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Messages - oxman

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Stocksy / Re: Stocksy submission critique please
« on: November 26, 2013, 18:44 »
You have very nice lighting and models but they may be looking for more edgy work which I do not see. And the baby photos and grey background photos may have done you in. What i see is quality stock but generic. show them how you THINK differently with unique images and more edge. go off leash.

good luck

Stock Performer / Re: Interview with Willie B. Thomas
« on: November 26, 2013, 18:23 »
I wonder how the Hinterhaus Productions works. I can see perhaps a part time assistant for scheduling, prop finding, hair & makeup, and as studio manager. Then maybe freelance help for location scout. But working with four photographers seems odd to me. Do they share income and photos and ideas? How do they work together?

Post what you wrote

104 / Re: Keyword relevance ?
« on: November 25, 2013, 11:33 »
Is there any data regarding keyword stuffing and its negative affect on placement? An image may be gaining relevancy on the more obscure keywords which can drive it farther from its more relevant keywords.

I have been using the MOST specific and relevant keywords and much less words than before -- not maxing out to 50 words. And placing the most "important" keywords in the top position.

It seems like spamming keywords can actually hurt placement in best match.

General Stock Discussion / Metadata question
« on: November 22, 2013, 23:52 »
When you import into Lightroom, how much personal metadata do you include?

I have been adding my name for copyright, my city and state, my photo web address, and my gmail email.

It this too much? Your thoughts?

Computer Hardware / Re: Switchng from Windows to Mac
« on: November 21, 2013, 03:45 »
The best thing is no more virus issues!!. Some programs like Quickbooks are more robust on PC but overall, not many issues. I love the MAC world and have used both for many years.

You can find amazing deals on ebay now for Mac Pro towers loaded since many early adopters are dumping their systems for the new Mac Pro coming out in December. Lots of mixed reviews on that one. I think Ivy and Cook have gone off-leash and ruined the Mac Pro concept with lame iMac mentality.

Yesterday I bought a Apple Mac Pro 2.66GHz 12-Core 32GB/512GB SSD/4TB HDD/Radeon HD 6870 for under $3416 shipped. It cost $8000 six months ago!  8)

Stock Performer / Re: Interview with Sean Locke
« on: November 11, 2013, 11:23 »
Great interview. thanks for posting  :)

Newbie Discussion / Re: Fashion in microstock
« on: October 29, 2013, 17:02 »
You have the skills. Like Sean said, portfolio 2 is closer to where you need to be. There are alot of websites that talk about what to shoot for microstock. Do more research. ;)

There are some ideas that I would like to create but they are not possible to photograph because they do not exist so I am considering outsourcing them overseas to 3D rendering artists.

Also, I have looked into learning 3D modeling -- no thanks ;)

For the right price, it might provide a good ROI.

Anyone else consider this?

I have used products from these guys for a while.  Might have something you're looking for.

Thanks Mantis -- I found this will be perfect for my needs.

Thanks folks :) I will look into that solution. Might be prefect.

Can anyone recommend a Rotating Camera Bracket for a Canon 5D MarkII using the Manfrotto quick release system. This will be for studio work on my tripod.

This looks good but may be more than I need.
Just Rite Camera Brackets

Thanks :)

Site Related / Re: New MSG Logo !
« on: October 22, 2013, 13:36 »
not working for me.  :o

Stock Performer / Re: Interview with Steve Cole!
« on: October 21, 2013, 13:53 »
Any links to his IS work?

115 / Fuel Newsletter - Collaboration?
« on: October 16, 2013, 11:34 »
The current IS Fuel newsletter about collaboration states:

A huge concept for 2014 and beyond is COLLABORATION. Both in terms of the subject matter that is visualized and how the subject is visualized. Our customers are already asking for collaboration in addition to the classic concepts of teamwork and togetherness.


Stock Search Results (168624 images) "collaborate"

They don't have enough? Seriously??

General Photography Discussion / Re: Lighting advice needed
« on: October 13, 2013, 18:05 »
Why would  you take on a commercial assignment requiring strobes when you have little experience with this kind of set up and equipment?

This is not gonna end well ya think?

Hey, I wish you the best with this. Really. You WILL learn alot but perhaps not what you hoped to learn.

Off Topic / Re: Photography 142 years ago
« on: October 12, 2013, 14:41 »
I believe you can also cook meth with that  8)

thanks and VERY much appreciated. I've notified the guy whose images are on those pages and he is very grateful to you. Keep it up... it is very helpful :)

Another account with stolen images:

How do find these accounts? What kind of search method? Thanks...

120 / Re: Fresh Match
« on: September 24, 2013, 13:40 »
I like that Getty is trying new things to improve. Sure, not perfect but FM is new so give them some time to adjust it.

They were all stolen. SS shut it down about an hour ago

jo ann -- not that one
the iso pigs and trees. and champaign :)
he is a close friend of mine and got me into microstock a few years ago

Thanks for posting this. I just notified the guy who owns many of those.

Software / Re: Adobes Profit Falls 59 Percent !
« on: September 17, 2013, 17:49 »
Adobe screwed Apple when they were struggling. They are ruthless. I am glad that the backlash is hitting them hard.

125 / Re: iStock adverts - is this really brilliant?
« on: September 17, 2013, 03:48 »
Both ads are amazingly ineffective. I just don't know where to begin. Well, I actually did in that other thread. But... geezz where is the adult supervision over there??

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