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Messages - eppic

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New Sites - General / Re:
« on: November 10, 2009, 18:30 »
I actually signed up last Thursday and was going to submit some stuff there when I discovered ( should have found this out earlier but glad I didn't find out too late) that contributors get free credits for every image that gets accepted; credits that can be used to download other images for free.  I dont like the idea of others downloading my images for free and there's no way to opt out of this, so I decided agianst uploading anything there.
 I also got really sick of the photo of that girl picking her nose in the image rotation...yuck!

I guess thats an option then etien.  Not so bad if you only have a few oversize images but would rather suck if you have alot.

Veer / Re: Improvements to Veer Marketplace
« on: November 09, 2009, 15:08 »
Thanks for posting the updates Brian and I also agree that Veer is looking and performing better all the time.

I think its 12MB for the limit but Ive had a number that Ive had to resample from my 12MP camera because they were too big for Veer FTP.  They should bump it up to more like 20mb.

130 / Re: Images sizes at Shutterstock
« on: November 08, 2009, 20:07 »
I rarely send full size originals anywhere; especially if the royalty structure isn't geared towards different sized images.  I usually resize for SS down to around 3400-3600 pixels on the long end.  This makes faster upload times (smaller images) and makes the images a bit cleaner if there's a bit of noise or it isn't quite as sharp as it should be.

I have a few images there that are exclusive to DT.  It's nice getting the bigger commission when those images sell, so I like the option to have individual exclusive images on DT.

132 / Re: Panther Media Upload / Contributor Back End
« on: November 06, 2009, 19:47 »
On the other hand, having a bit more of a tedious upload process helps ensure a contributor will upload only their better work and not spam an agency with hundreds of other images because the upload process was so quick and easy.

New Sites - General / Re:
« on: November 06, 2009, 14:07 »
There's a "kaycee" photographer listed on photocase but has no portfolio.  I assume you go by a different name there?  I was just curious to see your port so I got an idea of what actually sold there.

Veer / Re: Cant upload to Veer anymore. Windows 7 issue?
« on: November 06, 2009, 13:52 »
I'll give that  a whirl on my next batch.  Thanks leaf!

Veer / Re: Cant upload to Veer anymore. Windows 7 issue?
« on: November 05, 2009, 14:59 »
Thanks for the reply Brian!  I'll have to check exactly where I sent the email to.  At least I have the laptop option in the meantime.

Veer / Re: Cant upload to Veer anymore. Windows 7 issue?
« on: November 05, 2009, 11:11 »
It is a bit odd that my old XP desktop and Vista laptop have no problems uploading to Veer.  There must be something different in the Windows 7 default security options as Im using the same browser, firewall. router. anti_virus etc. 
It's the only glitch Ive discovered so far, but I consider it pretty minor compared to how nicely Windows 7 performs compared to Vista.  Im still waiting for Veer to get back to me.

Computer Hardware / Re: looking for monitor
« on: November 05, 2009, 08:24 »
You could also check out or tigerdirect; they're both Canadian. Mike's computers is a small franchise out here in BC where I live.  About the taxes; GST is federal so that tax applies no matter where in Canada you live.  PST is provincial only, so if you order something online and you dont reside in the province where the product is being shipped from, the PST doesnt apply to you because you dont reside in that province, so thats why they ask you where you live.
You could also check out futureshop online as they also have online shopping and give you the option of either shipping it to your door or you can pick it up at your local store.

New Sites - General / Re:
« on: November 05, 2009, 08:14 »
Alright fair enough then if what is accepted actually sells. 

139 / Re: Shutterstock starts database cleanup?!
« on: November 05, 2009, 08:10 »
Actually nature images in some cases might not be safe from the cutting room floor either.  For example here in Canada a photographer technically needs an expensive permit in order to photograph for commercial purposes, so in a sense those iconic Canadian Rockies images can also be vulnerable to being deleted if the  contributor cannot provide a copy of a permit.
I know in Nevada you also need a commercial permit in their State Parks if you plan on selling images.  I guess the question is how far with SS and other agencies go with this culling of potentially infringing imagery?

Veer / Re: Losing my enthusiasm for Veer
« on: November 05, 2009, 00:29 »
I seem to be enjoying about a 75% acceptance rate there and have about 225 images online there so far with $9.70 in sales.  My findings seem to be that Veer is more open to my mostly landscape/ nature port than most other sites. No complaints from me thus far.

Veer / Re: Cant upload to Veer anymore. Windows 7 issue?
« on: November 05, 2009, 00:22 »
I tried FileZilla and it said it couldn't connect due to SSL issues.  Anyway I threw the images I wanted to upload onto a flash drive and tried it via my laptop; no uploading issues there, so the issue has something to do with the computer settings.

Veer / Re: Cant upload to Veer anymore. Windows 7 issue?
« on: November 04, 2009, 23:44 »
No problems to any other sites; just Veer.   Maybe I'll try a 3rd party FTP uploader like FileZilla.

New Sites - General / Re:
« on: November 04, 2009, 23:40 »
ooooh a low/ no earner AND high rejection rates!

Computer Hardware / Re: looking for monitor
« on: November 04, 2009, 17:44 »
I agree that Canada is better, but Im biased.  You could check Vistek (Canadian company) online and see if they have monitors.  They ship free in Canada.  BTW if you ever do get anything shipped in from the U.S. avoid UPS like the plague because they will gouge you something fierce with their brokerage fees!  USPS is far better and you'll only have to pay GST and PST.
BTW if you order from Vistek you only pay GST.

Veer / Cant upload to Veer anymore. Windows 7 issue?
« on: November 04, 2009, 08:42 »
Just curious if anybody else has had this problem.  Since I got my new computer with Windows 7 last Friday I havent been able to upload anything to Veer.  The uploading screen comes up when using the browser upload option but it just freezes, both with Firefox and I.E.
Ive tried FTP using FireFTP and it doesnt work either.  Ive sent C.S. an email about this but so far no reply. Seems strange that Windows 7 would be the problem but its the only thing thats different

Computer Hardware / Re: looking for monitor
« on: November 04, 2009, 08:30 »
What are you using for a graphics card? No point in having a high res monitor if your card cant handle the resolution.  I for one am quite happy with my 23" monitor and 1920x1080 resolution.

147 / Re: Shutterstock starts database cleanup?!
« on: November 04, 2009, 08:26 »
So far I havent had any of my images pulled.  I have a couple of car and some semi truck photos and I believe one or two with fire engines.  Maybe the writing's on the wall for those too.

Computer Hardware / Re: looking for monitor
« on: November 03, 2009, 21:43 »
I have this one which has good reviews:

It came wioth my desktop system and the 1920x1080 resolution is very nice.  Be sure to have a look at monitor calibrators as well.

General Stock Discussion / Re: The use of a square image
« on: November 02, 2009, 21:49 »
My very first camera as a young lad was one of those old Hawkeye cube cameras that you held at your waist and those were composed square and gave 4x4" images.  I had alot of fun with that old camera and still have the photos.

Istock was a BME for me.  DT is on a down-ward slide (but fair enough, I haven't submitted much there over the past few months).  Veer though is beginning to build some momentum:

IS-     76%
SS-    12.4%
DT-    5.4%
Veer- 3.3%
BigStock-  2.4%

Got a few sales from Fotolia as well, where I only began submitting in the middle of October.

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