 02:39 »
And my question: i tried now to convert credits and send them to my PayPal address. I entered the sum which was convertible and then your system tells that i don't have credits enough for convertion - "Vous n'avez pas assez de crdits disponibles pour procder leur conversion."
Your instruction tells "Ds lors que vous atteignez 50 Crdits gagns, vous pouvez les convertir en argent via PayPal ou Skrill (anciennement Moneybookers)" and my available credits were more than 50. Tax form ok.
New "bug"? Before i had no problems.

I've had the same problem but then I changed my requested credits to 50 and it worked. The remainging credits stayed on my account. Hope this helps.


« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2015, 02:41 »
Since Adobe stepped into fotolia things seems to improve a lot. Hope the sales are going the same way. Thanks for the good work. :)

« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2015, 02:46 »
Did anyone else's ranking position changed? I had a "bronze" medal, for "658" downloads. Now I just checked, and apparently I have silver medal, despite having less than 1000 downloads. And when I go with a mouse on silver medal icon, it says only 9,342 more sales needed for next (gold) level.

Mat's post had this part about how sub sales also will count for 1 sale and not 0.25 sale.

In addition, all subscription sales at Fotolia and Adobe Stock will be equal to one full download towards your rank. This gives you an opportunity to jump through the ranks and increase your income at a much faster rate. All you have to do is continue to submit your images through Fotolia.

It appears that they may retroactively recalculate the number of downloads which will bump many to higher levels. Hopefully Mat will confirm this when he comes back online.

« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2015, 02:55 »
Did anyone else's ranking position changed? I had a "bronze" medal, for "658" downloads. Now I just checked, and apparently I have silver medal, despite having less than 1000 downloads. And when I go with a mouse on silver medal icon, it says only 9,342 more sales needed for next (gold) level.

Same here, I had bronze too and now it is silver.
As I understand Mat's post, all sales from Adobe Stock will count for the Fotolia rank.
That is very possible as portfolios on Adobe site mirror the ones on Fotolia.

Anyway, I was excited to see my port on Adobe, nice feeling (for now) but I am sure we will have many surprises yet.

It appears that they may retroactively recalculate the number of downloads which will bump many to higher levels.
This would be the only explanation for the rank change, still I would like to see the new commission rates based on contributors ranks.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 03:02 by Dodie »

« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2015, 02:56 »
Did anyone else's ranking position changed? I had a "bronze" medal, for "658" downloads. Now I just checked, and apparently I have silver medal, despite having less than 1000 downloads. And when I go with a mouse on silver medal icon, it says only 9,342 more sales needed for next (gold) level.

Mat's post had this part about how sub sales also will count for 1 sale and not 0.25 sale.

In addition, all subscription sales at Fotolia and Adobe Stock will be equal to one full download towards your rank. This gives you an opportunity to jump through the ranks and increase your income at a much faster rate. All you have to do is continue to submit your images through Fotolia.

It appears that they may retroactively recalculate the number of downloads which will bump many to higher levels. Hopefully Mat will confirm this when he comes back online.

That would be nice, but in my account I can't see that (yet). I'm silver and when I hover over the icon with my mouse it still shows the same number of sales for the ranking (which is number of credit sales + 1/4 number of subs sales).
But the wording that sub sales count one quarter is missing (it was there before, IIRC).
I haven't had a sub sale since the announcement, so I am waiting to see what happens with the next one.

Semmick Photo

« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2015, 02:57 »
I have to be honest, I feel kind of crap that I am not able to sell my photos through Adobe. Missing out on good money, all because I wanted to protect my intellectual property.

« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2015, 02:59 »
I'm still at bronze rank. Nothing change for me.  :-\


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