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Messages - zsooofija

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General Stock Discussion / Re: How do you call this?
« on: December 18, 2016, 11:56 »
thank god, there are so many things to like in this world:
please don't stop at page 5  ::)

That is very creative
Give the guy a thumbs up!
The possibilities are endless ;-)....

literally  >:(

General Stock Discussion / Re: How do you call this?
« on: December 18, 2016, 07:17 »
thank god, there are so many things to like in this world:
please don't stop at page 5  ::)

General Stock Discussion / Re: How do you call this?
« on: December 18, 2016, 06:36 »
but this doesnt hurt me, i dont design icons, and it doesnt hurt photographers at all. if you design icons you might be pissed off though

Why would I be pissed? It would only hurt me if I made icons of graduation caps, pencils, lightbulbs? Like the marijuana guy, if I don't have any of that, it doesn't hurt me. It makes SS look stupid and full of spam, but it doesn't cross over any of my sales.

The top 100 page is just by number of files. Is 4800 spam icons in the top 100?

Oh great Link was German, now my SS searches are all in German. Bottom of the page, lower right, click your language of choice.

I don't do icons, but I am a bit pissed about this anyways. I think SS looking stupid drives away buyers which hurts all of us.. But in the meantime, I guess buyers will just go elsewhere, so in the long run it only hurts SS.

Shutterstock.com / Re: November and December Drop in sales
« on: December 16, 2016, 11:06 »
Hi Everyone
Sales have decreased in the last month and this month.
Are there any people who notice this?
Is everything normal to you?  :-\

For me November was worst month ever (since 2010) and December is not better either. My sales dropped to about half these last months. So, I don't think you are alone, but that is not much help, I know.

She is stealing from a new shutterstock member
Image ID:163936787
Copyright: Igor Zakowski

Her new product below. She likes shutterstock no doubts more of her store is stolen from Shutterstock.


Did you contact the original artist? This is his website: http://igorzakowski.webs.com/ maybe he should know about this.

Canva / Re: Canva Rejection (S)
« on: December 12, 2016, 18:44 »
Are vectors being reviewed at all then? I've uploaded my portfolio more than two years ago and they still show as 'In Review'.

I also uploaded 2y ago, and looks like some of the file were approved, and some rejected. I don't even know where to look for pending images. Is it in the same place (Account settings -> Admin -> View portfolio)?

Yes, if it's pending it says 'In Review'.


Canva / Re: Canva Rejection (S)
« on: December 12, 2016, 15:17 »
Are vectors being reviewed at all then? I've uploaded my portfolio more than two years ago and they still show as 'In Review'.

I also uploaded 2y ago, and looks like some of the file were approved, and some rejected. I don't even know where to look for pending images. Is it in the same place (Account settings -> Admin -> View portfolio)?

Canva / Re: Canva Rejection (S)
« on: December 12, 2016, 12:50 »
They get the main things right, I really like their one time use license, the payout is automatic and quicker than some other sites.  Designers seem to like the site and I can put up with a quirky contributors side as long as they keep the buyers happy.

I am not complaining, it's just really complicated to figure this out by yourself.
I think this site is doing surprisingly good in sales (with fair prices), considering it is new. It's already better than BS, CS or some other low earners.
Uploading (for vectors) is still through ftp? Or is it possible any other way? I tried the old ftp details I got from them 2y ago, but it's not working.

Canva / Re: Canva Rejection (S)
« on: December 12, 2016, 12:23 »
Maybe it is different for vectors, but I uploaded my vectors exactly 2 years ago, through FTP. I have no idea if they approved it, or what? I don't even know how to check - I only got an FTP account (which is different from the canva account). I made an account, but that looks like a buyers account. Is there a different account for sellers?
Try this link:

forbidden :(

Now she will find out that she's has earned thousands of dollars. lol.

I wish!

I think I'll just write them as I do once a year :)).
This really confused me at first.  I click on my name, top left, then switch from Personal to my contributor user name, by clicking on it (just above +upgrade in the scroll down list).  Then top left again, account settings, admin and view sales and portfolio is in there.  After switching from Personal to my contributor user name, I bookmark my sales page and portfolio page, then I only have to click on them.  If I clear cookies or use a different browser, I have to switch from Personal to my contributor user name again or I get that forbidden page message.

Thank you very much. Wow, is this serious? Could this be more complicated?
Thanks also for this forum for reminding me about this site.
I did not make a lot of money, but close to first payout. Still yay!
Now it's time to upload last two years' vectors.

Canva / Re: Canva Rejection (S)
« on: December 11, 2016, 16:08 »
Maybe it is different for vectors, but I uploaded my vectors exactly 2 years ago, through FTP. I have no idea if they approved it, or what? I don't even know how to check - I only got an FTP account (which is different from the canva account). I made an account, but that looks like a buyers account. Is there a different account for sellers?
Try this link:

forbidden :(

Now she will find out that she's has earned thousands of dollars. lol.

I wish!

I think I'll just write them as I do once a year :)).

Canva / Re: Canva Rejection (S)
« on: December 11, 2016, 15:31 »
Maybe it is different for vectors, but I uploaded my vectors exactly 2 years ago, through FTP. I have no idea if they approved it, or what? I don't even know how to check - I only got an FTP account (which is different from the canva account). I made an account, but that looks like a buyers account. Is there a different account for sellers?

It looks like this guy's portfolio is gone with the exception of 3 images.


This is the guy with Cat.Cat.Cat.Cat.Cat.Cat.Cat.Cat title.

Those 3 images are also no longer available. It was about time.

How many images he had online before being removed?

I don't remember exactly how many but pages for sure. I remember this account because it had A LOT of spam.

Yes, but it appears that everybody who posted to the deleted thread got the notice. I know I didn't post a link to anything.

We are asking all members to be respectful of one another and to refrain from posting other contributor's images as well as talking about them without their knowledge and permission, as this is not permitted under our Terms of Agreement.

Spamming is also not permitted under their Agreement, but look what is happening. So smack down the people who are calling the cheaters out, but let the cheaters stay? Ug, I am beginning to hate this company.

I wish they'd delete spammy images/accounts instead of honest contributors' post denouncing these accounts. The problem won't go away just because we're not allowed to talk about it. :(

I have a similar problem but slighlty different..the automatic payout is not working to me and my money are still on IS from two months...ok they're growing sensibly but is like i cannot go to the ATM and withdraw my money   :o hahahah

In my case it was the tax interview - which apparently expired and I had to submit again - they said I will get my payment in the next round (as I understood).
It is here: http://www.istockphoto.com/tax-interview/start in case you want to check yours.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Delete my account, how long
« on: November 29, 2016, 08:06 »
I am also in the process of deleting some 6K files which are highly niched material the rest they can keep. Its become a joke! period.

But how can you delete just some of your files? I am curious if it works without giving any reason. Thanks!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Delete my account, how long
« on: November 29, 2016, 04:29 »
I am also thinking about deleting my account.

Does anyone know what happens in this case with the payment? Let's say I ask for a deletion on the 1st of the month, they delete it on the 30th let's say, and then on the 1st of next month earnings are computed, and then on 25th they send the payment. Will I get payment in this case?

Basically what I'd like to know: is there a possibility I close my account and not leave them with one month's (or more) earnings? It is hard to calculate as we can not know exactly in which day they close the account (can be up to 30 days - meaning anything between 1 and 30 days).

Maybe someone who already closed his / her account can tell us how it went.

Thank you!

Thanks for the info Yada..
I also use paypal, so I will write to support in this case.

This is a situation:

Can you help me with this?


Did you get your payment? I am in the same situation (oct. 31 payment pending), and now it's past the 25th of the next month. What did support say?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Petition to stop spammers
« on: November 23, 2016, 14:30 »
Today Shutterstock has deleted many of the images with spam titles and banned the contributors. Obviously the whole topic is now in their focus of action.  I bet that the remaining contributors who do image title spam are now in a hurry to change their titles before they get banned.

I just took a look at some of the spammy ports mentioned in this post. None of these contributors are banned or images disabled. But at least they have changed the titles. Well, most of them...

Shutterstock.com / Re: Petition to stop spammers
« on: November 23, 2016, 14:14 »
Today Shutterstock has deleted many of the images with spam titles and banned the contributors. Obviously the whole topic is now in their focus of action.  I bet that the remaining contributors who do image title spam are now in a hurry to change their titles before they get banned.

Very very late, but still good news!

Dreamstime.com / Re: Licenses
« on: November 23, 2016, 08:22 »
I use all, except sell the rights (that just does not work for me - I make more on the long term by not selling the rights and it is also hard to get my image removed from 10+ sites).
In my experience buyers will contact you anyways if they want to buy the rights.

I think you also need to fill out a property release that is saying the artwork (painting) was created by you.

StockFresh / Re: Sales at Stockfresh
« on: November 22, 2016, 11:38 »
My sales on stockfresh are very rare too, but I keep uploading as it is one of the easiest to upload, their commissions are good, the support is also good and most of all, they do not accept all the crap. Sometimes I get rejections, but I wish shutterstock would pay just half as much attention to quality of the images. So I want to keep supporting them, I think they deserve it.

To put it moneywise - it takes very little effort to upload my images, and it's nice too get a payout every now and then.

Sounds like the rejection I get when uploading raster (JPG) illustration and I forget to select "Yes" for illustration. With vectors that happens automatically as you said, so maybe your EPS was not uploaded and the system just took your JPG (happened to me before).
If it's not that, it's a gitch :)

Ok, nevermind I just found this other thread (http://www.microstockgroup.com/depositphotos/changes-in-royalties/50/) explaining some of the problems.

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