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Messages - melastmohican

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General Stock Discussion / Re: more or less keywords
« on: October 10, 2013, 09:23 »
Proper keywording takes a lot of time especially when you trying to find right description of some animal or plant. I usually start with Shutterstock keywords suggestions, then Google image search and wikipedia. Sometimes it is almost impossible like once when I got photo of some dragonfly. Likely it was very specific to the location when I took a shot.

152 / Re: First $84 single download
« on: October 10, 2013, 09:13 »
I forgot to mention that it was landscape photo of Emerald Bay in Lake Tahoe so it could not be sensitive use :-)

153 / First $84 single download
« on: October 09, 2013, 22:36 »
I wonder what kind of conditions were negotiated if buyer paid  almost 3x enhanced licence price?

154 / Re: All these red buttons
« on: October 02, 2013, 11:39 »
What I meant is that we are programmed to RED = stop, GREEN = go. I would rather see red on Cancel button :-)

155 / All these red buttons
« on: October 02, 2013, 09:13 »
Maybe it is just my impression but when they changed all the buttons fro green to red I always hesitate if I am pressing right one.

General Stock Discussion / Re: more or less keywords
« on: September 28, 2013, 10:47 »
I use Shutterstock keyword suggestion page to select around 30. I used to have 50 but I learned that on average image got 30 on Shutterstock.

157 / Re: FTP at SS
« on: September 24, 2013, 15:10 »
I got a script that uploads at 3AM every day so in the morning I can submit files. For last couple days not all files are ready after 4 hours from upload. Sometime they appear after 5-6 hours. Maybe it is backlog and I have to start upload 2 hrs ealier :-)

It is different for everyone but think if your time is best spent dealing with smaller players. Right now for me return roughly like this:
Shutterstock - 70%
Fotolia,Dreamstime,123RF - 20%
The Rest - 10%

I only actively upload to Shutterstock, 123RF and Dreamstime. The rest of sites are dormant and what ever I got is without any time investment. Even if you got automated upload process submission will always take some time. Some sites have efficient workflow but some like iStock or Fotolia are just too cumbersome.

Software / Re: Adobes Profit Falls 59 Percent !
« on: September 18, 2013, 11:35 »
Adobe acquired Macromedia with good product called Lightroom which allow them to enter niche they were not present before. Now they dominated this market and no competitor can get close to their product because they used code from other product that was already dominant. Soon they will kill off competitors there too. Nobody can stop then unless they collapse which might be beneficial to customers. When Kodak bankrupted its products did not go away. Other companies picked up bits and pieces and nobody cries after fallen giant.

160 / Re: Changes to the TOS at Shutterstock
« on: September 18, 2013, 11:29 »
What is definition of "big" customer. If I spend few hundred dollars on groceries am I considered big customer or if I weight 500 lbs? Can I go to Safeway and propose them to pay $15 for a bottle of shampoo if they allow me to try all they have under $5 for free?

Wouldn't it be more clear if the state that saying anything bad is "confidential"? I stopped blogging my monthly results last year cause it would not make any difference in my sales. Do they think that Getty and the rest were watching it have big mathematical formula to calculate SS profits from my data? Or maybe they plan to screw contributors in a future and do not want bad press on internet?

Free to join is a key. People jump on every new agency cause it only cost them few hours to upload some pictures and little wait to see if they got result.  Even if hosting is under $50/yr most of the site will not generate this kind of money in this early stage. Additional barrier to entry is setup and maintenance of the site, not everybody want to invest their time. That's why I mentioned free cloud platforms where almost everything is done by provider. In addition to that if your site starts generating traffic and money it would automatically scale to paid solution.

I do not want pay for hosting when end result is uncertain (based on few random sites claiming sales). If I got option to host on free cloud platform like Amazon S3, Google App Engine or Heroku I would give it a try. And "big guns" most likely are doing well without Symbiostock.

I am curious if anybody is using cloud platforms like Google App Engine, Amazon S3 or Heroku?

General Stock Discussion / Re: where to go from here...
« on: August 15, 2013, 18:47 »
So far this year:
SS - 65%
123RF - 8%
DT - 6%
FT - 6%
VEER - 5%
CanStockPhoto - 3%
DPH - 2%
IS, BS, YM - 1%

Adobe Stock / Re: Do we need a deactivation day on fotolia?
« on: July 24, 2013, 15:56 »
I think this is going to be next agency I stop uploading. Their uploading UI is very tedious and result are pathetic. I have around 200 images with no sales so maybe I should delete them too. I am doing this periodically when DT sends me email and it does not seem to affect me in any way.

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia - Unsold contents (ANNOUNCEMENT)
« on: July 24, 2013, 13:05 »
Of course I assume changing prices will be extremely difficult as usually with Fotolia. I was asking many times to fix default price for Extended license which allowed range is 10-100. Auto-magically it is always set to 10 :-) Finally after lengthy tread rep said they will not do this because management do not want them to do that. When I asked to run a query and set all prices of my images to 100 they said no too. So the only option is to go to every single image and fix it :-) I would be it would be the same in this case.

123RF / Re: Uploading not working???
« on: July 16, 2013, 14:25 »
It is getting worse. Today almost everything got corrupted. No other agency has problems with my files it maybe they got some sort of hardware failure?

123RF / Re: Uploading not working???
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:24 »
Yep, many corrupted files. They must have changed the image processor.

123RF / Re: Uploading not working???
« on: June 28, 2013, 12:54 »
Functionality of site is one thing but it seems like they never test usability. Why in heck I have to to do multiple clicks just to see something?

1. I am thinking that processing of FTP uploads should be fully automated with usage of current processing queue. Right now I have to click Upload-> Photos (JPG) radio -> Continue button -> FTP settings / Check Upload FTP Results -> Continue button - I hereby warrant that the photos check box -> Click here to process button. 7 clicks!!!
2. Then if I want to attach releases I have to click More link -> Releases button just to get to selection. Why Referral link is more important that Releases.

170 / Dinner with Shutterstock & Jon Oringer
« on: November 18, 2012, 01:18 »
Is this for real? I just got this email:
I work with Jon Oringer at Shutterstock and we're going to be in San Francisco  and were wondering if by any chance you might be free that night to join us for dinner? I apologize for the short notice, but we just scheduled the trip and would like nothing more than to meet with a few of our best local artists. It looks like dinner will be around 7pm, but I will have more information tomorrow if you think you may be able to make it. 

Looking forward to hearing from you,


Craigslist Ad:
We are a small & casual restaurant in downtown Vancouver and we are looking for solo musicians to play in our restaurant to promote their work and sell their CD. This is not a daily job, but only for special events which will eventually turn into a nightly event if we get positive response. More Jazz, Rock, & smooth type music, around the world and mixed cultural music. Are you interested to promote your work? Please reply back ASAP.

A Musician's Reply:
Happy new year! I am a musician with a big house looking for a restauranteur to come to my house to promote his/her restaurant by making dinner for me and my friends. This is not a daily job, but only for special events which will eventually turn into a nightly event if we get a positive response. More fine dining & exotic meals and mixed Ethnic Fusion cuisine. Are you interested to promote your restaurant? Please reply back ASAP.

I am not getting it. Should you be authenticated to see these pages? Would you expect this field to be masked like password? It can be revealed with a simple Javascript so it's not protected anyway.

173 / Re: Old images with no downloads
« on: July 13, 2012, 11:59 »
I deactivated 1/3 of my portfolio and I see drop in sales. Does it mean that a lot of people put images in free section?

Adobe Stock / Re: New bulk edit on Fotolia
« on: June 08, 2012, 14:27 »
It is mixed bag for me. At first I thought it is cool to edit multiple images at once but category selection is more cumbersome that it was in old version. It would be great if you submit large series but I am usually trying to avoid this, I am uploading same batch of files everywhere. Some sites are allergic to series. Right now the best workflow is on CanStockPhoto but I guess they do not care about categories.

Is it just me or there is a bug when these pages are displayed in Chrome browser? Posting from Firefox :-)

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