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Messages - jonbull

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Shutterstock.com / Re: How is this possible?
« on: July 15, 2019, 10:28 »
can somebody explain?

first this puppet who believe to be a master of photography while he doesn't have a clue what is talking abut...7000 of snapshots repetition technically applying images...asomebody who earn probably 20 dollar month and claim to be a super expert...

Grossinger once admitted on the SS forum that when he had over 3000 photos in his port, he had made less than $100. I wouldn't exactly call that impressive for a port of that size.

this guy is a joke of nature...and those who admire hm have portfolio even more mediocre and probably not even manage to reach 10 dollar a months. those people probably suffer off solitude...they need those joke forum to fill their day because really i cannot understand spending time to earn a bunch of dollar and complaint that their 400 hundreds terrible photos don't sell everyday...another to follow is the desperate marbury king of doom and gloom thread,

sometimes i ask myself if they troll or really are surprised not to sell andy photos.
but the problem i m feeling ashamed to contribute to the same agency of those people. it's really depressing.

Shutterstock.com / How is this possible?
« on: July 13, 2019, 07:11 »
we have reached this level of poor image quality in ss?

can somebody explain?

first this puppet who believe to be a master of photography while he doesn't have a clue what is talking abut...7000 of snapshots repetition technically applying images...asomebody who earn probably 20 dollar month and claim to be a super expert...

then i read this indian miracle


one dollar and he cannot believe why only one dollar?

can somebody explain why ss is accepting this stufff if not they want only sell images paying 0,25 cent instead 0,38?
personally i m getting ashamed to collaborate to a company who accept this stuff.

After reading billions of posts here with contributors telling that agency did not make their work refusing or ban users that send thousand of similar subject... Now Adobe is working on this, and many of you have to say that is not right???

Well I'm happy that agency is doing good job on content.

selling two version of a video is not at all spamming and can have a market.....the point is they have lot of works to do especially hopefully stop accepting every crap uploaded in these days before occupying of people uploading two versions of the same files.

Hi there Rasika,

I think a support case came through that is probably yours.  I have responded to Adobe support and they will no doubt get back in touch with you but let me try to provide some guidelines for the future here as well.

in general, we want to provide you the contributor as much opportunity and creative expression as possible and provide the creative customer with a large and high quality library where they can easily find the perfect clip to add to their project.

As the content lead for motion, I have provided our moderation team guidelines for accepting similar clips.  In general, I have loosened those guidelines because a different take, magnification/zoom/focal length or other factors can result in a clip that a customer wants.  It's tricky though - there are always going to be grey areas and opinions on what constitutes a unique clip or not.

However, it doesn't make sense for us to have both an ungraded file and a graded file of the same clip.  Especially if the files are 8bit color where the idea of "raw" isn't really applicable.  Once you get to 10bit color or greater with cameras such as a RED, ARRI and some others, then the idea of a RAW version may be very appealing to some.  As Adobe Stock develops, we may be able to offer a customer a choice of a raw clip versus a graded one.  The team here certainly have discussed many ideas and we hope to bring them to our users in the future!  ;)

Today, I like to suggest to contributors is to submit a lightly graded version of your clip.  This means that it isn't flat like a clip shot in log might be and it brings out the luma range (black to white) and lightly touch the color (based on your preference).  The end goal is that the novice buyer will see a beautiful clip and the experienced editor/buyer will see a clip that fits and provides enough latitude for them to push the color to whatever the need is.

I hope that this provides some guidance and if you (or others) have any questions please feel free to hit me up with them here.  Please note that I'm technically on holiday so my response to answer may be a bit slower than normal.

Thanks and happy shooting!

Even 8bit file non graded are much easier to color matches inside a timeline compared to
Graded files.

I am not submitting images for 2 years, so we are talking about footage. And I have about 10,000 videos in my Adobe stock portfolio, so there is no way I can know which of the files they found to be problematic.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am not insisting I am right. The problem is they can at least let you know, something is not fit for them, or any other issue.
If you don't want it, you can just reject it and say "sorry, this is similar" etc. I wrote them 3 days ago asking to work this out/show me where is the problem/have any communication, but no replay so far.

You dont know which files you just made color changes to, or you just dont want to be bothered sorting them out? And they did let you know, before you even starting uploading! You are learning the hard way, unfortunately.

Do you know the difference between graded footage and raw footage?

Im with you. People talk without not knowing nothing. Offering a graded and a non graded is a smart move and not spamming at all. Tjose who want a graded version and not want to work on ungraded are served and those who knlw hkw to grade buy the ungraded. Tjis is not spamming at all i simply the fact that most agency and reviewers, followed bh many amatuer contriboutor with basic portfolio, dont have a clue what they talk abiut.

Shutterstock.com / Re: A new low: Video Sale for $0.60
« on: July 06, 2019, 12:50 »
soon even video will follow the photos. those who think will forever sell fro 29 dollar or more are dreaming....soon there will be a saturation of market and price falling down to 0,38 and same scheme as photo, is only a matter of time. so if you are shooting only video and think your earning are and will be always amazing think twice before buying a house through debts:)

Adobe Stock / Re: No sales 700+ photo
« on: July 03, 2019, 06:38 »
You're right about what you said.  Since I started from scratch, studio shots are not perfect.  But what confuses me is the sale of SS.  I don't understand this part.  Turkish proverb: Every bad commodity has a buyer.

E6633 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gnderildi

Ss you have some sales cause ss is biased towards content for which they pay 25 cents.
Once rhe different royalty were a mean to reach greeat quality level of content, pushing good content and for ing contriboutor to create better content and reaching a lower royalty level. Today is the way they simply make ends meet . Since they are a quited company and need to show always good ewrning they simply push lower royalty level content sonthey save 13 cent for each sale taht multiplied fpr million inages makes them oftej satisfy the market. Thats why you see not sales in adobe but in ss. Adobe dont needs to push lower royalty inages. Thats why ss is practicalky accepting everything without any control on ehat is uploaded. Personally at this poi t i would accept a lower royalty the same for everybody. I am sure most of those sbapshot uploaded in the last years will never sells a single time.

Adobe Stock / Re: No sales 700+ photo
« on: July 03, 2019, 05:55 »
2019 200 million still agency accept this kind of portfolio? For me is unbielevable. No offence but whats the poi t for you and for them to accept content who clearly due to technical skill and content dont have any chanche to be sold? 700 file needs lot pf time compares to the probability of esrning any money.
The problem is that most if not all new photographer and content added atmre of this level.
Photography is light, composition . Subject. Your portfolio sinply lack in any aspect. Tge shanpoo bottke even 4 years ago wouldnt have a chanche to be accepted due to poor lighting. These agency have killed this business and soon this will be reflectes in the lack ofgood contents cause novodyba bit professional
Will lose time producibg content.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Worst month on shutterstock
« on: June 28, 2019, 06:28 »
Unfortunately, SS is just about the only game left in town.....despite everything


i agree despite all is the only agency in my opinion who still have some possibilities. they would raise the control of sales level for contributor and most of all clean their portfolio eliminating all those crap photos and useless contributor. i would accept 32 cent per photo minimum if they would do this, because it's clear that the only reason to accept new crap iOS to sale files with a royalty of 25 cent instead of 38. but i agree, as and is not even manage to give me one third of what ss makes this month. the problem is that 10 million images added every month are unsustainable. i'm still surprised that people keep uploading so much.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Worst month on shutterstock
« on: June 28, 2019, 06:25 »
the fact that somebody with strong path of sales ion the last year is complain gin of a totally downward of sales trend, and in other forum again people who used to earn 10k and more month are now getting 2 3k of dollar, like getty contributor site where people with 30 to 70 k files of good to very good quality struggle to manage to makes ends meet, makes me think that the situation is not good at all, even if somebody is claiming superb month and a totally unpredictable sales level. first oral video and animation are a totally different beast than photo, the number of files in the collection and the number of download are totally inferior to those of photos, so it's clear there is more casualty in sales. the problem is that soon even prices of video and animation will fall to level where with the actual level of download earning something will be a miracle. it's only a matter of time.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Worst month on shutterstock
« on: June 27, 2019, 05:51 »
...well then i am moving from Austria to Serbia, i know  their food is good and cheap  :)

You should. In belgrade you can find hubdred of modela already trained in stock... therr is also a website where all of them are advertised and you can book them. Sure in september i will move there.
If you searvh for lifestyle content you will recognize them in many portfolio, the lost famous has red hair and beard nd is probably present in hundreds of thousand of images. The only drawbacks is the model are always the same so the faces are not very fresh in stock.
Even yuri archra moved to cape town city that i know moatly cause denmark
Is probably one of the most expensive country, not obly for this cape has weather model industry and superbnlocation.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Worst month on shutterstock
« on: June 26, 2019, 08:54 »
and clearly i'm talking about earning minimum 50 60 k dollars per year. sure if i live in zimbawe don't pay taxes have some cash in bank i can live with 1000 k, eating cheap and sleeping in an apartment....i know people living in thailand with 1500 dollar...everrything sounds super till they have a medical problem and need 300 dollar day for hospital.:). so if you don't earn at least 3000 dollar please avoid telling us everything is super.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Worst month on shutterstock
« on: June 26, 2019, 08:52 »
microstock in my opinion apart some rare cases of factory or people who live in third world country or very poor country compared to western hemisphere, is unfortunately not more a job to earn a living. this is the sad truth. when you have to compete with people who live in kiev or belagreade, where a shooting cost a bunch dollar and the living cost are one tenth is not possible to compete. it's like the factory who close the door in western country when china become the production at a level of cost a fraction of theirs. simply not possible to survive now and even less in 2 3 years, time to move to another occupation.

You make excellent points. There are still US based contributors who make  a good living at it. They are exceptional in terms of the quality and quantity of output. However, I do wonder if even some of them wouldn't agree with you if they had to start from scratch in today's environment. One of the toughest things about it is the trend line.  It is hard to be enthusiastic with a continuing downward trend.

sure some earn good money but most fo them are in downward trend i know some...you can survive only producing at cheap cost and working like a donkey, producing 10000 good images month in a factory environment.....if most of the factory are in russia and ukriane and serbia there is a motivation? low cheap cost of life and production.
in addiction in those country model are everywhere, where i live to find good model you need go to an agency who not ask you less than 300 euro shooting. when you need 4 5 for group shot, and you pay location and all , good luck.
i'm still growing this year but much less i have expected after working so hard in last two year. seems i'm stucked in the middle of nowhere.
in addiction soon most if not all exclusive of stock, we are talking about 10 20 millions file, will ditch their status because the return per download is simply falling down in stock, and stock is raising the number of download to gain status and more earning,...so another 20 millions of very good file in ss as alamy.
and we are not considering the other billions of images of people who work with instagram or freelancing, who never considered micro stock but soon due to a falling down of earning in freelancing job. and we talk about very good artist, mostly better than the medium micro stocker. still video is good but even it has limited time. a lot of factory have stopped producing photos and concentrate on video, but this will cause a collapse of video sales.
and i not even considering the fact that ss has a negative growth in the last year, an following their trend they will probably lose money in next quarter...so they need to save somewhere, and i know where they take money, advertising images with lower ranking to pay less revenue.
all pin all the future is bright

Shutterstock.com / Re: Worst month on shutterstock
« on: June 26, 2019, 08:15 »
microstock in my opinion apart some rare cases of factory or people who live in third world country or very poor country compared to western hemisphere, is unfortunately not more a job to earn a living. this is the sad truth. when you have to compete with people who live in kiev or belagreade, where a shooting cost a bunch dollar and the living cost are one tenth is not possible to compete. it's like the factory who close the door in western country when china become the production at a level of cost a fraction of theirs. simply not possible to survive now and even less in 2 3 years, time to move to another occupation.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Worst month on shutterstock
« on: June 26, 2019, 07:42 »
yesterday big sale today as always i could have bet 1000000 dollar, a bunch of subs nothing more....i'm sure till end of month nothing just a not the single to match last year results....last weeks random files new and last year sold pretty good...then stop, only best seller or old files.
how is this possible? i mean all agency i work for have a random path a roller coaster similar path...ss has a straight line since three years in practice.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Worst month on shutterstock
« on: June 26, 2019, 06:54 »
Yesterday i had a 25 aingle seems complaining works) ahaha... acyltually in line with last year problem is therrnia zero growth dewpite the hard work. Seems im at that point and i will be there forevere. Lost any interest in creating new content. Just will clen my big backlog but wont spend any money or time in new ahooting.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Worst month on shutterstock
« on: June 25, 2019, 08:56 »
i have gallery in catalog manager for each year...in 2017 i uploaded near 2300 files they have already earned in two year 2 dollar per image.....in 2018 near 2300 and they have earned 700 dollar....in 2019 already 2400 and i 'd say more creative and interesting, they have earned 120 dollar in 6 months....the declining of sales of new files is clear, sure i have still  popular images who earn money each months  but without the grow of new files is totally useless to do micro stock.
i hope they eliminate popular tabs and change with relevant or choose editorial because it's clear that nobody with a healthy mind will never look for images through new tabs due to the zillions of snapshot poorly made by thousand of amateur.
despite this in line with last year, but  i'm not surprised...my shutter stock earning in the last three years are practically a straight line with a difference in the first semester of 20 dollar and a bunch of download. i can predict july and august right from now.

stock instead sells' only new files but their red is a joke so far less than ss, as is in the middle.

Stocksy / Re: How are things going...?
« on: June 22, 2019, 08:20 »
i guess....good for big factory struggle for many independent based in western hemisphere country,...same sas micro stock....not a case that biggest factory are all from serbia russia ukraine...when your production cost are one tenth of other country you stil  can produce content.
i follow some photographer especially food and still life there who are very creative...their trend of uploading is totally downward with some not even uploading in the last year or uploading very few files.
i have the opportunity to submit to addictive stock and maybe sell indirectly there, but don't know if it's worth compared to upload my file in micro stock only.

So its about the same on SS and Adobe.  I have lots of City Timelapse shots and they all get rejected because of "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY REFUSAL"

Is this normal?  Cips that practically show the whole city skyline get rejected.

No issues on Pond5.. 

Should I not mess with these sites for city shots?


upload them editorial.

Adobe Stock / Re: something's wrong (sales)
« on: June 21, 2019, 11:33 »
after a sale of 33 dollar yesterday i was sure 100% the day would have been a disaster and as always i was spot on...ss is so predictable it looks like having a salary fixed every monty...the rest unfortunately is not predictable but level of sales are far from ss. so better capped or not? at this point t least i know i have a fixed amount every month. not bad.

Adobe Stock / Re: something's wrong (sales)
« on: June 21, 2019, 09:43 »
Worst than a sunday))

iStockPhoto.com / Re: May's numbers are out.
« on: June 21, 2019, 08:21 »
Realistically it is no longer financially sensible to create content as an Exclusive because of the majority of tiny value sales.

The bitter truth is this is not a viable business and anyone who invests to create content solely for this agency is subsidising the owners and buyers.

The only photographers for whom it will be worthwhile uploading will be those who create content incidentally.

The cynical moving of the royalty targets will quite quickly make the higher levels that many people have been receiving for years unattainable.

I'm assuming that the business doesn't really want many Exclusive artists, just a few to use as a marketing tool.

It's like being a lobster in a pan of slowly warming water.

If it is no longer financially sensible to create content as an Exclusive what about Independent?
Almost all the sales this month where in 0.01 - 0.05 range  >:(
Only video sales made some sense.
In my opinion video is the only content worth the effort in 2019.

yes...and that's why most of factory and top notch producer are shifting to video, so in probably a  year video will be heavily saturated and soon   there will be free video sites like unsplash. it's not feasible to invest money in micro stock that's the sad truth. sure there will be till a bunch of years with some potential but then ? doubt there will be a lot who could make a living out of this, and i mean  good living...sure if you live in some poor island of thailand maybe 1000 dollar make you a living.

Adobe Stock / Re: something's wrong (sales)
« on: June 21, 2019, 07:54 »
friday is an holiday?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: May's numbers are out.
« on: June 20, 2019, 07:59 »
apart some people that have little grow, but their sales level are too low to be judged in my opinion, the truth is that if you read getty contributor forum, a lot of exclusive used to earn 6 8000 dollar months are steady declining their revenue, both thanks to a falling red and number of download...the good news is most of them soon will ditch the exclusivity status and will be free to upload millions of files on ss  as alamy and wherever they want spreading even more the every year smaller cake of royalties!! wowowowow!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: May's numbers are out.
« on: June 20, 2019, 07:37 »
my best month so far!
A lot better then SS, AS and AL. IS have the same RPD then SS.
2 big getty sales : 320$ + 185$

tour months is biased by two big sales, without them your months would be in line with the other...same happened to me, last month same big sales this months 0. unfortunately those sales are rare and not every month and they give u 15% only, if is beat ss so much i ask how much you earn in ss or as...20 dollar?
for me ss is like 6 times bigger than is and 4 times as. lucky ss is not growing a lot but is always the same good money eery month.

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