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I received word this morning that payments may not happen until tomorrow (Wednesday). There are a lot of moving parts with this process so your patience is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Mat Hayward

It's Ok Mat, I understand... the massive wagon required for my payout can't be easy to get a hold of 😂😉
One can dream 😜

Same happened to me. Dropped by about $35. Back again today though

I would say that it's possible there is more to this than meets the eye but selective quoting to try and prove a point doesn't make it any clearer.

I once had requested to delete this account as I was not actively uploading there


The small section of that quote goes on to say...

"but as they had asked me while accepting the deletion request that I can reactivate my account if I change my mind in near future so after few days I reactivated my account and start uploading  new contents time to time ."

Will payments come through individually as they're reviewed or a lump sum?

Mat, when did this get rolled out, started? I've seen earnings tank at AS and just wondering if this is the reason. If this is the cause and this new earning level will continue then it looks like this will be an end for me.

I'm sort of hoping I've read this wrong and that AS hasn't basically got rid of higher value sales and replaced them with 0.30 ones. I normally get quite a few of the larger ones but nothing over the last 10-14 days. Those larger value sales were the only thing that makes it possible to continue supplying AS.

what happened to "adobe sales will explode since we've all left SS"???

my adobe sales have been steady over last year - no big chance either direction
For me, the volume is a little down this week for the time of year, not much though but its the value of sales that has tumbled over the last 10 days. About 35% drop in and sales seen to stop once I hit a curtain amount. Instead of an up and down line for daily amounts, you can draw a straight line across. Unusual pattern that stands out against the rest.

Well, not sure what to think after saying AS was doing ok. This week has been the 2nd worst out of the last 12 months including Christmas / New year week. Volume doesn't seem to bad but there is nothing of any value and weekly earnings are nearly half. Not great!

I haven't seen a drop in volume of sales but over the last week, $ value of sales has taken a tumble. Could be seasonal but hopefully it picks back up again.

I'm seeing my work in both existing a new regions at the moment. Less in the new ones though.

The volume of images in all the new regions seem to be the same so I'd imagine it's probably a case of loading so many images at a time and gauging the response both in terms of what customers are buying but also they maybe testing the infrastructure of the new sites before loading them properly. I don't know what's involved in bringing new regions online so I'm not really in a position to doubt their approach.

That said, it would be nice to have all my images available on all sites but I'm not entirely concerned at the moment given their current decisions have resulted in excellent performance for me to date.

211 / Re: SS sales January
« on: February 04, 2021, 05:02 »
21% increase in sales, 42% drop in $.

The first part of the month until I hit level 4 was painfully low $. That and a drop in footage sales did the real damage.

But, AS is doing very well... especially footage. Maybe a shift from SS - AS?!? Who knows. SS is probably 1/4 of AS... maybe less.

It has to be said, Adobe Stock has demonstrated a very clear commitment to the relationship with, and welfare of, its content providers - something which is both refreshing and deeply heartening, especially during this horrendous year.

The rest of the microstock mega-marketplaces should take a good long look, in all honesty.

Personally, AS has provided some much needed light during these dark times and I'm especially grateful for the help and industry transparency Mat Hayward has given to these boards.

The artists on these forums are trying to make a living, dealing largely with impersonal corporate entities - many of which are taking our earnings and laughing all the way to the bank. Here's to direct and meaningful conversations with the people who ultimately make a difference to our livelihoods. This does not go unnoticed or unappreciated, Mat.

Exactly what he said... Cheers Mat, Adobe Stock for all the effort this year! Despite everything that has gone on, it's been a good one. Cheers and all the best for the future everyone!

Adobe Stock / Re: 2020 Adobe Stock Artist bonus program
« on: December 16, 2020, 06:04 »
Hi Everyone,

A friendly reminder in case you have met the download requirement to qualify for the bonus program using old content, but you haven't submitted any new content in 2020, you will not be receiving a bonus code.

The bonus is only available for "active" contributors. To be considered active, you must have uploaded (and had approved) at least two files in 2020. You've got about a month left to make it happen so get busy!

In case you missed the link with details on the bonus program before, here you go:


Mat Hayward

Hi Mat

I don't suppose you know what amount of cloud storage you get on the full package when you have 5000+ downloads. Is it 1TB?

I've been playing around with a combination of LR Cloud + LR classic as a replacement for C1 Pro but wondered how much space you get and whether it's possible to upgrade cloud storage.

The standard photography one I'm using (Adobe contributor bonus from 18 months ago) is 20gb, which is normal, but doesn't allow or provide the option to upgrade storage. Just wondered what the new ones will give and whether they're upgradable.

Just trying to plan ahead for the new year... cheers.

I don't know the answer to this question off the top of my head but I'll look into it and let you know. You are right, the Creative Cloud Photography plan includes 20GB of storage.


I confirmed the storage that is included with the All Apps Creative Cloud bonus plan is 100GB.


Thanks Mat... will there be an option to pay a for the 1tb? I don't mind paying extra to get this... just at the moment there are no options are showing for the 20gb package. Cheers

Adobe Stock / Re: 2020 Adobe Stock Artist bonus program
« on: December 12, 2020, 09:17 »
Hi Everyone,

A friendly reminder in case you have met the download requirement to qualify for the bonus program using old content, but you haven't submitted any new content in 2020, you will not be receiving a bonus code.

The bonus is only available for "active" contributors. To be considered active, you must have uploaded (and had approved) at least two files in 2020. You've got about a month left to make it happen so get busy!

In case you missed the link with details on the bonus program before, here you go:


Mat Hayward

Hi Mat

I don't suppose you know what amount of cloud storage you get on the full package when you have 5000+ downloads. Is it 1TB?

I've been playing around with a combination of LR Cloud + LR classic as a replacement for C1 Pro but wondered how much space you get and whether it's possible to upgrade cloud storage.

The standard photography one I'm using (Adobe contributor bonus from 18 months ago) is 20gb, which is normal, but doesn't allow or provide the option to upgrade storage. Just wondered what the new ones will give and whether they're upgradable.

Just trying to plan ahead for the new year... cheers.

I don't know the answer to this question off the top of my head but I'll look into it and let you know. You are right, the Creative Cloud Photography plan includes 20GB of storage.


Thanks Mat... Also, if you could ask why no option to upgrade space is showing for the package... is it something to do with the fact it's a free contributor bonus package. If there are bigger packages than the 1tb options etc, I don't mind paying extra to move it up a notch. The info I've seen suggests you should be able to buy extra cloud space from your package but that option isn';t available to me. Cheers.

Adobe Stock / Re: 2020 Adobe Stock Artist bonus program
« on: December 11, 2020, 13:01 »
Hi Everyone,

A friendly reminder in case you have met the download requirement to qualify for the bonus program using old content, but you haven't submitted any new content in 2020, you will not be receiving a bonus code.

The bonus is only available for "active" contributors. To be considered active, you must have uploaded (and had approved) at least two files in 2020. You've got about a month left to make it happen so get busy!

In case you missed the link with details on the bonus program before, here you go:


Mat Hayward

Hi Mat

I don't suppose you know what amount of cloud storage you get on the full package when you have 5000+ downloads. Is it 1TB?

I've been playing around with a combination of LR Cloud + LR classic as a replacement for C1 Pro but wondered how much space you get and whether it's possible to upgrade cloud storage.

The standard photography one I'm using (Adobe contributor bonus from 18 months ago) is 20gb, which is normal, but doesn't allow or provide the option to upgrade storage. Just wondered what the new ones will give and whether they're upgradable.

Just trying to plan ahead for the new year... cheers.

123RF / Re: Security breach - change your password
« on: November 18, 2020, 03:35 »
Interesting... when I went to their website they advised of a "Security Policy Change" and I had to update my password!

Damage limitation in action?!? Truth or... lying to their contributors to cover up their failing systems?!?

123RF / Re: Sudden decrease in sales mid-October
« on: November 02, 2020, 06:29 »
I would give it another week... their system is terrible at the beginning of the month without any "Sales Reporting Problems". It seems like it's bouncing around a bit and the graph is showing zero?!? How they're still operating I have no idea!

123RF / Re: Sudden decrease in sales mid-October
« on: October 29, 2020, 12:59 »
Just for info... heard back from 123 when I enquired about this. This was there response.

"Thank you for contacting us.

We have been having some issues relating to the sales not syncing with the contributor accounts on time. Our IT Team has already been working on this ever since and it would take some time before the sales are all synced to the account's Earning details page.

Having said that, could you provide us with your account username please so we can have your account checked as well.

Looking forward to your response."

123RF / Re: Sudden decrease in sales mid-October
« on: October 28, 2020, 05:50 »
123 are about a 25% of what they normally do... bad month for them.

Adobe Stock / Re: No sales in August
« on: August 26, 2020, 03:03 »
From my experience, July and August tend to be the slower months at Adobe. I've still had over 900 sales in the last 30 days but this is down by a reasonable chunk compared to normal months. Overall this year, Adobe has improved for me compared to other agencies that have seen a reduction so sales are out there.

Give it till the 2nd week of September... things are normally on the up again by then.

221 / Re: Is Alamy down?
« on: August 19, 2020, 02:31 »
Still down... must be nearly 24hrs now.

123RF / Re: my balance is negative
« on: August 04, 2020, 16:38 »
May 2020 is showing as blank on the monthly figures but when you drill down into daily stats, the figures are all there confirming earnings. Their system seems to be really flaky.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Contributor Down?
« on: June 30, 2020, 07:34 »
Contributor site back up here now (UK.)

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Contributor Down?
« on: June 30, 2020, 06:17 »
Yeah... been down for a little while now. Started out as a 503 server error and now displays a blank white page (Safari).

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock release UI improvement
« on: June 24, 2020, 17:01 »
Excellent stuff...has AS been tweaking logo typefaces?... I'm sure the logo looks different on the Contributor page!

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