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Messages - pancaketom

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Dreamstime.com / Re: Lower rotalties on Dreamstime?
« on: April 18, 2022, 16:19 »
A long time ago there were some very discounted credits being used - resulting in very low sale prices and even lower returns - especially for level 0 pics. If the credits never expire I am guessing there are a few still out there. Almost all sales are .35 these days - although I did have a $17.25 50 credit sale this month.

123RF / Re: Is this the oldest refund ever
« on: April 16, 2022, 22:10 »
I see a sub from 2010. Wow, we got .36 for subs back then. My 2021 refund is only for .216. I don't feel like my income is doubling,

Dreamstime.com / Re: DT wants to go after infringement
« on: April 14, 2022, 01:38 »
I think as long as they charge something more than regular use and especially more than subs prices this is probably a good idea (and pay the artist enough), otherwise any user could just figure IF they get caught they can just buy a license, so why bother up front.

Dreamstime.com / Re: DT wants to go after infringement
« on: April 13, 2022, 13:21 »
Maybe they are only going after exclusive content (which they do have) or they employ some sort of digital watermark - which wouldn't be hard to do at least for un-compressed images but they would have had to start doing this from the beginning which I doubt they did do or they would have been going after infringers earlier. In any case going after non-exclusive images that have been out in the wild for ages would be pretty hard. Although they do have a record of all the refunded image sales, so maybe they can go after them if they are still in use. If I had an illegal use I'd just say I bought it from Lucky Oliver or something like that.

In my very limited searching for my own images it seems like sometimes there was a legitimate use - often with a weird crop, and then a heap of copies of that very same crop - often in blogs that were not in English. I don't see them collecting much from those places even at under a dollar.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Unwanted?
« on: April 12, 2022, 00:22 »
I remember someone else asked about this- I think the subject of the thread was "is shutterstock a scam" or something like that. Seems a little dishonest to me, especially if they do this to buyers.

I think there is still money on the table. Just depends on your expectations really. I have been in micro since 2005ish, mostly with food and minerals. Income steadily decreased over time and I stopped taking photos in 2018 for many reasons.

About a year and a half ago, I pulled all my work from every stock site (about 12k photos), then uploaded 6500 to Wirestock without any restrictions. Then I simply sat back and forgot about it. Doing it this way took away all my stressing, and interestingly, took away all the history of my images (best sellers, etc) since they are basically "new" with Wirestock.

So for a "new" contributor, I make anywhere between 0 and 80 dollars a day. If you average it out, maybe 6-8 bucks a day. That doesn't count the thousand or so I pulled with Instant pay.  Remember, I have done nothing in almost 4 years.

If you've already done all the work, its just free money. If you do the research and planning that some other successful people here do, you can make a lot more.

my portfolio: wirestock dot io/terry.davis1/portfolio

Nice mineral pics. (in a previous life I was a geologist). I have a few mineral images that never sold much, and a few rock pics that have sold a bit better but not well. I wonder if going the wirestock route was better or worse than just letting everything ride. Probably less work total with wirestock though.

I started in 2006, but really started uploading a little more seriously in 2007. For me, 2010 or whenever it was Istock/Getty changed was the end of them and 2012 was the high point overall. I quit SS when they went 10 cent and my income there dropped in half again. I still collect $ and upload from time to time but mostly images I am taking anyway or something I just see when I am out with my camera. I very rarely actually set up and take pics just for micro anymore.

I certainly wouldn't be getting into this if I was starting now although there is still money to be made. Demand is as high as ever, but nowhere near the supply. Not only are sales much less in number, but the compensation is much lower than it was in the 2008 or so to 2017 time period.

I think with the skills and work required to do well now you could do much better with something else.

Shutterstock.com / Re: "Exciting" news ahead?
« on: April 08, 2022, 17:58 »
they say "Wed love to hear your feedback on the new site as you use it"

For their last "improvement" on the contributor side they added all sorts of stuff contributors didn't really care about and got rid of some things they did with as far as I could tell no response to feedback or support from contributors. All I really care about is being treated reasonably and making a decent return. SS completely failed on both of those.

General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: April 04, 2022, 18:09 »
The future prognosticator suggests that if you really keep putting in the hard work you could double these results in the next month.

General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: April 02, 2022, 12:24 »
Here's a link to my brutally honest monthly report for March:


OUCH - looks like another turd month. Not too far off from mine, although minus anything from SS and I generally do a bit better on Alamy (I got 17 of those 3 cent sales - some for multiple times plus a few real sales too) and DT (still peanuts). Although I think it is still possible to make $ at this it requires a combination of hard work, skill, and luck and almost for sure with a similar effort you could do much better at something else.

Good luck with the drone - I've played around with a dji mini but haven't bothered trying to upload anything from it - maybe I should, but for a few bucks it hardly seems worth the effort.

Alamy.com / Re: $0 sale on photo
« on: March 31, 2022, 14:43 »
There is not a lot of information in the sales "report"

Alamy.com / Re: Alamy sale for 7 cents
« on: March 29, 2022, 17:15 »
I got a raft of those sales the 28th,  Most were 12 cent distributor sales so I got 3 cents each. Some were downloaded more than once - which must mean the distributor sold it to more than one entity? One image 12 X - that one gross was $1.29 -36 -42 leaves me with a whopping .31 I think (for 12 sales?).  None of them list where the sale was, so I guess I need to opt out of distributor sales completely instead of just China and Russia or something like that. I have always been opted out of novel use.

Getting only 24% or whatever it works out to for low range sales means it probably won't make much difference to the bottom line.

My RPD is still probably around $9 for the month, although if you take out the refunded and rebought (for a $ more - go figure) image that would drop it down a lot.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Disappearing photos on SS?
« on: March 29, 2022, 16:59 »
I don't have any for sale there anymore, but back in the day I remember from time to time images would disappear - usually because they decided on a new restriction on what could be sold based on intellectual property. So at some point they got rid of a bunch of vehicle images. Good luck figuring out which images they were out of ~8000 though.

This is sort of like the agencies always claiming they want authentic content with real people in real situations. The truth is they mostly want real people only if they look like models and real situations only if they look like model houses or movie sets. 

Sure, real people sell once in a while (I've used myself as a model, and some even sell), but at a few cents to maybe a few $ a sale you need to have volume for success in this business, and volume doesn't come from real looking people or muted neutral landscapes. So - back to the OPs point. The question is how fake to make the people and places and how far to push processing without going too far. For the most part we are selling an aspiration and a dream, not reality. I certainly haven't found that balance and I prefer something that looks a little more realistic, but looking at the first page of search it looks like my preferences and most of my images are too far on the real end of the spectrum.

A long time ago when SS was making me the most $ I looked at the best sellers for landscape / travel pics and noticed that the first page was almost all oversaturated overly bright images. I tried to make some like that but almost all of them got rejected for whatever the standard rejection was at the time - oversaturated or distorted pixels or something. I am guessing they would be accepted now, but SS is no longer on my list.

I do often mess with curves and darken the sky in landscapes. I have done a few sky replacements, but it usually seemed like way too much effort for the reward. Maybe if I was more efficient at post processing it would be worth it. Certainly a flat gray sky image is unlikely to sell, where one with a good sky might sell. Maybe I should throw a few puffy happy clouds into my numerous images with clear blue skies (I live in the desert).

I am often amazed at the blatantly unrealistic looking images on the first page - ones where the shadows go the wrong way for where the sun is or sunset skies over a mid-day scene. I guess as someone says - if it sells it is right. Someone recently pointed out an image where the sky was 90 degrees off complete with sideways clouds.

Off Topic / Re: where is inflation headed?
« on: March 14, 2022, 12:18 »
I think the cheapest gas within 40 miles of here is 5.439 / gal. (California) Nowhere near Euro prices, but a lot if you drive a big truck and commute 100 miles a day (I don't). Painful as it is for me, I think gas should be expensive because of all the external costs, I just wish the $ didn't go to the oil companies and the petro states.

It does seem that prices are all on the rise here except for stock photos and electronics (those might get more expensive, but also better so an equivalent device might be a lot cheaper if you can find one).

Alamy.com / Re: Alamy sale for 7 cents
« on: March 04, 2022, 13:06 »
Alamy sales seem fairly random to me. So far this month I've got way more than last month (which was pretty bad - 2 sales for ~7.50 for me). This month they also refunded a sale from January for ~129 gross, but then re-bought it with the same terms for ~130. I have had plenty refunded and re-bought at the same price or lower over the years, but this might be the first that went up if even only a little bit, and they didn't even drop the percentage I got.

My click through rate was pretty high for most of Feb, so maybe there were sales that will show up later.

I'm not big on filters. Some people just take a good image and throw some filter on it and Oh Wow, look at that. Same as the other two, a good choice of a filer that is appropriate for the subject, is a good idea.
My personal approach on this: I do creative editing (yes, filters) on many of my images in highly saturated and competitive area's. I want it to stand out and be ready-to-go for those who prefer having a custom edited image. I keep most of my images neat and clean on less saturated and competitive topics. Or editorial, of course.

Does it work? Well, they do sell despite fierce competition. Admittedly, some more than others. One of those images, classic orange/blue split-toned, vignetted (Yes, I know!) dodge-burn landscape image in a highly competitive area is selling on daily basis on Shutterstock, found with very generic keywords, and does relatively well on other agencies too.

Is it the right strategy? I don't know for sure, but I'm willing to believe that submitting those images neat and clean would not result in the same amount of sales I'm getting now.

Anything anyone does that creates an image that gets sales is the right strategy.  8)

Other than outright spam - you should be punished for that (but I don't think the spammers are for the most part, and in some cases they are definitely rewarded) - so I guess in that sense that is the right strategy too. sigh.

General Stock Discussion / Re: use two words in one keyword ?
« on: March 01, 2022, 22:53 »
SS separates them but for Adobe, my compound keywords don't get separated as far as I have noticed.

Ok, thanks for the info.  I've just looked and it seems that a lot of Alamy contributors must split their own keywords.  ::) Though 'no people' always seems to be 'stuck together'!

It also seems that files on SS can have 'phrase keywords'.


Dreamstime splits up the keywords to single words and puts them in alphabetical order. I think there is a way to make compound keywords - maybe in quotes, but I haven't bothered much.

As to how it should be done - compound keywords should stick together, you should for example keyword the Golden Gate Bridge "golden gate bridge, bridge" so it shows up in a search for the actual named bridge plus any old bridge.

Dreamstime.com / Re: Low February sales on DT?
« on: February 26, 2022, 18:35 »
February is not great there for me, but it is definitely within the usual levels - just near the lower range of that.

Sites that no longer exist / Re: Featurepics no longer around
« on: February 26, 2022, 18:34 »
They announced they were closing sometime mid last year, there was some worry about not getting a last payout, but they sent it. I did pretty well there at first, but then things slowed down to about bigstock levels. I am guessing they had pretty small overhead and made a bit of money but the $ to effort kept going down so they pulled the plug.

I had a refund and repurchase for the same amount but a lower percentage for me over the course of one of Alamy's grabs for a higher percentage. I was pretty pissed, but as usual the sites control the terms. Refunds do seem to happen fairly often on Alamy, a surprising number are bought for the same price, but most are either not purchased again or are for a lower price.

Bigstock.com / Re: Why Big Stock?
« on: February 24, 2022, 16:10 »
I think that at one point BS was a bit of a sandbox for SS to play with - lower payment to contributors there to see how it went, and so on before trying it on SS - we all know how that went.

Now I think they are still making a little money off it, so they can just let it ride.

General Stock Discussion / Re: use two words in one keyword ?
« on: February 24, 2022, 12:55 »
Dreamstime usually breaks them up, but SS and others accept them, sometimes it makes sense, sometimes it doesn't. One minor site decided at some point that per your example if you had "united" and "states" and "united states" those were duplicate keywords and rejected it.  How the search deals with those varies from site to site. I used to try to pay attention to that but I don't much anymore. Certainly for something like "christmas tree" I think a 2 word keyword makes sense.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock Q4/2021 full year financials
« on: February 16, 2022, 16:03 »
getting a bit of thread drift here, but as I recall with DT subs you could get 1,2,or 3 sub sales for .35, .70, and 1.05. I quite liked that and even the lowest sub sale meant the image was making progress towards a higher tier.  I think DT said the buyers were confused and complained about using up their sub allotment too quickly so DT dropped it. The higher level credit sales can be quite good, but they are also very rare. Nowadays it is almost all subs, although the rare other sales make a big difference in the total for the month. The percentage they pay is also tied to the image level for credit sales, so not only does a higher level sale cost the buyer more, but the artist gets a higher percentage of that.  As far as people wanting images that have little to no sales, I've got heaps of them - have at it. (although I do wish DT would pay a higher percentage for the level 0 sales (and all sales for that matter)).

Dreamstime.com / Re: Dreamstime Royalties
« on: February 16, 2022, 12:02 »
you should ask DT for the official answer, but are only some of these exclusive to DT? Prices have changed over time - especially for subs which used to go up at higher levels as I recall but now are all .35 (except for exclusive content?).

Another possibility is it is some sort of promotional discount - 30% off or something- but I think that might have only changed the cost of credits.

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